View Full Version : the kung fu mindset

09-29-2011, 02:48 AM
hy gys

White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded – about themselves and about the world they live in. White people have managed to get through entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac. … People who cling to their delusions find it difficult, if not impossible, to learn anything worth learning: a people under the necessity of creating themselves must examine everything, and soak up learning the way the roots of a tree soak up water. As people still held in bondage must believe that “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make ye free”.

-James Baldwin

09-29-2011, 04:29 AM
hy gys

White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded – about themselves and about the world they live in. White people have managed to get through entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac. … People who cling to their delusions find it difficult, if not impossible, to learn anything worth learning: a people under the necessity of creating themselves must examine everything, and soak up learning the way the roots of a tree soak up water. As people still held in bondage must believe that “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make ye free”.

-James Baldwin


Bawang, you been smoking some whacky weed or something?


09-29-2011, 04:42 AM
hy gys

White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded – about themselves and about the world they live in. White people have managed to get through entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac. … People who cling to their delusions find it difficult, if not impossible, to learn anything worth learning: a people under the necessity of creating themselves must examine everything, and soak up learning the way the roots of a tree soak up water. As people still held in bondage must believe that “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make ye free”.

-James Baldwin

What was the point of quoting a black activist who wants "equality" at the expense of all other groups instead of working to get them?

Personally you would have to see Dave Ross's san da fight to know the true Kung Fu mindset

David Jamieson
09-29-2011, 04:55 AM
First, James Baldwin is not a clever man by any measure and perhaps should refrain from philosophizing openly as opposed to among friends. lol

Second, the whole quote is oozing and overflowing with the stupid.

People are people and the world they create for themselves has more importance than any world you or I would thrust upon them.

Statements like "white people" or "black people" or "yellow people" or "red people" are so far outmoded that they don't belong to reality. It's taken the better part of my life to diminish that stinking thinking in our society and frankly I am unconcerned with those still dark minded societies that can't get over their fears. They'll get there eventually or fall by the wayside.

Focus on being human. No need to give thought to the colour of your skin, we all look the same when it's peeled off.

09-29-2011, 04:57 AM
I'll help Bawang understand white people. Pure caucasian white people are the best at adapting other subcultures into their own. We adapt, take what's useful, and expand our culture. Maybe it's our Celtish - Norse heritage, some type of evolutionary skill we needed because of the harsh environments we developed in, but flat out - we adapt faster and at a better rate than other races. This is why we see strange things happen with white people - we sometimes try to "out Chinese the Chinese" in martial arts. Some become wiggers - some believe and insist they are 1/16th Cherokee - and all other types of self loathing that are associated with being white and not allowed to be white in modern culture (white = racist). Anyway - back to the point, the Chinese invented gun powder, white people turned it into a superb weapon - these things happen.

Black people - for the most part - are terrible at adapting with and integrating with other cultures. Maybe it's because of a slavery past that they won't allow themselves to fully integrate... black people who do and are successful are referred to as Uncle-Toms.

Asians seem to be getting good at adopting the white people's way of adaptation. They understand the system and are excelling... and somehow still maintain a sense of being Asian. Although there does seem to be some self-loathing starting within their communities - a culture clash. Young Ameriasians are too white for some Asians. This is to be expected - this self loathing because we see it within the Caucasians, so why wouldn't Asians who've adopted the adaptive trait not be a bit self-loathing?

David Jamieson
09-29-2011, 05:00 AM
I think the whole construct of race and it's characteristics is defined by society and doesn't define it.

These ideas and categories we put ourselves in are the barrier to harmony. That we cannot look past less than an inch of the covering of each of us says a lot.

These days, people drop those thought the same way a grown man would drop a barbie doll he's playing with when his buddies come for a beer.

Racism is silly BECAUSE there is no basic foundation for it. It's an artificial construct created by fear. Self loathing is nurtured into people. It's a slow acting control method.

09-29-2011, 05:01 AM
First, James Baldwin is not a clever man by any measure and perhaps should refrain from philosophizing openly as opposed to among friends. lol

Second, the whole quote is oozing and overflowing with the stupid.

People are people and the world they create for themselves has more importance than any world you or I would thrust upon them.

Statements like "white people" or "black people" or "yellow people" or "red people" are so far outmoded that they don't belong to reality. It's taken the better part of my life to diminish that stinking thinking in our society and frankly I am unconcerned with those still dark minded societies that can't get over their fears. They'll get there eventually or fall by the wayside.

Focus on being human. No need to give thought to the colour of your skin, we all look the same when it's peeled off.

You want to know the real reason there's racism? It keeps us divided. If we were to suddenly realize that we're all in the same boat (poor is poor) then the people with the real power would be fu*ked.

David Jamieson
09-29-2011, 05:05 AM
You want to know the real reason there's racism? It keeps us divided. If we were to suddenly realize that we're all in the same boat (poor is poor) then the people with the real power would be fu*ked.

And that day is approaching fast.

We are seemingly all coming to realize the gaff that is being played with the divisive politics that makes taking power that much easier.

Hand in hand, row by row corruption and taint will be laid low.

It's not going to be pretty though. Resting power from greedy corrupted hands is not a cake walk.

09-29-2011, 05:53 AM
I don't know David, racism is still alive and well in most places. Have you heard of the Rooney rule in the NFL instituted a few years ago? What's going on in the British Premier League?

There will always be white's who feel the need to project themselves as superior. Granted it's not like it was many years ago but it's still prevalent.

09-29-2011, 05:57 AM
Racisim exists because there IS a mindset of "we are better than them" and I believe that was the point that Bawang was trying to make.
It is a delusional view, but one that many have.
Just as some people have a delusional view of races, Kung fu people have a delusional view of kung fu and their place in the "MA world".
I also think that, perhaps, bawang was also making a statement about "stupid white people" that do kung fu and become more "chinese" than than the chinese that invented it.

At least I THINK that is what he meant.

09-29-2011, 06:08 AM
At least I THINK that is what he meant.

No - he was being a racist. He doesn't like white people.

David Jamieson
09-29-2011, 06:10 AM
I don't know David, racism is still alive and well in most places. Have you heard of the Rooney rule in the NFL instituted a few years ago? What's going on in the British Premier League?

There will always be white's who feel the need to project themselves as superior. Granted it's not like it was many years ago but it's still prevalent.

well, there are people who feel they need to project themselves as superior regardless of their ethnicity or heritage. lol. It ain't just white people who do that.

I mean, there's genocides happening in Africa for instance that are exactly about that and there is not a single white person in sight as far as those go.

The greatest racial intolerance I experience is when I go to Chinatown and get called gwai lo by various people and retailers. I let it pass because I don't give a sh1t really, lol. It's not like I feel threatened by it anymore than I would a child on a bike a block away calling me a f@g for telling him to stop at the corners. :p

09-29-2011, 06:13 AM
The election of Barack Obama shows we have gotten past racism. The idea of racism some of you are arguing is outdated. No one group feels it is better. But there are groups that try to get extra goodies that no one else can have. An example is reparations for slavery. What a fallacy. Reparations= give me everyone else's hard earned money for something that happened hundreds of years ago and something that Arabs had been doing for thousands of years. Who do you think built the pyramids? Africans. The ancient Egyptians, who e Arabic, enslaved them.

09-29-2011, 06:24 AM
No - he was being a racist. He doesn't like white people.

I know him, at least as well as one can one someone from the internet, and he doesn't come off as racist, not in THAT way.
I mean, we ALL tend to be a little racist, its a hard thing to "turn off", but Jim isn't a racist in THAT way.

David Jamieson
09-29-2011, 06:29 AM
The election of Barack Obama shows we have gotten past racism. The idea of racism some of you are arguing is outdated. No one group feels it is better. But there are groups that try to get extra goodies that no one else can have. An example is reparations for slavery. What a fallacy. Reparations= give me everyone else's hard earned money for something that happened hundreds of years ago and something that Arabs had been doing for thousands of years. Who do you think built the pyramids? Africans. The ancient Egyptians, who e Arabic, enslaved them.

Dude! The election of Barack Obama has nothing to do with America's racism or lack of it. I think if anything it seems to have exacerbated it in many places. I can think of hundreds and hundreds of examples of racist behaviour in the msm and coming from others since his election.

Also,. Pyramid builders are pretty much known with the exception of the great pyramid and there is a name, but the info is real sketchy and therefore unknown.

Africans themselves cover the spectrum of black to white to semitic peoples across the north.

The idea that slaves built the pyramids pretty much collapsed with the discovery of the trades villages and the knowledge that these were national efforts. I don't doubt that there were some slaves involved, but there simply isn't enough information available to make declarative statements about who built what there.

09-29-2011, 06:35 AM
Dude! The election of Barack Obama has nothing to do with America's racism or lack of it. I think if anything it seems to have exacerbated it in many places. I can think of hundreds and hundreds of examples of racist behaviour in the msm and coming from others since his election.

Also,. Pyramid builders are pretty much known with the exception of the great pyramid and there is a name, but the info is real sketchy and therefore unknown.

Africans themselves cover the spectrum of black to white to semitic peoples across the north.

The idea that slaves built the pyramids pretty much collapsed with the discovery of the trades villages and the knowledge that these were national efforts. I don't doubt that there were some slaves involved, but there simply isn't enough information available to make declarative statements about who built what there.

If information is sketchy as you say than your view of pyramid builders is as false ad mine. Doh!

09-29-2011, 06:37 AM
Dude! The election of Barack Obama has nothing to do with America's racism or lack of it. I think if anything it seems to have exacerbated it in many places. I can think of hundreds and hundreds of examples of racist behaviour in the msm and coming from others since his election.

Also,. Pyramid builders are pretty much known with the exception of the great pyramid and there is a name, but the info is real sketchy and therefore unknown.

Africans themselves cover the spectrum of black to white to semitic peoples across the north.

The idea that slaves built the pyramids pretty much collapsed with the discovery of the trades villages and the knowledge that these were national efforts. I don't doubt that there were some slaves involved, but there simply isn't enough information available to make declarative statements about who built what there.

You can't cut granite to the laser precise angles, especially interior angles with that kind of precision with stone age tools. We can barely do it to the tolerances that they had with the tools we use today.

09-29-2011, 07:06 AM
I think Bawang represents a group of people who still think of everyone as black or white. Racism / Predjudise have exits since the beginning of time. With the ability to travel to different countries and see differrent cultures and media that lets us speak to each other has reduced this "FEAR" of people who are not exactly like yourself.

Back in the 80's and 90's when I traveled to China, there were people who heckled us and called us barbarians cuz we have facial and body hair (Chinese have very little).

While in France one of my fathers relatives (from Italy) came to see me fight. I asked him why the French hate us so much. He said that they are jealeous cuz we have big cars and big houses and lots of money, they think we are arogant.

Since the invention of instant media like Skype & Facebook and the increased traveling of all cultures to visit other cultures for school, business, pleasure etc, this FEAR of other culture has deminshed a lot. However, even with all this evolution we still have haters.

DJ is right about racism, with OBama being president, all the haters started coming out of the closet. FB had posters with threatening posts and his posible links to Al Qida cuz his mother married some Indonesian guy and lived there for a while.

Even in my kung fu school, racism and predjudise exists. We have our school in a middle ground to different communities. One side is low income African Americans, on the other side is more affluent White folk. I make sure that all people are welcome in my school and with many African American kids in class, many "White Folk" Opt not to join cuz of this.

Although we are closing racist view, we wil never close it all together.


09-29-2011, 07:07 AM
Racism truly exists because of two things, ignorance and deep-rooted passed down ideologies.

Let me give you an example. My grandfather was a good man, provided for his family, did right by others, ect. But he did not believe in segregation at all and believed blacks and whites should not mix in any way. I know he did not hate them, he was not involved in the Klan or any kind of lynching mob, but those were his beliefs. His beliefs were racist but in his mind and what he was taught and was passed down from him he believed were right.

Personally I educated myself, read, went to college, and above all experienced life. I realized that there were good people of different ethnics and there are bad people, just like whites. This is the key thing here more than anything else. Persons making up their own mind and making their own judgements about these issues instead of following the passed down, outdated crap their parents or guardians or for that aspect their society teaches them as gospel and the way it is will only change when free thinkers are more prominent than misguided followers. My two cents.

09-29-2011, 07:19 AM
Racism truly exists because of two things, ignorance and deep-rooted passed down ideologies.

Do you not see the similarities in the "kung fu mindest"?

Allow me:
Incorrect Kung fu mindest truly exists because of two things, ignorance and deep-rooted passed down ideologies.

09-29-2011, 07:25 AM
Do you not see the similarities in the "kung fu mindest"?

Allow me:
Incorrect Kung fu mindest truly exists because of two things, ignorance and deep-rooted passed down ideologies.

AH Ha! This makes sense. Very logical analogy.

Bawang is a genius, underneath all that wierd stuff.


Hebrew Hammer
09-29-2011, 07:25 AM
It's obvious...Bawang misses HW108/BJJ-Blue/David Ross, the yin to his undersized yang!!!! This is a desperate cry for help.

Secondly, the Micheal Jackson trial has been traumatic for him, inflaming his distrust of the far superior caucazoid male.

Lastly, his Kung Fu was proven to be a forms only sham, as some fat kid took his lunch money yesterday in front of everyone at school.

I pity the Bawang and his salty nuts.

09-29-2011, 07:26 AM
Do you not see the similarities in the "kung fu mindest"?

Allow me:
Incorrect Kung fu mindest truly exists because of two things, ignorance and deep-rooted passed down ideologies.

Absolutely, which I meant to write at the end but left it out.:o

Honestly I believe all things that do not evolve are rudimentary and outdated. From the Kung Fu guy who only does forms to the KKK member who believes all races other than white are out to "get" them. Ignorance is truly the result of stagnant thought.:)

09-29-2011, 09:38 AM
This "we are superior" attitude exists not only in TCMA, but I've seen it in any other category of MA one can think of. It's the same mindset that exists among overzealous religious people. It's the same among classes -- i.e., the haves/have-nots. In TCMA, you have those who say, "We know such-and-such secrets and you don't, so you don't have the real kung fu," etc. It's self-delusions of grandeur.

If anyone says that racism no longer exists, they are deluded. It's alive and well, though maybe a bit more subtle than in decades past. Whereas in the U.S., racism was pretty much openly accepted only a few decades ago. And by this, I mean white on other races. As one small example, you need only have seen some of the kiddie cartoons, where blacks and Asians esp. were very much shown with sub-human characteristics.

But there are people within all races who harbor racism, whether white, black, Native American, Hispanic, Asian, etc., and it goes in all directions. Some of the worst racists I've seen were non-whites. Just to say "Asian," "European," "African," etc., to judge someone is exceedingly ignorant. Asia alone is the largest and most diverse region on the planet, with characteristics running the gamut from white/light-skinned to dark-dark, and all the cultural/economic differences. And each person within each sub-group is a unique individual. Now observe all other areas on the planet in the same way.

Racism, stylism, and any other type of "superiority" complex is only a weak mask for insecurity. And it's also a knee-jerk mentality for some who automatically believe they are better and more entitled, whether it shows on the surface or not. Sometimes it doesn't take a whole lot for someone to show their true selves. And yes, I do feel there are those in certain positions who use racism, classism, religious fundamentalism (and stylism), etc., as a tool to divide and conquer. The ones who keep falling for and perpetuating it are the lowest sheep of all.

09-29-2011, 09:51 AM
kung fu, fight or war

they are means and not an end.

when do we fight, how do we fight, why do we fight---


mind set consisting of predetermined or preferred or preselected "values"

I was watching "sweet home alabama" on ABC family HD last nite.

it was totally hollywood mind set of the south and the north

the country and NYC

I laughed. They were not real. They are hollywood mindsets.

we do not want ATM. we want personal contact in the bank

surprise proposal in a tiffany and pick your engagement diamond ring


a lot WOWs from me.

not real not real

it is totally hollywood.

there is this LA LA land and then the rest of the country. that is.


09-29-2011, 09:52 AM
i'm offended by this post bawang. but you sir never post anything seriously so i guess i take it with a grain of salt.

09-29-2011, 09:55 AM
my point was that

do not adopt kungfu tv series, and kungfu cinema, they are hollywood or HK chollywood--

as your kungfu mindsets

big ouch

that is.


09-29-2011, 10:16 AM

"People who cling to their delusions find it difficult, if not impossible, to learn anything worth learning: a people under the necessity of creating themselves must examine everything, and soak up learning the way the roots of a tree soak up water"

This above paragraph was the most important aspect of bawang's post and it had absolutely nothing to do with "race" nor where a person comes from. Both mindsets exist in the martial arts and in life in general. If bawang was referring to this, then he hit it right on the head and I am in absolute agreement with him. This above quote easily applies to a person who is on a path, a spiritual quest.


For MightyB: I find your use of the words adapt, integrate, and adopt amusing. :)


09-29-2011, 10:36 AM
jackie chan passed along antiwar messages on the screen

2 examples

1. big soldier small general or da bing xiao jiang. JC wanted to go home and farm. The prince of wei and his brother "infighting" for the throne, kingdom fighting against kingdom for expanding territory and wealth

the civilian paid the price for labor and conscription for soldiering

JC wanted go back to Liang kingdom only to find mighty Qing army just destroyed his kingdom--

2. New Shaolin Temple. The protege against mentor, brother against brother warlords fighting to gain more township, more wealth and territory

shaolin temple was destroyed among this

shaolin monks helped the refugee,

shaolin temple lives in hearts of the refugee and people that helped by them



09-29-2011, 12:39 PM
It's obvious...Bawang misses HW108/BJJ-Blue/David Ross, the yin to his undersized yang!!!! This is a desperate cry for help.

Secondly, the Micheal Jackson trial has been traumatic for him, inflaming his distrust of the far superior caucazoid male.

Lastly, his Kung Fu was proven to be a forms only sham, as some fat kid took his lunch money yesterday in front of everyone at school.

I pity the Bawang and his salty nuts.

You're really Nancy Kerrigan aren't you?

Hebrew Hammer
09-29-2011, 12:44 PM
You're really Nancy Kerrigan aren't you?

Don't make me show you! If I can quote Nancy Kerrigan, when I see Bawang's posts I cry, "Whhyy??!!!" sniffle, sniffle..Whhhyyyyyy????!!!!"

I suppose that's better than being called Chaz Bono.

09-29-2011, 12:44 PM
You're really Nancy Kerrigan aren't you?

*looks for his baton*

David Jamieson
09-29-2011, 01:06 PM
*calls Tonya Harding*

"Yeah Tonya, I got another job for you and Jeff"



09-29-2011, 01:08 PM
Well...well....that's just...well....I mean...well....

David Jamieson
09-29-2011, 01:09 PM
Well...well....that's just...well....I mean...well....

what? she's smiling about it. I think she needs the work and probably still hates Nancy because her boy toy Jeff got canned for the knee/shin beating his buddies laid on Nancy.

This is real Kung Fu here we're talking about right? Because Nancy got a spot on theh olympic team despite the shin beating andmade a better showing than Harding!

That's olympic man.

taai gihk yahn
09-29-2011, 01:48 PM
hy gys

White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded – about themselves and about the world they live in. White people have managed to get through entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac. … People who cling to their delusions find it difficult, if not impossible, to learn anything worth learning: a people under the necessity of creating themselves must examine everything, and soak up learning the way the roots of a tree soak up water. As people still held in bondage must believe that “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make ye free”.

-James Baldwin

yeah, ok, well mayb he's got a point about the whole racialist thing, but he was still a Marxist h0mo, so, I mean, you know...

09-29-2011, 01:54 PM
what? she's smiling about it. I think she needs the work and probably still hates Nancy because her boy toy Jeff got canned for the knee/shin beating his buddies laid on Nancy.

This is real Kung Fu here we're talking about right? Because Nancy got a spot on theh olympic team despite the shin beating andmade a better showing than Harding!

That's olympic man.

she might be lurking around these parts, since she has nothing better to do, looking for her next boxing contender:D

09-29-2011, 06:33 PM
hy gys

White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded – about themselves and about the world they live in. White people have managed to get through entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac. … People who cling to their delusions find it difficult, if not impossible, to learn anything worth learning: a people under the necessity of creating themselves must examine everything, and soak up learning the way the roots of a tree soak up water. As people still held in bondage must believe that “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make ye free”.

-James Baldwin

Amazing the immigrant Asian who lives in Canada has such insight to the minds of men both white and black in the America? I salute you and Mr. Baldwin! LMAO!

09-29-2011, 06:56 PM
... and somehow still maintain a sense of being Asian.

It's easy because there's always someone reminding us that we're yellowslanteyedchingassmuddafacks.

09-29-2011, 08:50 PM

what did you mean by "out chinese the chinese" in martial arts? i dont understand this analogy.

09-29-2011, 10:22 PM
in 1960s.

my brothers and I were learning and practicing CMA with teachers.

we were kind of reluctant to learn.

my brothers thought that we may always use a weapon or gun

bang bang




for me

I was only thinking about the lessons will be over soon. what to do after that?



my brother's kungfu mindsets are to use a weapon. why wasting time do the punches and kicks.

my kungfu mindset was that, learn as much as I could. then I could do something else.

what to do after the school is over?



09-29-2011, 10:40 PM
in 1960s.




09-29-2011, 10:44 PM
An Eagle Claw teacher told me that as a kid, he and his gang friends used their KF to protect the nerdy Chinese kids from being victimized by other races.

Hebrew Hammer
09-29-2011, 11:49 PM
An Eagle Claw teacher told me that as a kid, he and his gang friends used their KF to protect the nerdy Chinese kids from being victimized by other races.

Good luck with that one...

09-30-2011, 04:55 AM

what did you mean by "out chinese the chinese" in martial arts? i dont understand this analogy.

Have you ever been to a TCMA tournament or TCMA social gathering and noticed that the only people wearing the flowing robes or authentic shaolin garb were white? The Chinese athletes are in jumpsuits or modern athletic wear and their coaches are in business attire or sometimes track suits.

That's what I mean about "out Chinese the Chinese". A similar term that's thrown around in Japanese MA a lot is "out Japanese the Japanese" because we'll hold onto what we think is dogmatic tradition when, if you travel to a school in Japan, you find it's not.

It's not unique to Americans. How many foreign tourists travel to Texas only to be disappointed because there are no cowboys and it's not like in the western movies?

Ray Pina
09-30-2011, 04:57 AM
You can't cut granite to the laser precise angles, especially interior angles with that kind of precision with stone age tools. We can barely do it to the tolerances that they had with the tools we use today.

You are correct.

Either we had advanced tools thousands of years ago, or are descendants of already advanced civilizations that blew themselves back to the stone age.... or there was ET intervention. Too many structures with laser precision, massive tonnage, etc.

And yes, Bawang is racist. Most likely because he can't get a white girlfriend. Probably because he lives at home or his Shaolin staff doesn't impress.

09-30-2011, 05:03 AM
You are correct.

Either we had advanced tools thousands of years ago, or are descendants of already advanced civilizations that blew themselves back to the stone age.... or there was ET intervention. Too many structures with laser precision, massive tonnage, etc.

I'm going with pre-ancient Earth born super-civilization. (http://news.discovery.com/space/super-civilizations-might-live-off-black-holes-110430.html) Not aliens. Legend of Mu / Lemuria stuff.

Ray Pina
09-30-2011, 05:04 AM
This "we are superior" attitude exists not only in TCMA, but I've seen it in any other category of MA one can think of.

The attitude is prevalent, and despite the politically correct world we live in, is correct in many cases.

People I have lost to were superior to me.... at least in certain aspects of their game.
Economically, some nations are superior to others.

Other nations are superior for their closeness and appreciation of nature.

Its is correct to say that BJJ is a superior tool in relation to Taiji for sport fighting.
Kung Fu forms are superior to MMA in the realm of not getting hurt.

It's just a relative term.

09-30-2011, 05:13 AM

09-30-2011, 05:19 AM
Most likely because he can't get a white girlfriend. Probably because he lives at home or his Shaolin staff doesn't impress.

tahts right. is there a officer, problem?

09-30-2011, 05:28 AM

The Christian mindset is that the time of Noah was a few thousand years ago in Jerusalem. My personal opinion is that it's a lot older, that the story is allegory, and that civilization was advanced to a degree that's nearer to ours than the tents and herders that most people visualize.

09-30-2011, 05:29 AM
The Christian mindset is that the time of Noah was a few thousand years ago in Jerusalem. My personal opinion is that it's a lot older, that the story is allegory, and that civilization was advanced to a degree that's nearer to ours than the tents and herders that most people visualize.

because brown people couldnt have achieved an advanced civilization like you. must be aliens.

09-30-2011, 05:34 AM

09-30-2011, 05:36 AM
because brown (http://www.thehindu.com/news/states/tamil-nadu/article482101.ece) people couldnt have achieved an advanced civilization like you. must be aliens.


09-30-2011, 05:38 AM
The Christian mindset is that the time of Noah was a few thousand years ago in Jerusalem. My personal opinion is that it's a lot older, that the story is allegory, and that civilization was advanced to a degree that's nearer to ours than the tents and herders that most people visualize.


09-30-2011, 05:43 AM

Another theory is that a meteor or comet crashed into the Indian Ocean around 3000–2800 BC, created the 30 kilometres (19 mi) undersea Burckle Crater, and generated a giant tsunami that flooded coastal lands.[4]

Seems about right.

taai gihk yahn
09-30-2011, 05:44 AM
You can't cut granite to the laser precise angles, especially interior angles with that kind of precision with stone age tools. We can barely do it to the tolerances that they had with the tools we use today.

You are correct.

Either we had advanced tools thousands of years ago, or are descendants of already advanced civilizations that blew themselves back to the stone age.... or there was ET intervention. Too many structures with laser precision, massive tonnage, etc.

perhaps you two noted and highly qualified Egyptologists might want look at some other possibilities :rolleyes:

09-30-2011, 05:47 AM
the whiole point of the thread is about delusions. i cant believe ray stopped bleieving in kung fu but believes in aliens.

09-30-2011, 05:53 AM
perhaps you two noted and highly qualified Egyptologists might want look at some other possibilities :rolleyes:

That's all well and good until this little dilemma:

There's been no good explanation on how you can hollow out granite and have the angles and straight lines that are on the inside of a sarcophagus.

taai gihk yahn
09-30-2011, 05:54 AM
the whiole point of the thread is about delusions. i cant believe ray stopped bleieving in kung fu but believes in aliens.

that's because there is at least some plausibility to the theory that aliens exist, as opposed to no evidence whatsoever that kung fu actually works ;)

taai gihk yahn
09-30-2011, 05:58 AM
That's all well and good until this little dilemma:

There's been no good explanation on how you can hollow out granite and have the angles and straight lines that are on the inside of a sarcophagus.

no - YOU have no good explanation, and neither do the folks that are intrinsically biased to use their lack of understanding to "prove" that aliens built the pyramids; furthermore, you commit the typica fallacy of ignoring the 99% that has been explained, and focus on the 1% that has not been as "evidence" to promote ur fantasy;

09-30-2011, 05:59 AM
that's because there is at least some plausibility to the theory that aliens exist, as opposed to no evidence whatsoever that kung fu actually works ;)

But what about Alien Kung Fu?

09-30-2011, 05:59 AM
that's because there is at least some plausibility to the theory that aliens exist, as opposed to no evidence whatsoever that kung fu actually works ;)

I don't believe in Aliens - but I do believe that history is wrong. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_12?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=forbidden+archeology&x=0&y=0&sprefix=forbidden+ar

Any one of those books is a fun read. Egyptologists are among the worst for being too dogmatic. Way worse than a TCMAist. Scientists in general are a very close-minded bunch. And they don't cross communicate whatsoever... meaning, a physicist would never ever ever ask an engineer for their opinion, or a biologist would never talk to a theoretical astrophysicist.

09-30-2011, 06:02 AM
no - YOU have no good explanation, and neither do the folks that are intrinsically biased to use their lack of understanding to "prove" that aliens built the pyramids; furthermore, you commit the typica fallacy of ignoring the 99% that has been explained, and focus on the 1% that has not been as "evidence" to promote ur fantasy;

read "Forbidden Archeology (http://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Archeology-Hidden-History-Human/dp/0892132949/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1317387732&sr=8-1)". It's just a listing of things that can't be explained and are buried in places like the Smithsonian. There's a simple rule in Archeology - if you can't explain it, bury it and hope no-one else finds out.

09-30-2011, 06:04 AM
Another theory is that a meteor or comet crashed into the Indian Ocean around 3000–2800 BC, created the 30 kilometres (19 mi) undersea Burckle Crater, and generated a giant tsunami that flooded coastal lands.[4]

Seems about right.

The Hebrew account of the flood, a flood that is noted by the other civilizations of that area, was simply their way of recording that catastrophic event.
We can view the "whole world" as either allegory ( much like Rome ruled the world) or even literal as, to them, THEIR whole world was indeed flooded.
The description of the flood is rather typical "ancient historical" genre writing.
If people want to view the account as literal AND concrete, they certianly can do that, but there is no reason to be "fundamentalist" about it since the Genesis account is an account of HEBREW history and NOT of Global history.

09-30-2011, 06:06 AM
Scientists in general are a very close-minded bunch.

Stupid scientists and their stupid facts.

09-30-2011, 06:07 AM
Stupid scientists and their stupid facts.

"Forbidden Archeology" is a superb, well-documented compendium of both the evidence favoring the conventional picture of human evoluton, and the anomalous evidence that casts this picture into doubt.
Its larger significance, however, lies in its detailed documentation and analysis of one particular exampe of a disturbing phenomenon that has increasingly crippled mainstream science: the establishment of a new scientific orthodoxy, i.e. a quasi-religious belief by leading scientists in the absolute and unquestionable validity of the basic theories of their field. These theories are then elevated to "facts" of which any dissenter is accused of being ignorant, which makes for a convenient, easy dismissal of any anomalous evidence. Since any such evidence is thus automatically ineligible for publication in the proper journals, this lack of documentation is then in turn taken by researchers in the field as proof that the evidence must be of low scientific value.

With "Forbidden Archeology", Cremo and Thompson have attempted to break through this self-perpetuating cycle of ignorance and denial. The many angry dismissals by "experts" one can read on this page shows that they have done their job well. A truly educational book that will open the eyes of many who are searching for the true origins of humankind. Those who don't have the time or patience to peruse this 900-page tome should consider reading the abridged version instead. Either way, they will come to appreciate one of the fundamental tenets of true science: theory never overrides evidence.

09-30-2011, 06:17 AM
no - YOU have no good explanation, and neither do the folks that are intrinsically biased to use their lack of understanding to "prove" that aliens built the pyramids; furthermore, you commit the typica fallacy of ignoring the 99% that has been explained, and focus on the 1% that has not been as "evidence" to promote ur fantasy;

Careful or MightB will kick your girly tai chi hand waving arse.

09-30-2011, 06:22 AM
The pyramids don't exist. They are a prop that have been used for years to promote the intellectual and archeological acheivements of the Egyptions but it is all a lie!! Giza was constructed 100 years ago out of animitium hard plastic that can scrunch up and be moved easily, all the while the New World Order has been duping you idiots into believing they exist. The truth is out there....................:eek:


09-30-2011, 06:25 AM




yes. I remember these songs, too.

I like french ye ye girls.

my point was that

1. my brothers" if kungfu is about fighting, then end the fight quickly with minimal effort or max efficiency so pick up a weapon or gun and shoot.

2. me, yes whatever. fight then just fight with or with no weapon. when it is done it is done. then move on.

meaning do whatever "needed" to be done and move on.

nothing to think about really. just do it and it is over.

end the fight the sooner the better.


09-30-2011, 06:28 AM
do not like

kill bill remix


this "bang bang" is better.


09-30-2011, 06:34 AM
"Forbidden Archeology" is a superb, well-documented compendium of both the evidence favoring the conventional picture of human evoluton, and the anomalous evidence that casts this picture into doubt.
Its larger significance, however, lies in its detailed documentation and analysis of one particular exampe of a disturbing phenomenon that has increasingly crippled mainstream science: the establishment of a new scientific orthodoxy, i.e. a quasi-religious belief by leading scientists in the absolute and unquestionable validity of the basic theories of their field. These theories are then elevated to "facts" of which any dissenter is accused of being ignorant, which makes for a convenient, easy dismissal of any anomalous evidence. Since any such evidence is thus automatically ineligible for publication in the proper journals, this lack of documentation is then in turn taken by researchers in the field as proof that the evidence must be of low scientific value.

With "Forbidden Archeology", Cremo and Thompson have attempted to break through this self-perpetuating cycle of ignorance and denial. The many angry dismissals by "experts" one can read on this page shows that they have done their job well. A truly educational book that will open the eyes of many who are searching for the true origins of humankind. Those who don't have the time or patience to peruse this 900-page tome should consider reading the abridged version instead. Either way, they will come to appreciate one of the fundamental tenets of true science: theory never overrides evidence.

Did you really present an amazon user review as a rebuttal to my wise ass remark?

Very eloquent for an Amazon customer but all it tells me is that the authors obviously harbor some deep seated resentment over their papers being rejected by the journals of their respective fields. I'm all for rooting for the underdog and it is certainly fun to hypothesize about ancient advanced civilizations and what not but seriously. Faith in the scientific method can certainly be abused to further the established status quo (tenure) as noted in the passage above however at that point by definition it ceases to be the scientific method. Seems like it is more about the politics of tenured professors than the actual "science".

09-30-2011, 06:42 AM
Did you really present an amazon user review as a rebuttal to my wise ass remark?

h3lls yeah - it was a good quote-

Seems like it is more about the politics of tenured professors than the actual "science".

This is what it's about -

heck - read Discovery, even in that mag you'll get the occasional story about how scientific dogma tries to kill discovery and innovation. This turn in the thread is actually a great allegory for the kung fu mindset.

The battle between dogma, theory, and physical evidence that contradicts an established belief.

09-30-2011, 07:24 AM
heck - read Discovery, even in that mag you'll get the occasional story about how scientific dogma tries to kill discovery and innovation. This turn in the thread is actually a great allegory for the kung fu mindset.

The politics and bias that exist within the established scientific community cannot be used as justification for not applying scientific rigor to any wildly delusional theory.
Attacking the perceived bias within the establishment is a lot more convenient than applying scientific rigor to questionable evidence and half baked theories.

taai gihk yahn
09-30-2011, 07:46 AM
I don't believe in Aliens - but I do believe that history is wrong.
based on what? your in-depth, decades-long, objectively-oriented, academically-rigorous study of the subject?

Any one of those books is a fun read. Egyptologists are among the worst for being too dogmatic.

Way worse than a TCMAist. Scientists in general are a very close-minded bunch.

And they don't cross communicate whatsoever... meaning, a physicist would never ever ever ask an engineer for their opinion, or a biologist would never talk to a theoretical astrophysicist.

c'mon - r u really this dense? scientists are "close-minded"? there is no cross-disciplinary interaction? srsly? do u get paid a residual every time u make a non-sensical statement?

taai gihk yahn
09-30-2011, 07:54 AM
read Discovery, even in that mag you'll get the occasional story about how scientific dogma tries to kill discovery and innovation.
really, u don't get this at all, right? if there is an article in a scientific magazine about things like dogma, bias, etc., don't u realize that this is the community "policing" itself? meaning that, like ANY human endeavor, there will b personal, subjective bias / political motivation; however, the very fact that it gets noticed and pointed out by the community indicates that it is not the norm, but rather that the community actively tries to counteract this sort of thing;

here, for example, r two recent instances of how, in the face of new evidence that appears to invalidate long-held beliefs (dogma), the scientific community, instead of rejecting it because it doesn't gel w established knowledge, looks at it objectively:


what u have here are excellent examples of scientists grappling with how to reconcile new data with established theories; if they were so close-minded, they would dismiss out of hand the new data in favor of their established belief system;

09-30-2011, 08:16 AM

Though I hardly interact with you on this forum. I have to say that, just from the way this thread has flowed, YOU ARE DA MAN!!!

You are way ahead of the curve.


09-30-2011, 09:01 AM
thax. i smrat i red books. brain bigs.

09-30-2011, 09:05 AM
*calls Tonya Harding*

"Yeah Tonya, I got another job for you and Jeff"



to me she is still the ice skating queen

despite disqualified

due to ex beating up nancy unnecessarily.

well both nancy and tonya were good.

that is all we need to know.


09-30-2011, 10:21 AM
do u get paid a residual every time u make a non-sensical statement?

Well I do work primarily in advertising :p