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RD'S Alias - 1A
10-01-2011, 06:04 AM
See 5:20-5:25


10-02-2011, 07:48 AM
Funny how the voiceover says "You have the power" while the protester is getting floored by the LEO :)

10-02-2011, 09:15 AM
For taking a picture. Hello police state. :rolleyes:

I hope the Mayor and the Governor are watching. They'll be witness to end of their terms. People will remember this come election time.

Yum Cha
10-02-2011, 03:21 PM
I think this is bigger than just NYC...

Haven't had a sniff of this for 40 years...

RD'S Alias - 1A
10-03-2011, 04:55 PM
I think this is bigger than just NYC...

Haven't had a sniff of this for 40 years...

They are in Chicago too.

I was on facebook Chat from thier live stream for 3 days trying to get some sort of concrete answer for why they are protesting. Other than being really, really angry, the closest thing I could observe is that they have a lot of jealousy, envy and want massive class war fare because someone programed them to think Wall Street steals money from people.

However, they could not give me any specific names, court cases or any instances where some had thier money stolen by anyone who works on Wall street. All they could do is spout the same, non descript non specific propaganda type responses to me.

I think they are all broke, and difficult to employ. Rather than work to develop the skills needed to acquire what they covet, they protest.

It's basically a big Temper tantrum thrown by today's hippies.

Yum Cha
10-03-2011, 05:43 PM
Yea, that seems to be the 'media' call right now, "what are they after?"

I think its unfocused, all about how come Wall street gets a bailout and we the people don't?

Its about finance reform and excess

Buffetts Law, or whatever they want to call the capital gains tax thing...

Hearing its vets and city workers joining now. Unions and community groups organising too...

judge all you want, the game is afoot, players on the board in motion, looking forward to what happens, hopefully, it supports enough will to knock back some of the excesses.

Oh yea, and isn't NY Attorney's General charging a bunch of Wall Street companies with Fraud for misrepresenting bad debt it on-sold?

How much of your pay packet goes to finance? Insurance, bank fees, transaction fees, credit card interest, mortgage interest, commissions, etc, etc, etc....and how much are they paying you to use your money to generate those fees. So, you get some services, but it costs a lot. Insurance is the best rort. Pay out as much as you can, because you make your profits as a fixed percent of the outgoings from next year's premiums.

Stockbrokers paid by the trade, gee, are they going to pick something sweet and sit on it for years? no. Do they do better for you than people who do? no.

I'll guess its more than taxes....

And its the most profitable, highly paid and recession proof game going, run like a cartel.

All these kinds of things form a lot of resentment, and its not just kids or hippies, and as unfocused as it is in detail, its just as hard to fight logically. Soon people like white shirted NYPD are going to get thrown to the wolves, then any process in process will get a boost, so NY Attorney's General just got a boost...

Maybe they just want some liberté, égalité and fraternité? :D

10-03-2011, 09:42 PM
They are in Chicago too.

I was on facebook Chat from thier live stream for 3 days trying to get some sort of concrete answer for why they are protesting....

Google is your friend:

Specific list of demands (http://occupywallst.org/forum/specific-demand-and-action-list-for-washington-dc/)

...It's basically a big Temper tantrum thrown by today's hippies.

Dirty Hippies indeed! (http://www.adbusters.org/)

More intelligent representation from a man on the street:

RD'S Alias - 1A
10-06-2011, 05:48 PM
Google is your friend:

Specific list of demands (http://occupywallst.org/forum/specific-demand-and-action-list-for-washington-dc/)

Dirty Hippies indeed! (http://www.adbusters.org/)

More intelligent representation from a man on the street:

That video shows people marching with "Stop Capitalism" signs. I hope you don't support that.

10-08-2011, 07:20 PM
See 5:20-5:25


That is very easy to perform when you are not being attacked.

It seems that the system is flexing its muscles. Not saying that everyone on a march and protest such as this one is an angel, but the proportion of "angels" to troublemakers is a lot higher than the proportion of cut throat criminals in Wall Street and their puppet politicians. Just saying.... :)

10-08-2011, 07:22 PM
That video shows people marching with "Stop Capitalism" signs. I hope you don't support that.

The problem was never Capitalism, but rather OUT OF CONTROL capitalism and the corruption that goes with it......

10-08-2011, 07:22 PM
There is a lot wisdom in the following short words:

