View Full Version : Non-fighters teaching Martial Arts

10-29-2011, 05:08 PM
People are under the impression that unless a Sifu knows how to fight he wont produce fighters.

There are two contradictions

-A sifu who was a top fighter back in day may not produce fighters out of his students

-A sifu who has never been a fighter ever may produce top fighters!

Its not on how well your sifu fought back in the day. Its on how well he teaches you, drills you and conditions you for fighting.

Your Sifu cant make you a top fighter only you can!!!!

Some people are born with natural talent for fighting. A sifu will only give you the tools needed to home your talent, increase your skill and sew seeds for your future.

Can Someone who never played basketball coach a team?

Can someone who never played football coach a team?

Can someone who never worked as a scientist teach you science?

Look at the education system. You got people teaching classes on computers who never worked in the computer industry. You got people teaching classes on child care and education who have never been teachers. You got people teaching classes on nursing and medicine and medical field who have never been a nurse or doctor.

A person who teaches you Wing Chun. can only teach you the system.

In short he can teach you the forms, the drills, chi sau, possible applications, and theory and principles. But that wont make you a fighter!

NO to fight you first need to spar. Only through sparring can you learn how to apply your techniques while engaging at anerobic activity. Fighting is Anerobic. An you need anerobic training to maintain your fighting stamina.

Any way those who fight and spar become great fighters. Not those who practice boxing,muay thai or mma...

You can practice drills, hit heavy bags, focus mitts and pads all day. Even jump rope, run five miles a day and do push up and crunches in thousands. But until you actually take a hit or give one. You wont develop skill in fighting.

Those who fight learn how to fight!

So regardless if your sifu was great fighter or never fought...What skills he has or dont have wont translate to you when you get clocked with a right hook in the jaw!

There is no way to pass your skill in fighting on to someone else. How you fought in your glory days wont be passed on to your students or sons. At best you can share your experience and tell them what to look out for.

The Training conditions them...but fighting prepares them for fighting!

Unless you spar every class you wont be able to fight!

A sifu who fought can give you pointers from his experience. But then again his experiences may not relate to you. For his skills may be different, his body and frame may be different than yours and frankly he may not be as skilled of a fighter as you are. or vice versa. So in reality its only one person who can teach you how to fight...

Your self...along with the person who is tear your head!!!

10-29-2011, 06:22 PM
Live witness is the problem. If your teacher teaches you how to

- jump, but he can't jump himself,
- do death touch, but he can't even hurt you,
- throw, but he can't even shake your balance,

will you still believe in his training method?

The day when God appears on top of cloud, the day that the whole earth population will convert into christian.

10-29-2011, 06:25 PM
A person who learns theory and applications may be a good teacher....but a terrible fighter...

Great teachers dont have to be a great fighters!

A man who teaches you how to stretch so you can do a split can do so if he has the head knowledge...even though he never practice or acheive the same feat himself....

Alls one needs is the head knowledge to teach...You need skill and experience to fight...

A teacher can not give you skill nor experience...Only you can do that...

How do you do it...By practicing diligently and fighting regularly...Those who fight alot understand alot!

Those who dont fight but Know and Understand the system may make great teachers but horrible fighters!

Witness is the problem. If your teacher teaches you how to

- jump but he can't jump himself,
- do death touch, but he can't even hurt you,
- throw, bu he can even shake your balance,

will you believe his training method?

11-05-2011, 05:25 PM
I think Yip Man said go out and see for your self. He taught the system and the tools needed now its up to you to make it work for your self. That only comes from experience which your sifuu cant give you.

11-06-2011, 07:09 AM
well said...i like your analogy

I think Yip Man said go out and see for your self. He taught the system and the tools needed now its up to you to make it work for your self. That only comes from experience which your sifuu cant give you.