View Full Version : Wowfkm: Your thoughts!

11-29-2011, 10:31 PM

I recently became a member of the World Organization of Wushu Kung Fu Masters.

What are your thoughts about this group if any?


11-30-2011, 09:50 AM
is that the shaolin-do guy on the opening page?

David Jamieson
11-30-2011, 09:52 AM
That is a fake aggregation and content generation site that is used to garner and hold ranking while luring in people to get credit cards etc. Every single page just generates google results.

It's not for real and is a common black hat practice these days.

11-30-2011, 02:25 PM
Guys, try this link and let me know if it takes you to the page:


11-30-2011, 03:55 PM
This is a picture of the site in English:


Does this link take you to the site as shown above?


11-30-2011, 04:06 PM
That is a fake aggregation and content generation site that is used to garner and hold ranking while luring in people to get credit cards etc. Every single page just generates google results.

It's not for real and is a common black hat practice these days.

What he said!

Link no work...

Mail order accreditation:confused:

11-30-2011, 05:10 PM
This is a picture of the site in English:


Does this link take you to the site as shown above?


link does not work for me...maybe only for members?

Golden Arms
11-30-2011, 05:13 PM
I am just going to be honest here. Why would anyone want to be a member of an organization of people they have not met in person, and that appears to have no quality control? All that you would share in common with the other members is the fact that you are members. :confused:

11-30-2011, 05:20 PM
Link does work for me either.

Golden Arms comment FOR THE WIN!!!!

11-30-2011, 06:38 PM
Like I said in another thread, there was some organization, world council of sokeship, or something like that, anyway, they wanted me to join (for a nominal fee..) and after seeing all the tenth dans, self proclaimed Supreme World Grandmasters, I declined.
There are better ways to gain credibility.
The best way is to publish-articles, books, dvd's. Generously put out some good information, without pumping yourself up-let your info speak for itself.
People will always have respect for men like Adam Hsu, George Xu, Doc Fai-Wong, Yang Jwing-Ming, Kwong Wing-Lam, Buksam Kong, etc because they put out great information, without blowing their own horn.

11-30-2011, 06:40 PM
I am just going to be honest here. Why would anyone want to be a member of an organization of people they have not met in person, and that appears to have no quality control? All that you would share in common with the other members is the fact that you are members. :confused:

Ever hear of Facebook!!:D

11-30-2011, 08:10 PM
I really don't get it. I cannot see how the links work for me and not for others. What am I missing here. I use Mozilla Firefox as a browser and have no problems accessing this page url: http://worldwushukungfumasters.com/WWKM/Welcome02.html

Can somebody find a better working link and post it?

As for the World Organization of Wushu Kung Fu Masters ...... Me? ...... a Kung Fu / Wushu Master? No sorry, just a plain and simple seeker of the way aspiring to learn news things about the martial arts every day ..... nothing special about me.

They requested that I send them a complete outline of my Martial Arts background including photos, certificates, letters of testimony, awards, accreditations and references.

To my mind a master cannot hold a Dan / Duan grade as well. I think that is more in the realms that is marketing, commercialism and lip service. It is a part of the modern society.

I am not a part of society but, instead am apart from society.

Society stinks! It is shallow, cosmetic, superficial and make-believe. It is "the way of the sheep".

Yes I joined as a lifetime member ... the fee was quite reasonable (Especially if you see what others charge for less) a total of $40USD for lifetime membership .... hardly paying for recognition. It allows me to link up with and exchange with others in the Chinese Martial Arts. Hopefully to exchange with like-minded people.

I don't need anyone to "recognise" me and that's not why I joined the WOWKFM. I joined because allows me to link up with and exchange with others in the Chinese Martial Arts. Hopefully to exchange with like-minded people. Such people as Lee Kam Wing, Chan Sai Chung, Master Wu Bin (teacher of Jet Li I believe?) and on it goes.

As for their offer well in a way an honour for the 41 years of hard slog, thousand of dollars travelling overseas for training and not just a little of blood, sweat and tears. It's nice but its not the "be-all & end-all" for me.

I really don't care for my 'recognition". I have no desire to be "famous", on the cover of magazines, to sell my art to whoever has the dollars to lay down. None of that interests me at all. Everything I do is for my students and their learning and or advancement opportunities. The WOWKFM is part of that, they can access various forms of Gongfu via same if they want to go down that road.

I am a member of the International Martial Arts Alliance (http://www.martialartsaustralia.com.au/) so I can access their cost effective MA insurance, their Martial Arts Coaching Accreditation Scheme for myself and my students and further learning experiences and opportunity's. This cost me a sum of money but the benefits outweigh the contribution.

Thank you for your post and comments. Best wishes.

11-30-2011, 10:41 PM
I've been contacted 3 times to be acreddited adn recoginised for my influence and contribution of the VChinese ya da yada and also for the national Kung fu acc and hall of fame, world org, etc etc these are just simple scams worth nothing to noone.

11-30-2011, 10:57 PM
EarthDragon I've been contacted 3 times to be acreddited adn recoginised for my influence and contribution of the VChinese ya da yada and also for the national Kung fu acc and hall of fame, world org, etc etc these are just simple scams worth nothing to noone.

Really. That's interesting to know. May I ask who these groups were? (you can tell me via PM if you don't want here).

The thing with me is that I originally applied close to 2 years ago. I've only recently been contacted.

I was awarded a Hall of Fame some years ago. “Combat Magazine Hall of Fame Award in recognition of commitment to gain Martial Arts Practice greater popularity in both the United Kingdom and around the World” back in 2001 from Editor Paul Clifton. It cost me absolutely nothing so that was not an issue.

Are you saying that people like the WOWKFM Seniors like Master Chan Sai Chung, Lee Kam Wing, Wu Bin (teacher of Jet Li I believe?) are not on the up-&-up?

12-01-2011, 05:57 AM
Inside Kung fu masters Hall of fame,

But anyways I was saying that its not a real recognized anything.

Just a mail order group that you get a certificate for and a banner none cares nor knows about this compamny, its a mail scam, measn nothing , they throw thoese names in there to make it seem like thier important but i can guargentee you, if they were there would be a ceremoney online to watch introduction into it, dinner banquet where the people are actually there to accept the awrd. its all just done through the mail. dont bother just practice. award means nothing

12-01-2011, 06:46 AM
Did they give you a pretty certificate to add to your collection? Because that's really the point isn't it?

12-01-2011, 11:14 AM

12-01-2011, 04:03 PM
Earth Dragon,

Thanks for your views which I respect and agree that you are entitled to.

This "back & forth" is going nowhere fast.

You have expressed your point, your feelings numerous times. I've said mine. Lets not harp on about it.

Simply agree to disagree. The world will keep spinning and quite frankly I have much more better things to do with my limited time.

I have a feeling that if we had met in person and you had seen what I do, how I do it and how I relate in real life (This form of media is not real life) then maybe you would hold a differing opinion.

I am sure I would about you.

No hard feelings and thanks for the discussion. I have great respect for people who are passionate in their views! Best wishes!

12-01-2011, 04:05 PM

Hi mate. How are you? Well I hope.

No, no certificate. Sorry to burst your bubble! What more can I say? Sorry mate. Better luck next time.

Take care!

12-01-2011, 04:12 PM
That website is obviously a scam. Looks like those sites that you end up going to for accidentally leaving a letter out a news URL. DJ said it better than me, but more people will know what I'm talking about. :D

12-01-2011, 04:23 PM

I just don't get it??? I am getting the same as the screen shots I have posted earlier! No scamming site just the WOWKFM site.

Hmm this is all very strange.

12-01-2011, 04:28 PM

I just don't get it??? I am getting the same as the screen shots I have posted earlier! No scamming site just the WOWKFM site.

Hmm this is all very strange.

It COULD be that between the kf folks and whoever was providing the domain, the contract expired. That isn't an uncommon situation.

12-01-2011, 04:29 PM
when i google it the main hit is a bad link, however one of the top hits is this, which has the same picture logo:


12-01-2011, 07:59 PM
Greetings minghequan,

I think it is nice that your are at the point where you are looking for association. The problem is that there is so much trash out there. If you have a group of martial associates where the respect for each other is high, start your own martial association. Set the standards that YOU are looking for. That alone will be the honey that attracts the bees. Some things to look for with associations: health plan, dental plan, life insurance plan, school insurance plan (I do not know of any that do; but that is what I would want and EXPECT if I had a school)-- all at very good rates. I say this because a lot of these fraternities may fail to address these things. It should not stop you if you want to create on this level.

One thing you did not mention in your initial post is your reason for wanting to join such a group. For you to ask for feedback suggests that these guys are not offering too much.


12-02-2011, 02:41 AM
Why would you want anything to do with a group like this.... Honestly ????

It's for people who are trying build credentials, just like people build fake id's with a bit here and a bit there after a while you join a few of these and then you can list a couple on your website etc. and for the newbie out there whos not going to know the rubbish and looking for a solid school - sucked right in. Got to call a spade a spade.

12-02-2011, 08:44 AM
When one does a MA for oneself being part of any organization is, well, redundant and quite pointless.
Being part of an organization does NOT lend credibilty to ones MA, skill does.
Lineage never made one a fighter nor has it ever given anyone skill.
Hard work and training does that.
There are lots of useless "martial artists" that have prestigious lineage.
It means very little, except for those that only have IT and very little else.