View Full Version : mental preparation for fighting?

12-03-2011, 11:39 PM
might do a mma fight in the spring. Not my first fight but always like to see what others think about such things. was looking over an article about mental preparation for fights and thought this article was pretty good. I've always been a firm believer in mental prep. is a must. this guy writes a good write up on it.

thoughts about his?


12-04-2011, 08:45 AM
"No matter who stands in front of you - that is the guy you'll break to pieces; no matter what rules, you'll fight and win." This was a lesson burnt into my mind years ago by Henk Pelser.

I like that statement.

And this...

Know yourself and train your strengths so that you're confident in that punch or that takedown that you do best.

Don't focus on what your opponent is going to do - focus on what YOU are going to do!

David Jamieson
12-04-2011, 01:25 PM
Put a jalapeno up your ass and as it starts to really hurt, convince yourself that your opponent did this to you and blame him.

Then head out to the ring.

12-04-2011, 03:17 PM
I just make you the single focal point for everything I hate in the universe, and take out my rage on you.

Sorry, man...

12-04-2011, 03:20 PM
I usually like to conjure up hurtful memories from my childhood.
When I pummel his face into the ground, I scream, "I hate you Mommy! I HATE YOU!!"