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12-18-2011, 04:54 PM
When people asks for a clip, some people will be happy to create one and put up. Others may find different reasons and turn down that request.

- Why someone doesn't mind to put up his personal clip but someone does?
- Will it be nice if we can all support whatever that we have claimed with a personal clip? Not only it's honest, it's also fun.

What's your opinion on this?

12-18-2011, 05:02 PM
When people asks for a clip, some people will be happy to create one and put up. Others may find different reasons and turn down that request.

- Why someone doesn't mind to put up his personal clip but someone does?
- Will it be nice if we can all support whatever that we have claimed with a personal clip? Not only it's honest, it's also fun.

What's your opinion on this?

I don't mind putting clips up. I have put a few up.... some people just are not a camera person.


12-18-2011, 05:05 PM
I would always be up for showing what i meant or disccusion by a visual clip.
I would also be proud to showcase what I have learned and what I have taught to be proven real and effective application, however in 31 years how many times and techniques can one really record just to prove a point to someone on the internet? is that worth all the time and effort?

kung fu USA we recently added our own youtube channel, we have taped shifu tests, movies, forms fun stuff iron palm breaking etc etc but to have individual clips of every type technique applicatio is an impossiblity.

PS alot of my stuff ia also on VHS and super 8mm yes John we are old LOL

PS it will be nice to one day reference every technique with a actual recording of what it was oringally supposed to look like, that way nothing will get lost in transaltion

12-18-2011, 05:07 PM
i don't mind posting videos of myself (i'm the skinny guy doing wushu).

i suppose there are some who are skilled, talk smack, but don't own a video recorder...and then there are the majority: those who are fat, lazy, unskilled and own a video recorder...but would rather talk smack than train.

12-18-2011, 05:11 PM
those who are fat, lazy, unskilled and own a video recorder...but would rather talk smack than train.

LOL this seems to be the more majority I have found proof is always in the pudding.

12-18-2011, 05:34 PM
LHPM master Chang Shang-San didn't want to teach 6 harmony prey mantis to anybody when he was young. When he decided to teach and wrote a book to record his knowledge, he was already too old and too fat. This is how people will remember him.


If you want people to remember you 1000 years from now, put up your clip today. Don't wait until you are old and fat.

12-18-2011, 06:23 PM
When people asks for a clip, some people will be happy to create one and put up. Others may find different reasons and turn down that request.

- Why someone doesn't mind to put up his personal clip but someone does?
- Will it be nice if we can all support whatever that we have claimed with a personal clip? Not only it's honest, it's also fun.

What's your opinion on this?

nowadays it is easy to shoot video but this was not the case in the 1970s or earlier.

I would have many pictures and clips of me when young and doing mantis.

I was hopping around a lot like a "cricket".

However, I was too poor to have a camera in the 1960s and 1970s.

yes. now I am old and bald ---

but if a cat may do a clip



12-18-2011, 07:05 PM
Well, I'm skinny, lazy, and unskilled :p but the main reason I'm not going to put clips up is I know my teacher wouldn't really approve... he doesn't teach for free (though he's not expensive either), and it wouldn't be appropriate to give what he's taught me away for free (especially when my skill level is only going to make him look bad).

Anyway, I'll still be skinny when I'm old, it's genetics. :)

12-18-2011, 08:04 PM
I respect clips which show human nature and human achievement at its best.

Take Skateboarding clips, for instance. It's amazing to watch a person on a skateboard doing complicated tricks in an urban environment - long rail grinds, huge jumps, tricky board kicks, the whole deal...

but what almost impresses me more about good skate clips is their willingness to show their failures. Not just their failures - their REPEATED failures. To watch someone try and fail repeatedly, yet keep on trying until they finally succeed... THAT is impressive. It's impressive not because they failed, obviously - it's impressive because they had the will to persevere, to keep at it until they got it; and it's impressive because they had the courage to show the process, as opposed to simply the result.

Kung Fu is about the process as much as the result. The trouble with most MA clips is the lack of honesty in showing the process - it's as though people want to make you think that they're infallible, perfect beings who get it right every time. What utter tripe that is.

Look at Jackie Chan. The credits of his movies are just as impressive as the movies themselves (sometimes moreso.) They're impressive because we get to see his process; we get to see the hard work he and his teammates put into accomplishing an amazing stunt. We get to see his failures, his perseverance, and his eventual success; and that's what makes Jackie Chan so amazing.

So I propose the following: if Kung Fu ppl focus less on being "perfect" in their clips and more on being "human"; if they allow the world to see their process instead of just their results; their failures as well as their successes; then we'll have way more clips to watch, and they'll have way more respect from the community.

I mean, when was the last time Jackie bailed his stunt 10 times in a row, then nailed it, and got no respect?

12-19-2011, 06:58 AM


Awesome !!

Parkour at it's worst?

David Jamieson
12-19-2011, 07:41 AM

People live in clip shows I guess.

I put it down to show and tell or simply dumb ass arguing.

show and tell - guys says "x" then puts up clip to illustrate point.

******* arguing - guy says "x" then someone else demands a clip to prove it.

People may not be able to give a clip for any number of reasons, but mostly it is technological impairment for a lot of people.

many can barely get their film off their camera, even less so know how to edit and then there comes the part of uploading it somewhere and sharing a link. So, anyway, you would be surprised at how few people are able to do all these steps on their own nevermind how to film something properly! lol

so, in short, it's often a bullsh1t ask. sometimes legit and you can tell which it is from the flow of the conversation you're having.

One of the funny things I notice about peoples debate styles or arguing styles is there is this tendency to apply conditions to scenarios that will weight an opinion one way or the other. Conditions being he has only good training in this and not much in that etc etc.

Often it;s like "He couldn't do that if he was blind though, so my idea is better" (despite the fact that blindness has nothing to do with the scenario at all in any way shape or form. lol

12-19-2011, 10:59 AM
I respect clips which show human nature and human achievement at its best.


Kung Fu is about the process as much as the result. The trouble with most MA clips is the lack of honesty in showing the process - it's as though people want to make you think that they're infallible, perfect beings who get it right every time. What utter tripe that is.

What you say about process is truth. However, watching someone screw up a form is not nearly as interesting as watching some punk kid destroy his taint on a rail or watching Jackie Chan pick pieces of glass out of his skull.

David Jamieson
12-19-2011, 11:04 AM
...not nearly as interesting as watching some punk kid destroy his taint on a rail...

I don't know what this means and I don't want to know what sort of videos entertain you! :p

12-19-2011, 11:11 AM
I don't mind putting up clips. I have about 20+ on my YouTube channel. I am a "put up or shut up" kinda guy, so I put clips up. Yet I have never debated with someone else and demanded that they put up a clip. Clips only show so much.

I appreciate it when others put up constructive criticism on my clips, it helps me grow. This year I performed a mantis set at the Great Lakes Kung Fu Championships. Afterwards a few instructors came up and gave me kind pats on the back. Later Earthdragon and I got together and I asked him for a critique. He was polite, but honest, "You are all arms". Since then I have worked very hard on improving this area of my shenfa. I really appreciated his advice and the polite way he corrected me. His correction was worth more than the praise everyone else gave.

Sometimes you have to just put yourself out there. :o

12-19-2011, 09:12 PM
I don't mind putting up clips.

I didn't pay attention on this before until lately someone talked about something that I didn't understand such as:

- IP/IS (internal power and internal structure),
- internal core,
- snake engine,
- XingYi dragon can be used to defense against "foot sweep",

I then politely asked if it was possible to see a clip. My requests were either turned down or ignored. :(

12-19-2011, 09:24 PM
If you want to see clips, go rent some movies, Jet li, Jackie Chan etc., clips don't show anything but outside movements, if you are learning from clips there are lots of good movies to choose from, 100's of kung fu movies available for your education.

Check out Yip Man one and two if you want to learn WC.

12-19-2011, 09:34 PM
clips don't show anything but outside movements,

If you don't have the basic knowledge, you may not be able to see anything in the following clip. If you have the right basic knowledge, you may pick up something useful.


12-19-2011, 10:31 PM
If you don't have the basic knowledge, you may not be able to see anything in the following clip. If you have the right basic knowledge, you may pick up something useful.


That video is not 2 man demo, I don't see him demonstrating any power !,it looks like he has to go or practicing going , come on, if you know what he is doing, then you dont learn anything, if you don't know, then you still don't learn..... I like Jackie Chan movie better, I think it was drunken monkey or something like that.

12-20-2011, 09:22 AM
When people asks for a clip, some people will be happy to create one and put up. Others may find different reasons and turn down that request.

- Why someone doesn't mind to put up his personal clip but someone does?
- Will it be nice if we can all support whatever that we have claimed with a personal clip? Not only it's honest, it's also fun.

What's your opinion on this?

If you're confident in yourself, and confident in your skills - you'll be confident putting up clips.

My criticism is MAists talk too much - especially on their demo clips. It's hard not to. Plus, not a lot of people demonstrate that MA practice can be and should be fun. So that's going to be the theme of my clips.

David Jamieson
12-20-2011, 09:31 AM
If you're confident in yourself, and confident in your skills - you'll be confident putting up clips.

My criticism is MAists talk too much - especially on their demo clips. It's hard not to. Plus, not a lot of people demonstrate that MA practice can be and should be fun. So that's going to be the theme of my clips.

lol, you and me both!

When dudes stand at the bag and talk for 20 minutes about their thing?

I shut that off. lol

SHOW ME. I don't want to hear ideas or conjecture or speculation. You ahve a medium which you can use more effectively by simply SHOWING something, indicate what you show and move on.

Chatty chat chit chat types of MA vids are useless to me.

No offense to you guys that do that, but you need to learn to be concise, succicnt and be able to clearly demonstrate what you want to. This is martial arts, it is simple, it is not complex and does not require a lot of words.

12-21-2011, 06:59 AM
I love the guys who put up clips of a 25 minute lecture on how to do a front snap kick. Than throw one kick and the demo is over.

Those guys kicks ass!!:cool:

12-21-2011, 08:40 AM
We are in an era of multi media message (MMS)with smartphones or iphones.

yes we may send or post voice mail, text message, attached with an image or a short clip.

We may upload a voice or podcast. We may upload an image to picasa, photobucket, flckr etc

We may upload a clip to youtube etc.

Personally, I like 2 kinds of clips.

1. fight clips such as boxing, sanshou, judo or shuai jiao tournaments.

2. training or drilling clips.

I do not like the gazillions of forms clips.

I do not like all talks clips either.


me like actions or get into actions ASAP.

something to do

