View Full Version : Truthers

01-04-2012, 06:09 PM
So you run an activist group and one of your members is accused of striking a girl in a wheelchair on a NYC sidewalk followed by an altercation with the girl's father.

Normal PR reaction: We do not condone violence and if any inappropriate act was committed by our membership we in no way support or excuse it. For the time being, though, we are reserving judgment until all the fact are revealed about the incident in question.

Truther PR reaction: The girl's father was using his daughter a weapon against our members as part of a wider plot to discredit us!

A mentally ill man becomes obsessed with your group's 9/11 conspiracy message and opens fire on Pentagon security officials, apparently in an effort to lash out at the "real" 9/11 conspirators.

Normal PR reaction: We in no way condone this horrible act of violence and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded officers. Clearly this man was mentally ill and it's unfortunate that he chose to associate with our peaceful group.

Truther PR reaction: We must seriously entertain the notion that this was yet another false flag attack. This man was probably put up to it somehow by the government as a way of making the truth movement look insane - which we're totally not as you can tell by our take on the situation.

Your most celebrated "expert" on structural engineering reveals that she thinks beam weapons destroyed the WTC. A few years later your top scientist says he's looking into whether the Haitian earthquake was man-made.

Normal PR reaction: ****...we gotta be more careful with who we place our trust in. It's been a painfull lesson for us, but it will only sharpen our ability to spot such idiots in the future.

Truther PR reaction: Clearly Judy Wood and Steven Jones are disinfo agents whose task has been to undermine the TM from within! They started off with credible stuff about Kebler Elves and thermite bombs, but then, having gained our trust, they started talking shere nonsense.

In the midst of a conversation about WTC7, you find yourself unable to explain away the FDNY's support for the "official story." You patch up the holes in your theory by saying "the firefighters are paid off!"

Normal PR reaction: Sorry, that was pretty stupid, wasn't it? I simply didn't know what else to say because Abby had cornered me so badly. I actually do NOT think the FDNY was "paid off" and I'll get back to you when I've thought of an explanation that is slightly less insulting to the heroes of 9/11.

Truther PR reaction: "Jedi mind trick!"


David Jamieson
01-05-2012, 06:40 AM

yeah, for the most part they're projecting assumptive idiots.
They rank up there with far below average thinkers. :p

01-05-2012, 05:13 PM
UUgh, truthers. I'm not usually suprised by how low some will sink in politics. But the fact that this has dragged on so long after all the info we have available. I'm disgusted by the fact that some folks are such mental midgets that they would allow their misdirected sense of patriotism to cloud them from a most glaringly obvious 'truth'......

01-09-2012, 01:33 AM
The things that interests me most about the 9/11 truther movement:

Who funds it? Why?

One of the basic rules of media productions is "the only free media is advertising media." In other words, professionally produced (ie funded) media that is then given away for free on the Internet is, quite simply, a form of advertising; an infomercial, if you will.

Advertising for what? Here's where it gets interesting.

Mike Ruppert:
Wrote "CROSSING THE RUBICON: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil": 'a detective story that gets to the innermost core of the 9/11 attacks. It places 9/11 at the center of a desperate new America, created by specific, named individuals in preparation for Peak Oil: an economic crisis like nothing the world has ever seen.'

Ruppert is a mouthpiece for the oil industry/gov't, who seeks to - through 911 truth exposure - spread the peak oil scam as well as make people believe there are no viable alternative energies worth pursuing.

Ruppert also wants to inform us that because of "peak oil", "population reduction" is a necessity. The only question is whether to do it "nice or nasty". On his book promotion tour, he makes speeches in which he quotes approvingly from past racist eugenics supporters like Charles Galton Darwin, whom Ruppert refers to as "distinguished". (http://www.fromthewilderness.com/PDF/Commonwealth.pdf )

Barrie Zwicker
Produced "The Great Conspiracy"
In it, he sells the "peak oil" scam, and that it is the primary motive for the attacks. He sells Ruppert -in fact, it's an unabashed commercial for Ruppert, whom Zwicker refers to as the very first 911 skeptic in the world; sells Ruppert's soon to be released new book.

Jimmy Walter
heir to his father's company's fortune. Owner of www.walden3.org . The site seeks to promote "rational, planned and sustainable cities" and it promotes its model to everyone, even fascists. "Libertarians, socialists, objectivists, communists, fascists, capitalists, or a combination of economic systems can use our hypothetical city-factory-machine." Here are a couple of excerpts from the website:

"The school and socialization systems train citizens in Rational Emotive Behavior Theory [REBT], the modern, scientific combination of Stoicism and Epicureanism. This teaches rational acceptance of life and one's self, and how to control emotions, preventing or correcting emotional and thinking problems early."

"When people give up these exaggerations, they acquire high frustration tolerance, which encourages them to accept (not like) life's hardships and other people's imperfections."

His sponsorship and website are listed in promotional material for the 911 projects he supports and mentioned at said 9-11 events, so his promotion of 911 Truth exposure will draw attention to his Walden3 "philosophy". He's also donated tons of anti-bush t-shirts which contain his walden3 web address to NY911truth which sells them to raise funds. Thus, in return for his funds, the 911 Truth Movement is itself promoting his stuff.

David Ray Griffin
Wrote "The New Pearl Harbor", beloved by many in the 911 Truth Movement as providing a definitive 911 skeptics account, even discussing various physical evidence claims pointing to 9-11 being an inside job.

Griffin, referred to as a "well known theologian", has some unusual ideas about how humanity should think about God and apparently wants us to revert to some type of mysticism on our path to the new world order. Here's an interview of him talking about it: http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC24/Griffin.htm

Byron Belitsos
co-founder and Board Member of 911truth.org. Edited and published Jim Marrs' 911 Inside Job book.

Bryon writes in Marrs' book without indicating he's in any way himself connected with the organization, let alone one of its two founders: "P.S. A special note to researchers: Be sure to visit 911Truth.org, the portal site of the leading researchers, writers, publishers, activists, webmasters, and leaders in the 9/11 truth movement."

Besides being a self-proclaimed leader of the 911 Truth Movement, Byron is a one world government supporter and is releasing a book he co-wrote urging a world government, which he indicates in his preface to Jim Marrs' 9-11 book is meant to really supplement Marrs' 9-11 book: "I also felt directed to publish a second book, which is an Origin Press companion to Inside Job. This book is entitled One Planet: A Progressive Vision of Enforceable Global Law. Byron also promotes an 'alternative bible' called The Urantia Book.

Many in the movement also speak positively of another past one world government/eugenics supporter, Bertrand Russell. As Brian Salter has noted: "many in the 9/11 truth movement think that Russell should be its model.

Richard Gage
Founder of AE911Truth. Gage gets paid to give speeches at conferences organized by supporters of the 9/11 Truth movement in various locations in the United States and Canada. He has presented his multimedia talk "9/11 Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction" in 14 countries. The movie "9/11 Blueprint for Truth" is based on his lecture. He's involved with the Multi-Level-Marketing group Wealth Masters International. He plugs David Ray Griffin's book, "The New Pearl Harbor," and asks for $20 'donations' at his lectures to obtain his "9/11 Blueprint for Truth" DVD.

One of the things I find most interesting is how many of these "9/11 Truth Movement Leaders" scream about the "New World Order" and "Globalization," yet are actually affiliated with organisations with direct links to such ideology. Richard Falk, who collaborates with David Ray Griffin, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He's worked on new world order projects for the CFR, like the World Order Models Project financed by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Rockefeller Foundation. Another Griffin collaborator, John Cobb, is a former senior economist for the World Bank. Griffin and Cobb founded the Center for Process Studies which received support from the Rockefeller Foundation. Griffin and Cobb have also co-authored some materials with Club of Rome member Herman Daly.

There's more stuff to be found, I'm sure... I'll post it it as I find it. Feel free to add, to make observations, and posit wtf this is all about.

01-09-2012, 06:20 AM
None of those links are videos! You expect us to read?!?

David Jamieson
01-09-2012, 06:41 AM
Not only that, but this is contrary material and therefore of the same validity.

It is not about persuasion and never really was, it is about honest assessment and presentation of explanations.

To be frank, had the documents been open and transparent and had the official story not had so many gaping ommisions there probably would be a lot less of a truther movement.

There was a lot of ball dropping done and blatant attempts at hiding things that reflect poorly on the foreign policies of the US. I think this is one of Ron Paul's talking points these days. IE: "ask people why they attack the US". You don't honestly think these people are jealous of your lifestyle do you? Because to believe that, is the height of ignorance.

Many of these people hate the USA because of how the US runs it's foreign operations both in business and in a military sense. Bases everywhere, threats to all sorts of sovereign countries and so on and so forth.

Bottom line is that the official government story is not truthful and doesn't even address many of the issues such as Pennsylvania and wtc7. So, it is culpable and it has opened itself to criticism and speculation because of that.

Quite simply, people will not buy official stories hook line and sinker anymore and the uS government has a consistent history of lying and deceiving it's own people in an effort to maintain power and wealth for a small group of people who control much of the wealth in the US. I think it is folly to deny that as it can be readily shown and demonstrated with only a modicum of digging.

01-09-2012, 07:33 AM
I also read once that people are more comfortable believing that everything is secretly being handled by covert operations than believing that we really AREN'T in control, and yes, some of those covert organizations totally dropped the ball.

People forget that the CIA and whatnot is ran by the same fallible humans... the same folks who also accidentally pour their cereal into their coffee in the morning because they are half awake. And the same folks who miss what, in hindsight, were clear warning signs.

For a lot of people, the thought of superhuman covert operatives is easier to deal with.

David Jamieson
01-09-2012, 07:38 AM
TO further the idea put forward by Drake, I think it is more than that.

I think people are buck passers and lazy minded in a broad and general sense. We wouldn't even have government if not for this simple fact about the human condition.

Generally speaking, nobody seems to want to actually do what is required when it is something difficult like waging a war. It's easier to sit back and let some enthusiast for that do it.

But god forbid that enthusiast should make an error! Despite nobody else having the motivation or balls to do what needed to be done.

01-09-2012, 09:37 AM
I also read once that people are more comfortable believing that everything is secretly being handled by covert operations than believing that we really AREN'T in control, and yes, some of those covert organizations totally dropped the ball.

Certainly allows for convenient oversimplification. The world is much easier to understand when you can just drop the names of shadowy organizations as being the root cause of all evil in the world. Makes arguing about it easy as well. You can just accuse everyone who questions you as being blind despite never actually having taken the time to find out what your interlocutor actually believes. It's really just narcissism by means of laziness.

I have one question, if some nebulous sinister organization bent on world domination has been powerful enough to not only pull the strings on world events but also cover them up for the last century then what the **** is taking them so long? If they can orchestrate worldwide cover ups of their roles in the most significant events of the 20th century, why aren't we all already in labor camps under the boot heels of a global totalitarian police state?

01-09-2012, 09:46 AM
Certainly allows for convenient oversimplification. The world is much easier to understand when you can just drop the names of shadowy organizations as being the root cause of all evil in the world. Makes arguing about it easy as well. You can just accuse everyone who questions you as being blind despite never actually having taken the time to find out what your interlocutor actually believes. It's really just narcissism by means of laziness.

I have one question, if some nebulous sinister organization bent on world domination has been powerful enough to not only pull the strings on world events but also cover them up for the last century than what the **** is taking them so long? If they can orchestrate worldwide cover ups of their roles in the most significant events of the 20th century, why aren't we all already in labor camps under the boot heels of a global totalitarian police state?

Because they keep adapting it to current events. This **** was supposed to happen in the 1980s, then it adapted to the 1990's, now it's adapting to today's current events. There will never be an actual "takeover". It's just applying current events to a template. It's easy. Just exchange current events for past ones, add Illuminati, and keep the same general menace. Hell, I remember when the truthers thought there was a "Tower of Babel" being built in Israel...

01-09-2012, 12:16 PM
None of those links are videos! You expect us to read?!?

Yes, god forbid! I mean what was the man thinking, expecting some of the posters here to actually read! :eek:

Of course, perhaps he was aware of the negative attitudes towards Youtube videos here in the forums and try in vain to adapt and make amendments......LOL!

Just can't win in this place.....LOL!

David Jamieson
01-09-2012, 12:17 PM
Just can't win in this place.....LOL!

...maybe it's cause you are prospecting for Tin in a wheat field?

01-09-2012, 12:47 PM
Yes, god forbid! I mean what was the man thinking, expecting some of the posters here to actually read! :eek:

Of course, perhaps he was aware of the negative attitudes towards Youtube videos here in the forums and try in vain to adapt and make amendments......LOL!

Just can't win in this place.....LOL!

Was that another one of your "I know you are but what am I" reversals or are you really that obtuse. . .

01-09-2012, 07:01 PM
I have one question, if some nebulous sinister organization bent on world domination has been powerful enough to not only pull the strings on world events but also cover them up for the last century then what the **** is taking them so long? If they can orchestrate worldwide cover ups of their roles in the most significant events of the 20th century, why aren't we all already in labor camps under the boot heels of a global totalitarian police state?

...and if they can orchestrate worldwide coverups, why didn't they hide the fact that there were no wmds in Iraq? I mean, if they're the masterminds ppl claim them to be, they could've just planted them, right?

What about the prisoner abuses? Why let any of that get out? These coverup gurus should've been able to keep that secret...

As for Osama Bin Laden... why involve another country like Pakistan, when it would've been much easier and simpler to just fabricate a fake capture/assassination in Afghanistan? I mean, that's where he was supposed to be, right?


The more I examine the 9/11 Truth movement, the more I begin to see that it's basically a form of crisis capitalism / crisis fraud. It plays on fear, uncertainty and the general public's unwillingness to accept/believe that the US government is not infallible/all powerful. It uses some of the same psychological manipulation techniques that psychics and faith healers use. It also uses distribution and growth tactics developed by Multi-Level-Marketing/Motivational Speakers. The end goal is also similar; to line the pockets of the movement's "leaders" by toying with people's emotions.

An interesting financial aspect is the emphasis on "tax deductible donations" as admission fees and in exchange for materials. I'm no tax expert, but there seems to be something fishy going on... some kind of illicit financial practices?

David Jamieson
01-10-2012, 05:44 AM
This doesn't explain how some kid sitting in his mom's basement in Colombia becomes obsessed with the subject and won't stop typing out one sided diatribes in a content unrelated site.

01-10-2012, 12:15 PM
This doesn't explain how some kid sitting in his mom's basement in Colombia becomes obsessed with the subject and won't stop typing out one sided diatribes in a content unrelated site.
Isn't the content of this thread also unrelated to this site? Isn't that why this area of the site is called "Off Topic"?

The mystery deepens for the "Einsteins" of the Kung fu forum.....LOL!

David Jamieson
01-10-2012, 12:32 PM
Isn't the content of this thread also unrelated to this site? Isn't that why this area of the site is called "Off Topic"?

The mystery deepens for the "Einsteins" of the Kung fu forum.....LOL!

see what I mean?

Passive aggressive attacks that are somewhat lame and indicative of extremely low self esteem.

Constant demands to be heard to be listened to and to be validated even in the face of everyone rejecting him outright, he still makes demands.

what an odd little man.

01-10-2012, 01:36 PM
see what I mean?

Passive aggressive attacks that are somewhat lame and indicative of extremely low self esteem.

Constant demands to be heard to be listened to and to be validated even in the face of everyone rejecting him outright, he still makes demands.

what an odd little man.
Sorry to come across as "passive aggressive" (which you also do come across as), but I was just reacting to your paradoxical comment.

Again, isn't the Off Topíc section of any website, just that, OFF TOPIC?

David Jamieson
01-10-2012, 01:57 PM
Dude. Passive aggressive I am not.

I am directly calling you an ignorant malcontent.

There is nothing passive about it. It's pretty direct. It has to be, you are stupid as a post and go on and on and on with your stupid crap regardless of how many times you are corrected.

I'm pretty direct with people I regard as dishonest and malignant.

You are a masochist. You enjoy being insulted.

Off the topic doesn't mean your driveling nonsense about cabals and other crap.
But, as you are clearly not right in the head, you just keep going til we ban you for some reason or another again.

I think it's probably something you desire so you can tell your cat how much trouble you've gotten into for spreading your "truth"

Now, don't forget to write that diatribe to Gene complaining about me again. Make sure you swear up and down that you have done nothing wrong etc etc.

meh. :rolleyes:

01-10-2012, 07:04 PM
Dude. Passive aggressive I am not.
I was being polite.....;)

I am directly calling you an ignorant malcontent.
Right back at ya!

PS. It is easy to "directly" insult people who are sitting half a world away from you. Kids can do that! ;)

There is nothing passive about it. It's pretty direct. It has to be, you are stupid as a post and go on and on and on with your stupid crap
Right back at ya!

regardless of how many times you are corrected.
Well that is the thing you see, no one here has corrected me besides throwing empty and intellectually ignorant comments at me, as I am still waiting for:

examples of skyscrapers collapsing into their own footprints at free fall speed from fires on their top floors; I am still waiting to see how it was possible that two aircraft impacts, not only brought two buildings into their footprints, but also a THIRD one! LOL!; In this world that is apparently full of Islamic suicidal terrorists, I am still waiting for examples of such fanatics who also happen to be lap dancing fans and heavy alcohol drinkers, brought up in a Westernized manner!

I am also waiting to hear explanations of how governments that are dominated by Freemasonery that is the "biggest charity organization on earth" and "men who believe in god" (:rolleyes:), can throughout the history be behind so much mass murder, looting and pillaging?
Care to explain?

I'm pretty direct with people I regard as dishonest and malignant.
the problem with "direct" people such as yourself is that you can't handle the direct responses to your "directness"! ;)

You are a masochist. You enjoy being insulted.
From an early age I was told to ignore ignorant insults....."the dogs bark, but the caravan will continue its journey".......

Off the topic doesn't mean your driveling nonsense about cabals and other crap.
Off the topic means OFF TOPIC. As long as forum rules are not broken, then one can discuss pretty much anything.

But, as you are clearly not right in the head, you just keep going til we ban you for some reason or another again.
I would say that your current behavior of you "directly" insulting me, which I believe is against forum rules, seems to make you calling for my banning, rather hypocritical.

You can't just insult people just because the subject matter of a thread they started is not to your liking, or goes beyond your political knowledge.

Your "power mad" behavior on your part hasn' t gone unnoticed by other posters such as Scott Brown either.

I think it's probably something you desire so you can tell your cat how much trouble you've gotten into for spreading your "truth"
CATS again! Gene, for once and for all, are there cats posting in this forum?:mad::p

DJ, I do not have a cat, but my life is blessed by many pu$$ies! I believe that you should follow my example and enjoy life. That way you will have less hate in you, and hence have less need to act "macho"! :)

Now, don't forget to write that diatribe to Gene complaining about me again. Make sure you swear up and down that you have done nothing wrong etc etc.

meh. :rolleyes:

Of course, I have done nothing wrong. I am on an internet forum - a good one for most parts - and like any internet forum I post my opinions on various subjects, that include world politics. Am I doing something wrong, just because you disagree with my political position, or can't comprehend it? LOL!

By the way, in the past I have thought about writing to Gene about you. I believe that you bring personal issues into your moderating, as well as your general posting.

However, for the life of me I can't actually remember if I did. You can ask him yourself and get back to us about this, but whatever the case, I am sure that there were plenty of others who complained about you, based on what was put on the public boards.

David Jamieson
01-10-2012, 07:10 PM
lol :rolleyes:

01-10-2012, 07:18 PM
I also read once that people are more comfortable believing that everything is secretly being handled by covert operations than believing that we really AREN'T in control, and yes, some of those covert organizations totally dropped the ball.

People forget that the CIA and whatnot is ran by the same fallible humans... the same folks who also accidentally pour their cereal into their coffee in the morning because they are half awake. And the same folks who miss what, in hindsight, were clear warning signs.

For a lot of people, the thought of superhuman covert operatives is easier to deal with.

I have never fukced up my morning cereal. To do so in my household would have ended up in homicide.

That's sort of the same argument I use against creationists. It is infinately more comfy to believe that you are and/or will be in the hands of some great power that loves you. Please. lol. You a christian Drake?

01-10-2012, 07:21 PM
This doesn't explain how some kid sitting in his mom's basement in Colombia becomes obsessed with the subject and won't stop typing out one sided diatribes in a content unrelated site.

I think it's worse than that David. I think he may actually be a middle aged single male. If he was some kid in mommys basement I would probably have a bit of sympathy for him.

David Jamieson
01-10-2012, 07:22 PM

lol :p

01-10-2012, 07:24 PM
Because they keep adapting it to current events. This **** was supposed to happen in the 1980s, then it adapted to the 1990's, now it's adapting to today's current events. There will never be an actual "takeover". It's just applying current events to a template. It's easy. Just exchange current events for past ones, add Illuminati, and keep the same general menace. Hell, I remember when the truthers thought there was a "Tower of Babel" being built in Israel...

Well, you have to at least entertain the idea that it's possible that there will be a takeover otherwise you leave yourselves open to just that. No? To ignore it as outright fantasy would be the height of ignorance since you don't really know one way or the other. All we really have, at best, are educated guesses.

01-10-2012, 07:25 PM
...maybe it's cause you are prospecting for Tin in a wheat field?

Booyaakkaaa!!!! What the blooooodclot!

01-10-2012, 07:27 PM
Was that another one of your "I know you are but what am I" reversals or are you really that obtuse. . .

Funny.... Obtuse is the exact word I used for him as well.

01-10-2012, 07:28 PM
Yes, god forbid! I mean what was the man thinking, expecting some of the posters here to actually read! :eek:

Of course, perhaps he was aware of the negative attitudes towards Youtube videos here in the forums and try in vain to adapt and make amendments......LOL!

Just can't win in this place.....LOL!

Word. So **** off then.

Sorry Dave. I'll stop now.

01-10-2012, 07:38 PM
Hey, Just because HWs world view is laughable does NOT mean that there are no conspiracies and well off types trying to hold others down in order to maintain what they believe is their god given right to have. To ignore this truth would be sheer folly.

In order to truly be free, one must be able to think outside of the guidelines set forth for them by a system that was never actually designed to push people up the hierarchal ladder. Infact the only way to truly take full advantage of the American system one must abandon its precepts.
Reminds me of Doublethink like in Nineteen Eighty Four. All that truth and liberty for all crap needs to go right out the window. The constitution must be viewed as a revered item that will constantly be ignored and manipulated yet still spoken of as if it is infallible and unchangable. Except when they change it, of course. :rolleyes:

01-10-2012, 07:39 PM
see what I mean?

Passive aggressive attacks that are somewhat lame and indicative of extremely low self esteem.

Constant demands to be heard to be listened to and to be validated even in the face of everyone rejecting him outright, he still makes demands.

what an odd little man.

Kid has a massive inferiority complex going on, that's for sure.

01-10-2012, 07:43 PM
PS. It is easy to "directly" insult people who are sitting half a world away from you. Kids can do that! ;)

So what? You saying that you would beat him up if it were face to face? You're a toughguy too, ay? One more checkmark on the massive insecurity side of the checklist.

01-10-2012, 08:04 PM
So what? You saying that you would beat him up if it were face to face? You're a toughguy too, ay? One more checkmark on the massive insecurity side of the checklist.

I am not a violent man, but if I am going to be direct with anyone, in such a way that DJ flaunts his "directness", then I would prefer him to be standing infront of me, otherwise, one is not really "direct". If you think that this policy is a sign of insecurity then good luck to you....LOL!

You know, you and DJ can have a "who is better at wrong guessing on the internet" contest....LOL!

David Jamieson
01-10-2012, 08:07 PM

01-10-2012, 08:17 PM
The DIRECT truth seems to frustrate some people!

No direct answers to my questions, eh, DJ?

01-10-2012, 08:50 PM


01-10-2012, 08:57 PM
You a christian Drake?

Is this a trick question?

01-10-2012, 09:43 PM
I think it's worse than that David. I think he may actually be a middle aged single male. If he was some kid in mommys basement I would probably have a bit of sympathy for him.

LOL, David see this, Syn7 is catching up with your wrong guessing, and if you don't start making clueless comments about my character, he will beat you in this wrong guessing match! LOL!

Syn7. I am a happily married man! :D

By the way, are you Canadian, like David Jamieson? :p


01-10-2012, 09:49 PM
Is this a trick question?

I believe that Syn7 wants to know wether you talk to god, just like G.W. Bush....:rolleyes: LOL!

David Jamieson
01-11-2012, 07:08 AM
I believe that Syn7 wants to know wether you talk to god, just like G.W. Bush....:rolleyes: LOL!

Dude, just calm yourself down.

a) nobody really gives a crap about your "theories"

b) You are surly and bring out the worst in people here.

c) You post content that is irrelevant to the overall site and it's search rankings and therefore pollute that in the same way 1bad was doing it with political crap to garner more hits in search engines.

d) with point C, understand that KFM isn't here to generate content for other causes outside of itself and it's interests.

e) kfm forums are not a democracy, it's a monarchy and the interests of the parent company will prevail over any rant you want to place here.

Don't take any of that as an insult. Just understand it.

Bottom line is this. This is a site about Kung Fu. Yes, this is an off topic section but let me tell you something, you and your ilk are polluting the data for this site by constantly cross posting tin foil hat stuff which is irrelevant.

This in turn hurts this site in search rankings because it becomes disassociated through this bad content comparison.

Keep posting vast amounts of political stuff and conspiracy stuff and I'll have you banned permanently. You might think that unfair, but that's how it is.

If you don't want to comply I can see that this is done within the next 24 hours for sure.

Stop posting the tin foil hat stuff and the political nonsense as it is compromising data as we move forward.

That is all.

01-11-2012, 07:44 AM
I wrote a one liner to Drake and you come out with a long monologue asking me to calm myself down? LOL!

May I remind you that this political thread was not started by me!!!! :rolleyes:

Dude, just calm yourself down.

a) nobody really gives a crap about your "theories"

b) You are surly and bring out the worst in people here.

c) You post content that is irrelevant to the overall site and it's search rankings and therefore pollute that in the same way 1bad was doing it with political crap to garner more hits in search engines.

d) with point C, understand that KFM isn't here to generate content for other causes outside of itself and it's interests.

e) kfm forums are not a democracy, it's a monarchy and the interests of the parent company will prevail over any rant you want to place here.

Don't take any of that as an insult. Just understand it.

Bottom line is this. This is a site about Kung Fu. Yes, this is an off topic section but let me tell you something, you and your ilk are polluting the data for this site by constantly cross posting tin foil hat stuff which is irrelevant.

This in turn hurts this site in search rankings because it becomes disassociated through this bad content comparison.

Keep posting vast amounts of political stuff and conspiracy stuff and I'll have you banned permanently. You might think that unfair, but that's how it is.

If you don't want to comply I can see that this is done within the next 24 hours for sure.

Stop posting the tin foil hat stuff and the political nonsense as it is compromising data as we move forward.

That is all.

Anyway, I wish you had explained the site's position before. I wonder why Gene, or at least the moderators in charge of the Off Topic secton never mentioned what you are stating?

I mean is there a secret quota on how many posts one can make about a given subject matter in the Off Topic section??:confused:

I guess I will just have to post relevant stuff, like pictures of scantly dressed babes? LOL! :rolleyes:

Anyway, can you please explain what you mean by the following statement:

c) You post content that is irrelevant to the overall site and it's search rankings and therefore pollute that in the same way 1bad was doing it with political crap to garner more hits in search engines.

What was 1bad doing??:confused:

David Jamieson
01-11-2012, 08:21 AM
I wrote a one liner to Drake and you come out with a long monologue asking me to calm myself down? LOL!

May I remind you that this political thread was not started by me!!!! :rolleyes:

Anyway, I wish you had explained the site's position before. I wonder why Gene, or at least the moderators in charge of the Off Topic secton never mentioned what you are stating?

I mean is there a secret quota on how many posts one can make about a given subject matter in the Off Topic section??:confused:

I guess I will just have to post relevant stuff, like pictures of scantly dressed babes? LOL! :rolleyes:

Anyway, can you please explain what you mean by the following statement:

What was 1bad doing??:confused:

1. No one is obligated to explain anything to you.
2.1 bad was polluting the site with politically agendized content to get wide spread hits in searches.
3.you are doing the same thing as 1bad, whether intentional or not.

01-11-2012, 08:34 AM
I guess HW hasn't figured out that I've had him on ignore for weeks now...

01-11-2012, 09:08 AM

01-11-2012, 09:57 AM
1. No one is obligated to explain anything to you.
2.1 bad was polluting the site with politically agendized content to get wide spread hits in searches.
3.you are doing the same thing as 1bad, whether intentional or not.


"Although the administrators and moderators of Kung Fu Magazine Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Kung Fu Magazine Forums, nor vBulletin Solutions, Inc. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
The owners of Kung Fu Magazine Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason"

I posted the rules as a reference to your recent posts directed at me!

01-11-2012, 09:59 AM
I guess HW hasn't figured out that I've had him on ignore for weeks now...


This is how it has works. I post a thread. Then you come in and badmouth the contents of the thread time and again,. That is, you are the first one to always engage and provoke an argument regarding general threads or posts made by me. Then when you don't like the counterpoints made to your argument, you "put me on ignore"....LOL!

One couldn't invent this stuff.....LOL!

David Jamieson
01-11-2012, 11:25 AM

"Although the administrators and moderators of Kung Fu Magazine Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Kung Fu Magazine Forums, nor vBulletin Solutions, Inc. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
The owners of Kung Fu Magazine Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason"

I posted the rules as a reference to your recent posts directed at me!

and in 3...2...1

don't let the door hit you on the ass now.

01-11-2012, 11:49 AM
This doesn't explain how some kid sitting in his mom's basement in Colombia becomes obsessed with the subject and won't stop typing out one sided diatribes in a content unrelated site.

It's either the result of

1. Boomeritis + OCD + low IQ
2. Cocaine
3. Meth
4. All of the above

It's amazing how much this guy reminds me of Charlie Zelenoff.

01-11-2012, 01:00 PM
and in 3...2...1

don't let the door hit you on the ass now.


01-11-2012, 05:33 PM
I am not a violent man, but if I am going to be direct with anyone, in such a way that DJ flaunts his "directness", then I would prefer him to be standing infront of me, otherwise, one is not really "direct". If you think that this policy is a sign of insecurity then good luck to you....LOL!

You know, you and DJ can have a "who is better at wrong guessing on the internet" contest....LOL!

Why do you care? You will never meet this guy. Never.

01-11-2012, 05:35 PM
Is this a trick question?

Curious. Indulge me.

I'm a non practicing Baptised Catholic. lol Some call it a free pass. I call it flicking water at babies.

Call me whatever you want, But I'm agnostic, honestly.

01-11-2012, 05:37 PM
LOL, David see this, Syn7 is catching up with your wrong guessing, and if you don't start making clueless comments about my character, he will beat you in this wrong guessing match! LOL!

Syn7. I am a happily married man! :D

By the way, are you Canadian, like David Jamieson? :p


Then why are you always going on about Columbian "hotties"?

You made reference to my country a few days ago. So what, you saying you didn't know what you were talking about then?
Did you assume I was American? What's your name HW? First name.

Why not ask David. All canadians know eachother.

Yes I am, but not like David Jamieson. It's a whole diffferent country over here. All we have in common is a federal government. Well, and we carry his province;):p

01-11-2012, 05:40 PM
I believe that Syn7 wants to know wether you talk to god, just like G.W. Bush....:rolleyes: LOL!

No, Believe it or not, I just wanna know if he's a creationist.

01-11-2012, 05:44 PM
and in 3...2...1

don't let the door hit you on the ass now.

You really did it Huh. Permanent? His home IP? Yesplease!