View Full Version : Definitions

02-02-2012, 03:26 AM
Hi there,

Some of you are probably aware from a previous post that I've not been training VT for too long (since last August to put a specific timeframe on things)...

Anyway, I have a grading coming up and have been give the list of things to be working on... but was wondering if someone could clarify a couple of the technique / drill names used.

The first is 'Lok Sau'... we looked at at something resembling what we need to do in class last night and did the moves in the 'Lap Sau' drill... Is Lok Sau a different name / interpretation of Lap Sau?

Secondly, we have to do '10 mins of Gor Sau'... What the hell is this??? I've seen the term knocking around on the inter-web but haven't managed to get a satisfactory definition of it as yet.

