View Full Version : EAS supplements?

07-30-2001, 05:28 PM
Are these any good? I've heard alot of pro athletes use them. Any experiences good/bad with EAS nutritional products?

Thanks in advance.


Chum Kil
07-30-2001, 05:52 PM
EAS makes some good supplements, but for the money you could do better. Try AST or Cytodyne Technologies. Before Bill Phillips created EAS, AST was one of his recommeded companies.


Have little and gain;
Have much and be confused.

07-30-2001, 06:49 PM
Depends on what you are looking for. When it comes to things like protein powder it's all pretty much the same. If you mean meal replacements EAS is pretty good although a bit pricey. Overall EAS is a pretty reputable company to buy supplements off of though.

07-31-2001, 07:58 AM
Try biotest . The guys who own this company/on line e zine use to work for bill phillips and they sale great supplements.
www.t-mag.com (http://www.t-mag.com)

07-31-2001, 08:41 AM
Woo hoo! another Biotest fan. hehehe
Better not tell Ironfist, or it'll bring the wrath down on both of us.

I use t-mag a lot too.

08-02-2001, 09:02 PM
what i like about EAS is the taste. But yeah it's pretty **** expensive. If you can show me a protein supplement that's inexpensive (and works of course) and has a great taste just like EAS has i'm all for it.

I've found many supplements to have GRUESOME tastes.

Free thinkers are dangerous!

08-03-2001, 12:28 AM
i once tried to eat protein bars with the promising flavour of 'peanut brittle'

im not joking when i say they tasted like cardboard dipped in paint stripper.

never again.

08-03-2001, 12:41 AM
I ate a MetRX bar that tasted like it was recycled
through a farm animal before they packaged it up!


08-03-2001, 06:16 AM
yeah, i think that homemade protein shakes are the way to go. more effort, but better taste.

i tried one of those vanilla whey extract things......

its one of those weird things that u drink, and tastes good. so you keep drinking. then half way through u start feeling sink, and the thought of drinking it makes u nauseous.

or is that just me