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02-21-2012, 07:10 AM
There's a guy who rides his bike around the neighborhood my school is in. He wears a complete Army Ranger uniform he must have gotten from a surplus store, complete with a beret. He also duct-tapes the ankles of his pants to keep them from getting caught in the bike chain. He stops in at least once a month to watch class for about 5 minutes, then takes off. I call him Captain and he seems to like that.

One side of my school is all open windows. In the summer, a lot of guys train with no shirts. There's a creepy guy who lives in the apts behind us. He used to stop and rub his nipples while watching people work out, but I asked him to leave, so now he just walks past about 20 times a night and sort of nonchalantly gets an eyefull.

There is a gymnastics studio in the next building. One of the moms (fat) always parks in front of my school while her kids are in gymnastics and pretends not to watch us for an hour.

02-21-2012, 07:25 AM
Don't hate man, fat chicks need someone to drool over too!!!:p

In all seriousness, there are some bat sh**it crazy a**ss sick mofos in this world. Just make sure none of these "idiots" are dangerous or pose a threat to anyone in your school.

02-21-2012, 07:56 AM
I told you that I have to rub my nipples! It's a medical condition!

02-21-2012, 10:09 AM
As I've mentioned before, I do some work in psychiatric emergency response. There are several fellow responders that we refer to as 'psych magnets'. They just seem to attract weird.

Maybe you're a psych magnet, MK. That would explain a lot of things.


Dale Dugas
02-21-2012, 10:15 AM
Been there and done that as an EMT here in MA as well as being the same thing as a Bouncer.

Have met some characters over the years.

02-21-2012, 10:21 AM
Have met some characters over the years. Dale, Bro, most people say that about YOU. ;)

02-21-2012, 10:34 AM
Takes all types to make the world go round.

Dale Dugas
02-21-2012, 10:39 AM
Dale, Bro, most people say that about YOU. ;)

Im fun at parties.

Until my legs go numb......

02-21-2012, 11:12 AM
I call him Captain and he seems to like that.

That made me laugh for some reason.

Reminds me of how in Big Bang Theory they call that one guy at the comic store "Captain sweat pants." http://smiliesftw.com/x/laugh.gif (http://smiliesftw.com)

02-23-2012, 11:08 AM
I have a new one....

Old Judo Guy who comes in every couple of weeks to talk shop, but never works out.

02-23-2012, 11:34 AM
I have a new one....

Old Judo Guy who comes in every couple of weeks to talk shop, but never works out.

Hey - leave my dad out of this!

Yao Sing
02-23-2012, 11:56 AM
Invite him in and have an advanced student beat the crap out of him, video tape the fight plus dragging the body out the back door ...

Oh wait, someone did that already. :o

02-23-2012, 12:17 PM
I think Martial Arts are a "psych magnet" in general, and Kung-Fu especially.
They like the weapons, fancy uniforms, mysterious animal forms, chi-gung,"sparklies," etc. It seems to attract not only "artistic types," but Trekkies, Ren Fairies,and Larpers.

02-23-2012, 12:22 PM
MK, I'll go you one better;
This guy has been coming into my school every few years since I opened (1985-6)
Fat black dude...about 6' 300 lbs or so..kinda slovenly.
Anyway, he claims to have studied "Sha-lin Kong Foo from a monk," can't pronounce his name (he sez) mind you, this is way before guys like Shi Yan Ming et al, came to the US.
Another year he comes in and says he learned Ninjitsu from Frank Dux.
All the time he never realizes that I recognize him, and see through his bullsh1t stories.
He always asks me what rank he'd be in my school. I always tell him, white belt.

David Jamieson
02-23-2012, 12:28 PM
Takes all kinds.

You could have capitalized on the nipple rubber though.
As in, you could charge him for the peep show! :p

Kung Fu God
02-23-2012, 12:33 PM
Invite him in and have an advanced student beat the crap out of him, video tape the fight plus dragging the body out the back door ...

Oh wait, someone did that already. :o

What teacher had a student beat a visitor? That sounds criminal. Any lawsuits?

David Jamieson
02-23-2012, 12:36 PM
What teacher had a student beat a visitor? That sounds criminal. Any lawsuits?

Some hillbilly krotty dude had one of his BB's beat the living snot out of a mentally challenged homeless dude. There was a whole circle of pathetic going on. really, not the best example of humanity from any of the people involved and best left in the wtf files.

02-23-2012, 12:54 PM
I get all the ones that have no monehs. Atleast once a week I have a someone (both men and women) come into my school and ask about classes. I ask them what's their work schedule like, do they need morning or evening classes etc. First thing that comes out of their mouth is:

I am unemployed

I ask: How you going to pay for classes?

Don't worry I got monehs

But they never join....

Next wierdo is the type that states they will be my best Hung Gar student ever! A guy named Booby Youngblood either calls or comes up to the school and talks crap about how is going to train like Gordon Liu in 36 Chambers and will be the next Wong Fie Hung etc. This started back in 1997. He still calls or comes around every once in a while and even has paid for some lessons (but never showed for his classes).

over the years I have come across amny different wierdos at my Kwoon.


David Jamieson
02-23-2012, 12:56 PM
Truth is any organized and public effort will attract the foam from around the edges.
Keep your hose and broom handy. :)

02-23-2012, 02:46 PM
Some hillbilly krotty dude had one of his BB's beat the living snot out of a mentally challenged homeless dude. There was a whole circle of pathetic going on. really, not the best example of humanity from any of the people involved and best left in the wtf files.

They didn't just beat the living snot out of him, they killed him. The advanced student stomped on his head until it broke, basically. Then they dragged him to a dumpster out back.

I don't believe anybody was convicted, even though there's video of the incident freely available on the web (including the murder). I seem to remember the guy in charge of the studio was a former marine that was tight with local law enforcement.

I could be wrong. It's fuzzy. Guy's name is Bobby Jo Blythe. I don't really want to Google-research further, it's not a story that brings a smile to my face.

David Jamieson
02-23-2012, 03:02 PM
They didn't just beat the living snot out of him, they killed him. The advanced student stomped on his head until it broke, basically. Then they dragged him to a dumpster out back.

I don't believe anybody was convicted, even though there's video of the incident freely available on the web (including the murder). I seem to remember the guy in charge of the studio was a former marine that was tight with local law enforcement.

I could be wrong. It's fuzzy. Guy's name is Bobby Jo Blythe. I don't really want to Google-research further, it's not a story that brings a smile to my face.

Follow up is that there is no evidence that the guy was murdered. When the video showed up a few years back, everybody started filling in the blanks like crazy. Dude is still alive according to the cops and he didn't really talk about the krotty dude or any of it to them.

He was snoring from getting knocked out.

In my opinion, everyone in that room, including the guy who got beaten to a pulp were a pack of idiots and demonstrative of everything martial arts clubs should never be. Including the homeless guy who was an idiot as well. Plenty of idiots doing idiot things.

Not worth getting flustered about. I'm surprised by how quickly people will shout Murder with zero evidence to even be able to make that statement.
NOt to mention, the homeless idiot was accuse of child molestation as well which was the pretense for the hillbilly to sick his dog on him.
come on man, we have internet. A little effort and you can know what happened with an hour or so of good searching. I mean, if it really interested you. :)

02-23-2012, 03:15 PM
In my case, it was because every story I read at the time said "murder", and the video showed what looked to me to be a pool of blood forming around the guy's head. I admit, I didn't to heavy research into it, because it was a pretty disgusting example of, as you put it, idiots.

Though I tend not to refer to the mentally challenged as idiots. I know, it's a silly quirk of mine. I had never heard of the child molestation at all, though.

As his been kindly pointed out, I'm terribly lazy at Googling. Terribly, terribly lazy. Could you link the articles that debunk the murder? And the child molestation? Would at least make me feel a little less sorry for the mentally challenged homeless guy. Poor idiot.

02-23-2012, 03:23 PM
Oo, oo, oo, I found a Bullshido thread on it. I'm not sifting through 181 pages, but I can't find anything really definitive one way or the other after a cursory glance. Seems to be a bunch of murk. There does seem to be a bit of shady insights on the police investigation.

Scott R. Brown
02-23-2012, 04:08 PM
Takes all types to make the world go round.

Uhh...get with the program MAN. The world is FLAT!!!!! Everyone KNOWS that!!!

Didn't you go to school?

This has been known for something like 500 years or so!!!


02-23-2012, 04:19 PM
I keep an X file of all the weird mail we get - manifestos, rants, etc. I'm sure I've mentioned it here before. Qigong psychosis is very real, and you don't even need to do any qigong.

Oo, oo, oo, I found a Bullshido thread on it. I'm not sifting through 181 pages, but I can't find anything really definitive one way or the other after a cursory glance. Seems to be a bunch of murk. There does seem to be a bit of shady insights on the police investigation. I think there's a thread on that here somewhere too, but I can't think of how to tease it out of the search engines. What was his name exactly?

02-23-2012, 05:11 PM
I keep an X file of all the weird mail we get - manifestos, rants, etc. I'm sure I've mentioned it here before. Qigong psychosis is very real, and you don't even need to do any qigong.

I have to admit, I think perusing that file would be immensely entertaining. I remember when I was trying to promote the Fremont school when it was first starting, passing out fliers, some dude approached me and, in all seriousness, asked about the flying (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon had been released fairly recently). :eek:

I think there's a thread on that here somewhere too, but I can't think of how to tease it out of the search engines. What was his name exactly?

Bobby Jo Blythe is the name I got for the guy in charge of the school (his student fought at his behest). I didn't turn up anything on this forum's search with that name though.

Speaking of which, I can't figure out what to type for the **** random question that asks what magazine is associated! I've tried so many variations of KFM. I have to wait until I get the one that asks for sponsor's name everytime I want to search. :o

02-23-2012, 05:12 PM
I think there's a thread on that here somewhere too, but I can't think of how to tease it out of the search engines. What was his name exactly?

I do this to save Gene the time.


02-23-2012, 05:17 PM
You da man. You gotz the zombie ninja web fu.

02-23-2012, 05:19 PM

I've learned from the best. The rotting flesh itches though...

02-23-2012, 05:27 PM
It is good to know that you do it to save Gene time. I'll check out that thread. :p

Thanks for linking that. I learned a lot about a few :rolleyes:

02-23-2012, 05:52 PM
It is good to know that you do it to save Gene time. I'll check out that thread. :p

Thanks for linking that. I learned a lot about a few :rolleyes:

you bet. i know there was an initial thread, but i could not locate it. it may have been deleted by the original poster.

02-23-2012, 06:00 PM
It is good to know that you do it to save Gene time. It's a team effort around here. The KFM forum is a community and we all work together to keep it lively. If it was all just about me, it would be a blog.

02-23-2012, 06:24 PM
It's a team effort around here. The KFM forum is a community and we all work together to keep it lively. If it was all just about me, it would be a blog.

I gathered that from my lurking. Honestly, the main reason I rarely post is because anything I would say on a given topic usually gets said by forum regulars.

I never got the impression it was all about you, unless what was being discussed was a) nachos b) ninjettes or c) nacho ninjettes. :p

Can't touch those....those nacho ninjettes.

02-23-2012, 07:43 PM
I think Martial Arts are a "psych magnet" in general, and Kung-Fu especially.
They like the weapons, fancy uniforms, mysterious animal forms, chi-gung,"sparklies," etc. It seems to attract not only "artistic types," but Trekkies, Ren Fairies,and Larpers.

kung fu attracts weird people like sh1t attracts flies.

can you blame the flies?

02-23-2012, 07:58 PM
whose fault is it?

if a man puts mayonaise on his balls and makes a dog lick it, who is weird? the man or the dog?

the dog cant help being a dog. crazy people cant help being crazy. but you are the man that puts mayonaise on his balls.

the way you guys teach it, the way you present it and advertise it, it makes the weird come to you.

There is some truth to what bawang says, however it is not us teachers to blame. Mostly it is the media who portrays us as mystical and chi blasting kung fu wizards and such.


02-23-2012, 08:01 PM
no. it is the very nature of your kung fu styles that attracts weird people. you are directly at blame for this.

you guys carry the legacy of bitterness, deception, greed, and madness.

Yao Sing
02-23-2012, 08:05 PM
Except I know the secret longevity set. :p

02-23-2012, 08:07 PM
The rotting flesh itches though...

That's what untreated syphilis will do. You should get that sh*t checked out.

02-24-2012, 06:08 AM
You guys are correct in saying that TCMA attracts all kinds of weird. It used to bother me - nowadays though I find the radicalized chi hippies to be some of the most fun people to hang with at the post seminar/tourney parties. What I'm saying that it's ok to embrace the weird. Get over yourselves. :)

David Jamieson
02-24-2012, 06:22 AM
no. it is the very nature of your kung fu styles that attracts weird people. you are directly at blame for this.

you guys carry the legacy of bitterness, deception, greed, and madness.

lol, judgmental much?

You haven't even met these people!

Esoterica is what attracts strange people.

Kung Fu can fall into the category of esoterica for sure. Especially regarding all the extra inclusions to it that pretty much any guy who was taught in the old school way will have learned.

That mystical edge attracts the weird.

I agree with Mighty B though. Embrace the weird! There's a lot more interesting stuff there! the mundane? meh. Too mundane. lol

Scott R. Brown
02-24-2012, 08:50 AM
You guys are correct in saying that TCMA attracts all kinds of weird. It used to bother me - nowadays though I find the radicalized chi hippies to be some of the most fun people to hang with at the post seminar/tourney parties. What I'm saying that it's ok to embrace the weird. Get over yourselves. :)

Yeah, Just accept that you and your students are attractive to some kinds of men and get with the nipple pinching program.

Next time Nipple Guy pops by, invite him in and have a nipple pinching circle!!

Get over yourselves!!!!!:mad:

02-24-2012, 09:21 AM
and yet, Jook Lum SPM, one of the most esoteric, weird systems I have ever encountered has (at least in my group-excluding myself, of course)some of the most non-weird people I know. You would think that, of all systems would attract all sorts of strange.

02-24-2012, 09:31 AM
and yet, Jook Lum SPM, one of the most esoteric, weird systems I have ever encountered has (at least in my group-excluding myself, of course)some of the most non-weird people I know. You would think that, of all systems would attract all sorts of strange.

I think you get more weirdos the more popular a style, looking at TKD.

02-24-2012, 09:43 AM
ive met some pretty weird people in various arts, its not kungfu, its martial arts in general.

02-24-2012, 10:25 AM
The weirdest people I ever met while training in MA were way back in the '70s, when I was training Kenpo. There were a number of weird people who drifted in and out and hung on the periphery in those days. It was a combination of the times, the school's location, and the attraction of MA.

I haven't met as many weird people in my years training CMA, but I have met some. Many MA in general, and not necessarily kung fu in particular, tend to attract oddballs every now and then.

02-24-2012, 10:30 AM
I think people are just weird.


Yao Sing
02-24-2012, 10:38 AM
The weirdest people I ever met while training in MA were way back in the '70s, when I was training Kenpo.

I think that was just the 70's. Everyone was weird back then, especially in Kenpo circles. :)

02-24-2012, 11:01 AM
Yup. :)

The school was in a beach area, which at the time had a number of druggies/dealers, bikers, hippie-types, and some plain crazies.

02-24-2012, 01:50 PM
I think people are just weird.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN-xq7t6pKw WTF wenshu? :rolleyes:

02-24-2012, 06:09 PM

02-25-2012, 06:34 AM
At my old school(been about 4 or 5 years back) we had regular weirdos come in too.

We had one of these weirdos actually challenge my instructor. My instructor(Marc McFann) is very seasoned. He's an instructor under(Directly, not through their instructors) Ajarn Chai, Dan Inosanto, Larry Hartsell, Herman Suwanda, and Pedro Sauer. He's not a guy to be trifled with.

Anyways, guy came in that claimed to know kung fu. Said he learned it in a dream. Challenged Marc to a friendly sparring match. They put gloves on and he let the guy wear headgear. Even gave the guy a mouthpiece.

Guy came out and did repeated lunge punches. Step punch, step punch, etc. Marc just backed up about 10 times until the guy was wore out. Stepped in and planted one cross to his nose. Done.

The guy left and called back the next day asking if he could teach at the school. Said he even had the t-shirts printed off already for his school.

On a less weird note, had another guy come in and challenge Marc once. He refused to wear padding and wanted to include grappling. Marc had just been in a carwreck about 2 weeks prior and had broken some ribs.

The guy shot in on Marc, took him down. Marc turned him over and ended up in the guy's guard. The guy started squeezing, which obviously hurt Marc because of the broken ribs. Marc fish-hooked the guy until he let go. Then submitted him with a leg lock.

Guy got up, said "Not bad." and walked out.

02-25-2012, 11:22 PM
This is why many gyms have windows that are 1 way. I hate having a window but I know many schools do. I find it distracting only one of our schools had a window and now we train privately out of a house. Over the years I have heard stories of odd people coming in to classes but they never stick around. Usually trying to learn the basics bores them and they never come back. I know one of our teachers over heard a guys friend say something about things being to weak or something and he never returned. I would have probably ran the nipple guy off the first time then called the police the next time. We have a few kids in class don't need some pervert standing around outside a class.

02-27-2012, 07:06 AM
We used to have a lady (nice looking one too) that would show up every few months and put her boobs on the windows then run away into the woods. I must say, when they took the woods down to build home's I missed her visits as sporadic as they were, was refreshing. :D