View Full Version : Wrist pain after pushups

07-10-2001, 11:55 PM
About two months ago(or maybe it was one month ago), I sprained my wrist doing Kung Fu. My left wrist to be exact. Now if I do push ups or any other excersie that depends on the wrist in some way, my wrists begin to hurt. My doctor seems to think that my wrists are fine, but the pain sometimes convinces me otherwise. Is there anything I should be wary of or anything I should do? Would some good old dit da jow help my wrist?

Also, I hear sprains take a while to heal completely. Is this true. If so, should I lay off my wrist for a while.

I dont know if this helps, but if you were to grab my left hand and squeeze, there would be shooting pain up the pinky side of my left hand.

07-11-2001, 12:05 AM
Get a second opinion :)

07-11-2001, 07:50 PM
Had a similar problem, my left wrist would hurt while doing push ups or after a palm strike. Xrays proved it was nothing more that soft tissue damage (sprain). I left it for too long before going to the Dr (about 4/5 months). I went to physio for 6 visits and wrist is now fine (I continue to do excercises as recommended, for about 6 months in total). Interesting note, the physio said your bodies cells regenerate over the course of a year, old cells die and new ones take there place (something like that), because I left it too long the healing process was skewed, new cells replaced damaged ones, therefore the wrist would never be the same unless you address the damage caused to the ligaments. Do something with it soon and get another opinion, a physio could help

07-12-2001, 11:21 PM
get someone to pull your hand... having your hand move inthe opposite direction of your arm might relax the wrist and allow anything out of joint to fall~ back into place. You could tale me literal and you or someone other do it, but anexpert or professional would be better. Let the hand and arm slowly settle back towards each other. After suchmovethe hand around in different ways to exercise the wrist barely use it the first few days after this bone setting. Then gradually, a little bit more pressure than the day before. Each day starting with as much pressure as the end of the last day. This might help.

My wrists are so whatever, that I no longer press on things or get up by pushing off with my open hand. Hopefully I wouldn't push off. But if I did, likely it would be with my fists.

We have different quality wrist damage I think. I did walking and standing on my hands and hand springs and round-offs. Mine had more wear and tear relevant to the pressure of my weight, than you moving your arm too fast. Or whatever You did in doing Kung-Fu wher that happened. It doesn't mean that my wrists aren't strong. Merely that I don't get to use them every way in which I thought that I would.~ taking it easy beats permanent loss of your wirsts i might presume.

Very some such,perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.