View Full Version : 2012 1st BC Provincial Chinese Martial Arts Championships BC省武術錦標賽 & 武術隊選拔賽

02-28-2012, 08:09 AM
For the first time ever a TRUE BC Provincials and the first official Team Trial selections for both the BC Chapter of the Canadian National Traditional Wushu (Kung Fu) Team (加拿大全國傳統武術隊) as well as the BC Provincial Junior Wushu Team (BC省青少年武術隊) will be held on April 28 in Vancouver, BC. The BC Provincials & Team Trial Selections is recognized by Wushu Canada, the Canadian National Olympic Committee and the International Wushu Federation.

The BC Team Trial Selections are the mandatory Qualifiers for those wishing to take part in the Canadian National Junior Wushu Team Trials (加拿大全國武術選拔賽) being held this Summer in Toronto. Members of the Canadian National Junior Wushu Team (加拿大全國青少年武術隊) will go onto the 4th World Junior Wushu Championships (第四屆世界青年武術錦標賽) being held this Fall in Macau of this year 2012.

The BC Team Trial Selections are also the mandatory Qualifiers for those wishing to take go as a BC member of official Canadian National Traditional Wushu Team to this year's 5th World Traditional Wushu Championships (第五屆世界傳統武術錦標賽) being held in Huangshan, Anhui, China in November of this year 2012.

The Provincials will be open to everyone, regardless of Wushu Canada membership or not. However all persons wishing to be officially named to either the BC Provincial Junior Wushu Team or the Canadian National Traditional Wushu Team must become members of Wushu Canada.

NOTE - anyone participating in the Team Trials is not required to go onto either Nationals in Toronto or Traditional Worlds in Anhui, China. Everyone is encouraged to participate and can do it for their own experience and development.

If you wish further information you can go the Event website at www.wulinpromotions.com or by emailing wulinpromotions@gmail.com. Please also see our promotional video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_XoFFgcwsk&list=LLuImQnwyN_dHwn3Iiyu78vQ&feature=mh_lolz . Find us also on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/22019049758/

Golden Arms
02-28-2012, 10:00 AM
Fantastic athletes, many of the people at that level. I wish anyone competing the best of luck.

As far as I (nobody important) am concerned, what any contemporary wushu athlete is doing is not martial art, or at least not one that I would have interest in.

02-28-2012, 10:52 AM
Fantastic athletes, many of the people at that level. I wish anyone competing the best of luck.

As far as I (nobody important) am concerned, what any contemporary wushu athlete is doing is not martial art, or at least not one that I would have interest in.

Then why make this post? You need to make a point that you feel modern wushu is not a martial art?

Golden Arms
02-28-2012, 05:17 PM
I suppose because this stuff has done so much to skew CMA away from the functional systems of old. I would like people to understand the distinction between functional martial arts, and dancing. I have met my share of wushu people that thought they can fight with it.

02-28-2012, 07:01 PM
Canadian National Traditional Wushu (Kung Fu) Team (加拿大全國傳統武術隊) ...

What's "traditional Wushu"?

02-29-2012, 02:15 AM
To address a few points here;
Traditional Wushu? As in Traditional Chinese Martial Arts or by it's slang term Kung Fu.

This event essentially contains two Team Trial selections one is for the qualifying of the BC Chapter of the Canadian National Traditional Wushu Team which will go to the 5th World Traditional Wushu Championships.

The other is specifically for the selection of the BC Provincial Junior Wushu Team. This Team is what some of the previous posters may note as Wushu as in Contemporary Wushu or Modern Wushu.

In the view of myself and the organizers this event is both for the Traditional & Modern interpretations of the Chinese Martial Arts. Whatever one's view, we hope all in the Vancouver area will feel welcome to come down and enjoy the event.

Best regards,
Bruce Fontaine - Event Organizer