View Full Version : Dumbells & Wrist Pain

07-18-2001, 07:35 PM
A little over a month ago I went from doing machine bench presses to dumbell presses, and when I first started doing them I had wrist pain in my left hand (opposite side of hand of my thumb right below where that little ball thingy is on your wrist) After a little while the pain in my left wrist went away, but today after doing 1 set on the dumbell press there is pain in the same place but its in my right hand, so i stopped doing any more sets... its this normal, has it happened to anyone else?

Ford Prefect
07-18-2001, 09:35 PM
I've had aches and pains in certain areas before but have worked through them. Maybe coming off the machines has just shocked your stabilizing muscles and connective tissue. I'd give it a few more weeks and if the pain persists, see a doctor.

07-19-2001, 06:26 PM
i have the same problem when i do the bench...anyone have any tips for how to grip the bar better to avoid pain?

To know others is to have knowledge. To know oneself is to be enlightened.

07-19-2001, 08:41 PM
reduce the weight next time and just train on form...going from machine to free weights is a big difference. Using more muscles. Drop the weight if you have pain...if you still have pain next time then rest yourself for longer between workouts of that type.

07-20-2001, 09:47 AM
hehe, a question i know the answer to!

i have a friend that had the same problem - its all in the way you hold the bar, as ElPietro said, concentrate on form. when you hold the bar, it shouldnt be your hand supporting it, your wrist should be straighter,so the weight is going straight down your forearm.

have your thumb on the other side than your fingers.

hopefully u get what i mean.

have fun!