View Full Version : How to avoid hyperextending while training?

07-22-2001, 04:12 PM
Hey. I've been taking Tae Kwon Do and Kung Fu (seperately) for 4 years. I've had a real problem with hyperextensions...in both my knees and my elbows. I have been told that it's easier to get hyperextensions when you're young, and I'm 13 years old, so that could be one of the reasons I've had so many. I've heard that there is a way to train yourself to avoid hyperexstensions. If anyone knows anything about this, please post a response here. Thanks,

07-22-2001, 07:26 PM
Try doing your movements slowly. Focus on the areas you feel like you are hyperextending and try to break the habit. It will take a long time. Also focus on balancing your strength to your flexibilty. Since you are young you may be naturally very flexible. Try to build proper habits now before years from now it begin to hurt your body. If you really commit to breaking the habit it should take you close to 2 months to stop hyperextending.

Good luck!

San Francisco,CA

07-22-2001, 09:05 PM
Elbows are tricky, I can only say make sure your punches are traveling straight out if you want to get a full extension. I recommend pulling your punches back just before you reach your maximum flexion.

As for you kicks, I recommend ELIMINATING the axe kick from your martial arts vocabulary. It is a great kick that works well and is fun to do, but it is the most risky technique I can think of. A good friend of mine damaged his knee almost to the point of severe reconstructive suregery only a few weeks ago using this kick. He's a second degree TKD blackbelt and almost ruined his career.

Make sure to have a slight bend during a hook kick, and for roundhouse kicks lead with the KNEE not the foot. This way you protect your knee and increase your power.

07-22-2001, 11:18 PM
Take it easy!!!
You're a bit to young for weights. You sond like you're getting to flexible. Flexibility does not equal martial prowess! I'd slow down the stretching that you do. Warm up good without fully extending yourself. If you are doing any supplemental stretching at home STOP!
Start takking multi-vitamins and don't tear your body down before it grows.
I had this problem with all the ballistic kicking I was doing in TKD. I wound up tearing my ACL. Please be careful and think long term. Your body will have to suffer years of training!!! Make it last!!!

Ford Prefect
07-23-2001, 02:18 AM
As far as I know, you should never fully extend on any punch or kick done with no resistance. Its a great way to screw up your joints. If you watch boxers shadow box, they never fully extend their arms. This is especially the case when you're young. I'd be weary of any instructor who would have you fully extending at all; nevermind at such a young age.

07-23-2001, 10:43 PM
thanks for all the advice