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View Full Version : Kung Fu Pocong Perawan

04-02-2012, 09:36 AM
While everyone is excited about that other Indonesian flick the Raid (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61840), I just can't resist this. Looks so bad that it might be good. Follow the link to the trailer. I can't remember a trailer with quite so many shots to the jewels. :p

Hopping Ghosts Do (Sort Of) Kung Fu. (http://twitchfilm.com/news/2012/04/hopping-ghosts-do-sort-of-kung-fu.php)
by Todd Brown, April 1, 2012 9:00 PM

Here's an oddity from the "Only In Indonesia" file. But first, a bit of an explanation.

For those who may be unfamiliar, a pocong is a type of ghost particular to South East Asia, particularly common in the legends and folk tales of Indonesia and Malaysia. The pocong takes on the form of a dead corpse draped head to toe in funeral wraps and bound at several points down the body, a fact that means they can only really move by hopping. Despite being - at least to Western eyes - the single least threatening type of ghost in the history of ghosts due to the aforementioned hopping and the fact its hands are bound so it couldn't really do anything to you even if one somehow managed to catch you, the pocong is an overwhelmingly common feature in horror films from the region. So common that it feels there is a new pocong film hitting screens in Indonesia at least once a month in most years.

This, of course, raises the inevitable question of how you keep the pocong fresh for audiences. And here's one possible solution: Have them do kung fu. Yes, hopping ghost kung fu. Not surprisingly, they do it very badly.

Upcoming Indonesian action-horror-comedy Kung Fu Pocong Perawan has a little something for everybody, provided that everybody likes incredibly broad slapstick humor, transvestites, bad kung fu, and - yes - the good ol' pocong. Check out a baffling trailer below.