View Full Version : Die Shaolin-Mönche“ by Sabine Kress (photography) and Felix Kurz

04-15-2012, 05:56 AM

A new book about Shaolin monks has been published in Germany:
„Die Shaolin-Mönche“ by Sabine Kress (photography) and Felix Kurz (text)
2012, Edition Braus, ISBN 9783862280322
or at „amazone“: http://www.amazon.de/Die-Shaolin-M%C3%B6nche-Shi-Yongxin/dp/3862280322

In the style of some Chinese forerunners (which unfortunately have never been translated) the book is introducing 13 monks of Shaolin-temple to the reader, each in a separate chapter. In addition there is one chapter about Shaolin wuseng and one about monastery-life in general, the foreword is written by the abbott Shi Yongxin. So the book is giving an insight into Shaolin-monks’ life as well as an overview over the manifoldness of monks’ life in the temple. To avoid disinformation and misunderstanding the book has been proofread by Shaolin-temple, therefore it reflects quite well the temple’s sight. It is highly recommendable, specially for people who are interested in Shaolin monks as such. The photographies are simply great and one will “meet” monks of the temple, that hardly anyone knows about.

The book is already available in German language, but also a Chinese translation is on the way.

(pardon my poor English …)

yss / shaolin-reflection