View Full Version : My First Powerlifting Meet

04-21-2012, 05:52 PM
I attended a raw meet today, no Wraps or Belts, just me, Iron and lots of Gravity.
I am 52 and Weigh 207, I squatted for 415. Missed third attempt on the bench at 280 after a very strong 2nd for 260. Dl was good for me, succesful third attempt at 420.

Don Berry

04-22-2012, 05:01 AM
grats. good work.

04-22-2012, 07:27 PM
Not bad at all nice work.

04-22-2012, 08:49 PM
Good work for stepping up :)

Bonus points for competing raw.

How tall are you?

04-23-2012, 01:42 AM
well done, nice numbers especially on the squat!

04-23-2012, 04:08 AM
5'8". The DL is just totaly alluding me.

04-23-2012, 05:32 AM
5'8". The DL is just totaly alluding me.

i feel your pain mine wont go over 440 for love nor money, its the hardest lift to get increases on by far

04-23-2012, 05:50 AM
A lot of my issues are really in my head. When I was starting out, I was rapidly progressing. One morning in order to hit a PR I jerked 375 and almost tore my bicep. After that, every time I get a little weight on the bar I get anxious and all the juice just leaves me. No wind in the sails! Any way this event really helped my head in that regard. Hell the woman were pulling 375!
And to toot my own horn a little that squat in this federation was a National record!
For my AGE of course!

04-23-2012, 05:54 AM
A lot of my issues are really in my head. When I was starting out, I was rapidly progressing. One morning in order to hit a PR I jerked 375 and almost tore my bicep. After that, every time I get a little weight on the bar I get anxious and all the juice just leaves me. No wind in the sails! Any way this event really helped my head in that regard. Hell the woman were pulling 375!
And to toot my own horn a little that squat in this federation was a National record!
For my AGE of course!

its a nice squat for any age :)
DL gets in your head, with me 440 ruips of the floor easily, anything more and i cant see myself lifting it, s*cks

04-23-2012, 06:14 AM
I have more issues with squats then DL's and since I am short limbed, you'd think it would be the other way around BUT with a bad left knee and having it go on me once with 385 on the bar, well....need I say more?
Head games suck but are a HUGE part of PL and OL.

04-23-2012, 06:42 AM
congratulations man. i hope i will be as strong as you some day.

04-23-2012, 09:57 AM
I tell you as we age and continue to strength train and do Martial Arts it is so important to have good coaches and good health care providers that understand our insanity. AS a Chiro that specializes in sports med and rehab, I would be more than happy Sanjuro to find a good PT or DC to help you out.
Thanks for your support guys

04-23-2012, 11:18 AM
After that, every time I get a little weight on the bar I get anxious and all the juice just leaves me. No wind in the sails!

Always err on the side of using too light of weights. In other words, if your previous PR was 350, and you are feeling awesome like you can easily get 385 this time, it's still probably best to go for 360 or so, and then wait 5-10 minutes and do 370x1, etc. Sometimes it's possible to lift more weight than your body can lift... and get injured in the process.

That being said, before a big attempt, or before a weight that "feels" big in your head, close your eyes and stand on one foot for a few seconds. The instability triggers some reflex that will temporarily let you lift a little more weight. Most people cannot balance on one foot with their eyes closed, so don't be surprised if you lose your balance after a few seconds. You're not going for time, you just want the CNS stimulation. A few seconds is fine.

04-24-2012, 04:27 AM

I'm 26 and you're stronger than me by far. How long have you been training?

Also, your squat is ridiculous.

04-24-2012, 04:30 AM
That being said, before a big attempt, or before a weight that "feels" big in your head, close your eyes and stand on one foot for a few seconds. The instability triggers some reflex that will temporarily let you lift a little more weight. Most people cannot balance on one foot with their eyes closed, so don't be surprised if you lose your balance after a few seconds. You're not going for time, you just want the CNS stimulation. A few seconds is fine.

Is this true? I've never heard of this before. This type of thing interests me.

When squats are feeling heavy i'll sometimes load up the bar with more weight than I plan on squatting and just stand with it for about 10 seconds, then take the weight back down to my workset. In an attempt to trick my body into thinking it is lighter than it is.

04-24-2012, 04:52 AM
Is this true? I've never heard of this before. This type of thing interests me.

When squats are feeling heavy i'll sometimes load up the bar with more weight than I plan on squatting and just stand with it for about 10 seconds, then take the weight back down to my workset. In an attempt to trick my body into thinking it is lighter than it is.

been to a lot of powerlift meets, trained with some very good guys, and never seen anyone do what Iron is suggesting....

heavy walk outs are standard practise, as are heavy quarter squats, there a good way to get used to as heavier weights and to mentally make you strong

04-24-2012, 05:30 AM
I started power lifting 2 years ago. I fortunately have a world class coach. Working on form having a strategy for strength is essentail. I have posted some of his interviews on the forum here. Some good books Rippetoes starting strength and Marty Galagher's Purposley Primative. Great stories and stategies in both books


04-24-2012, 08:38 AM
Is this true? I've never heard of this before. This type of thing interests me.

When squats are feeling heavy i'll sometimes load up the bar with more weight than I plan on squatting and just stand with it for about 10 seconds, then take the weight back down to my workset. In an attempt to trick my body into thinking it is lighter than it is.

That's a good one, too.

04-24-2012, 08:40 AM
Hey when do you guys do the heavy static holds? Like just before the big set?

04-25-2012, 07:13 AM
Great job!! You and Scott R. Brown should start your own club.

04-25-2012, 07:24 AM
Where is he located?

04-25-2012, 07:36 AM
No idea where he is, try sending him a private message. just saying you two are both 52 i think and have impressive strength, something i strive to have as i get older.

05-01-2012, 01:17 AM
A lot of my concerns are really in my go. When I was beginning out, I was quickly developing. One day to be able to hit a PR I jerked 375 and almost ripped my bicep. After that, whenever I get a little bodyweight on the bar I get troubled and all the veggie juice just simply leaves me. No wind flow in the sails! Any way this occurrence really assisted my go in that respect.

05-01-2012, 07:11 PM
Good luck with your go!

05-02-2012, 05:14 PM
Cool Don.

Yeah, Mark is the single biggest influence on my training.

Are you a regular over on his boards? I am.

If you look in the Ends and Pieces section you'll find my thread. Can't miss it. It's the biggest one on there. Mostly about stupid stuff you see at the gym, lol.