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View Full Version : KL22 Non-Chi Sau; i.e. Dui Chat

05-23-2012, 04:42 AM
As mentioned in another post, traditionally KL22 does not do Chi Sau. Why? Chi Sau mostly begin by contacting the opponent through the 1st Gate 一關; but in KL22 we do not like to stay there as we immediately move to control the opponent through 2nd Gate 二關, which turns into a fight and the Chi Sau no longer continues.

Below is the list of Dui Chat Partner Exercise for beginners, aimed at developing "affordance" so to develop habitually moving in to control the opponent through the "Dian"'s which are biomechanical landmarks/hubs of movement and power generation. I briefly discussed this in the KL22 targeting strategy thread.

1. Dragon Pearl vs Straight Punch
2. Bui Tsui vs Straight Punch
3. Pheasant Kick vs Pheasant Kick
4. Small Twirling Hand vs Dragon Pearl (most important)
5. Stack Palms vs Stack Palms
6. Obstruct and Slash vs Obstruct and Slash
7. Double Dragon vs Double Dragon
8. Seeking Bridge vs Punch
9. Three Palm vs Punch
10. Hanging Palms

I'm just writing down off my head, so forgive me for not being exhaustive. This is by all means not all the Dui Chats for beginners.

For the more experienced practitioners, there are more advanced Dui Chat sets, mainly dealing with elbow strikes and counter elbow strikes, which we really like.

05-23-2012, 05:09 AM
for those of us not conversant with the language of your lineage could you expand each point with a description of what happens or even better some clips of folks doing each drill. I'd be really interested to see more and i'm sure so would other folks on here

05-23-2012, 05:32 AM
for those of us not conversant with the language of your lineage could you expand each point with a description of what happens or even better some clips of folks doing each drill. I'd be really interested to see more and i'm sure so would other folks on here

Haha, in time Ian, in time. It will take me hours and will probably bored the h3ll out of most of you.

But lets say, each exercise develops a certain attribute, such as bong sau, "wan wun" waist, "lap tsang", stance stability, breaking momentum etc.

But I promise I will put some video clips when I get a chance. (like when my son turns 30, he's only 4 years old now).

05-23-2012, 06:14 AM
1. Dragon Pearl vs Straight Punch
2. Bui Tsui vs Straight Punch
3. Pheasant Kick vs Pheasant Kick
4. Small Twirling Hand vs Dragon Pearl (most important)
5. Stack Palms vs Stack Palms
6. Obstruct and Slash vs Obstruct and Slash
7. Double Dragon vs Double Dragon
8. Seeking Bridge vs Punch
9. Three Palm vs Punch
10. Hanging Palms

Great to see the term Dui Chat!!! (I spell it Doichat) :)

And FWIW looking at the basic language used here it looks very like what my kung fu uncle Joe Lee teaches so I too would be very interested to see these drills.

Good stuff John

05-23-2012, 09:57 AM
Haha, in time Ian, in time. It will take me hours and will probably bored the h3ll out of most of you.

But lets say, each exercise develops a certain attribute, such as bong sau, "wan wun" waist, "lap tsang", stance stability, breaking momentum etc.

But I promise I will put some video clips when I get a chance. (like when my son turns 30, he's only 4 years old now).

Maybe a video then? Definitely beats having to type and describe everything little movement. :)