View Full Version : Beng Bu Quanpu of Cui Shoushan

06-09-2012, 12:34 PM
Alex posted an image of the quanpu of Beng Bu written by Cui Shoushan on this thread;

Here is my attempt at translating the text:

崩 补 - bēng bù
Collapse & Insert

闪 步 闪 肋 臂 - shan bù shan lèi bì
Dodging Step, Dodge Ribs & Arm

左 右 二 阴 阳 - zuǒ yòu èr yīn yáng
Yin & Yang both on the Left & Right

右 蹬 蹋 掌 - yòu dèng tà zhǎng
Right Tread Step & Palm

左 右 低 叫 双 绑 掌 - zuǒ yòu shuāng jiào shuāng bǎng zhǎng
Left & Right Lower Provoke & Double Bound Together Palms

左 封 右 挑 右 补 捶 - zuǒ fēng yòu tiāo yòu bǔ chuí
Left Seal, Right Lift & Right Insert Strike

左 封 右 叠 肘 - zuǒ fēng yòu dié zhǒu
Left Seal & Right Folding Elbow

左 封 右 崩 捶 - zuǒ fēng yòu bēng chuí
Left Seal & Right Collapsing Strike

顺 手 牵 羊 隔 肘 随 - shùn shou qiān yáng gé zhǒu suí
Sideward Hand Leads the Sheep to Separate Elbow

左 採 右 扑 肘 - zuǒ cai yòu pū zhǒu
Left Pluck & Right Pouncing Elbow

右 封 左 外 梁 - yòu fēng zuo wài liáng
Right Seal, Left Outer Beam

左 插 掌 - zuǒ chā zhǎng
Left Thrust Palm

右 補 捶 - yòu bǔ chuí
Right Insert Strike

漏 搌 懇 捶 - lòu zhǎn kěn chuí
Leak Wipe Earnest Strike

斜 身 向 已 xié shēn xiàng jǐ
Slant Body Toward Self

力 劈 華 山 至 膝 - lì pī huà shān zhì xī
Powerful Chop to Mount Hua Arrives at Knee

右 封 左 打 - yòu fēng zuǒ dǎ
Right Seal, Left Strike

右 左 臂 肘 - yòu zuǒ bì zhǒu
Right Left Forearm Elbow

犀 牛 割 下 - xī niú gē xià
Rhinoceros Cuts Downward

左 起 超 天 肘 - zuǒ qi chāo tiān zhǒu
Left Raise Past Sky Elbow

屯 肘 錯 捶 - tún zhǒu cuò chuí
Stamping Elbow Mistake Strike

左 指 路 右 點 精 - zuǒ zhi lù yòu diǎn jīng
Left Point to Road, Right Dot Energy

上 步 双 抽 - shàng bù shuāng chōu
Advance Step, Double Draw

摘 星 换 月 - zhāi xīng huàn yuè
Pluck Star, Exchange Moon

双 分 双 捆 - shuāng fēn shuāng kǔn
Double Divide, Double Bind

肋 臂 - lèi bì
Helping Arm

固 耳 阴 阳 叠 掌 - gù ěr yīn yáng dié zhǎng
Solid Ear Yin Yang Folding Palms

連 環 措 捶 学 - lián huán cuò chuí xué
Continuous Placed Strikes Science

双 封 左 天 分 - shuāng fēng zuǒ tiān fēn
Double Seal, Left Sky Divide

左 封 右 崩 捶 - zuǒ fēng yòu bēng chuí
Left Seal & Right Collapsing Strike

右 膝 磕 瓜 - yòu xī kē guā
Right Knee Collides with Melon

斧 劈 脚 - fǔ pī jiǎo
Axe Chop Kick

雙 叫 起 膝 蹬 蹋 - shuāng jiào qi xī dèng tà
Double Provoke, Lift Knee Trample Step

右 措 捶 - yòu cuò chuí
Right Place Strike

挑 抱 捶 变 玉 環 - tiāo bào chuí biàn yù huán
Lift & Embrace Strike Becomes Jade Ring

左 右 插 肘 - zuǒ yòu chā zhǒu
Left & Right Insert Elbows

螳 螂 搖 步 挺 身 - táng láng yáo bù tǐng shēn
Praying Mantis Sweeping Step with Erect Body

As always, corrections, critiques and comments are appreciated. :)

06-09-2012, 12:48 PM
On Xia Shaolong's DVD of the Beng Bu form he provides the following quanpu:

崩 步 - bēng bù
Collapse Step

为 行 手 - wéi xíng shou
Move Hands

闪 步 闪 肋 臂 - shan bù shan lèi bì
Dodging Step, Dodging Ribs & Arms

左 右 二 阴 阳 - zuo yòu èr yīn yáng
Yin & Yang both on the Left & Right

左 右 低 叫 双 绑 掌 - zuo yòu shuāng jiào shuāng bǎng zhang
Left & Right Lower Provoke & Double Bound Together Palms

右 点 左 操 变 玉 环 - yòu diǎn zuǒ cāo biàn yù huán
Point to Right & Left Control, Change to Jade Ring

左 封 右 挑 右 补 捶 - zuǒ fēng yòu tiāo yòu bu chuí
Left Seal, Right Lift & Right Insert Strike

左 封 右 叠 肘 - zuǒ fēng yòu dié zhou
Left Seal & Right Folding Elbow

左 封 右 崩 捶 - zuo fēng yòu bēng chuí
Left Seal & Right Collapsing Strike

顺 手 牵 羊 隔 肘 随 - shùn shou qiān yáng gé zhou suí
Following Hand Lead Sheep Separate Elbow

左 封 右 隔 肘 - zuo fēng yòu gé zhou
Left Seal & Right Separate Elbow
左 插 掌 - zuo chā zhang
Left Thrust Palm

右 補 捶 - yòu bu chuí
Right Insert Strike

漏 展 垦 捶 - lòu zhǎn kěn chuí
Leak Open Dig Strike
Arm lock with elbow break.

力 劈 华 山 至 膝 - lì pī huà shān zhì xī
Powerful Chop to Mount Hua Arrives at Knee

右 封 左 打 - yòu fēng zuo da
Right Seal, Left Strike

右 左 臂 肘 - yòu zuo bì zhou
Right Left Forearm Elbow

犀 牛 割 下 - xī niú gē xià
Rhinoceros Cuts Downward

左 起 超 天 肘 - zuo qi chāo tiān zhou
Left Raise Past Sky Elbow

屯 肘 挫 捶 - tún zhou cuò chuí
Stamping Elbow Grind Strike

左 指 路 右 點 睛 - zuo zhi lù yòu dian jīng
Left Point to Road, Right Dot Eye

上 步 双 捆 - shàng bù shuāng kǔn
Advance Step, Double Bind

摘 星 还 月 - zhāi xīng huán yuè
Pluck Star, Return Moon

双 分 双 捆 - shuāng fēn shuāng kun
Double Divide, Double Bind

肋 臂 固 耳 - lèi bì gù ěr
Rib Elbow Solid Ear
阴 阳 叠 掌 - yīn yáng dié zhǎng
Yin Yang Overlap Palms

連 環 错 掌 - lián huán cuò zhǎng
Continuous Alternate Palms

連 環 错 捶 变 玉 環 - lián huán cuò chuí biàn yù huán
Continuous Alternate Strikes Becomes Jade Ring

右 膝 磕 瓜 yòu xī kē guā
Right Knee Collides with Melon

分 阴 脚 - fēn yīn jiǎo
Divide Yin Kick

雙 叫 错 捶 - shuāng jiào cuò chuí
Double Provoke, Alternate Strikes

挑 抱 捶 变 玉 環 - tiāo bào chuí biàn yù huán
Lift & Embrace Strike Becomes Jade Ring

左 右 插 肘 - zuo yòu chā zhou
Left & Right Insert Elbows

螳 螂 搖 步 挺 身 - táng láng yáo bù ting shēn
Praying Mantis Sweeping Step with Erect Body

Note: The English translation of the text is my own.

06-09-2012, 01:28 PM
Here is the quanpu Sun Zhibin includes on his VCD of Beng Bu:

崩 补 - bēng bù
Collapse & Insert

闪 步 闪 肋 臂 - shan bù shan lèi bì
Dodging Step, Dodge Ribs & Arm

左 右 二 阴 阳 - zuǒ yòu èr yīn yáng
Yin & Yang both on the Left & Right

右 蹬 踢 掌 - yòu dèng tī zhang
Right Step In Kick Palm

左 右 低 叫 双 邦 掌 - zuǒ yòu shuāng jiào shuāng bāng zhang
Left & Right Lower Provoke & Double Bound Together Palms

左 封 右 挑 右 补 捶 - zuǒ fēng yòu tiāo yòu bu chuí
Left Seal, Right Lift & Right Insert Strike

左 封 右 叠 肘 - zuǒ fēng yòu dié zhou
Left Seal & Right Folding Elbow

左 封 右 崩 捶 - zuǒ fēng yòu bēng chuí
Left Seal & Right Collapsing Strike

顺 手 牵 羊 隔 肘 随 - shùn shou qiān yáng gé zhou suí
Following Hand Lead Sheep Separate Elbow

左 封 右 隔 肘 - zuǒ fēng yòu gé zhou
Left Seal & Right Separate Elbow

左 封 右 扑 肘 - zuǒ fēng yòu pū zhou
Left Seal & Right Rushing Elbow

右 封 左 歪 梁 - yòu fēng zuo wāi liáng
Right Seal, Left Slant Beam

左 插 掌 右 補 捶 - zuǒ chā zhang yòu bu chuí
Left Thrust Palm, Right Insert Strike

漏 展 恳 捶 - lòu zhǎn kěn chuí
Leak Open Sincerely Strike

斜 身 尚 己 - xié shēn shàng jǐ
Slant Body

力 劈 华 山 至 膝 - lì pī huà shān zhì xī
Powerful Chop to Mount Hua Arrives at Knee

右 封 左 打 - yòu fēng zuǒ dǎ
Right Seal, Left Strike

右 左 臂 肘 - yòu zuǒ bì zhou
Right Left Forearm Elbow

犀 牛 割 下 - xī niú gē xià
Rhinoceros Cuts Downward

左 起 朝 天 肘 - zuǒ qǐ cháo tiān zhǒu
Left Raise to Face Sky Elbow

顿 肘 措 捶 - dùn zhǒu cuò chuí
Stop Elbow Place Strike

左 指 路 右 點 睛 - zuǒ zhǐ lù yòu diǎn jīng
Left Point to Road, Right Dot Eye

上 步 双 捆 shàng bù shuāng kǔn
Advance Step, Double Bind

摘 星 换 月 - zhāi xīng huàn yuè
Pluck Star, Exchange Moon

双 分 双 捆 肋 臂 - shuāng fēn shuāng kun zhù bì
Double Divide, Double Bind, Rib Arm

固 耳 阴 阳 叠 掌 - gù ěr yīn yáng dié zhǎng
Solid Ear Yin Yang Folding Palms

连 环 措 捶 - lián huán cuò chuí
Continuous Placed Strikes

双 封 左 天 分 - shuāng fēng zuǒ tiān fēn
Double Seal, Left Sky Divide

左 封 右 崩 捶 - zuo fēng yòu bēng chuí
Left Seal & Right Collapsing Strike

右 膝 磕 瓜 - yòu xī kē guā
Right Knee Collides with Melon

斧 劈 脚 - fǔ pī jiǎo
Axe Chop Kick

雙 叫 起 膝 蹬 蹋 - shuāng jiào qi xī dèng tà
Double Provoke, Lift Knee Trample Step

右 穿 右 措 捶 - yòu chuān yòu cuò chuí
Right Pierce, Right Place Strike

挑 抱 捶 变 玉 環 - tiāo bào chuí biàn yù huán
Lift & Embrace Strike Becomes Jade Ring

左 右 插 肘 - zuǒ yòu chā zhǒu
Left & Right Insert Elbows

螳 螂 搖 步 挺 身 - táng láng yáo bù ting shēn
Praying Mantis Sweeping Step with Erect Body

Note: The English translations are my own.

xiao yao
06-09-2012, 04:49 PM

here is the bengbu from zhang kai tang/zhou zhen dong. my translation isnt very good though. there are a few small differences from the other versions you put up

06-09-2012, 05:58 PM
Thank you for adding yours! :)