View Full Version : my terrible knees

09-04-2001, 01:56 AM
i was wondering if any of you out there could give me some advice concerning my knees.

i'm 20 years old, 5'11, 147 lbs. i used to run a lot, college got too busy during the school year, so i only did it sporatically. i started running wind sprints 2 times a week once summer started.

about half way through, i got shin splints and i was diagnosed with tendonitis in my knees. i rested for 6 weeks, lightly working my knees out (shin splints went away with proper exercise).

however, there is still a problem with my knees. it's something i've noticed for a long time, but only moreso recently. it isn't tendonitis related, or at least not the case i was diagnosed with (which occured on the front on my knees).

on the rear side of my left knee, the left tendon seems to pop whenever i bend my knee to a 90 degree position. it happens anytime i bend my knee that deep, even when there is no weight on it.

any idea on what this could be and how i can treat it? my doctor is at a loss...he suggests to just do some hamstring exercises, but he wasn't completely sure.

any ideas?

09-04-2001, 02:14 AM
If you have a good, and I mean "good" acupuncturist in the area, that would be a good way to go IMO. I have seen them doing remarkable work with good effect on the lower body, specifically the knee area. This of course is from personal experiences/witnessing and may not be the case for all acupuncturists/tcm specialists.

- Nexus

<font size="1">"Time, space, the whole universe - just an illusion! Often said, philosophically verifiable, even scientifically explainable. It's the <font color="blue">'just'</font> which makes the honest mind go crazy and the <font color="blue">ego</font> go berserk." - Hans Taeger</font>

09-04-2001, 03:28 AM
what do you mean the tendon pops? It makes a sound? Does it hurt when it does?

09-04-2001, 04:39 PM
I think I know what you are talking about. My right shoulder does it when Bench press. My elbows used to do it when I do push ups and my hips used to do this when I would perform a high roundhouse or side-kick. It just feels like a gentle "pop".

If it isn't painful, just annoying, its probably the tendon slipping over the bone. As you get further stretched out and strenthened it should go away. If by stretching it doesn't go away, and you are going easy on it, I would talk to a physicain and get it checked to be sure it isn't an injury that hasn't healed, that maybe you didn't know about.

09-04-2001, 11:00 PM
by popping, i mean it feels like the tendon pops out of place, it seems to slip around the bond, as lukrion put it.

i can literally push up on the tendon and feel it pop back into its normal place when my knee is bent.

i'm really kinda worried about it.

lukrion, can you recommend any excercises? just hamstring curls? deadlift? any ideas?

09-04-2001, 11:25 PM
Acupuncture may help with pain in the short term.

But I would recomend seeing a sports medicine specialist (assuming you can afford it.) Your knees are nothing to mess around with, this could end you MA career.

There are lots of ligaments and tendons surrounding the knee. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of nerve endings around them so you could have seriously injured your knee and not even know it.

I had a friend who jumped off a 20 foot cliff on his snowboard. He landed really hard. He got up and started riding again. He looked down and noticed is leg was bending back the "wrong" way. Turns out he snapped his Anterior Crucial Ligament and didn't even know it. Just an example to prove my point.



"Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu does not encourage its students to abuse or harm others with no reason. Nevertheless, in times when Kung Fu must be performed, Choy Lay Fut requires the student to change from a gentleman into a fierce and cold fighter."

-Lee Koon Hung,
CLF:The Dynamic Art of Fighting

09-06-2001, 01:22 PM
Sorry for the late reply. The knee itself is a very hard area to rehabilitate. You could try a some curls, if you have the proper attatchments for your weight bench. There is a product out called a xertube, that is a resistance training rubber. Connect each end to your ankles and slowly try doing front snap kicks. You could probably build some strength by using ankle weights and SLOWLY execute perfect snap kicks. DO not go for speed or your going to injure it more.

Overall I would just try to be aware that your knees are aligned properly when you are practicing stances. I am not sure what style you practive so there might be something in your style, like that kneeling/sitting (on your knees) position in Akido that might be irritating it.

If running seems to make it worse, you might want to look at other cardiovascular options, such as mountain biking or even a trampoline. I know others that started with knee problems and they kept up the high impact stuff. Now they are in constant pain. Either way I would talk to a sports therapist.

Sorry I couldn't help more, but Good Luck anyway

Repulsive Monkey
09-06-2001, 08:55 PM
Yes well someone has mentioned that pretty much acupuncture might cure the pain, that obviously comes from someone with a wealth of experience!!!! If you notice that you get cold like symptoms in the kness and that sometimes without any undue workouts you sometimes get a weakness in general in the knees, I would say that you may have a Kidney deficiency (don't get alarmed!!). Weak knees are the main sympton of Kidney weakness and an acupuncturist will not just get rid of the pain (thats probably the last thing they would do) they will treat the root of the problem.

09-08-2001, 05:41 AM
Put your hand on your left quadricep, move your hand up to your knee, and move your hand slightly to the right while your knee is bended fully. Feel that muscle buldge in the right side of your left knee? I don't know what that is called, but it helps with your knee problems. Work it, and work it good. Also, do rising side kicks, that helps with the lateral muscle on the sides of your knees. Exercise your knees a lot by doing bicycle spins with your legs while you are on the ground, get the blood flowing. It'll lessen the tension in your knees great.

An Art is any form of expression or task that has been honed to near perfection.

09-09-2001, 08:06 PM
thank you all for the good advice and words of wisdom. i'll keep them all in mind during my recovery.

i think i'll see a doctor to get x-rays for that tendon. i don't know if it's just week or if there is something wrong, so it may be good to get a professional oppinion (although, he hasn't been all that helpful in the past).

thanks again.

09-09-2001, 09:47 PM
What you'll need to get is an MRI. I'm scheduled for one myself (tomorrow) as it seems I have a torn meniscus :(