View Full Version : Check THIS out!

chen zhen
09-20-2001, 07:02 PM
i have just thought of an ab exercise that is really hard to do!
ly on the floor like if you would be doing leg raises. raise your legs 45 degrees off the floor and hold them there. now start doing crunches.
i'd like to see someone doing 20 of these babys!

09-20-2001, 08:04 PM
Now, try keeping the legs up, spreading them open, keeping your back up off the floor in s sort of crunch...and then punch...like chain punching - 100 ought to do.

09-21-2001, 12:33 AM
then when you're done with that, have someone put a cinderblock on your stomach and smash it with a 50 lb sledgehammer

09-21-2001, 04:26 AM
That's how we do crunches in my martial arts class. Not that hard really. He makes us do about 50 of them like that and we are already tired from practicing.


09-21-2001, 05:09 AM
that's how we do them also. we call them "shaolin situps"

"You ain't got enough calcium to have a bone to pick wit me,
like a Gracie, I'll choke a ***** out wit his own gi" - Rass Kass

09-22-2001, 03:05 AM
When doing a crunch is the back suppose to be straight or curls up when u come up?