View Full Version : XingYi and Bagua Palms Combat Application Seminar

Sifu Moore
08-04-2012, 06:36 PM
XingYi and Bagua Palms Combat Application Seminar 8/18/12 (11:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
LOCATION: The Columbia Martial Arts Center 10400 Shaker Drive (Atholton Shopping Plaza) 2nd Floor Unit #7 Columbia, MD 21046 (!4 mins from Baltimore, 25 from DC)
Cost: $125 before August 17th 12midnight $135 at the door
REGISTRATION: (410)772-3902
E-MAIL: Sifu Shannon Moore at staff@wckungfu.com
Master Kelly will teach XingYi Five Elements and Bagua Eight Palms combat Applications. Baguazhang is an internal martial art based on constant movement and constant change. The official martial method of the Chinese Imperial Guards into the early 1900's. XingYi follows the principles of splitting - metal, smashing - wood, drilling - water, pounding - fire, and crossing - earth. The form circulates intention; therefore it is called XingYi. Martin Kelly is a certified practitioner of XingYi and Bagua for over 15 years - certified instructor for five years.
Details on Event webste: http://www.wckungfu.com/index.cfm?page=9