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View Full Version : 2013 Tiger Claw Elite Championship (6/1) & KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY (6/2) San Jose, CA

08-09-2012, 09:51 AM

Tiger Claw's KungFuMagazine.com Championship V is scheduled for June 1, 2013 at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center, South Hall. Save the date for TCKFMC5 now.

TCKFMCI (June 27, 2009) (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=53126)
TCKFMCII (June 12, 2010) (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=56385)
TCKFMCIII (June 4, 2011) (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57943)
KFTC 20 YEARS (June 9-10, 2012) (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61402)

Dale Dugas
08-09-2012, 10:10 AM
Let me know how I can be of service to you, brother

08-09-2012, 10:44 AM
We'll probably hold the Tiger Claw WildAid Championship (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57416)again and your continued support of that is greatly appreciated. Next month, I need to schedule a meeting with WildAid and get that sorted. BTW, did you see I gave you a shout in my latest article (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1055)? It's complete w/hyperlink (http://www.coilingdragon.com/), bro. :cool:

Dale Dugas
08-09-2012, 02:58 PM
I did see that.

Thank you, brother.


11-21-2012, 03:19 PM
It was formerly "Tiger Claw's KungFuMagazine.com Championship V" but as you can see now, it's grown bigger than just TCKFMCV.

Tiger Claw Elite Championship (http://www.tigerclawelite.com/)

01-29-2013, 12:11 PM
If you're on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kung-Fu-Tai-Chi-Magazine/135964689362?sk=events), please help us invite more facebookers.

TCEC June 1, 2013 San Jose, CA

02-07-2013, 04:37 PM
You'll find the TCKFMC rules on KungFuMagazine.com. (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/info/tournament/ChineseDivisionsRules_2013.pdf) The TCTKDC rules and TCKC rules will be available soon on their respective web sites. The hub is TCEC (http://www.tigerclawelite.com/).

Our hotel information is also available (http://tigerclawelite.com/blog/hotel-info/).

02-08-2013, 10:33 AM
For anyone coming from out of town, our official hotel is the Hilton San Jose. For hotel information, see our TCEC site (http://tigerclawelite.com/blog/hotel-info/).

02-14-2013, 12:02 PM
See Kung Fu Tai Chi Day: JUNE 2 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9QoWPLSH1E).

02-19-2013, 03:56 PM
I know I told you last year was my last, but I will be coming out again this year, however this time i'll be competitng in Tai Chi Division. I'll be doing the open division with Wun Yan Taosit Tai Chi. I've never competed with Tai Chi before and i'm curious as to how I am compared to my peers as well as performing one of the skills I feel most comfortable with. See you soon............

03-25-2013, 12:02 PM
Our online registration (http://tckfmc.stormline.com/) is now live.

04-09-2013, 05:36 PM
Join us at KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY for a Group Tai Chi demonstration of Simplified 24 Tai Chi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEJLM29ITMw)!

04-17-2013, 10:25 AM
Early Bird Registration for TCEC ends on April 21, 2013. For online registration, click here (http://tckfmc.stormline.com/).

05-08-2013, 11:22 AM
This is from our emailblast

Dear Competitor,

Don’t miss the Early Bird Registration Period! Register now at http://www.tigerclawelite.com

Saturday, June 1st 2013, is the Tiger Claw Elite Championship one-day event at
the McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, California. The 2013 Tiger Claw Elite
Championship combines three separate tournaments under one roof:
**Tiger Claw’s KungFuMagazine.com Championship V
**Tiger Claw’s Taekwondo Championship
**Tiger Claw’s Traditional Karate Championship

Sunday, June 2nd 2013, Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine will be holding the second
KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY Street Fair also in San Jose. This event will be free and open to the public. It has always been the mission of Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine to promote the Chinese martial arts. If your school would like to participate in this event, please contact Gene Ching at gene@kungfumagazine.com

For more detail and updates of the Championships, please go to http://www.tigerclawelite.com
or http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/info/tournament/index.php

05-15-2013, 10:15 AM
The First 48 WildAid Tiger Claw Champion (http://tigerclawelite.com/blog/wildaid-tigerclaw-champion/) Entries will receive a copy of Me, Chi, and Bruce Lee (http://www.northatlanticbooks.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9781583942680)by Brian Preston, Courtesy of Blue Snake Books.

05-17-2013, 10:11 AM
We have about 250 people committed to this. If you have a school and wish to participate, there is an official T-shirt. Contact me for details.

We also just posted another version with the music: The Kung Fu Tai Chi Day Simplified 24 Routine. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV6PjN55Lb4)

05-20-2013, 12:28 PM
The Last Day to Register for 2013 Tiger Claw Elite KungFuMagazine.com Championship is this Friday, May 24, 2013. This is Pre-Registration only. No registration at the door! Register now at http://www.tigerclawelite.com.

05-21-2013, 08:47 AM

Register the Tiger Claw Elite Championship soon before it closes (Photos) (http://www.examiner.com/article/register-the-tiger-claw-elite-championship-soon-before-it-closes)
Fitness & Exercise
May 17, 2013
By: Violet Li

On June 1st, 2013, the Tiger Claw Elite Championship will be reborn as a one-day event held in San Jose, California. The 2013 Tiger Claw Elite Championship combines three separate tournaments under one roof: Tiger Claw’s KungFuMagazine.com Championship V alongside two new competitions, Tiger Claw’s Taekwondo Championship and Tiger Claw’s Traditional Karate Championship. The 2013 Tiger Claw Elite Championship will be held at the McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, California Due to the high demand, only pre-registration is allowed and no NO WALK-UP REGISTRATION. The number of competitors will be capped. Registration may close early so act soon.

In 2006, Tiger Claw launched the Tiger Claw Elite Championship (TCEC). TCEC was in cooperation with Disney, beginning at Disneylandฎ in Anaheim California and ending at Disney’s Wide World of Sportsฎ Complex near Orlando, Florida. In between, TCEC travelled through about a dozen tournaments across the nation. TCEC featured divisions for Chinese, Korean and Japanese arts and were nested within regional participating tournaments.

TC Media International, a division of Tiger Claw, publishes Kung Fu Tai Chi, a bimonthly print magazine focused on the Chinese martial arts. The San Francisco Bay Area is home to dozens of Karate and Taekwondo tournaments every year, but only a few that emphasize Chinese martial arts, so with the influence of Kung Fu Tai Chi, that martial community responded the most enthusiastically. Consequently, the Chinese divisions quickly dominated the Bay Area TCEC in Santa Clara for its three-year run.

TCEC’s final year was in 2008, just prior to the Sichuan quake. In only eleven days, the Tiger Claw Foundation, Tiger Claw’s charitable arm, called upon leading local martial artists and produced the Martial Arts Benefit for Quake Victims, a fundraising performance, to conclude the tournament event. The project raised over $73,000, which was donated to construct a new school in Sichuan.

In 2009, the local Chinese community hoped the tournament to continue, so by popular demand, Tiger Claw’s KungFuMagazine.com Championship (TCKFMC) had its inaugural year. TCKFMC has enjoyed four successful events in cooperation with Tony and Theresa Kattengell’s Shark City Nationals.

In 2012, Kung Fu Tai Chi celebrated two decades of publishing with KUNG FU TAI CHI 20 YEARS. The celebration combined Tiger Claw’s KungFuMagazine.com Championship with a Gala Banquet and KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY, a street fair in downtown San Jose. KUNG FU TAI CHI 20 YEARS was an overwhelming success.

This year, the Tiger Claw Elite Championship will reemerge with three divisions embracing Chinese, Japanese and Korean martial arts.

Tiger Claw Foundation launched a special showcase championship with all proceeds donated to WildAid’s efforts to save wild tigers. WildAid is an international non-profit organization with the mission to end the illegal wildlife trade. Kung Fu Super Star Jackie Chan is a primary spokesperson for WildAid, and he is accompanied by Harrison Ford, Ang Lee, Bo Derek and some 80 other international celebrities. This year, the Tiger Claw Foundation is renewing its efforts to support WildAid, and expanding the scope of support to include all the endangered wild animals WildAid seeks to protect.

The WildAid Tiger Claw Champion is a special ‘any style, any form’ division. The WildAid Tiger Claw Champion will be awarded a custom trophy, special prizes and will be showcased in Kung Fu Tai Chi magazine throughout the following year. At the 2013 Tiger Claw Elite Championship, it is the only division where Traditional Karate, Taekwondo and Chinese martial arts will be able to compete against each other, which can be extremely interesting for martial arts enthusiasts to watch.

Tiger Claw will continue last year’s tradition and host Kung Fu Tai Chi Day in San Jose on Sunday June 2. As of now, there are more than 10 Tai Chi groups signed up with more than 250 people to do a group performance of 24 Simplified Tai Chi form. Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine Publisher Gigi Ou said that this event is open to anyone that can recite the Simplified 24 Tai Chi routine. In case that you have not practiced the form for a while, you can watch the special video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV6PjN55Lb4&list=PL8A4B6425D7078275&featu... they produced to refresh your skills. It is expected to be spectacular and fun. Aside from this group demonstration, many Tai Chi groups and masters will perform various Tai Chi and Qigong forms.

For more information about the Championship and Kung Fu Tai Chi Day, visit http://www.tigerclawelite.com and http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/info/tournament/KFTCDAY_2013.php respectively.

05-22-2013, 09:20 AM
KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY Demonstrations announced (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/info/tournament/KFTCDAY_2013.php). More to come.

05-22-2013, 01:18 PM
The Tiger Claw Elite KungFuMagazine.com Championship and KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY Welcoming Banquet is May 31st - RSVP by May 29 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/info/tournament/Banquet_2013.php).

05-23-2013, 10:18 AM

This year's Grand Champion trophy

05-28-2013, 08:38 AM
功夫太極日 500人將齊練太極拳 (http://sf.worldjournal.com/view/full_sf/22704982/article-%25E5%258A%259F%25E5%25A4%25AB%25E5%25A4%25AA%25E6 %25A5%25B5%25E6%2597%25A5-500%25E4%25BA%25BA%25E5%25B0%2587%25E9%25BD%258A%2 5E7%25B7%25B4%25E5%25A4%25AA%25E6%25A5%25B5%25E6%2 58B%25B3?)
May 25, 2013 06:00 AM | 894 次 | 0 0 評論 | 4 4 推薦 | 電郵給朋友 | 打印
第五屆功夫太極日將於6月2日在聖荷西盛大舉行,有500人集體演練太極拳、文化表演及中醫義診,免費入場 。簡琪(中)歡迎大家參加。(記者王慶偉/攝影)
功夫太極雜誌社舉辦的第五屆「功夫太極日」(Kung Fu Tai Chi Day)及國際武術錦標賽,將於6月1、2日在聖荷西舉行。雜誌創辦人簡琪(Gigi Oh)表示,今年的「功夫太極日」將有盛大的武術及文化活動,有來自灣區各地500人的集體太極演練、武術 大師的示範教學、武術冠軍的表演,歡迎各界到時參加。推動制定「功夫太極日」的聖荷西巿議員朱感生也將到場 祝賀。

簡琪表示,6月2日(周日)上午10時至下午2時,在聖荷西會議中心南館(San Jose Convention Center, South Hall)舉行的「功夫太極日」,首先有來自舊金山、屋崙、佛利蒙、聖荷西各地的太極團體,由何玲、李明揚 、代金才、余小英、陳端宜、鄭雲建、何曉東、吳春彤、馮觀輝、黃偉兒幾位老師帶領,共同穿上「功夫太極日」 的紅色T恤,一起演練24式太極拳,場面壯觀。

「這是灣區首次有數百人一起演練太極拳,」簡琪表示,喜愛及練習太極拳的人士,可一起來參加,感受群體演練 太極拳的能量。

簡琪指出,「功夫太極日」邀請到中國武術九段、近代武術南刀創始人、上海體育學院教授王培錕,以及加拿大國 際散手道聯盟主席梁守渝、電影明星趙志凌、鷹爪門掌門人劉莉莉、中國及世界太極冠軍高佳敏、鄒雲建。幾位老 師當天將有示範表演,王培錕還將免費教導24式精簡太極、42式太極精髓,以及太極實戰攻防技 巧。


「功夫太極日」免費進場。6月2日是周日,路邊停車免費。簡琪表示,在會場不但可以看到來自世界各地的武術 冠軍表演、各家各派的武術,還有中華傳統文化,中醫氣功保健等活動,適合全家參與。「功夫太極日」與國際武 術錦標賽的收入將贊助野生動物保護組織WildAid。詳情:www.tigerclawelite.co m。
There's a mistake in this article as KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY will be at Plaza de Cesar Chavez, not South Hall. The Tiger Claw Elite Championship is at South Hall.

05-29-2013, 09:12 AM
The weekend schedule is posted. (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/info/tournament/index.php) More to come.

05-29-2013, 11:30 AM
Competition & Ring Assignments (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/info/tournament/2013TCKFMC_timetable.pdf)

05-30-2013, 12:36 PM

06-03-2013, 09:41 AM
I'll be posting photos on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kung-Fu-Tai-Chi-Magazine/135964689362) asap and there are already videos on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/KungfuMagazinedotcom). More to come!

Meanwhile, enter to win THE TIGER CLAW’S KUNGFUMAGAZINE.COM CHAMPIONSHIP DVD COLLECTION (http://www.kungfumagazine.net/index.html)! Contest ends 6:00 p.m. PST on 5/30/13. Good luck everyone!

06-03-2013, 04:47 PM
Congratulations to all our winners

Tiger Claw is proud to present the 2013 Elite Grand Champions. (http://tigerclawelite.com/blog/2013/06/03/2013-tiger-claw-elite-grand-champions/)

Tiger Claw Elite Grand Champion Trophy


6 & UNDER ALL LEVEL: Lucas Hara, Kung Fu Dragon USA

BEG: Jason Tang, Dragon Rhythm Shaolin Kung Fu
INT/ADV: Ariel Bachman, San Jose Chinese Cultural Center

BEG: Leeland Liu, Shaolin Kung Fu Yuan
INT: Shawn Xu, USA Wu Chi Kung Fu Academy
ADV: Karmina Bediones, China Taichi Kung Fu

BEG: Wayland Liu, Shaolin Kung Fu Yuan
INT: Cody Fong, Shaolin Shaolin Martial Arts
ADV: Rhea Go, USA Wu Chi Kung Fu Academy

18 & OVER
BEG: Tiffany Zhu, Shaolin Kung Fu Yuan
INT: Erica Bermudo, 10,000 Victories
ADV: Sebastian Castellanos, South Coast Martial Arts

6 & UNDER: Keira Chi, USA International Kung Fu Wushu Academy

BEG: Annette Au, USA Wu Chi Kung Fu Academy
INT/ADV: Ian Lim, Kung Fu Dragon USA

BEG: Cheng-en Yew, Legend Kung Fu Academy
INT: Megan Rabatan, Legend Kung Fu Academy
ADV: Justin Yee, Pure Shaolin Kung Fu

INT: Jessica Fung, USA Wu Chi Kung Fu Academy
ADV: Robert Yu, Legend Kung Fu Academy

18 & OVER ADV: Liu Yi, O-mei Kung Fu Academy, Milpitas
Tai Chi & Push Hands

Victor Ma, Johnny Jang Martial Arts Academy
WildAid Tiger Claw Champion

Yu Zhenlong, Kung Fu Dragon USA
Songshan Shaolin Champion

Chris Shepherd

06-03-2013, 06:46 PM
May 31 Load In (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP5_fYtuZD0)

A Taste of the weekend (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx6JOvSAKiQ)

06-04-2013, 11:37 AM
TAEKWONDO (http://tigerclawelite.com/blog/2013/06/03/2013-tiger-claw-elite-grand-champions/)

Male: Andrew Lee, Palo Alto Martial Arts
Female: Elaine Lee, Palo Alto Martial Arts
The Grand Champions of Tiger Claw’s Taekwondo Championship was judged by four International Referees and one senior USAT National Referee.

Plus we've started posting photos on facebook.
Tiger Claw Elite Championship 2013 Photos by Kevin Ho (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151722839054363.1073741832.135964689362&type=3)
KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY 2013 Photos by Kevin Ho (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151724770494363.1073741833.135964689362&type=3)

06-05-2013, 01:10 PM
Wild Aid Winner Zhenlong Yu 于振龙 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6QhyTPMN8k)

Chris Shepherd 2013 Songshan Shaolin Champion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua6z5SmqQ0E)

06-07-2013, 10:49 AM
Tae Kwon Do Obstacle Course (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsTnRKjVfmU)

We're posting several dozen photos on our facebook albums (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kung-Fu-Tai-Chi-Magazine/135964689362?id=135964689362&sk=photos_stream) every day.

06-07-2013, 04:02 PM
A taste of Tai Chi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etyLqjZFKsE)

06-10-2013, 12:38 PM
Sebastian Castellanos Kung Fu Grand Champion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpXVct2ZiCU)

Karmina Bediones, Kung Fu Grand Champion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEu092WfgRk)

Jason Tang, Kung Fu Grand Champion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CylvmxNzXF4)

Robert Yu, Wushu Grand Champion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX3sumGsuus)

Carol Liu (Liu Yi) Wushu Grand Champion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsIWj-SSjZg)

A taste of the Special Skills tournament (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8EdCS9aQvk)

KARATE GRAND CHAMPIONS (http://tigerclawelite.com/blog/2013/06/03/2013-tiger-claw-elite-grand-champions/)
Junior Overall: Brandon Aquino
Adult Overall: Chris Venenciano

06-11-2013, 09:54 AM
Sword Fight at the Tigerclaw Elite Championships (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of15b_5SN04)

Battle to be Grand Champion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs3tou3wF8U)

Group Simplified Tai Chi 24 routine performance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvXkc5TaBPI)

Kung Fu Short Weapon 10-13 Age Group (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3pZ76_NbDA)

Leland Liu, Kung Fu Grand Champion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXKhni5FIMg)

06-12-2013, 09:21 AM
Kung Fu Forms Age 7-9 group (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heQ8I-JWNOE)

The Entire Tournament in 4 minutes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-bdv0Os7Ug)

Kung Fu Short Weapons 7-9 age group (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQEK8keBvik)

Kung Fu Long Weapons 7-9 age group (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEPm2vETgjU)

Ryan Chen, Double First Winner (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTWW_Ota0-E)
Just a side note, Ryan also developed the program for our On-Deck Board for Ring Order.

06-13-2013, 09:03 AM
Kung Fu Forms, Advanced 14-17 age group (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcvhaQX6nTM)

Kung Fu Short Weapons, advanced 14-17 age group (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAotELeHAsw)

The Combat Competition (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W292tiNY8Ko)

Kung Fu Long Weapons, 10-13 age group (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54bl3o39dTw)

Kung Fu Northern and Southern Fist, Over 40 Division (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wL3Pm2MWN8)

Kung Fu Long Weapon 18-39 adv division (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vKxyf6AJvc)

Kung Fu Long Weapons Over 40 adv division (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zFxABCYODc)

Kung Fu Short Weapons, over 40 adv division (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgiLwSACRAE)

Southern Fist Competition (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr_PXuy70-4)

06-17-2013, 08:17 AM
Songshan Shaolin Tourney (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SLw9Ybe5e4)

[新闻] 王培锟:[第五届美国功夫杂志社]见闻 (http://sns.in-kungfu.cn/viewthread-66921-1-1.html)
电梯直达 跳转到指定楼层
发表于 5 小时前 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

2013年6月1日应《美国功夫杂志社》之邀,前往美国加州圣荷西市参加由《美国功夫杂志社》主办的[第五 届美国功夫杂志社国际武术锦标赛]。参加活动后感触甚多,作为武术赛事,在世界各国,以至于美国本土,并不 少见。但是以中国武术为主题,而由《美国功夫杂志社》为主办方的,纯民间、非营利的赛事,为中华武术在美国 搭建一个给广大武术爱好者展示武技、切磋技艺、显现武术精神、习武强身、以武会友的舞台,属少见。据本届赛 会主席、《美国功夫杂志社》社长简琪女士的介绍,在美国办武术赛事,经费是难筹集的。能获得千元的赛事赞助 款,已是感谢不以,主要是以非营利为目的,获得社会广泛的支持,免收许多费用,志愿者的献身精神,并对参与 者的有限报名费的使用上作统筹安排,精打细算,减少开支来办好赛事为宗旨。显然,由主办方垫补经费的不足, 也是不可少的。

之所以能连续五年成功地办好赛会,除上述的原因外,更重要的是主办方始终抱着,在美国弘扬中华武术文化的坚 定信念。也正因为此,《美国功夫杂志社》本身,也经历了风风雨雨的21个年头,坚挺地在世界各地顺畅地发行 ,听说此类杂志在美国也仅此一家了。它不仅在美国,也在世界各地成为最有影响力的武术功夫杂志之一。为了更 广泛地、更有效地扩大武术在美国、在世界各国的影响,于2009年主办了[首届美国功夫杂志社国际武术锦标 赛]。

本赛会安排我担任总裁判工作,并指派我的老师王菊蓉(千斤王王子平前辈之女)教授之女吴小高做为我助手。从 辈份来讲她还是我的师妹。2007年我在芝加哥当裁判期间与她短暂共事过,她早年移居美国,在工作之余,仍 承继祖业,为从事武术、太极拳的教学与传播尽其所能。我追忆当年王老师的教导,传艺,真是“一日师终生恩念 ”。我们也谈论了未来武术发展的趋势,中华武术文化的传承在所必然,得到共识。

在国内担任“总裁判”对于我来说,还是可信任的。而在美国,对不懂英语的我来说,是名不符实的。但我感谢主 办方给我的荣誉。也让我有更多的时间纵观全场,使我对美国的武术赛事、技术发展的状况有了进一步的了解。本 次赛会仅一天的时间,参赛项目近千项,集中在传统武术的内、外家拳术、器械等。海外人们对“功夫”的含义一 般是直指“武术”项目的,也有泛指“武道”项目。今年赛会还增设了跆拳道、空手道。赛会也安排了一些硬气功 的表演,活跃了赛会的气氛。纵观赛会的组织、竞赛流程等,均做到顺畅有序,8块武术赛场同时开赛,8组裁判 各司其责,评判几无异议,颁奖也显热烈…这一切都说明中国武术的民间竞赛形式已为海外所认可,並应用自如了 。当然,首先是主办方在赛前作了充分准备,另一关键的是,聘到优秀的临场总指挥,也就是“总裁判”的作用。 而我这个仅是挂个衔头的“总裁判”是无此操作能力的。幸好真正的“总指挥”是,早期在北京武术队训练过的原 美国武术队的队员,现[美国武术学院]裴康凯院长。他的赛场经验、指挥能力,临场应变,可以说是顶极的。其 实,我早在2007年担任过在美国芝加哥举办[2007年国际武术公开赛暨传统功夫大赛]总裁判工作。那年 的比赛,由于组织者在“编排”上,出了差错,给赛会带来了极大的困难。在此情况下,吴彬先生推荐了裴康凯、 张桂凤等在美的老学生参与裁判工作,与他有过很好的合作。那次比赛顺利、圆满地完成了,对他的组织才华留有 深刻印象。这次刚到《美国功夫杂志社》报到,一眼就认出他。热情的问候后,我即想到,简琪社长真会用人,裴 康凱来了,赛会将会顺畅无阻了。


本次赛会上还见有 “太极拳竞技套路”的参赛者,他们在非标准的“武术竞技场地”上,完成“腾空摆莲腿接跌叉”等“指定的难度 技术”,令我刮目。会后,我了解到其中二名女运动员是“全美国家武术队” 选拔赛的太极拳优胜选手,有参加[国际武联锦标赛]的任务。她们来自美国《峨嵋太极文化学院》,是由现院长 ,原中国武术队的队员,“第五届世界武术锦标赛”、“第五届亚洲武术锦标赛”的冠军邹云建亲手调教多年的学 员,难怪“名师出高徒”嘛!赛会上,我还见到在美国发展的喻绍文(原北京武术队)与高佳敏(原福建武术队) 夫妇及子女。我与高佳敏是福建老乡,80、90年代,我从事武术裁判工作,她是福建武术队运动员,几乎每年 在训练房或赛场上均有数次相遇,直至她登上“太极皇后”武坛。然而,一别20多年,除互相问候外,共叙的还 是当年赛场事,可见,武术缘深。令我感到意料之外的是,她们的子女也前来参赛。她的女儿获得了儿童组三项总 冠军。她的儿子才介入武术不久,却选练难度极高的“三节棍”项目,也登榜第三。自然我勉励一下她的子女。作 为一名为武术献身的,已登武林高坛的武术运动员,在她别离祖国后,她不仅未放弃武术事业,而且还在精心地培 育后代,让中华武术传承于后人,弘扬于世界,确实值得我深思。

虽然,时间紧,赛事繁忙,还是与[加拿大SYL武术学院]梁守渝院长、[美国无极功夫学院]何涛院长等友人 ,对武术技术、武术赛事的发展作了简短的交流。 中国的“武术人”不论现在何地,从事何事,终究与武术有着不解之缘,他们依然在为中华武术做出新的贡献,这 是不争的事实。

《美国功夫杂志社》除了杂志本身对武术宣传的效应外,还为各国“武术人” “习武人”,创建了“国际武术锦标赛”“功夫太极日”等新的武术活动平台,加深了对中华武术文化的弘扬。我 想,它所做的一切,将会写入海外武术发展的篇章中。


[新闻] 王培锟:记美国圣荷西“功夫太极日” (http://sns.in-kungfu.cn/viewthread-66923-1-1.html)
发表于 5 小时前 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

担任[第五届美国功夫杂志社国际武术锦标赛]的总裁判工作后,我又应邀参加了6月2日在圣荷西举办的[功夫 太极日]。

此活动类似国内举办的[市民体育健身日]、[全民健身日]。但是在我在国外参加许多武术活动中尚属首次,饶 有兴趣。在国内的活动,大多所涉的体育运动项目较多,如“太极拳”“长跑”“健身操”等。圣荷西[功夫太极 日]的设项是十分明确的,是以“功夫(武术)”“太极(拳)” 为主题的市民健身活动,这是少见的。特别是在地处美国加利福尼亚州的旧金山湾区,人们俗称“硅谷”的商业和 高科技研发中心的城市里,举办以中国武术文化为题裁的健身活动,更具有特殊的意义。多年前[美国功夫杂志社 ]为推动这项工作,做了许多策划、宣传、推动工作,获众多人的响应,其中圣荷西市的议员朱感生等人,一向倡 导[HEAL]运动,鼓励市民以营养、运动来提高健康水准,他们认为功夫、太极“是中国传统文化精髓所在, 希望这个有益身心的活动,能够在湾区发扬光大”在这一群体的有力推动、支持下,2012年6月2日终于在圣 荷西举办了首次[功夫太极日]。今年已是第二届了,创办人简琪社长强调了今年以“健康养生”为主题。日后每 年都将举办。

圣荷西[功夫太极日]活动于上午10时在圣荷西中心公园举行。圣荷西市的议员朱感生、周雪菊夫妇参加了开幕 式剪彩。并在会上指出:功夫太极是中国历史悠久的传统武术健身文化。赞赏[美国功夫杂志社]为推行中国传统 武术文化所做的努力。此后,传统舞狮喧闹起来,给大会带来喜庆之气氛,而来自旧金山、屋崙、佛利蒙、圣荷西 各地的太极团体近500人进入会场,他们穿着[功夫太极日]的红色T恤,围绕在中心舞台周围。狮舞离场,随 即“简化太极拳”乐起,全场太极拳舞动起来,其动作的规范、场面之壮观,不亚于国内各地集体太极拳演练的水 准。值得一说的,在队伍之前由加拿大“国际散手道联盟”主席梁守渝和著名武术家王菊蓉教授的女儿吴小高率领 。而在中心舞台上却是由西雅图专程赶来的赏誉“太极皇后”的高佳敏和曾代表中国武术队参赛 “第五届世界武术锦标赛”“第五届亚洲武术锦标赛” 获的冠军,现《峨嵋太极文化学院》院长邹云建在领做。可以说这一表现形式充分地表现出太极拳普及与提高的有 机结合。

集体表演后,是由武术前辈的演练,我也被列为首席,走了趟“太极刀”,算是助兴、捧场吧!但也很认真,尽量 展示太极运动所追求的动作美、劲力美、韵律美的整体性。随后,各地前辈、名师也纷纷登场献演。而来自各地的 武术、太极团体、学校计45个,有序地上中心舞台表演,特别令人注目的是几乎每个上场的团队的教练均会出手 尽展各自特色项目,与精湛武技。此活动,似乎是一场团队与团队之间的激烈较量,较之昨天设裁判的比赛更具有 竞争性。舞台上演练不停,活动一直延续到下午3时30分才算结束。人们纷纷离去之时,心中难免会升起明年再 聚的热望与期待。

在中午时分我按原计划应在活动现场,为参加活动的太极拳爱好者讲述42式太极拳了的动作规范、演练技巧及动 作的攻防含义表达,后因参加者多演练24式太极拳,在会议组织者的建议下,将应讲解42式太极拳,临时改为 讲述24式。由早期在北京武术队训练过的原美国武术队的队员,现[美国武术学院]院长裴康凯先生担任翻译。 从近80名参与者的热情来看,似乎感到我的讲授有些新意,示范的动作也还拿的出手,颇受欢迎。也算对[美国 功夫杂志社]邀请我来参加会议之前,表示的 “带些武术技艺给参加者”的承诺。在此,我还要衷心感谢裴康凯先生的准确翻译,为我的讲解增添许多色彩,提 高了我的讲课效果。他不仅当好翻译,而且无微不至地关照我的生活。下午他又去主持大会了,而我要及时赶回住 地,只好匆匆离去,感谢的话,也未留下,深表歉意!

[功夫太极日]结束后,我再次翻看中国驻旧金山总领事对此次活动所写贺信的内容:武术和太极是中华传统文化 瑰宝,具有广泛的国际影响力。希望此次活动成为弘扬中华文化平台,为促进中美两国体育和文化交体,加深两国 人民的相互了解和友谊发挥积极作用。


06-18-2013, 12:38 PM
See our Tiger Claw KungFuMagazine.com Championship 5 DVD collection winners thread. (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1234346)

06-18-2013, 01:42 PM
Kung Fu Tai Chi Day group Tai Chi 24 Demonstration (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCfXSpYO-mY)

06-25-2013, 10:42 AM
Professor Wang Peikun's Broadsword demo at Kung Fu Tai Chi Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe0Kp8s8kIw)

We've also been posting a few dozen photos every working day on our facebook albums (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kung-Fu-Tai-Chi-Magazine/135964689362?sk=photos_albums).

06-27-2013, 10:07 AM
Wild Aid Tournament 2013, First Half (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPoMqnwJ_HM)

Wild Aid Tournament 2013, Second Half (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NelMgDl1Aa8)

Grandmaster Liang Shou-Yu at Kung Fu Tai Chi Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMHTVzh2aew)

Tai Chi Internal Short Weapon, 35 - 54 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvAlrCCLNfs)

Tai Chi, Under 18 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uUhum4JRf8)

Four for Tai Chi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k56JL9CIjdE)

Tai Chi Short Weapon Under18 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4-nVCfk7Hk)

Tai Chi Forms Under 18 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bAgmwfpMRg)

Tae Kwon Do Board Breaking (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqqgr9utzXg)

A taste of Karate (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5ytnmjW0ys)

Wushu Long Weapon, 14-17 Age group, advanced (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4OGzIYZewc)

06-27-2013, 10:13 AM
Gene, been talking this tournament up at my kwoon for the past couple of years. I may actually get a small group together to come next year.

06-27-2013, 02:31 PM
That would be cool. I've missed our annual gatherings as I haven't been going to Jimmy Wong's these past few years.

Maybe you could compete in this: Iron Crotch 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYTm7ngmI0k) :D

06-28-2013, 06:13 AM
That would be cool. I've missed our annual gatherings as I haven't been going to Jimmy Wong's these past few years.

Maybe you could compete in this: Iron Crotch 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYTm7ngmI0k) :D

Are you coming to the one in Houston in a few weeks. I will be at that one.

Iron comp, sure, let me go and get a viagra prescription first. :D hahahah

06-28-2013, 08:14 AM
You'll just have to gather the forum peeps at some breastaurant (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54808) without me. :( Post pix. ;)

And if you practiced Iron Crotch, you wouldn't need Viagra. Read my first article on said topic (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=315). :cool:

And now, back on topic with some more vids:

Wushu Short Weapon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwvqTQTtIyo)

Wushu Forms, 7-9 age group (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSSzhMhZkuw)

Opening Ceremony for Kung Fu Tai Chi Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZN_YbsidcEk)

06-28-2013, 09:08 AM
You'll just have to gather the forum peeps at some breastaurant (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54808) without me. :( Post pix. ;)

Well, I probably won't have time to go for beers anyways. I have to work that Friday and will be flying in late afternoon/early evening. Have to help my Sifu with his seminar. Also not competing anymore. I am more than likely going to be judging instead. Too old to be jumping around, getting in low stances (ow my knees) and trying to kick people in the head in sparring. I will be 45 in Aug. I still want to be involved in tourneys, so judging it is.

06-28-2013, 12:14 PM
That's a shame that our little tradition is dying. We must have failed in training our next generation of forum member breastaurant aficionados. :(

Back on topic again - here's one more vid: The Lion Dance Ceremony (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zifDK1goPzE)

07-01-2013, 01:20 PM
Grandmaster Chu Chiuling at Kung Fu Tai Chi Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lETRNsd6vDc)

07-02-2013, 04:54 PM
Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming at Kung Fu Tai Chi Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1EDyrHCZJo)

Dragon Rhythm Shaolin Kung Fu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTlOHEvRFsI)

Lily Lau Eagle Claw Kung Fu Federation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O70iI1kSfDI)

South Coast Martial Arts at KFTC Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7j3yIy6Xxo)

Shaolin Kung Fu Yuan at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuGvi48IsnU)

Dai Jincai and Jincai Tai Chi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJLvfFkH8fU)

San Francisco Tongle Tai Chi Assoc at KFTC 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=594hayN6f_k)

Taiji Duilian by Hongyang Tai Chi Fitness (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCKiCVG2oBM)

O-Mei Kung Fu Academy at KFTC 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gZuh49fR9k)

Taiji Jian Duilian by Jincai Tai Chi for KFTC Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igEhPut93Ws)

China Tai Chi Kung Fu at KFTC 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmtA8-MBIEs)

Shaolin Quan Fa at KFTC Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjmzbDTTUlk)

San Francisco Fitness Tai Chi at KFTC Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FDOej0EdxM)

O-Mei Student Nathan Chou at KFTC Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39LFYppQBrk)

07-08-2013, 01:42 PM
We're almost done. Almost.

Chinese Performing Artists of America at KFTC Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9sAUgTyUAs)

Shaolin Shaolin Martial Arts at KFTC Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gRlBkY88hg)

Sifu Bryant Fong at KFTC Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsf1X0bscZw)

Grandmaster Chui Chi Ling (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g51Mo_Xjqrg)

Silicon Valley Kung Fu Academy at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjCzl-e3QhI)

Fei Shifu School at the KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq0y9AjmUmc)

American Chen Taiji Society at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_V_xFm3E6g)

Sunnyvale Recreation Department at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itUwYujCtE8)

Dr. Effie Chow at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aU9CAF6jJis)

USA Tai Chi Cultural Association at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhcTuHsmbzw)

Shaolin Temple USA at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izIDaJjlcPg)

Kung Fu Dragon USA at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72ofysW8LB4)

Professor Wang Peikun at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0YJLJobvPg)

Grandmaster Liang Shou-Yu at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oWQWHe6zhI)

YMAA Retreat center at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMCAfgWc24s)

07-10-2013, 08:01 PM
Real nice gene , great coverage. For those of you that missed being their these videos give ya a good " birds eye view" of the events.

Thank you gene. :)

07-11-2013, 09:45 AM
We are all grateful for your continued support of our event. You judged from the beginning all the way to the bitter end. I really appreciate that.

Here's my personal perspective on the event... part 1 ;)
Tiger Claw Elite Championship 2013 Part 1: Preparing for Battle (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1099)

Here also is the last of our vids:
Grandmaster Yong Fu Chen at KFTC Day (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHY-6KwP32s)

Phillip Sahagun at Kung Fu Tai Chi Day 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9t8CRmZKi8)

Another Performance from Chinese Performing Artists of America (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D2Q7dhwp_U)

07-15-2013, 10:46 AM
Tai Chi ( taiji ) and Kung Fu Tai Chi in the park (http://thewayoftaichi.com/tai-chi-taiji-and-kung-fu-tai-chi-in-the-park/)

Here is a video newly posted on You Tube from a group Tai Chi ( taiji ) gathering on a beautiful day in June 2013, in Cesar Chavez park, San Jose, CA.

This is the group’s 2nd annual Kung Fu – Tai Chi day celebration where there was over 300 people practicing in the park at the same time! The practice was a part of a larger day-long event with different vendors and activities. This looks like a lot of fun!

07-19-2013, 08:05 AM
The Tiger Claw Elite Championship 2013 Part 2: Let the Battle Begin (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1101)

07-26-2013, 07:58 PM
Badass Bunny Productions squeezed out one last video about Master Tu Jin Sheng and his students.

Special Skills (http://youtu.be/h40hNsvRfWM)

08-09-2013, 08:28 AM
The full print report is in our September/October 2013 issue (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=1113), which is hitting the newsstands now.

KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY 2013 Part 1 (TCEC Part 3): Preparing for Tai Chi (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1114)

Just one more ezine article to go, and we'll close this chapter.

08-14-2013, 10:00 AM
KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY 2013 Part 2 (TCEC Part 4): Let the Tai Chi Begin (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1115)

09-06-2013, 04:21 PM
Subscribe (http://www.martialartsmart.com/19341.html) before Sept 10, 2013 and receive a free DVD of 2013 Tiger Claw Elite Championship & KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY! This is an exclusive offer - this DVD will only be sent to you if you are subscribed by this date. Note that this is different material than what has been published on our YouTube channels.

10-18-2013, 09:29 AM
But you gotta win it now.

Enter to win TIGER CLAW ELITE CHAMPIONSHIPS & KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY DVD (http://www.kungfumagazine.net/index.html)! Contest end 6:00 p.m. PST on 10/31/13. Good luck everyone!

10-18-2013, 09:32 AM
can we win a taiji robot instead?

10-19-2013, 02:31 PM
I am going to share some things with everyone that reads this forum about my own experience with Tiger-Claw,

I went to their first tournament a few years back as a volunteer to help judge form competiton , I had no idea what to expect. I had never met anyone at Tiger Claw , not knowing what to expect , I was prepared to leave in the event I felt it was necessary.

The first person I met was Gigi Oh , what a wonderful lady she is , I met Gene, the Oh family, along with many Martail Artist ( old and new ) and I experienced their sincere friendship.

All of us are lucky this forum is here so we can share our thoughts and ideas.

My best to all and thank you Gene for keeping this forum up and running.

11-11-2013, 06:22 PM
See our Tiger Claw Elite & KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY DVD winners thread. (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=66941)

Tiger Claw Elite & KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY 2014 will be May 17-18, 2014 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=66730).

12-11-2013, 04:23 PM
I just got a DVD in the mail about this tournament. I won it in the contest that was posted on the Kung Fu magazine website! It was SUCH a surprise and I was so honored to receive it!!! It's so ironic though, a few months after this tournament was held, I was in LA at the 2013 Shaolin Cultural Festival competing with my kung fu school. Both of my shifu's are from the temple and moved to Texas a while ago. I am still so astonished that I won and so honored. Thank you so much Kung Fu Magazine!!!!!

12-12-2013, 10:22 AM
Did we meet at the Shaolin Festival (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?65650-1st-American-Shaolin-Temple-Cultural-Festival)? Forgive me if I've forgotten as I met a lot of people there. Maybe it will inspire you and your school to come out for our event next year (May 17 & 18) (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?66730-2014-Tiger-Claw-Elite-(5-17)-amp-KUNG-FU-TAI-CHI-DAY-(5-18)-in-San-Jose-CA). Suggest it to Master Sun. ;)