View Full Version : Tcma skill set training

08-19-2012, 10:13 PM
Before we talk about specific tcma weight lifting tcma would need to define what skill sets they are trying to develop. Without this knowledge specific lifting is pointless. If tcma people are trying to develop sensitivity, relaxation, qi flow, clf like movement, tai chi continuous flow, mantis like movement...then do not even bother lifting weights. Just keep praying to the fat bellied Buddha that you will be as fat and rich as he was before he became enlightened. Or pray for 99 virgins after blowing yourself up. Or pray to get into heaven. But do not lift weights.

If you are training to have short power in strikes then we have a starting place. You can attach a tight resistance band to that useless wc wooden dummy and pretend to punch away from the dummy with the band pullin you back toward it. Do this as a static hold for a few reps a day. This will consolidate the muscles your body needs to do short power. The right muscles will get utilized.

If trying to develop hip throw do many hip throws. And once you are good at it you can use a Kettlebell or throwing dummy. You can also practice the positions you transition in static ally to develop the stength in your legs and core(stance training!!).

Before we can have this discussion tcma needs to find out what skills they are trying to develop as opposed to the forms they are teaching.

08-19-2012, 10:40 PM
By the way...preparing for a streetfight or preparing
To defend yourself or loved one is not a skill set.

08-19-2012, 11:24 PM
specific tcma weight lifting ...
For the

- striking art, a striking dummy or heavy bag may be sufficient.

- throwing art, depending on which skill that you want to develop, different training equipment will be needed.

08-20-2012, 07:00 AM
clf like movement

CLF doesn't need buddha or weights. CLF is known for whoopin ass.

YOU on the other hand.......are only known to be a TROLL. and THAT you're good at.

JUST SAYIN. :cool:

08-20-2012, 07:02 AM
CLF doesn't need buddha or weights. CLF is known for whoopin ass.

YOU on the other hand.......are only known to be a TROLL. and THAT you're good at.

JUST SAYIN. :cool:

He probably made that 5 Animals vid! :D

08-20-2012, 07:06 AM
He probably made that 5 Animals vid!

ROTFFLMFAO.........i heard that!

the more i see the ways trolls act then actually see who they really are is the BEST feeling ever. :D

By the way...preparing for a streetfight or preparing
To defend yourself or loved one is not a skill set.

a little behind on takin your meds huh? hop on that right away!

08-20-2012, 07:43 AM
CLF doesn't need buddha or weights. CLF is known for whoopin ass.

YOU on the other hand.......are only known to be a TROLL. and THAT you're good at.

JUST SAYIN. :cool:

Clf is known for whooping wc arse which is not saying much. Those old Hong Kong Chinese wc guys were the size of normal females from CPU tires that ate beef. Clf came in and beat up a bunch of Chinese midgets who made
Their arms even shorter trying to protect their centerlines. Clf beats up Kung foo fighters. Again, big whoop.

What are the skill sets taught on tcma? Can anyone name any? Why would I study mantis? What would it develop for me? The silence is defeating.

Drake was watching the 5 animal video while talking to the family he abandoned 13 years ago when he enlisted. That is sadder than Kung foo fighting.

08-20-2012, 08:15 AM
Clf is known for whooping wc arse which is not saying much. Those old Hong Kong Chinese wc guys were the size of normal females from CPU tires that ate beef. Clf came in and beat up a bunch of Chinese midgets who made
Their arms even shorter trying to protect their centerlines. Clf beats up Kung foo fighters. Again, big whoop.

What are the skill sets taught on tcma? Can anyone name any? Why would I study mantis? What would it develop for me? The silence is defeating.

Drake was watching the 5 animal video while talking to the family he abandoned 13 years ago when he enlisted. That is sadder than Kung foo fighting.

the answer is simple. Go find out for yourself. AND.....CLF has also been putting a whoopin on Muay Thai in the past and in the present as well. clf is also whoopin ass in San Shou as well.

with what's going on in the middle east i can only pray Drake remains safe

08-20-2012, 05:31 PM
the answer is simple. Go find out for yourself. AND.....CLF has also been putting a whoopin on Muay Thai in the past and in the present as well. clf is also whoopin ass in San Shou as well.

with what's going on in the middle east i can only pray Drake remains safe

You have yet to describe what clf is in terms of skill sets. Is it a striking art mostly or does it have "everything" including joint locks, ground fighting, and wrestling? If a guy trains in mma and clf...happens to throw a big overhand strike does that mean he did clf? Does only clf have big swinging punches? What is clf?

08-20-2012, 06:26 PM
You have yet to describe what clf is in terms of skill sets. Is it a striking art mostly or does it have "everything" including joint locks, ground fighting, and wrestling? If a guy trains in mma and clf...happens to throw a big overhand strike does that mean he did clf? Does only clf have big swinging punches? What is clf?

the answer would be clear......if you were ready for it.

However, one of its skill sets is handling more than one opponent at a time.

I have a sneaky feeling if i listed our skill sets you will say others have them too so why do CLF and not THIS.......and this answer is.......



08-20-2012, 07:20 PM
the answer would be clear......if you were ready for it.

However, one of its skill sets is handling more than one opponent at a time.

I have a sneaky feeling if i listed our skill sets you will say others have them too so why do CLF and not THIS.......and this answer is.......



What does clf specialize in? What fighting skills can I expect to learn if I study clf?

08-20-2012, 07:40 PM
All fighting arts will all develop the same skill set if properly trained. What is that skill set, you might ask? Fighting.

Why study this art or that art, you might ask? Personal preference, circumstances, regional limitations, etc.


08-20-2012, 08:05 PM
All fighting arts will all develop the same skill set if properly trained. What is that skill set, you might ask? Fighting.

Why study this art or that art, you might ask? Personal preference, circumstances, regional limitations, etc.


Properly trained. Do most tcma schools properly train? Fighting is a broad term which is why I broke it up into specific skill sets. The clf I have seen on YouTube shows it as a boxing art. Is clf mainly a boxing art and do they train it effectively as boxing schools? How many forms does clf have and does this add to or take away from its boxing skill set?

08-20-2012, 10:04 PM
What does clf specialize in? What fighting skills can I expect to learn if I study clf?

i'd only answer you if you were seriously interested in becoming a student. but since you're a known TCMA hater......i'll pass.

Scott R. Brown
08-21-2012, 02:49 AM
..... Step!

08-21-2012, 06:30 AM
i'd only answer you if you were seriously interested in becoming a student. but since you're a known TCMA hater......i'll pass.

Your answer is yours. If you cannot handle debate of that answer then by all means hide in a cave with your secret Kung foo. What are you afraid of in telling me? That I will say sport styles do it better? We all know that to be true so have no fear.

I am just tired of hearing that the traditional styles have it all when it comes to fighting when in reality most are styles specializing in specific skillsets. The fact that most here cannot even say what a potential fighter will be able to learn from tcma that is useful to him is telling.

What does clf specialize in? Please do not me tion forms like the Buddha palm.

08-21-2012, 07:04 AM

Do you mean developing a certain skill like Iron Palm? or is it more specific like training a certain punch?

Gongs or Skills are a major part of TCMA training. Lets take Phoenix Eye strike. The first part of the training is to hit your knuckle into bags (heavy bags or iron palm bags or wall bags etc). Continue this type of practice thruought your training. Next is to start aiming practice by placing a target on a bag (actually target can be anywhere) and try to hit it over and over again.

Next is to try it out is sparring class. Even though we where hand protection, I still aim my knuckle to certain areas of my sparring partner. Areas include chest or peck, thigh's or even armpit. No dangerous areas like temple or throat.

keep this up until you are good at hitting a target on the move.

RWilson..... why do you repeatedly attempt to put down TCMA? Are you close to Cleveland Ohio? Come see me so I can convince you. I really would to like to let you feel my Pheonix Eye.


08-21-2012, 07:21 AM

Do you mean developing a certain skill like Iron Palm? or is it more specific like training a certain punch?

Gongs or Skills are a major part of TCMA training. Lets take Phoenix Eye strike. The first part of the training is to hit your knuckle into bags (heavy bags or iron palm bags or wall bags etc). Continue this type of practice thruought your training. Next is to start aiming practice by placing a target on a bag (actually target can be anywhere) and try to hit it over and over again.

Next is to try it out is sparring class. Even though we where hand protection, I still aim my knuckle to certain areas of my sparring partner. Areas include chest or peck, thigh's or even armpit. No dangerous areas like temple or throat.

keep this up until you are good at hitting a target on the move.

RWilson..... why do you repeatedly attempt to put down TCMA? Are you close to Cleveland Ohio? Come see me so I can convince you. I really would to like to let you feel my Pheonix Eye.


Finally, a straight answer. Do you put te same attention toward other parts of the hand? If I went to Ohio I would go see a prostitute because there probably is not much to do over there.

08-21-2012, 08:00 AM
What does clf specialize in? Please do not me tion forms like the Buddha palm.

Buddha palms is just a form? there are NO buddha palms techniques? is just a form? is that what you're trying to tell me?

08-21-2012, 08:36 AM
Buddha palms is just a form? there are NO buddha palms techniques? is just a form? is that what you're trying to tell me?

I do not study clf. What is Buddha palms besides being a form?

08-21-2012, 09:01 AM

the above is a single strike using the open palm to the ribs. its found in our forms. But as you can clearly see, they aren't doing a form.

What was done here? Guy on right throws a punch to the face. guy on left steps in and used his lead hand to do a rising block while striking the ribs simultaneously.

* if you try to say anything to the effectiveness of it, if my hands can touch you i can palm you.

08-21-2012, 09:47 AM

the above is a single strike using the open palm to the ribs. its found in our forms. But as you can clearly see, they aren't doing a form.

What was done here? Guy on right throws a punch to the face. guy on left steps in and used his lead hand to do a rising block while striking the ribs simultaneously.

* if you try to say anything to the effectiveness of it, if my hands can touch you i can palm you.

So it is a palm strike. What is the big deal? Why call it Buddha palms?

08-21-2012, 09:51 AM
So it is a palm strike. What is the big deal? Why call it Buddha palms?

Because thats what its callled....why call a super man punch a superman punch? Are the guys doing it superman? No, but thats the name. Oh let me guess, everyone should change the name of a technique thats used that name for centuries because you dont like culture?

08-21-2012, 09:59 AM
Because thats what its callled....why call a super man punch a superman punch? Are the guys doing it superman? No, but thats the name. Oh let me guess, everyone should change the name of a technique thats used that name for centuries because you dont like culture?

You actully jump though when you do a superman punch so it is like you are flying in. The Buddha was an Indian prince who bevame enlightened and said to not have attachment to outcomes or objects as a way of being happy. Where the fuk is the correlation?

08-21-2012, 10:03 AM
Finally, a straight answer. Do you put te same attention toward other parts of the hand?

Depends on the student / the teacher and the goals they have set for each other. Pheonix Eye focus on the index finger's knuckle. Other Gongs or Skills may focus on other hand parts.

The Fire Palm of the Angry Monkey style focus on the palm and back side of the hand for whipping strikes. You start by slapping heavy bags, Iron Palm Bags or Wall bags etc. As a child, do you ever remember kids slapping someone on their bare back (kidney area) and really whip slapping the kidney area to make it red? So you whip the bags in the same way focusing that same whipping power.

With the same training concepts as Pheonix Eye, you eventually try to apply it in saprring class. We used to slap box on purpose trying whip each other while sparring and trying to see if we could apply this whipping action.

There are hundreds of different examples of Gongs that are available to learn. From hand conditioning to jumping to Iron Body to Punching. Almost every type of fighting can be found in the different Gongs or Skills.


08-21-2012, 10:04 AM
superman punch is actually fei charp choy in CLF and Fei Pao Choy (Flying leopeard/cougar) in Jow Ga.

08-21-2012, 10:07 AM
superman punch is actually fei charp choy in clf and fei pao choy (flying leopeard/cougar) in jow ga.

yup flying chop choys, flying sow choys, flying elbow's......

08-21-2012, 10:07 AM
You actully jump though when you do a superman punch so it is like you are flying in. The Buddha was an Indian prince who bevame enlightened and said to not have attachment to outcomes or objects as a way of being happy. Where the fuk is the correlation?

use your brain. 'you actually jump through when you do a superman punch' use that same line of reasoning smart guy.


ever think that the people who first called it buddha's palm is because you form your palm in the same way you see so many images of buddha forming the palm? wow, i know, its a trip to be so logical huh? there 'the fuk' is the correlation. its a tribute to the buddha.

08-21-2012, 10:09 AM
So it is a palm strike. What is the big deal? Why call it Buddha palms?
The form was called Buddha Palms as it was a form made up strictly of palm strikes with no closed fist, It was played "softer" more flowing, therefore evoking the hands of the Buddha.
As a result, Chan Heung (or whoever was the creator)was inspired to give it that name.
What's in a name?
Ask yourself this-why are you so hung up on this?
Let it go.
seriously. Grow up.

08-21-2012, 10:10 AM
You actully jump though when you do a superman punch so it is like you are flying in. The Buddha was an Indian prince who bevame enlightened and said to not have attachment to outcomes or objects as a way of being happy. Where the fuk is the correlation?

Buddha Palm is a common name for many techniques using any palm strike. Palm strikes were said to penetrate into the opponents body and injur organs as the pic below demonstrates:


This is a palm strike to the liver and if done properly may cause bruising or even internal damage to the liver.


08-21-2012, 10:17 AM
the form was called buddha palms as it was a form made up strictly of palm strikes with no closed fist, it was played "softer" more flowing, therefore evoking the hands of the buddha.
As a result, chan heung (or whoever was the creator)was inspired to give it that name.
What's in a name?
Ask yourself this-why are you so hung up on this?
Let it go.
Seriously. Grow up.

there are styles called fut gar kuen and fut gar jeung. Within these system are more than just palms. There are many closed hand strikes. But there are also many techniques using just the palms. Example. Butterfly palms. Its basically a block and lock technique with the hands open (palms).

This is a palm strike to the liver and if done properly may cause bruising or even internal damage to the liver.



08-21-2012, 10:26 AM
use your brain. 'you actually jump through when you do a superman punch' use that same line of reasoning smart guy.


ever think that the people who first called it buddha's palm is because you form your palm in the same way you see so many images of buddha forming the palm? wow, i know, its a trip to be so logical huh? there 'the fuk' is the correlation. its a tribute to the buddha.

I said you actually jump though. I did not say through. I have a lot of typos but that was not one of them. My logic actually supports why it is called a superman punch. Your logic is a bit dumb. I saw a statue of Ariel from the little mermaid. She had her hand up perhaps waving hi but actually she was doing a single palm strike. I call it the Ariel palm strike or better yet the little mermaid palm.

08-21-2012, 10:56 AM


do you still have no idea why they call it superman punch? or was he saying "POWER TO THE PEOPLE?"

08-21-2012, 11:15 AM
dont focus on the through, its not a big deal, and has no real bearing on this discussion. but the little mermaid was not around when the buddhists who applied the name to various palm techniques, so guess what, they used the popular buddhist culture at the time. you know the thousands upon thousands of statues and figures of buddha lifting the palm, to describe a technique that does very closely resembles the technique.

its quite obvious wilson that you dont understand much about other cultures, and dont have very sound reasoning or logic on this subject. maybe if you get a time machine and go back and talk to the buddhists practicing palm techniques, and looking at the statues surrounding them of buddha lifting the palm, and applied the name, then perhaps your brain might be able to figure it out.

its really very simple, elementary level logic, to put that together.

08-21-2012, 11:20 AM
its quite obvious wilson that you dont understand much about other cultures, and dont have very sound reasoning or logic on this subject. maybe if you get a time machine and go back and talk to the buddhists practicing palm techniques, and looking at the statues surrounding them of buddha lifting the palm, and applied the name, then perhaps your brain might be able to figure it out.

it must suck living insuch a tiny box, huh??

08-21-2012, 11:21 AM
it must suck living insuch a tiny box, huh??

i think i know what you guys mean now when you call this guy a troll....no body is that dense, not without having some mental redardation involved in the equation.

08-21-2012, 11:59 AM
dont focus on the through, its not a big deal, and has no real bearing on this discussion. but the little mermaid was not around when the buddhists who applied the name to various palm techniques, so guess what, they used the popular buddhist culture at the time. you know the thousands upon thousands of statues and figures of buddha lifting the palm, to describe a technique that does very closely resembles the technique.

its quite obvious wilson that you dont understand much about other cultures, and dont have very sound reasoning or logic on this subject. maybe if you get a time machine and go back and talk to the buddhists practicing palm techniques, and looking at the statues surrounding them of buddha lifting the palm, and applied the name, then perhaps your brain might be able to figure it out.

its really very simple, elementary level logic, to put that together.

It is still a guess either way unless...
Lucas, did you go back with a timemachine? You must have since you know for sure. You would be be guessing like me. Go back to practicing your little mermaid palm, prancing around in pink, and rupturing livers.

08-21-2012, 12:02 PM
Sometime I don't understand the purpose of certain discussions.

I can see reason for the following discussion. I'll call it, "information sharing".

A: What's TCMA?
B: TCMA is ...
C: TCMA is ...
A: Thanks for you guy's information ...

I don't see reason for this kind of discussion. I'll call it, "arguing - has nothing better to do". If both parties want to have the "last words", it will continue for another 60 pages.

A: TCMA sucks!
B: It's not ...
C: It's not ...
A: It is ...
D: It's not ...
A: It is ...

08-21-2012, 12:07 PM
It is still a guess either way unless...
Lucas, did you go back with a timemachine? You must have since you know for sure. You would be be guessing like me. Go back to practicing your little mermaid palm, prancing around in pink, and rupturing livers.

As a matter of fact, yes, I did build a time machine and go back to ancient China. Anyhow, I don't call my palm strikes Buddha's palm. I call them palm strikes, even though I do practice a style of cma that is directly linked to buddhist practitioners. However, I prefer fists to palms.

Why do I call them palm strikes?? Because I choose to. The same way that people who do call it Buddha's palm, choose to call it that. I dont rupture livers. I dont like the little mermaid as much as you. Also I dont own anything pink. Oh also, I don't prance around. Just to clear up what you think I do. I like Shaolin martial arts, and Judo. Those are my 'styles'. The Shaolin I practice is very boring to watch, its not modern wushu, and well, I think you know how Judokas train.

08-21-2012, 01:01 PM
You would be be guessing like me. Go back to practicing your little mermaid palm, prancing around in pink, and rupturing livers.

you know who also has nice buddha palms?

right here! in action

Scott R. Brown
08-21-2012, 02:52 PM

This is a mudra. I think this one is "boon bestowing". Don't quote me on that though.

And how dare you refer to your self as Lucas in my presence. You do not act or look like a Lucas!

Henceforth everyone shall refer to you as Hannibal, because you smell like a Hannibal to me, and a I have a great sense of smell and know what Hannibal smelled like!!!

08-21-2012, 03:12 PM
Oh, my bad, I went with the first google image that came up, because I was not inclined to put forth that much effort.

Might I ask, Hannibal Lecter or Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca?

Scott R. Brown
08-21-2012, 03:46 PM
Oh, my bad, I went with the first google image that came up, because I was not inclined to put forth that much effort.

Might I ask, Hannibal Lecter or Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca?

I did not mean it couldn't be the source of the Buddha Palm, and just giving more information.

You do not smell like a cannibal..... You smell just like many Carthaginians I have known. Not many people know this, but but Hannibal was quite a good cook, and but he rarely bathed. :(

Scott R. Brown
08-21-2012, 03:57 PM

Here we go, I looked it up:

Abhaya Mudra: The gesture of fearlessness and protection, usually shown as the left hand with palm turned outward and all fingers extended upwards. The symbolic meaning of the dispelling fear pose is an interpretation of the action of preaching. It is said that one gains fearlessness by following the Bodhisattva path....and crushing your enemies and hearing the lamentation of dere vimin!

08-21-2012, 04:12 PM
Well sir, thank you. I take that as a compliment. Hannibal was, after all, a great tactition and military commander. Who has time to bathe when you're busy being excellent.

Scott R. Brown
08-21-2012, 04:18 PM
Well sir, thank you. I take that as a compliment. Hannibal was, after all, a great tactition and military commander. Who has time to bathe when you're busy being excellent.

Spoken as if Hannibal had said it himself!:)

And I will now use that in my signature if you don't mind!:D

08-21-2012, 04:22 PM
Spoken as if Hannibal had said it himself!:)

And I will now use that in my signature if you don't mind!:D

:) Be my guest! Even though it was a question I ended with a period...

Scott R. Brown
08-21-2012, 04:26 PM
:) Be my guest! Even though it was a question I ended with a period...

I took it as a rhetorical statement! A warrior always acts like he meant to do it!;)

08-21-2012, 04:33 PM
Exactly! I'm so powerful, I can end my questions with periods!