View Full Version : Wu Toy San Ling Qung--treasured secret book? Types of "Kung"

08-21-2012, 07:29 PM
Wu Toy San Ling Qung--treasured secret book? Types of "Kung"

Does anyone remember the 16 types of "kung" listed in the Kung Fu:History, Traditions and People" book by Richard Chow and David Spangler?

There is Red Sand Palm, Leaping Kung, Iron Broom Kung, Jade Belt Kung,etc.

Some of them seem possible..others? I'm a little skeptical..

Like in Red Sand Palm it says to practice pulverizing red sand until it is a powder.

Um..isn't sand technically just about as close to a powder consistency as one can get?

It then states you can kill someone from a distance just by making the rubbing motion of sand being pulverized..

Thoughts? Anyone?
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08-21-2012, 10:57 PM
Yeah sand is pretty much powder as for killing someone at a distance that's completely mystic bs

08-22-2012, 09:14 AM
Wu Toy San Ling Qung--treasured secret book? Types of "Kung"

Does anyone remember the 16 types of "kung" listed in the Kung Fu:History, Traditions and People" book by Richard Chow and David Spangler?

There is Red Sand Palm, Leaping Kung, Iron Broom Kung, Jade Belt Kung,etc.

Some of them seem possible..others? I'm a little skeptical..

Like in Red Sand Palm it says to practice pulverizing red sand until it is a powder.

Um..isn't sand technically just about as close to a powder consistency as one can get?

It then states you can kill someone from a distance just by making the rubbing motion of sand being pulverized..

Thoughts? Anyone?
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I remember checking that book out from the library when I was younger. Some of the things mentioned in that book are also covered in the book "The 72 Consummate Arts of Shaolin" (or something like that). It's mostly a bunch of nonsense. I wrote about some of the stuff in another thread but that thread got deleted.

I'll try to post some of it again.

Ok, so one of them said to go punch a bolder and break your knuckles. Let them heal and do it again. When it heals this second time, you'll have a fist that can destroy anything (or something like that).

One of them said to dig a hole a few inches deep and jump out of it. I think it said to jump out of it using only your calves (meaning don't bend your knees and don't use your quads). Every so often you were supposed to make the hole a little deeper. Eventually you were jumping out of a 6 foot deep hole. This doesn't work for the following reasons: 1) in jumping, the majority of the force comes from your quads; your calves aren't strong enough to do it themselves. 2) you cannot make endless linear progress like that. A more realistic plan would have you fill the hole back in a little bit every so often and then start digging it deeper again. Failure to do this would lead to overtraining and negative results (you would become worse at the skill). It's just like with bench pressing or squatting, for example; you can't increase the weight continuously or your progress will stall and then start to regress. You have to lower the weight occasionally and ramp back up again.

One of them said to push a young tree every day or something so it bends. Keep doing this every day as the tree gets older and eventually you'll be strong enough to bend a thick, full-grown tree. Again, nonsense for the same reason as above.

One of them said to fill a barrel with water and practice walking along the edge of it. Every day, scoop a cup of water out of the barrel (which I guess makes it lighter and less stable). Eventually all the water will be out and you will still be able to walk along the edge of it without falling. This was supposed to give you "light skill" or some nonsense like that.

One of them said to rub sand between your palms every day. Somehow this was supposed to give you the ability to hit people far away from you. Nonsense.

One of them said to take clay jars and grip them with eagle claw or or tiger claw or whatever kung fu hand position you want to use and do forms with them (with your arms outstretched to your sides). Every few days or whatever, pour a cup of sand into the jar to make it heavier. Eventually you'll have a really strong grip. I understand what they're going for here but that's a pretty pointless way to train your grip. You'd get 100x better results with a Captains of Crush gripper or Ivanko Super Gripper or something that actually trains useful grip strength through a wider range of motion than static holding on the lip of a clay jar. Plus you have to find a pot that has the right size opening. And if you drop it it will break.

I remember being really excited to get the book but then each one I read was let down.

It's just a bunch of mythic kung fu nonsense that isn't grounded in real physiological science or real life. Even the ideas that might be legit, such as gradual progress to get stronger, are presented incorrectly and in a manner that wouldn't result in much progress.

IIRC, that kung fu book you mentioned just took a few of the training methods from the 72 Consummate Arts book.

08-22-2012, 08:16 PM
^^^^ it lives ^^^^ :D

08-25-2012, 09:10 AM
Wait, what lives? The 72 Arts book?

08-25-2012, 09:31 AM
no, you! :)

08-26-2012, 08:31 AM
I live!!!!!