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View Full Version : Fighting with wing chun

08-30-2012, 09:12 AM
How of many of you actually go outside the Kwoon and mix it up with Non-Wing Chun guys?

For instance has anybody ever went to another form of fighting like MMA or Muay Thai or Boxing gym and tried using pure Wing Chun principles when sparring? What happen? What worked? What didnt worked?

Also do you ever box or spar or play fight with non-martial artist who just got street fighting skills. In other words do you ever throw hands in a friendly match with people on the street that you may know? If so same questions for the WC how does the priciples measure up?

k gledhill
08-30-2012, 09:32 AM
I teach and train/workout in a large boxing gym....

08-30-2012, 11:27 AM
For instance has anybody ever went to another form of fighting like MMA or Muay Thai or Boxing gym and tried using pure Wing Chun principles when sparring?

Curious if you have done this yourself, and if so where and what was the outcome?

08-30-2012, 03:00 PM
I'll bite.
Since I had a few years of training my experiences were mixed.
If I played with other WC guys I did very well.

When playing with other systems it varied on my opponent. In all honesty a tall very athletic Shaolin long fist style guy gave me the most problem.

I feel sorry for a Bagua guy but I don't think he really was a fighting guy. Thaught he was but I dont think he was.

Before WC I fought a couple of Karate guys and supposed Muy Tai guys but again, I dont think they were really the fighting type.

After WC I had a few times to use WC against street thugish type guys and once with a punk rocker lunatic. All these guys I would say are the fighting type and every time worked great for me.

What works? Foot work, Strat, very few techniques, my favorite was Po-Pi. Ya that one was awesome.

08-30-2012, 04:00 PM
Ok, now I'll bite

Po Pai? Really? A double palm strike is what you found to be the most advantageous in a "real fight"?

Here's what I say to that: I'm punching myself in the face (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS3ZoDOueto&list=FLCX3pfF2omKDlXNaJihMggw&index=1&feature=plpp_video)

08-30-2012, 06:45 PM
Hahahaha!!!! That is hilarious!!!!

Ya it was pretty awesome. You probably had to be there to appreciate it. In print it sounds kinnda gay.

If I had a yoga ball and a camera I would post a clip. :eek::eek:

08-30-2012, 07:14 PM
Not last night.

I was going with a heavyweight - 275 lbs. who had a decent amount of skill. I had a layoff from doing the grappling tournament while I focused on gi grappling.

I got lit up like a Xmas tree. I don't care what I was using. Punching. Owned. Heavy kicks to the body. Owned. I got some penetration with inside punches, landed a few. Then I got completely dropped by a body kick and was done that round. Dude had a head movement like a cobra - mesmerizing. I had to ignore it and focus on the chest. My hand / upper gate - nowhere near a cover. Movement was sloppy. Punches were late. Kicks were blocked.


I definitely was not the hammer last night. I was the nail.

08-30-2012, 08:22 PM
I don't care what I use. If you limit yourself, you loose.

You win fights with heart, habits, strategies, physical conditions etc. Techniques come last.

08-30-2012, 08:40 PM
I don't care what I use. If you limit yourself, you loose.

You win fights with heart, habits, strategies, physical conditions etc. Techniques come last.

After you have knocked your opponent down, you can stand on his dead body, perform your chain punches, and prove that you are a wing chuner.

08-31-2012, 09:07 AM
Curious if you have done this yourself, and if so where and what was the outcome?

Frankly when i first started out with WC thats all i had to spar and box with was non-WC guys.

I sparred mostly Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai guys and street boxers.

But i also ran into a karate guy, a traditional boxer, and wrestler who for some odd reason try to fight me stand up...

the people i had the most difficulty with were those who had been training since they were young.

I also sparred Baqua and Tai Chi and Chi Tai Chi.

Aloong with your occasional street brawler who juust wants to throw hands with you to see if your kung fu really works.

08-31-2012, 09:09 AM
Real Talk you can't win them all. Thats so true...I remember i sparred this five animal guy when i was younger i got owned twice with his ass...His strikes were too fast for me then i couldnt see them coming. An another time he got a kick on me that floored me to the ground. I mean he got me right in the diaphram....knock the win right out of me.

Not last night.

I was going with a heavyweight - 275 lbs. who had a decent amount of skill. I had a layoff from doing the grappling tournament while I focused on gi grappling.

I got lit up like a Xmas tree. I don't care what I was using. Punching. Owned. Heavy kicks to the body. Owned. I got some penetration with inside punches, landed a few. Then I got completely dropped by a body kick and was done that round. Dude had a head movement like a cobra - mesmerizing. I had to ignore it and focus on the chest. My hand / upper gate - nowhere near a cover. Movement was sloppy. Punches were late. Kicks were blocked.


I definitely was not the hammer last night. I was the nail.