View Full Version : Streching for lowering/widening the shoulders

10-02-2001, 10:11 PM
What Kung fu/Bodywork exercises do you all use to lower/broaden/relax shoulders? I am not talking about increasing muscle size, I'm talking about lowering your shoulder bones so that when the collar bones (clavicles) are viewed from the front, they form a horizontal line --, without rolling the shoulders forward. Some people are like this naturally - my shoulders, partially due to back injury, ride high and my clavicles form a flattened V when viewed from the front. It is a little difficult to explain, so here's my list of exercises as examples and hopefully you'll get it.

1. From Mantak Chia's iron body book: Grasp each forarm with the other hand, keeping elbows pointed to the sides. Pull your arms apart, feeling the tension in your elbows. Shift this feeling to your shoulders. You should now feel your shoulders widening, and the shoulder blades should move apart from one another. Shoulders must not roll forward. My take: not so effective for me personally.

2. Place hands in vertical prayer position, behind your back. Press palms together. My take: this is effective and a good way to strech and lightly exercise muscules of the upper back such as the rhomboids, etc. This exercise is easier to perform if you can place your hands high up on your back.

3. Put left arm behind your back, and reach with the right hand over the right shoulder and curl the fingers so as to grip the hands together. Do other side. This can take some practice.
My take: I think most of you are familiar with this exercise. I feel it is the most effective exercise to loosen the shoulders and upper back.
Sometimes my shoulder blade wants to pop out from my back, so I put it against the corner of a wall. This seems to increase the stretch.

4. Place the backs of both hands together against the small of your back. Lie down flat on the floor. My take: I made this one up for myself. The action of the floor pushing my elbows forward produces a strech. This one is a good warmup for #3.

5. From Praying Mantis Warmup - Place one arm in front of you with the forarm pointing straight up at a 90 degree angle with your upper arm. Palm is facing you. Reach with the other arm underneath the elbow, wrap it around and grab the "pinkie" side of the other hand, pull down. My take: Difficult to describe this exercise in writing. Designed to exert pressure on your wrist in preparation for Chin Na. I've been able to modify the strech to rotate my forearm out, like the opposite of arm wrestling. Too much is not good. Also, I can pull the arm across my chest for an effective strech.

6. Other standard stretches I am aware of are where you grab one elbow with the other hand and pull back over your head, to the side, etc. My take: Streches the shoulder heads but not much else.

Streching other parts of your body, particularly intercostals, back, hips, massaging your temples, etc. will certainly help. But I am curious if anyone else out there had exercises specific to this goal. -Fa Jing

10-03-2001, 03:04 AM
Listen, unless your shoulders are high from overly tense trapezius, I don't think there's much you can do in terms of widening your shoulder structure, because that has to do with your bone structure.

I could be wrong. I have very wide shoulders, and I didn't as a child. Maybe it has something to do with my year and a half of Stone Warrior set training?


10-03-2001, 05:06 PM
Sounds like you may have a tight chest. Try to find streches that open up your chest. Backbend are great for opening your chest. Also when you stand think about pushing your sternum forward and bringing your ears back in between shoulders. This should help with your rolled forward shoulders.

San Francisco, C

P.S. Try taking a yoga class and talk to the instructor about your goal. More then likely they can help you.

10-03-2001, 08:24 PM
Ironfist - Yes, I do have an overly tense trapezius, rhomboids, spinal erectors, shoulder muscles, etc. Partially due to back injuries I've suffered playing tennis, moving furniture, lifting weights. One side is worse than the other. I am not talking about lengthening bone, just relaxing the muscles. Some people have this structural problem as well. Would you lie to elaborate on the Stone Warrior set?
Brian_CA: Yoga is the answer. I've been trying some exercises I got out of Swami Vishnu-Devenanda's book. This and Kung Fu has helped alot, I don't have pain anymore, unlike when I was lifting weights. Horse training is great, because you are aligning the hips. Lotus pose too. I was wondering what the Chinese approach is, given that much literature I've read, states that in Kung Fu the shoulders are relaxed and lowered, for power. In contrast, look at western boxers: Many keep the shoulders high to help deflect blows to the head. There seem to be chest - expanding exercises in most CMA systems, I'm sure these help. Also pulling your fists back to your sides, like in horse stance practice, while raising the shoulders as little as possible.
I'm just curious if anyone else has targeted this area for improvement, and what exercises they have found useful.

10-04-2001, 10:05 PM
Sure, just do a search for my name and "Stone Warrior" I've written about it a lot, and it takes too long to write it all again. Let me know if you can't find the threads, I'll bump them for you.


10-05-2001, 08:46 PM
IronFist or some name like....

whats your name?


10-05-2001, 10:26 PM
Read through your posts concerning Stone Warrior.

Is it just tapes that you buy that are so expensive or ?

Will engaging in 'hard' training like this Green Dragon program negativly affect my Internal training? (Wing Chun SLT mainly, some tai chi..)

