View Full Version : For Kickers/Korean artists..

10-17-2012, 03:24 PM
I know it may come across as blasphemous to mention a competitor magazine on here. I don't generally read "Black Belt" mag..yet I flipped thru a copy a few years ago and there was a kick which caught my eye.

I regret not purchasing the issue, but within the pastfew
years, the magazine featured an article containing a kick which was rather complex. May I ask if anyone knows what back issue this kick was in and what style? I believe it may have been from either "Kuk Sool Wan" or "Hwarang-Do", it's rather complex.

In the initiation of the kick..the individual attacking does what
seems like a roundhouse kick but instead of withdrawing the kick when
it makes contact with the opponents neck..the attacker seems to hook
the instep of the foot around the ride side of the neck(on top of the
trapezius muscle) so the side of the inside of the foot makes contact
with the trapezius and the back of the next near the lower cervical

From here the opponent is literally pulled down towards the ground. As
the opponent is falling,the attacker continues his scooping motion and
lands with the left side of his(the attacker) body on the ground in
what looks like a judo/aikido,jiu jitsu "roll"..while still making
contact with the opponents neck/torso. From here as the opponent
is falling towards the attacker, the attacker then pulls the opponent
with his right leg ONTO his left leg which is supporting his(the attacker) body
on the ground. As the attacker pulls the opponent onto his left leg
and as this is happening, the attacker sort of scoops the opponent onto BOTH
legs(opponents torso is now resting--albeit briefly--on both of the
attackers feet. The torso/abdomen is resting on the attackers feet).
From here the attacker is on his back and PUSHES the opponent off
both feet and away from him where the opponent hits the ground.
Do you know the kick I am describing and if so, what back issue or
Black Belt it appeared in? And if not the issue, does anyone here know what kick this is and which Korean art teaches it? I'm 99% positive it as either Kul Soon Won or Hwarang-Do.

Many thanks, LTN