View Full Version : Kung Fu Superstar Wing Chun Game now on Kickstarter

11-01-2012, 02:41 PM
UPDATE: We have now updated our Kickstarter page (http://kck.st/YmpVQG) with a new gameplay video that demonstrates our revolutionary approach to breaking the barrier between traditional controller and motion control gameplay. Be sure to check it out and let us know what you think!


Hello fellow Wing Chun practitioners,

Our innovative martial arts game Kung Fu Superstar is now on Kickstarter and really needs your support!

If you have some time, check out our pitch video which features a cameo by Grandmaster William Cheung!


Hope you enjoy the video and please consider backing the project! We need community support to take this project off the ground!

Thank you!

11-01-2012, 08:39 PM
It's an interesting concept but the problem as I see it is that it will still be gesture based rather than actually allowing real time tracking of body position. This means that if I do a technique it doesn't recognize or want to use a position from wing chun which isn't programmed into the game then it won't work.

Personally I'm waiting for a combination of motion tracking by suit, a VR headset, and the appropriate programming to allow truly free motion.

11-01-2012, 09:06 PM
It's an interesting concept but the problem as I see it is that it will still be gesture based rather than actually allowing real time tracking of body position. This means that if I do a technique it doesn't recognize or want to use a position from wing chun which isn't programmed into the game then it won't work.

Personally I'm waiting for a combination of motion tracking by suit, a VR headset, and the appropriate programming to allow truly free motion.

Personally, id rather do it for real

11-01-2012, 09:21 PM
Personally, id rather do it for real

That too. But I'm saying just doing it by motion gestures is really bad.

11-02-2012, 12:54 AM
That too. But I'm saying just doing it by motion gestures is really bad.

I agree totally, and the commentary on the video saying this will help you become a more effective fighter is ridiculous.

Sell it for what it is..... a game

11-02-2012, 01:29 AM
Hello fellow Wing Chun practitioners,

Our innovative martial arts game Kung Fu Superstar is now on Kickstarter and really needs your support!

If you have some time, check out our pitch video which features a cameo by Grandmaster William Cheung!


Hope you enjoy the video and please consider backing the project! We need community support to take this project off the ground!

Thank you!

Great to hear that you guys are finally getting this project off the ground I will definitely donate and I will spread the word on my Facebook as well as Google plus page.

11-02-2012, 09:10 AM
Thank you for the support nasmedicine! We really appreciate it!

Bacon: Yes VR + Motion Suit etc would be great. In the meantime we thought we'd start evolving fighting games towards that direction with what's currently available on the market. Surely you see the value in that too rather than just saying "the perfect technology to implement this is not available yet, let's just not bother"?

GlennR: This is not meant to replace formal training at all, Grandmaster Cheung was not alluding to that in the video. This is purely to get people more interested in martial arts so that hopefully some (all?) of them will take up the activity for real. We hope you can see that we are actually trying to promote martial arts here. Some people might find their way into a dojo directly, others might do so through this game.

11-02-2012, 06:51 PM
Bacon: Yes VR + Motion Suit etc would be great. In the meantime we thought we'd start evolving fighting games towards that direction with what's currently available on the market. Surely you see the value in that too rather than just saying "the perfect technology to implement this is not available yet, let's just not bother"?

Well having it gesture based is just as restrictive as using a controller and less responsive hence the need to do those slow motion segments where people choose the move.

For me it's an all or none thing. Either it's completely open as far as what you can do or it's still the same as every other game in functional execution.

11-02-2012, 10:42 PM
Thank you for the support nasmedicine! We really appreciate it!

Anything that helps promote classical martial arts is great IMO, with the current "trend" of MMA it's good to see a creative way to expose people who various martial arts. I noticed that you would be adding other styles as well so this game will not only be about WC.

Also, if i had a school I would totally be up for your virtual program that your implementing to expose people to the basics or a particular schools curriculum. I feel that this is a fascinating way to approach distance learning. because at least there is a way to "see" if the motions are being done somewhat correctly as oppose to the other distance learning option which is purely video based.

Of course nothing replaces a good teacher but I can definitely see where this can potentially head in the next 10 years especially as the tech improves. Some other Xbox games have attempted something similar to you guys but in a very superficial way, your choreography engine seems to be much deeper than that.

I would like to see weapons instituted in this game as well (sword (tai chi, bushido, eskrima) and perhaps more exotic martial art styles likes Capoeira. Anyways good luck to you guys, I've already started some hype amongst my circles.

11-03-2012, 02:15 AM
nasmedicine that is fantastic, thank you so much! We really need the project to reach more eyes right now so helping spread the word is invaluably helpful, thank you!

Bacon I would still argue that pressing buttons on a controller is not quite like performing a technique physically even if the software gives you some time to react, but I appreciate it's all or nothing for you so that's fair enough :)

11-12-2012, 12:56 PM
nasmedicine (and anyone else who might be interested) you may be interested to check out the new gameplay video we've posted on our project page


11-20-2012, 04:25 AM
The latest video update which focuses purely on the training mode in the game:


11-26-2012, 07:49 AM
Well having it gesture based is just as restrictive as using a controller and less responsive hence the need to do those slow motion segments where people choose the move.

For me it's an all or none thing. Either it's completely open as far as what you can do or it's still the same as every other game in functional execution.

I think thats the point. Its a form of entertainment, not a training tool.

The point doesn't seem to necessarily be to teach Wing Chun, but to enjoy a game about martial arts and "play along" with the characters while learning a bit about the martial arts.

If you want a fully interactive Martial Arts Simulator, then go right ahead and code it yourself. You're looking at a decade or more development cycle, multi-million dollar budget and zero chance of monetary return because it simply has no real market.

Don't forget you need to develop the hardware, too.

Take the game for what it is, you don't like it then cool. Don't buy it. But give credit where credit is due because its definitely the result of thousands of hours of hard work, all for their love of the martial arts.

I think thats pretty cool. I'd buy it.

That being said, the WC simulator you're talking about is something I wouldn't buy, I'd rather put in time at the gym.