View Full Version : back problems from deadlifts

10-19-2001, 06:11 AM
I started doing deadlifts last and it makes my back really sore. The first time I did it my back was really sore the day after, but then it didn't hurt the day after that. I just did deadlifts again today and my back is sore again. Do you think this could be from improper form? or is it just because I am starting deadlifts?

10-19-2001, 07:29 AM
Two things to remember.
1. Do NOT round your back. Make sure your back stays straight or even arched throughout the movement. Rounding your back is very bad.
2. Don't do too much weight too early. If you're having pain, drop weight and concentrate on form. It's not that bad to do just the bar at first.

BTW- you shouldn't really be doing deadlifts more than once a week, couldn't tell if you were or weren't from your post.

Just some thoughts from an ignoramus.

10-19-2001, 07:36 AM
DL's involve the back more than any other exercise. You're going to feel it there when you begin. Take some weight off if it causes you pain. Going too light and building up is better than starting too heavy.

Lost, you know you can do it more than once a week if you're doing Pavel style training :)


10-19-2001, 08:12 AM
My bad, haven't gotten the book yet. I just thought for someone just starting out with the exercise, it might be best to go through an introductory period. Personally, any time i go back to weights, after significant time off, i have to do the same thing. Otherwise I get too sore or injured, after my first workout and never make it back. That might just be me though.

Just some thoughts from an ignoramus.

straight blast
10-19-2001, 11:46 AM
Is it muscular stiffness or spinal pain? You can't be too careful with your back. As Lost Disciple said watch your form. Get your gym instructor to spot you for a couple of weeks at least.

"Through strength, learn gentleness. Through gentleness, strength will prevail"

10-20-2001, 03:00 AM
Well, I only was deadlifting 135 which is pretty light I think. I am only doing it once a week, on fridays. The pain feels like the lower back muscle, not the spine. I will just stick with 135 and once my back isn't as sore I will add some weight. Thanks for the help!

Mr. Nemo
10-20-2001, 03:32 AM
It sounds like a problem with form to me.
I do deadlifts five times a week with no problem.

10-20-2001, 05:05 AM
i have a related question - whats the definition of going to failure during deadlifting? ive been doing them for about a month, and im scared to go to failure, because im not sure if my form is good enough to tolerate a huge weight pulling against my back in mid-air for more than a few seconds.

10-21-2001, 10:23 AM
Failure when deadlifting is usually classed as when you cannot perform another repetition in good form. Due to the way this exercise is done your body is more likely to contort in a different way to finish the rep.

That is why it is better to be safe and give up when you know your ofrm is being sacrificed.


10-22-2001, 08:26 AM
thanks. that helps a lot. i was doing them in the gym the other afternoon, and a friend told me my back was beginning to round. i got ****ed at myself for having bad form - guess i had just hit my limit.

10-22-2001, 02:23 PM
You will always feel a burn in your lower back doing deads...there are so many muscles being worked with deadlifts, I believe it is the best compound exercise there is...no other exercise hits directly and indirectly as many muscles as deads.

Just keep your head up and shoulders back as much as possible. Ask someone to watch you lift for form mistakes.

Mr.Nemo how on earth do you do deadlifts 5 times per week? Are you using ultra-light weight? If you do this right you shouldn't be able to do it 5 times a week. And on another note why would you want to? How do your muscles recover with no rest? Just curious.

10-24-2001, 10:50 PM
I do them five times a week also. I rest for two days. Just don't train to failure, and rest between sets long enough. My back feels better than ever after doing deads for a few weeks. Time to lift soon by the way...