View Full Version : Asgarda

11-29-2012, 10:47 AM
Is this for real? All paths seem to lead to this art site:

Amazons of the Ukraine
In the Ukraine, a country where females are victims of sexual trafficking and gender oppression, a new tribe of empowered women is emerging. Calling themselves the “Asgarda”, the women seek complete autonomy from men. Residing in the Carpathian Mountains, the tribe is comprised of 150 women of varying ages, primarily students, led by 30 year-old Katerina Tarnouska. Reviving the tribal traditions of the Scythian Amazons of ancient Greek mythology, the Asgarda train in martial arts, taught by former Soviet karate master, Volodymyr Stepanovytch, and learn life skills and sciences in order to become ideal women. Little physical documentation existed on the tribe, until recently, when renowned French photographer, Guillaume Herbaut, met the Asgarda back in 2004 in the midst of the Orange Revolution.
Finding their involvement with the revolution intriguing, Herbaut spent fourteen days photographing the tribe for “Le Retour des Amazones”. As apparent in several of the photos, the Asgarda idolize Yulia Volodymyrivna Tymoshenko – a key figure in the Orange Revolution and leader of the “Fatherland” party. Hoping to convey “the tradition, the legend, and the uneasiness among women in Ukraine”, Herbaut’s photographs portray devout and austere females in traditional and newfangled garb brandishing braids, battleaxes, and boxing gloves.
While Herbaut is uncertain if the photos are a good representation of the tribe, he adds “They were very happy when they saw the pictures. They want to show their strength”. When asked of his impressions of the Asgarda prior to and after photographing them, he remarked, “My first impression was ‘Asgarda is the root of a new sect’. My second impression was ‘Asgarda is the root of a new sect’!” New sect or the rebirth of a previous one, the Asgarda are reclaiming their lost independence, and, if Herbaut’s photographs are any indication, they aren’t afraid to fight for it.
There are 7 more photos if you follow the link.

Here's the English page (http://asgardaj.ru/Special-features-of-martial-art-for-women.html) another related site.

11-29-2012, 02:36 PM
So are they going to follow the tradition of mating?

Hebrew Hammer
11-29-2012, 03:33 PM
Lucas, I'm pretty sure these girls are too old for you...but who am I to kill your dreams. Methinks you're better suited for Assgarda.

Scott R. Brown
11-29-2012, 03:36 PM
I think it is spelled "Assguard"!

Orion Paximus
11-30-2012, 12:43 PM
Man no one joined my super secret martial arts sex sect when I started it last year... well except some old dude and we wasn't even good at martial arts

Hebrew Hammer
11-30-2012, 01:31 PM
I think it is spelled "Assguard"!

I stand corrected.

11-30-2012, 05:46 PM
I betcha you're not ready...

Warning - once you see these, you cannot go back.

Asgarda The Chaos (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ota6Z3AqeVY)
Asgarda Nakaz (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ymjS_DwzOg)
Asgarda Hrechkosiyi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPRoHU0iYns)
Asgarda Hopakrobika (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coGgS2lwDRA)

12-01-2012, 12:10 AM
I dunno about the skills, but the idea is hot!

If I was gonna wander into the forest and come across 150 people with weapons, I want it to be them. They can mistreat me for days! Tie me up, whateversclever!

Horrible dancers tho. They could use a few hours of training with a B-Boy!

05-17-2013, 08:39 AM
Ukraine’s Asgarda martial arts program recasts Amazon warrior women (http://www.pri.org/stories/politics-society/social-justice/ukraine’s-asgarda-martial-arts-program-recasts-amazon-warrior-women-13825.html)
Published 16 May, 2013 02:20:00 PRI's The World

Asgarda creator Katerina Tarnovska, right, trapping a kick during practice one recent day. (Photo by Lisa Duva.)

Katerina Tarnovska ia trying to build on the legend of the Amazon — the mythical women warriors who cut off their left breasts so they could fire their bows and arrows better and who fought along side Alexander the Great. Tarnovska, who is a preschool teacher by day, has organized a series of camps to help Ukranian women learn Asgarda.

A few years ago, a series of photos by the French photographer Guillaume Herbaut were widely posted on blogs and feminist news-sites on the internet.

In the photos, a group of young women pose with swords, hatchets and nun-chucks in the woods of Ukraine. In some of the photos, they are wearing black T-shirts and loose karate-style pants. In other photos, they are wearing flowing white shirts embroidered with flowers, a traditional Ukrainian outfit. The captions described these women as new Amazons, as in the mythical tribe of warrior women.

The group is run by a woman named Katerina Tarnovska. By day, she is a preschool gym teacher, leading groups of wiggly four-year-olds in a circle around a gym.

In her spare time, the 34-year-old is the leader of Asgarda, a female martial arts group that claims to be a new tribe of Amazons.

Amazons are the mythical, all-female warriors said to have fought in the Trojan War and worked alongside Alexander the Great. They’re famously said to have cut off their left breasts so they could aim their arrows more accurately.

Tarnovska doesn’t believe that. But she does believe the Amazons are the direct ancestors of Ukrainian women.

“If you read the histories, you see that on the territory of the Ukraine lived a group of young women, who came together to support each other in war, it was like a women’s school, where women who liked to fight, they could learn and lead such a life,” Tarnovska said.

And it was high time, Tarnovska said, for Ukrainian women to reconnect with their warrior past.

So in 2002, Katerina began to develop an all-female martial art. It’s based on another recently-created form of fighting called “Fighting Hopak,” but with a special emphasis on self-defense. She pasted fliers all over Lviv, inviting girls to train in the Carpathian Mountains. Word spread and dozens of girls joined.

And they still come, a couple dozen every summer. It’s like camp, Katerina said. Girls do arts and crafts, sing songs around a campfire — and practice martial arts. Katerina gives lectures about Ukrainian history and women’s role in society.

“We talk about who are women and girl warriors, why do they exist? What kind of laws they should follow? How does one become a true warrior? And what kind of women and heroines have lived in the past, and what role they played in our history?” Tarnovska said.

But, Tarnovska stressed that Asgarda is not out to claim anything for women. It’s not a group of feminists. Ukrainian women, she said, have always been equals. Like in mythology, as Amazons, they fought alongside men.

Oksana Kis, an anthropologist and historian in Lviv, said she doesn’t believe in the Amazon myth, but can see the benefits for women.

“Whether or not there is proof of Amazons in Ukraine or matriarchs in Ukraine, if this helps these women to feel better, and develop their self esteem and confidence, why not do it?” she said.

Kis said when Ukraine was part of the USSR, Soviet propaganda instructed women that they were equal to men. In today’s Ukraine, the laws are progressive and in favor of women.

“What Ukrainians always try to do, they always try to find the unique Ukrainian way to do everything, you know, for women’s liberation, for martial arts, for whatever,” she said.

But policy and practice in Ukraine are different.

Kis said women make up only 10 percent of the Ukrainian parliament. They’re paid 30 percent less than men with the same jobs. And in some fields, like computers, while men and women study the subject at roughly the same rate, there are hardly any women working in IT.

And this is where Tarnovska thinks her warrior training can help.

In a church basement across town fat, blue gym mats pad the floor. A group of 13 guys and two girls practice hurling each other onto the mats. Tarnovska changes from gold-sparked jeans to thigh-length boxing shorts emblazoned with a hissing viper. She suits up in gloves.

Tarnovska is training in kickboxing and Muay Thai. She spars with her trainer in preparation for an upcoming match.

She’ll teach the moves she learns to her Amazons, she said. And that will help them be better, tougher people regardless of what they do in life.

“You can be a warrior businessman, you can be a warrior politician, a warrior trolleybus operator,” Tarnovska said.

Or, a preschool gym teacher. Nice sexist conclusion. :rolleyes: