View Full Version : What do you think is the best diet to follow?

Dragon Warrior
10-24-2001, 08:21 PM
Do you follow that diet? How can you improve your diet so that you do follow it?

I believe that a balanced, simple, natural diet is best for the human body.
We should eat
whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal, etc.

moderate amounts of protein approximately 1/3 a
gram per pound of body weight.

at Least 10 servings of fruits and vegtables

various nuts and seeds should be included everyday.

1-2 servings of dairy

Diet should be 100% organic

I need to eat less meat and more fruits and vegetables, i have to find the money and buy more organic food. I also need to totally cut white bread, flour, and salt out of my diet, and stick to whole grain food.

For years, religion did nothing but divide. (killa priest)

Religion is like a prison for the seekers of wisdom. (killa priest)

[This message was edited by Dragon Warrior on 10-25-01 at 11:33 AM.]

10-24-2001, 09:06 PM
That's a few too many servings of fruit and veggies for me. Fruit has sugar, so I try to go with two servings, and get three servings of a mix of veggies.

I eat different types of protein throughout the day: soy, animal, and whey.

I get about 1 to 1 1/2 servings of nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts, depends on my mood).

Can't forget the yogurt--one serving of light.

I also stick to whole grains and eat as little (if any) processed foods. I'm not into organic, though.

Basically, I follow the American Dietetic Association recommendations. This has been doing well for me for more than a year, offering me variety and health.


Surrender yourself to nature and be all that you are.

10-25-2001, 08:05 AM
All the ideas about eating healthy seem good and pretty common sense. However, what do you people think about the Gracie Diet? Or at least diets that take into account combinations of foods and how they affect you?

Dragon Warrior
10-25-2001, 11:32 PM
what exactly is the gracie diet??

also, diet is not common sense because al lot of people have different ideas and opinions about how and what to eat.

For years, religion did nothing but divide. (killa priest)

Religion is like a prison for the seekers of wisdom. (killa priest)

10-25-2001, 11:44 PM
Chop Suey. In other words, little bit of everything.

10-26-2001, 04:49 AM
From what I understand the Gracie diet is a set of guidlines on how a person should mix foods together. For example if you have one food with another food in one meal whether its good to eat in that combo or not. I believe it was Carlos Gracie who delved into science to try to understand how to mix foods together to get best performance and health out of what you eat etc.
I believe gracie.com has a brief explanation of it also try stickgrappler.tripod.com under the Brazillian Jiu Jitsu section which has the basic guidlines of the gracie diet. Just wanted to know everyones opinion on it cause Ive been thinking about following it.

Sho Pi
10-26-2001, 05:27 AM
I agree with Robin about the American Dietetic Association recommendations. I think this was in another post awhile ago. Once I started really looking at portion/serving size I really started to eat better and loose the excess weight. Seriously exercising also helped.

The only diet that has been proven by time, and I mean decades, is the food pyramid. There is some new evidence that having 8-10 servings of fruits and veggies along with fish is very effective. However, it is still very preliminary and is based off of a study done in Okinawa (I think). They noticed that they have the most centarians per capita and started to look at factors. Diet being a big one.

Staying away from highly processed food and refined sugars will help immensely. This is not an easy thing to do in our fast food culture.

Powerlifters will talk about needing to add protein (i.e. more meat) to really recover from hard workouts. This may be true if you are trying to bulk up. The average person gets plenty of protein in their diet though.

hope this helps

Sho Pi

10-26-2001, 07:00 AM
I remember there being a thread about the gracie diet a few months back. Do a search, andyou should be able to find it.

"Just because I joke around sometimes doesn't mean I'm serious about kung-fu.
" - nightair

10-28-2001, 02:52 AM
Try vegetarian/vegan ;)

I know that some people are not too fond of the diet, but I have been a lacto vegetarian for well over two years and have never felt better.

If you are interested there have been a few good topics on vegetarianism on this board.

If you decide to eat meat, definitely stay away from the red meat. Chicken isnt bad, but seafood is better. Kick it with some soy protein too, it never hurts.

Other than that, get a whole bunch of servings(6, 7, 8 something like that) of vegetables(preferably darker ones as robin said and definitely some yellow ones like some squashes and carrots). I have heard that you should always eat cooked vegetables, for they are easier to digest, but I cant back that up.

I eat around 4 or 5 servings of fruit a day. When I need quick energy, I just grab an orange or apple, etc.
Instead of fruit juice, try to eat whole fruits and some water. With juice, you get the simple carbs and vitamins with some water. With whole fruits you get the simple carbs, vitamins, and some fiber. I am under the impression that the vitamins in whole fruits are much more abundant too(and you dont get any of that added calcium crap :cool: )

Hope this helps. And keep in mind, if it doesnt sound right, it might not be.


Mr. Nemo
10-28-2001, 02:55 AM
I think that different people have different "best" diets for themselves. For me, a diet rich in grains is not good. Others have no problems with eating a lot of grains.