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View Full Version : Andrea Moritz/Hulda Clarke Liver Cleanse

01-11-2013, 10:29 AM
Has anyone heard of either of these similar cleanses that have been trending on youtube? They purport to purge the liver of the hundreds of thousands of liver stones (inter hepatic stones) that clog the bile ducts in the livers of most people today with their high chemical and toxin diets, keeping them from secreting enough bile into the digestive system to properly digest food and flush the toxins out of the liver; before the interhepatic stones pass into the gall bladder necessitating gall bladder surgery. Anyone tried them?

David Jamieson
01-13-2013, 07:00 AM

do they or don't they? It's not that hard to find out through testing whether or not efficacy of a compound is valid or not.

01-13-2013, 03:41 PM
is that some sort of enema

01-13-2013, 05:35 PM
I'm pretty sure 99.9% of those "cleanses" are BS and are not based in any real medical science.

The "colon cleanse" is nonsense, and the "liver cleanse" probably is, too.

Although it's pretty clever how they deceive people with the colon cleanse. Those pills they make you take contain a fiber that expands in your intestines so you crap out these nasty looking rope things, and people think "wow! Look at all those toxins that were accumulating in my colon!" But what it really is is just some fiber that expanded into the shape of your colon. It's super deceptive.

If you want to clean your colon, any OTC laxative will do. When you get a colonoscopy your colon is completely "clean" and they just give you a liquid laxative, and it takes about 6-12 hours, not days like the "colon cleanse" people would have you believe.

I don't know anything about the liver cleanse, but I assume it's also nonsense, considering Dr. Clark's reputation:




I've never heard of Andreas Moritz, but he seems to be along the same lines:



01-13-2013, 09:45 PM
i just eat a lot of kale and brown rice with a decent admixture of other veggies...and hope that drinking the juice of the red berries/fruits has some affect as i hate eating berries and most fruits.

01-14-2013, 11:32 AM

do they or don't they? It's not that hard to find out through testing whether or not efficacy of a compound is valid or not.

Okay, so no one here's done it. I'm gonna do it within the next three weeks. Two co-workers of mine have done it several times and were the ones who put me on to it. They did Hulda Clarke's version though, while I prefer that of Andreas Moritz. There are videos of it all over youtube under "Liver cleanse" and "bileduct purge". Thanks everyone for posting.

01-16-2013, 07:58 PM
Sounds interesting, please post your thoughts after you've gone through the cleanse.