View Full Version : New member saying hi.

01-16-2013, 08:09 PM
Edit to add Im sorry if this is the wrong place for a introduction, but i could not find the intro forum. Please move if it is in wrong place.

Hi, im Kframe. I frequent a few different boards and try to use the same name at all of them.

WEll i have 1 year of martial arts experiance. I started in boxing and moved on to mma. I honestly would have loved to do some kind of real Kung fu, but the only school in my area is 45mins one way, which is way to far. Ps can anyone tell me if they are legit? http://www.wetoskey.com/ It seams as if you cant just study one thing. Sadly NE indiana has little in the way of kungfu. The rest of the TMA around me is mostly mcdojo tkd and karate.

So im doing my best Bruce Lee impression and just learning as much as i can, and making everything i learn my own. I have a good coach, with a good understanding of a lot of things.

It does sadden me that i cant take part in a martial art with a long lineage and well thought out training practices. I guess i could look at it this way. Boxing is a very old martial art, and i happen to love it. I guess i could say impart of something bigger but meh i still want more.

Well i look forward to reading much here, and some discussions. It seams this is a mature place, with decent people. Much better then sherdog.

01-16-2013, 09:29 PM
Hi :)

You will be trolled here. But not like sherdog. Good luck. :)

01-16-2013, 09:37 PM
syn what is sherdog

01-16-2013, 09:46 PM
It's an MMA company.


They have co sponsored some events, but mostly they sell t-shirts and talk about MMA. They have a radio show etc....

David Jamieson
01-17-2013, 06:23 AM
Edit to add Im sorry if this is the wrong place for a introduction, but i could not find the intro forum. Please move if it is in wrong place.

Hi, im Kframe. I frequent a few different boards and try to use the same name at all of them.

WEll i have 1 year of martial arts experiance. I started in boxing and moved on to mma. I honestly would have loved to do some kind of real Kung fu, but the only school in my area is 45mins one way, which is way to far. Ps can anyone tell me if they are legit? http://www.wetoskey.com/ It seams as if you cant just study one thing. Sadly NE indiana has little in the way of kungfu. The rest of the TMA around me is mostly mcdojo tkd and karate.

So im doing my best Bruce Lee impression and just learning as much as i can, and making everything i learn my own. I have a good coach, with a good understanding of a lot of things.

It does sadden me that i cant take part in a martial art with a long lineage and well thought out training practices. I guess i could look at it this way. Boxing is a very old martial art, and i happen to love it. I guess i could say impart of something bigger but meh i still want more.

Well i look forward to reading much here, and some discussions. It seams this is a mature place, with decent people. Much better then sherdog.

If you're comfortable with what you're learning that's good enough. If it is providing you with a path to your goal then go for it.

If you really wanted to get into the long storied lineages etc then you have to go to them. They don't tend to be in convenient locations. :)

welcome to the board.

taai gihk yahn
01-17-2013, 06:39 AM
Hi :)

You will be trolled here. But not like sherdog. Good luck. :)

what r u talking about? we don't do that sort of thing here


01-17-2013, 08:01 AM
Welcome. I'd say to train hard and learn everything you can in your current situation. This will serve you well on its own, and also act a good base for future learning of other styles.

Scott R. Brown
01-17-2013, 08:53 AM
It does sadden me that i cant take part in a martial art with a long lineage and well thought out training practices. I guess i could look at it this way. Boxing is a very old martial art, and i happen to love it. I guess i could say impart of something bigger but meh i still want more.

Welcome Kframe!

There is nothing necessarily special about the older ways. They are well worth training if what you want is broad experience. But older is not necessarily better. Take what you can get for now and see what the future holds.

Well i look forward to reading much here, and some discussions. It seams this is a mature place, with decent people. Much better then sherdog.

Ha!! Go back!!! It's a trick!!!:eek:

Some discussions are mature, some are not. Just grow a thick skin and be discerning. Try not to take too much personally, don't engage with people that you don't like or find do not have anything to offer but their bad attitudes and you'll do fine!;)

01-17-2013, 09:39 AM
Boxing not "modern" by any standards, and has a fine tradition on its own. Also, having a solid foundation in Boxing will make you a much better gongfu person in the future, if you find a place to train.

People who have a solid foundation in "modern" or "sport" martial arts tend to have a better perspective and understand the context a little better when they go to a "traditional" martial art in the future, than the people who don't have that foundation. At least this is my experience.

01-17-2013, 10:03 AM
See When Boxing was a Martial Art: The Sweet Science of Bare-knuckle Pugilism (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=473) by Frank Allen.

Welcome Kframe. Keep your sense of humor and you'll be fine here. ;) Good luck!

Dale Dugas
01-17-2013, 11:01 AM

Watch out for the cupcakes.

taai gihk yahn
01-17-2013, 12:09 PM
Welcome Kframe!

There is nothing necessarily special about the older ways. They are well worth training if what you want is broad experience. But older is not necessarily better. Take what you can get for now and see what the future holds.

Ha!! Go back!!! It's a trick!!!:eek:

Some discussions are mature, some are not. Just grow a thick skin and be discerning. Try not to take too much personally, don't engage with people that you don't like or find do not have anything to offer but their bad attitudes and you'll do fine!;)

most of all, don't believe a word that this "Scott" person tells you, as it seems he's not quite himself most of the time...;)

01-17-2013, 01:20 PM

01-17-2013, 04:29 PM
Thanks all for the kind words. I agree that if i want to do kung fu in the future ill need to travel for it. I would go to that Wetosky place, but the stuff they teach is all fairly modern stuff. I have never heard of Jun Fan.

Im happy were i am now and will be here for the forceable future. I love the mix of things im learning. My coach encourages me to try new things from different arts. I need to get that bood on boxing, that looks like a good read.

What i dont understand is why is no one trying to revive the skills and techniques that art contained? As a striking style the BNB would be very viable for MMA and the street and what not.

SKM a fellow from Indiana! What style are you practicing?

01-17-2013, 05:54 PM
jun fan gung fu is the name of the gung fu school that bruce lee opened. i have not looked at this place to see the connection though.

01-17-2013, 06:18 PM
Thanks all for the kind words. I agree that if i want to do kung fu in the future ill need to travel for it. I would go to that Wetosky place, but the stuff they teach is all fairly modern stuff. I have never heard of Jun Fan.

Im happy were i am now and will be here for the forceable future. I love the mix of things im learning. My coach encourages me to try new things from different arts. I need to get that bood on boxing, that looks like a good read.

What i dont understand is why is no one trying to revive the skills and techniques that art contained? As a striking style the BNB would be very viable for MMA and the street and what not.

SKM a fellow from Indiana! What style are you practicing?

Jun Fan is Bruce Lees real name. it's just JKD.

01-17-2013, 07:23 PM
Jun Fan is Bruce Lees real name. it's just JKD.

What he said. The guy is a teacher under Guro Dan Inosanto.

01-17-2013, 09:30 PM
Edit to add Im sorry if this is the wrong place for a introduction, but i could not find the intro forum. Please move if it is in wrong place.

Hi, im Kframe. I frequent a few different boards and try to use the same name at all of them.

WEll i have 1 year of martial arts experiance. I started in boxing and moved on to mma. I honestly would have loved to do some kind of real Kung fu, but the only school in my area is 45mins one way, which is way to far. Ps can anyone tell me if they are legit? http://www.wetoskey.com/ It seams as if you cant just study one thing. Sadly NE indiana has little in the way of kungfu. The rest of the TMA around me is mostly mcdojo tkd and karate.

So im doing my best Bruce Lee impression and just learning as much as i can, and making everything i learn my own. I have a good coach, with a good understanding of a lot of things.

It does sadden me that i cant take part in a martial art with a long lineage and well thought out training practices. I guess i could look at it this way. Boxing is a very old martial art, and i happen to love it. I guess i could say impart of something bigger but meh i still want more.

Well i look forward to reading much here, and some discussions. It seams this is a mature place, with decent people. Much better then sherdog.

Hello Kframe. I registered here just a few days ago myself. Looks like you live in the Auburn area. I live in Bloomington about three hours away from you. I agree with David. All the best in your training and life.

Hi guys! I also just registered recently. Hope we can have some cool discussions some time! :D

01-17-2013, 11:09 PM
What he said. The guy is a teacher under Guro Dan Inosanto.

Really, huh. I like Dan Inosanto. I am not a big Bruce Lee fan, but I would have trained with Inosanto in a heartbeat.

01-18-2013, 01:17 AM
I trained for a little over 3 years under Marc mcfann, who is one o Inosanto's oldest instructors. It's those types of schools you really get your chops. Lots of rolling and sparring.

It's a really cool crowd become most of Inosanto's guys all go to the same instructors after him. Pak Herman Suwanda(deceased), ajarn chai, machado, Francis fong etc. good stuff.