View Full Version : Boxers and Saints by Gene Luen Yang

01-24-2013, 04:31 PM
10 preview pages if you follow the link...

Exclusive: Gene Luen Yang Announces New Boxers and Saints Graphic Novels (http://www.wired.com/underwire/2013/01/exclusive-gene-yang-announces-new-boxers-and-saints-graphic-novels/)
By Wired Staff
7:50 PM

Gene Luen Yang’s breakout 2006 graphic novel, American Born Chinese, won a lot of accolades for the Oakland, California-based writer, artist and educator, including several that also marked milestones for the medium of sequential art: both the first time a graphic novel was named a finalist for the National Book Award and the first time a graphic novel earned the Michael L. Printz Award from the American Library Association.

Now, Yang announces his latest graphic novel project, Boxers & Saints, exclusively at Wired.com. Due out this September from First Second Books, the slipcased edition will contain two volumes that explore the stories of two peasants during the Boxer Rebellion in China who struggle with issues of identity during a time in Chinese history when many were asked to choose between their country and their faith. While Boxers tells the story of a peasant who joins the Rebellion, Saints follows the spiritual journey of a Chinese woman who converts to Catholicism.

Yang shared his thoughts on the upcoming release with Wired, along with a 10-page excerpt from Boxers.

Wired: The format of Boxers & Saints is rather unusual, where you’re publishing two separate volumes with shared characters and thematic connections. Why approach the stories in that way?

Gene Yang: I first became interested in the Boxer Rebellion in 2000. That year, Pope John Paul II canonized 87 Chinese Catholics. This was the first time the Roman Catholic Church has recognized the Chinese in this way. I’m Catholic, and I grew up in a Chinese Catholic community in the Bay Area. My home church was really excited about the canonizations and had all sorts of celebrations.

When I looked into the lives of the Chinese saints, I discovered that many of them had died during the Boxer Rebellion, a war that occurred on Chinese soil in the year 1900. Back then, the Chinese government was incredibly weak. Western powers were able to establish concessions – pieces of land that functioned as colonies – all across China. The poor, hungry, illiterate teenagers living in the Chinese countryside felt embarrassed by their nation’s weakness, so they came up with this ritual that they believed would give them mystical powers. Armed with these powers, they marched across their homeland into the major cities, killing European missionaries, merchants, soldiers, and Chinese Christians. Because their martial arts reminded the Europeans of boxing, they became known as the Boxers. John Paul II’s canonized saints were among the Boxers’ victims.

The more I read about the Boxer Rebellion, the more conflicted I felt. Who were the protagonists here? Who was more deserving of our sympathy? The Boxers or their Chinese Christian victims? When the Vatican announced the canonizations, the Chinese government issued a protest. They believed the Catholic Church was honoring women and men who betrayed their own culture. In many ways, the Boxer Rebellion embodies a conflict that some Asian and Asian American Christians struggle with, a conflict between our Eastern cultural heritage and our Western faith The two volume structure is meant to reflect this conflict. In one volume, the Boxers are the protagonists. In the other, the Chinese Christians are.

Wired: How necessary are the two stories to each other? Taken separately, both give complete stories, but read together, the connections between the two make both into far deeper and richer experiences. Was there ever any discussion about putting them out as separate books, or dropping one of the stories altogether?

Yang: I tried to give each volume a satisfying beginning, middle, and end so that they could be read separately. I also tried to write them so they could be read in either order. Early on, there was some debate about whether to publish the project as a single volume, but I really wanted it to be two separate volumes to reflect its dual nature. The folks at First Second Books have been incredibly generous and understanding.

Wired: Was there ever any worry about whether or not historical fiction about a Chinese Revolution and spiritual awakenings would be a hard sell to readers? Did that impact the way you wrote?

Yang: Not until you brought it up just now. Actually, my whole cartooning career has been kind of a dream. I started American Born Chinese as a mini-comic. I would write and draw a chapter, photocopy a hundred or so copies at the corner photocopy store, and then try to sell them on consignment through local comics shops. If I could sell maybe half a dozen, I’d be doing okay. When you’re working on that scale, you don’t really think about what does and does not impact sales. You just worry about whether or not you’re telling a good story, whether or not you’re making something new.

Although First Second Books operates on a different scale, I’ve tried to keep that same mentality. I’ve tried to only write and draw things I’m passionate about. I’ve tried to tell a story that’s engaging enough to keep the reader from the first page to the last. First Second is a business – they do have folks who crunch numbers – but I think their passion, their reason for getting up in the morning, is the same as mine. They want to put out stories that are engaging enough to keep the reader from the first page to the last.

Wired: How much research went into the historical setting of the book? Has the Boxer Rebellion been an interest of yours for awhile, or did you discover it while coming up with initial ideas for the book?

Yang: This is the most research I’ve ever done for a project. I’ve been working on Boxers and Saints since American Born Chinese came out in 2006. It’s been a long process. I spent a year going to a university library once a week. I visited the Jesuit Archives in Vanves, France and looked through their vast collection of photos. I read a bunch of books and watched a bunch of movies.

The thing about research is that there’s no end. You constantly have this fear that an expert who knows more than you will call you out on some detail in your book. (Actually, I’m pretty sure this will happen.) At some point, you just have to call it. The way I got myself to stop researching and start writing is to realize that I’m not trying to recreate China in the late 1800’s. I’m trying to create a functional, believable cartoon world that reflects China in the late 1800’s.

Wired: The religious aspect of the book is closely tied to the characters’ sense of self; the latter is a recurring theme in your work, but this is the first time faith plays such a defining role. Why approach religion now, and why in this way?

Yang: I have done one explicitly religious book. The Rosary Comic Book illustrates the rosary, a popular Roman Catholic devotional prayer, and was published by Pauline Books and Media. Religion also shows up in some of my other books. In American Born Chinese, I paraphrase one of the psalms from Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus appears in Loyola Chin and the San Peligran Order, a graphic novel I did for SLG Publishing.

Author Marsha Qualey says that an equation lies at the heart of all YA [young adult] lit: Power + Belonging = Identity. I think this is true. I talk about religion because it’s one of the ways human beings find power and belonging. Religion is more than just that – I think faith traditions give us ways to talk about experiences of the numinous, too – but power and belonging are a big part of it.

Many of the priests who served at my home church had spent years – decades, in some cases – living in Chinese reeducation camps. Their faith gave them a sense of power and belonging even when they were powerless and alone. It affirmed their identities by reminding them that they were a part of something bigger than their immediate surroundings. And although few of us have experienced such extreme circumstances, many join faith communities searching for those same things.

Wired: Saints plays with the reader’s expectations in a lot of ways, with Christianity being initially characterized as the work of devils… How much of that is playing on Vibiana’s own journey of faith, and the wrong-turns and misunderstandings she makes along the way?

Yang: I hope that Vibiana’s journey reflects many people’s faith journeys. Taking on a new religion is like taking on a new culture, with all the inevitable misunderstandings, conflicts, and struggles. I also hope that Vibiana’s journey reflects Asian Christianity. A hundred years ago, Christianity was seen as something foreign, something dangerous. Now, Christianity thrives in Asian countries like South Korea and China. How did this Western faith transition from “the work of devils” to an accepted part of Asian societies? Vibiana’s story is my best guess at an answer.

01-24-2013, 05:53 PM
I've been waiting to catch a glimpse of this!

Tainan Mantis
01-24-2013, 07:30 PM
Could you please post a link?

01-25-2013, 10:30 AM
My bad. I thought I did. That's for catching that, Tainan Mantis. I've fixed it above. :o

02-20-2013, 12:49 PM
THE BOXERS AND THE POWER OF POP CULTURE (http://geneyang.com/boxers-and-pop-culture)
Gen Luen Yang

When I tell people that my next project is about The Boxer Rebellion, they get this look in their eyes, the same look people get when they’re trying to match a face with a name. Most vaguely remember hearing about it in high school history. Some know it because of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Some think I’m talking about a band.
Understandable. In your average American history textbook, the Boxer Rebellion gets about a paragraph. Before I started writing Boxers & Saints, I didn’t know much about it either. Now that I’ve spent the better part of six years working on my two Boxer-themed graphic novels though, I truly believe that the Boxer Rebellion deserves more attention, especially in American schools. Yes, I’m biased. Very, very biased, in every way a person can be biased. But hear me out . . .

02-27-2013, 06:33 PM
By Gene Yang (http://geneyang.com/how-chinese-opera-and-american-comics-are-alike)

I gotta be honest. If you grew up on American pop music like me, Chinese opera can be hard to take. To Western ears, traditional Chinese singing can sound awfully whiny, like the singer is performing in spite of a mild head cold.

While working on Boxers & Saints, however, I developed an appreciation for the ancient artform. I’ve already written about how Chinese opera was the pop culture of the Boxers, kind of the way superhero comics are the pop culture of modern-day geeks. The similarities go beyond that. . .

03-13-2013, 01:21 PM
Chinese Opera Captain America
March 13, 2013 by gene
Filed under Gene's Blog (http://geneyang.com/chinese-opera-captain-america)

In September 2013, First Second Books will release Boxers & Saints, my graphic novels about the Boxer Rebellion. In previous posts, I’ve argued that the Boxers were a lot like today’s pop culture geeks and that the Chinese opera they watched was a lot like today’s comic books.

I’ve done some artwork inspired by that idea. Here’s the first one: Chinese Opera Captain America!

http://geneyang.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Captain-America.jpg Too funny not to post.

03-28-2013, 11:29 AM
His Iron Man & Thor are pretty sweet as well!

http://geneyang.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Iron-Man2.jpg (http://geneyang.com/chinese-opera-iron-man)

http://geneyang.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Thor.jpg (http://geneyang.com/chinese-opera-thor)

05-06-2013, 01:40 PM
This Boxed set looks pretty sweet!

For more check out FIRST SECOND (http://www.firstsecondbooks.com/books/gene-luen-yangs-boxers-saints/)

06-05-2013, 11:22 AM
View the MTV Geek exclusive Animated Trailer (http://geek-news.mtv.com/2013/06/05/boxers-and-saints-gene-luen-yang-trailer/)

06-24-2013, 11:07 AM
PRE-ORDER BOXERS & SAINTS FROM GREEN APPLE! (http://geneyang.com/pre-order-boxers-saints-from-green-apple)

If you pre-order Boxers, Saints, or both from Green Apple Books before September 1, I will sign and do a sketch in your book(s)! That’s right! A drawing just for YOU, from the bottom of my heart.

07-01-2013, 04:53 PM
In September 2013, First Second Books will release Boxers & Saints, my graphic novels about the Boxer Rebellion. In previous posts, I’ve argued that the Boxers were a lot like today’s pop culture geeks and that the Chinese opera they watched was a lot like today’s comic books.
I’ve done some artwork inspired by that idea. Here’s the latest (http://geneyang.com/genes-blog): Chinese Opera Hulk!http://geneyang.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Hulk.jpg

09-06-2013, 08:24 AM
Enter to win BOXERS & SAINTS Double Graphic Novel, autographed by author Gene Luen Yang (http://www.kungfumagazine.net/index.html)! Contest end 6:00 p.m. PST on 09/19/13. Good luck everyone!

09-10-2013, 07:43 AM
Talking BOXERS & SAINTS with Gene Yang (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1123) by Patrick Lugo

10-02-2013, 05:12 PM
See our Boxers & Saints autographed by Gene Luen Yang winners thread (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=66722).

04-15-2014, 08:41 AM
Boxers & Saints Wins the LA Times Book Prize (http://www.firstsecondbooks.com/books/boxers-saints-wins-the-la-times-book-prize/)
April 14, 2014
Posted by: Gina Gagliano


Gene Luen Yang’s critically acclaimed, New York Times Best-Selling graphic novel diptych Boxers & Saints has won the LA Times Book Prize for Young Adult Literature.
Boxers & Saints is the first ever graphic novel to win the LA Times Book Prize in a non-graphic novel category. The graphic novel is a two book recounting of the events of China’s Boxer Rebellion — one book told from the perspective of the Boxers, the other from their Chinese Catholic victims.
(Gene Luen Yang — and the other winners of this year’s LA Times Book Prize)
Gene Luen Yang says, “I’m deeply, deeply grateful to the Los Angeles Times, the judges, and all the other fine folks who put together this past weekend. Being acknowledged by the LA Times for this particular project has special resonance for me. One of the protagonists of Boxers & Saints, Vibiana, shares the same name as the patron saint of the city of Los Angeles.”
“Boxers & Saints is a deep and powerful insight into history, but above all, it’s a magnificent reading pleasure from one of the great literary voices of our time,” says :01 Editorial Director Mark Siegel. “It’s the kind of work a publisher hopes for once in a decade.”
(Gene Luen Yang and Rainbow Rowell, also a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize for Young Adult Literature — for her excellent novel Fangirl)
Boxers & Saints, which Dave Eggers calls, “a masterful work of historical fiction,” was also a National Book Award finalist (the third ever graphic novel to be so recognized), a Time Top Graphic Novel of the Year, an NPR Best Book of the Year, and a New York Times Notable Children’s Book – among many other honors.
(Gene Luen Yang and John Green, the winner of the LA Times Innovators Award)
Gene Luen Yang began drawing comic books in the fifth grade. He was an established figure in the indie comics scene when he published his first book with First Second, American Born Chinese, which is now in print in over ten languages. American Born Chinese‘s critical and commercial success catapulted Yang into stardom as a major voice of our times. His graphic novel The Shadow Hero (with Sonny Liew) is currently being serialized in monthly e-issues leading up to the publication of the book in July.
More on Shadow Hero (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?67197-The-Shadow-Hero-by-Gene-Luen-Yang-amp-Sonny-Liew) here.

02-29-2016, 01:33 PM
WHY YOU NEED TO BE READING GENE LUEN YANG (http://bookriot.com/2016/02/29/why-you-need-to-be-reading-gene-luen-yang/)
ANDI MILLER 02-29-16
This post was originally published at Panels, our sister site about all things comics! Check out more from them here.


When I hear of a graphic novel that really delves into history, I’m not always the first one to perk up. My tastes tend to lead toward kickass women doing heroic and fairly paranormal things. Think Lumberjanes and Gotham Academy. However, never one to poo-poo a creator without giving them a fair shake, I fell hard and fast for Gene Luen Yang from the beginning.

I picked up American Born Chinese as a graduate student, and I quickly adopted it for the classes I was teaching at university. It’s such a great blend of Chinese myth and legend intertwined with contemporary American prejudices and very real teenage struggles. I really had no idea how it would come together, but three threads…the Chinese monkey king, a Chinese-American student named Jin Wang, and a very stereotypical Chinese cousin, Chin-Kee, all blend into one amazing book that presents important lessons on the power of choice, identity, and transformation.

While American Born Chinese amazed me, it was the graphic novel duo, Boxers & Saints, that really cemented my awe of Yang’s storytelling ability.


The first book, Boxers, is set in 1898 when a Chinese boy named Little Bao is sucked into the grassroots Boxer Rebellion. He feels it’s his and his peers’ responsibilities to harness the power of the Chinese gods (much like the Monkey King in American Born Chinese) and rid the country of “foreign devils,” or Christian missionaries who pose a threat to Chinese culture and peace.

The flip-side of the Rebellion is represented in Saints when a young girl, unwanted by her family, is cast out and adopted by Christian missionaries. Nameless, she adopts a saint’s name, Vibiana, and has visions of Joan of Arc. She lives at peace with the Christians until the Rebellion finds them.

What Yang does so well, and what’s so hard to explain to a person who hasn’t read these books, is how well he portrays the gray area in an ideological argument. For the reader, experiencing the Rebellion from both sides, it’s easy to see how Little Bao and Vibiana were warranted in taking sides but how much they still have in common…how misunderstanding and a lack of objectivity can be detrimental to all. It’s a pertinent message in today’s political and ideological climate for sure.


While I didn’t think it could get any better than Boxers & Saints, one of his newer works, The Shadow Hero (with art by Sonny Liew), is pretty darn close even though it’s very different.

Again, Yang takes a historical approach with a twist. Hank, the hero of the title, lives in Chinatown during the Tong Wars, a period in the late 1880s to early 1920s, when warring Chinese gangs controlled the economy of Chinatown. Hank is proud to work in his father’s grocery store, and has no plans to do otherwise, until the day that the Tong Wars infringe on his family life. With his mother’s help (pushiness!) he is motivated to avenge a great wrong done to this family, Hank becomes the Green Turtle…a superhero. He also inherits a Chinese spirit god who lives in his shadow and helps out from time to time.

It’s a unique story, no doubt, but what makes it even richer is the history behind the Green Turtle. Not the Tong Wars exclusively, which were totally new to me, but when I did a little digging, I found out that the Green Turtle was the first Asian American superhero, created by Chu Hing in the 1940s for Blazing Comics. Yang revived the character to give him an origin story in The Shadow Hero.

Yang’s work is so deep and multifaceted that you can read it on a surface level and find a great story, but if you do a little digging (ok, Googling) there are depths to plumb that you may not have imagined. It makes for a rich, rewarding reading experience every single time.

Gene's work is pretty cool, and I'm not just saying that because we have the same name...which is pretty cool. ;)

The-Shadow-Hero-by-Gene-Luen-Yang-amp-Sonny-Liew (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?67197-The-Shadow-Hero-by-Gene-Luen-Yang-amp-Sonny-Liew)