View Full Version : Chinese to English Dictionary of China's Martial Arts

01-28-2013, 01:04 PM
A comprehensive Chinese to English dictionary of China's martial arts (http://www.lulu.com/shop/andrea-falk/chinese-to-english-dictionary-of-chinas-martial-arts/ebook/product-20570576.html), compiled and translated by Andrea Falk.
Andrea is one of the foremost modern translator's of internal style martial arts from China. She brings years of training and translation experience to this dictionary. It includes techniques and movement names of internal and external styles (form and contact), traditional Chinese medical terms, and many useful terms related to the martial arts. The dictionary is 200 8.5x11 inch pages long. It is presented in PDF form with a request for readers to send in comments and suggestions for yet more terms, and corrections.

Has anyone given this a try?

David Jamieson
01-28-2013, 01:41 PM

can't help but wonder what chinese it is translating to /from (I guess mandarin) in which case, the southerners are gonna have some rusty balls about it. lol :)

If some Hark Fu Muhn guy sees it as Hei Hu Chuan, he'll flip!

j/k. Haven't seen it and can't gauge it's usefulness or not.

01-28-2013, 03:19 PM
30 bucks for a PDF. OUCH.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad writers can bypass publishing houses and make their own success. I like the whole 0 overhead thing. It's interesting with music. $0.99 is quite the markup considering there is no actual physical product. They pay for storage and bandwidth. And the quality is significantly less than CDA. They should atleast give you a wave when you pay for it. So you pay more for less when at the same time they have next to no costs. Good scam. Ironic how it only really hurts "honest" people who don't download illegally. Don't even get me started on how it affects the talent. So, while 30 bucks is a lil much, good for her. Far as I can tell she self published.

Enter the indy age for the arts. Love it.

Oh and....
It's cool that she is accepting corrections for review. I imagine she'll update as she goes. Hopefully she offers updated versions to past customers for free.

01-28-2013, 05:10 PM
30 bucks for a PDF. OUCH.

prolly got all the infos from chinese wikipedia too.

01-28-2013, 06:59 PM
Definitely expensive, but it is a specialist subject.

Looked at the preview, its alright!

Really could have used this a few years ago. Now, I'm not so sure.