View Full Version : Protein drinks

09-25-2001, 02:22 AM
Ok, I know most protein drinks taste like card board. But I found one that doesn't taste like it! It tastes like flower! Even when I add choclate milk and lots of choclate syrup!

Anyway, my question is this. I can't STAND this drink ok? I mean come on, card board would taste better. So would I get the same results if I just follow the instructions of taking 3 spoons, and just SWALLOW IT WITHOUT THE MILK, rather than putting it in an 8 ounce glass of milk (which it just absorbs the milk like a sponge), then just drank an 8 ounce glass of milk after swallowing the mix? I think it would be 10 times better, no, 100 times better to swallow the mix whole 3 times then take a drink of milk rather than putting it in the milk. Would this be effective?


09-25-2001, 03:01 AM
I've tried that method with other things and swollowing a spoonfull of evil powder is not the easiest of tasks. I think the best thing would be to make a concentrated paste then drink the rest of the milk.

Onl my opinion, im sure itl still taste like sh1t

09-25-2001, 03:33 AM
swallowing powder sounds hard. but, protein is protein. If you swallow protein, your body is going to get protein. Just you'll get a little less because the milk that you aren't mixing has about 1g protein per fluid oz.

i r o n f i s t

09-25-2001, 04:19 AM
But IronFist, I am going to still drink milk AFTER I eat the protein. And if I put a spoon full of that crap in my mouth, dehydrate and quickly drink some milk (while some is still in my mouth) won't I get the same effects?


09-25-2001, 05:41 AM
I remember reading a story once, from the evil t-mag.com site no less; about a guy who swallowed protein powder.
The guy in question (TC I think) swallowed a huge spoonfull. The protein powder mixed with his saliva. He'd swallowed so much that it pretty much turned to concrete in his mouth and he almost suffocated.
A funny story and I'm not sure how true, but something you may wanna be aware of. :)

Just some thoughts from an ignoramus.

09-25-2001, 03:33 PM

from my own experience.

Never buy chocolate flavored protein powder. The taste is unbearable and I have a strong tolerance..

always buy vanilla or strawberry.

I stick with vanilla because it blends much better with skim milk and other shakes or juices.
I even put it in my OJ.

Check out proteinfactory.com for good Cheap stuff.

" The reason that sportsmen such as boxers, and wrestlers have a higher success rate in self-defense situations over other martial artists is because they will fight in the same manner as they train." -Bruce Lee

09-25-2001, 04:27 PM

Yeah, I found that out AFTER I bought it and tried it out. But actually, EAS Choclate fudge is the best stuff I have ever had in my life. Blends easily and tastes great. Just expensive as hell.


09-25-2001, 08:09 PM
Isopure zero carb whey protein powder actually tastes good. I mix it with milk and it tastes a bit like one of the nestle quick drinks. It mixes a lot better than any other powder I've seen and many others have mentioned the same thing. Why take powder dry? You can always just mix it in a bit of water...down it quick like a shot and then rinse your mouth out with whatever you want. I don't really recommend adding syrup, or chocolate milk too often...if you are working out you don't want to keep your sugar levels too high, unless it is post workout to create a creatine delivery system or replace glycogen stores...and that's only in a bulking phase as well.

09-25-2001, 09:56 PM
holy ****e, that almost sufficating thing freaked me out!

Repulsive Monkey
09-26-2001, 01:33 PM
If you are taking, and I do say IF!, more protein than it is necessary in your diet via these drinks, then the Stomach functions can potentially be weakened by its consistent use. I feel that Spleen functions could also be impaired and thus cause digestion problems after a while.

09-26-2001, 09:36 PM
Repulsive Monkey please try and make statements based on some form of science. What you FEEL is irelevant if you don't know what you are saying. Over intake of protein has no effect on the stomach or spleen. It is difficult to get too much protein if you are in training anyways. The purpose of a protein supplement is just that...a supplement. It is to get you to the level of protein your body requires.

09-28-2001, 05:43 AM
Lost_Disciple, thanks for the heads up. I tried it (not a large amount) and it did turn to concrete in my mouth. Took me 10 minutes to get it out. I was puking too (I had to puke 3 or 4 times to get it out). And drank a **** load of water (didn't have a cup, just stuck my mouth under the bathroom sink). Puke 3 times (twice in the toilet and once in the sink) before it was gone. Now my throat hurts.

So let my stupidity be a lesson for all of you. Don't try it. I am gonna flush the crap down the toilet, because no matter how I try it, it is evil to drink. (reminds me of a saying too, you guys should learn from it.)

A stupid man doesn't learn from his mistakes.
A smart man learns from his mistakes (I did.)
A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.

So learn from my mistake, DON'T TRY IT. Yuck, I can still taste it and that was 3 hours ago.


09-28-2001, 06:02 AM
I have a better idea

instead of wasting money on that protein crap and making yourself suffer by trying to drink it, why dont't you get protein the natural way by eating food?( preferably from vegetables since i'm a vegan)

It will save you money and it is probably a lot more enjoyable than drinking those protein shakes

anyways just my advice


09-28-2001, 05:20 PM
I do eat fruits and veggies. It is just the protein drinks provide more protein in a single drink than a fruit or veggie does.


Repulsive Monkey
09-29-2001, 12:37 AM
thanks for your misplaced and misinformed outburst, but what I said is classic textbook information from Chinese Medicine. The over processing of high level potein based foods and drinks most certainly will have a weakening effect on the Stomach and most certainly will end up effecting Spleen functions too. I FEEL that the old classic "Look before you leap" quote applies quite aptedly to you here ElPietro.

Dragon Warrior
09-29-2001, 12:46 AM
excess protein can also have negative effects on the kidney's. Your body does not need that much protein to build muscle, if you eat balanced nutrient rich meals, your body is getting all it needs to build strength and muscle.

I used to drink those protein drinks, but now since i've stopped, i am seeing faster and better results.

For years, religion did nothing but divide. (killa priest)

Religion is like a prison for the seekers of wisdom. (killa priest)

09-29-2001, 02:50 AM
Repulsive Monkey textbook chinese medicine you say yet you can't provide even simple reasoning for the broad statements you make...perhaps just thinking in the first place would be an excellent start for yourself. I guess your textbook is different from all others...but it's chinese so that must make it superior...thank you for further warping the minds of those who read these threads.

09-29-2001, 02:58 AM
Well I don't see how you could possibly be getting better results with less protein...yes there is a limit to what you should take and it's the kidney's that are at some risk...but this is in an extreme case. Without protein your body can metabolize muscle in order to fuel the body which is counter-productive to weight lifting...there are many factors that can change results so I doubt cutting out protein will be the cause.

On another note...KungfuDude how many tons of veggies are you eating to get your protein. ;) Just kidding but veggies are a poor source of protein...which is why vegetarians have trouble when it comes to getting enough protein...along with many other nutrients. I guess you could use SOY protein which isn't as good as whey protein but just veggies alone coupled with intense workouts will leave you deficient.

09-29-2001, 04:51 AM
Dragon Warrior
Excess protein harms your kidneys, but only in excessive amounts- like anything over 1 gram per pound of bodyweight. Anything less than 180 or 200 grams of protein shouldn't be much of a problem. FYI- that equates to 10 protein drinks a day; 1 or 2 ain't gonna put you in the red.

As far as kidneys go, I'd probly worry more about sugar intake.

Just some thoughts from an ignoramus.

Dragon Warrior
09-29-2001, 05:04 AM
i agree with you on the kidney and sugar statements.

There is almost no reason why anyone in America should be using protein supplements.

These magazines and advertisements have brainwashed our society. People just believe things without doing any extensive research on their own.

For years, religion did nothing but divide. (killa priest)

Religion is like a prison for the seekers of wisdom. (killa priest)

09-29-2001, 05:33 AM
I can agree with you on the extent that there are alternatives to protein shakes, but if you want a decent amount of protein and don't feel like eating tons of tuna, it can be an alternative. You will NOT however convince me that increased protein intake does not increase muscle mass, density, strength, and recovery time as protein has been the ONLY supplement that I have actually noticed gains from.

Just some thoughts from an ignoramus.

Repulsive Monkey
09-29-2001, 01:13 PM
The reasoning is that Stomach and Spleen functions deal with the processing of all foods and drinks, and when overloaded either bulk-wise or intensity wise it puts a strain of the convertion of mineral Qi to mix with Zong Qi breathed in. The two elements go to make the general body energy needed to function full stop. I'm sorry to hear that you failed to pick up on the fact that all this is just an opinion, and is not gospel. However your standpoint appears a little feeble when I have provided bona fide information, and again you still dismiss it. Thats fine ElPietro, i'm not trying to convert anyone just trying to exercise freedom of speech. I can assure you that I do not try to force people to except anything I say, whereas you choose to vehemently down-play what I say as a matter of fact. Strange that isn't it!? Now who's trying to warp other peoples mind eh ElPietro?

09-29-2001, 02:33 PM
I am a boulder. Bouderers need quicks bursts of power. The best food for this, is in fact, BANANNA's !

Dragon Warrior
09-29-2001, 04:56 PM
Im not saying that your body doesnt use protein to build muscle. It definetly does. It breaks down the proteins you eat and recombines the amino acids into combinations that it needs for various uses in the body.

Instead of getting more protein, imho, you should focus on eating very high quality protein. Im not talking about complete protein, instead im talking about very easily digested protein. What good is eating 300 grams of protein if your body only digest 50gms of it. Believe or not, but this is what actually happens. Try to eat as much raw organic food as possible. The enzymes in raw food will help you digest the food you eat, and allow you to utilize all of the nutrition given in the food.

Believe it or not, but i actually have seen an increase in my strength, recovery time, endurance, awarness, etc, since i have been eating raw foods. Since I have changed my diet to 70% raw foods, i only have to have about 1 serving of meat a day. Once i move out of my house i am going to totally cut meat out of my diet.

Protein shakes and excess meat will not increase strength, but instead cause the body to use more energy getting rid of what it doesnt need.

Check out this website.

Go to the nutrition link, they have some interesting reading material.

For years, religion did nothing but divide. (killa priest)

Religion is like a prison for the seekers of wisdom. (killa priest)

09-30-2001, 01:20 AM
I've read centurytraining.com before and don't agree with a lot of it.
I do, however, try to mix up my protein sources. I love peanuts and peanut butter, also beans and other non-meat proteins. I try to mix everything up, as far as what i eat and not get too cornered into one thing- cuz i get tired of the same food all the time, real quick. I'll even go so far as throwing a scoop of peanut butter into a blender with a protein shake. I also mix up my meats- I try to balance between red meats, poultry, and fish- probably putting more weight on fish.

I think people gotta find what works for them. I mean, some people feel healthier on a veggie diet, while others don't. I think some people grow real big on huge amounts of protein, while others just get diahrrea. hehe
Balance helps me out mentally (not getting sick of what I'm eating) and helps out my digestion - cuz too much of one thing makes me ill.

Just some thoughts from an ignoramus.

09-30-2001, 03:06 AM
Hmmm...Repulsive Monkey the reason for my vehemence is due to statements made by you that are as you state, "opinion" which are based on some mythical chinese textbook, yet it's still your "opinion", also based on something called Qi which if I look around the primary language on this board is english so why don't you explain what it is, along with zong qi since I don't see that on any periodical table or scientific text. Or is it your job just to state your "opinion" yet not justify it with one shred of evidence? Yeah I'm aggravated by your posts...because there are many people here searching for answers, and when foolish posts like yours are read it just further confuses them. Is your name Ralek?

On another note...if you are a large framed heavy body-builder it's almost impossible to get 100% of your protein intake from food. There is only so much you can stuff into yourself and if you think 50 grams of protein a day is enuff than just say good-bye to any mass you may have. Protein shakes are good as a "supplement" because it contains the best form of protein available, which is whey protein. This protein is absorbed fastest into your bloodstream to supply your muscles with what it needs right after a work out when you are in a catabolic state (which is when your body may be using muscle to fuel itself). It hasn't been proven one way or another how much protein you can absorb at once but generally it is accepted that you can at least utilize 50 grams in one sitting. If you can eat the protein you need from all food sources then more power to you, but I know when i'm on the go a protein bar or shake really comes in handy, as I don't carry around a grill and food everywhere I go.

But hey there's something called freedom of speech as stated earlier...so believe what you wish...

09-30-2001, 04:13 AM
BTW- I forgot about that 50gram thing.
There was a study i read last spring, someone else summarized the same thing here as well.
They proved that the body can not absorb more than 50g of protein in a single meal.
That wasn't meant for all day; in fact, every 3 hours can be considered a meal time.
That's 50g every 3 hours or so...that doesn't mean you are only going use 50g of protein all day.

The USRDA's protein guidelines are higher than 50g, no? Why would they advise u to consume more if you're not going to digest it all?

Just some thoughts from an ignoramus.

Dragon Warrior
09-30-2001, 07:48 PM
actually studies show that the body cannot absorb more than 24gms of protein at a time.

The RDA for protein comsumption is exactly 50gms. Not double it. Of course this is for the average person. I think they recommend 1/3 a gram for every pound you way. So if you weight 180lbs, you should have 60gms of protein.

Most fitness mazazines usually recommend more, but this is because they are sponsered by the companies that make these protein shakes.

For years, religion did nothing but divide. (killa priest)

Religion is like a prison for the seekers of wisdom. (killa priest)

09-30-2001, 10:44 PM
Please show me these "studies" and the reputable sources you got them from please. Considering the amount of research into this subject by 3rd party companies and concerned individuals as well as government regulation I'd be surprised if this was true.

Again please just post a link to these studies you've read.

Repulsive Monkey
10-01-2001, 12:09 PM
I can't see why your bluntness should turn so abusive ElPietro. This IS no mythical textbook like you presume that contains this information, quite the opposite. You'll find all this information in any and every single textbook on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Why you seem so scared and and uneasy about I don't know, especially as the so-called orthodox medical branches of most major countries seem to endorse Chinese Medicine. I mean it was Richard Nixon who had one of the most major influences in the 60's in promoting Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in America, after being cured (acute appendicitis) by it on his Chinese Embassy visits in the 60's.

Unfortunately ElPietro if you trully believe that there is only one true model of health and medicine in the world and all else is fake, old fashioned, unproven, or hog-wash then you must remian in the growinf minority of other blinkered people. For references to what I have quoted so far, See:

"Foundations of Chinese Medicine" & "Principles of Chinese Medicine" both by Giovanni Maciocia,

"The Web that has no Weaver" by Ted Kaptchuck

"The Yellow Emporors Classic on Internal Medicine" by Ni Maoshing

12-06-2018, 08:58 AM
FORGET PROTEIN SHAKES: DRINK BEER AFTER A WORKOUT (https://vinepair.com/wine-blog/forget-protein-shakes-drink-beer-after-a-workout/)
VinePair Staff @VinePair


Should you be gulping a cold one instead of a protein shake after a workout? According to recent research, the answer might be yes.

Charlie Bamforth, professor of brewing sciences at the University of California, Davis, says when consumed in moderation, beer contains nutrients, among them selenium (which contains antioxidants), B vitamins (which aid in energy), phosphorus (which is said to help with strong bones and teeth), and niacin (which is possibly beneficial to cholesterol). Moreover, beer packs in a good amount of protein, a bit of fiber, and silicon, which some sources say can prevent osteoporosis. These are all nutrients that are ideal for your body to consume after hitting the gym.

An added bonus? Studies also credit beer with stress reduction (well, we could’ve told you that) and muscle upkeep. Additionally, Bamforth stated that while both beer and wine contain antioxidants, those contained in the former are possibly more likely to be readily absorbed by the body.

While some of you may be running out to grab an IPA, others may be asking yourself if the calories in beer will actually undue your workout – not really. Think of beer as a small meal, which is basically what a protein shake is. According to Dr. Arthur Klatsky, who’s a researcher on the effects of drinking booze, “beer has more nutrients, often more calories, B vitamins. It’s more like a food [than wine or spirits].” That being said, the lower in alcohol your beer, the fewer calories it’ll have. Remember you want a “small” meal, not a feast. For this we recommend a session beer, like Founder’s All Day IPA.

Another fun fact? The beer belly is a myth. There’s no real evidence behind the beer belly, other than if you drink beer in excess, you’ll end up intaking a lot of calories and end up putting on fat. However, there’s nothing unique to beer’s nature that makes you resemble Santa Claus. Those with beer bellies are probably just indulging in some greasy bar food.

The bottom line? Moderation is key, but beer has some serious perks – definitely enough to justify stopping by the bar after your next workout.

Okay, confession time. Back in the late 80s, I was trying to put on some bulk. I came in at about 130 and was hoping to add 20 pounds. That was the story of my youth. So I tried drinking beer for the carbs (actually this research isn't new - beer was being bandied about for its nutritional value back then even). I drank a Guinness a day - for health! Now I'm 160 but all the bulk went to my belly (which according to this article, is NOT a beer belly). And I don't drink beer because of pre-diabetic issues. :(

Protein drinks (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?6530-Protein-drinks)
Beer... (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?6266-Beer)

12-08-2018, 11:59 PM

Not really. Drinking beer is good for your mood in the upcoming Christmas holiday. But the purpose of taking protein powder is for the protein without much calorie, and drowsy effect. Currently, I am taking milk powder, black sesame powder and oatmeal flakes as nutrition supplement for my training.


Hong Kong