View Full Version : fighting should be the byproduct not the goal

wiz cool c
02-23-2013, 07:21 PM
as i get older ,to me it seems there is nothing more foolish or childish or selfish then making your goal of training to be the badest guy on earth. What really is the point? if you are a competitive athlete,or law enforcement,make sense. If you are neither,then make having a strong and healthy body your goal.

This doesn't mean don't spar and don't do partner training and application. All of those are part of the martial arts. And without them you aren't doing martial arts. so any good system will have the byproduct of teaching one to defend oneself. but to walk around all day constantly thinking i can kick this guys ass. this guys style sucks i could whip him is infantile. Beside the fact that there are many ways to kill someone. gun, knife hit them with a car. really if you are over 20 you should try to have a positive goal. everyone has a body and it is pretty dam important to have good health. so train realistically, with this goal in mind. just my though anyway.

02-23-2013, 07:29 PM
as i get older ,to me it seems there is nothing more foolish or childish or selfish then making your goal of training to be the badest guy on earth. What really is the point? if you are a competitive athlete,or law enforcement,make sense. If you are neither,then make having a strong and healthy body your goal.

This doesn't mean don't spar and don't do partner training and application. All of those are part of the martial arts. And without them you aren't doing martial arts. so any good system will have the byproduct of teaching one to defend oneself. but to walk around all day constantly thinking i can kick this guys ass. this guys style sucks i could whip him is infantile. Beside the fact that there are many ways to kill someone. gun, knife hit them with a car. really if you are over 20 you should try to have a positive goal. everyone has a body and it is pretty dam important to have good health. so train realistically, with this goal in mind. just my though anyway.

Its only the people with low self esteem that feel they have to fight. You learn to fight so you don't have to fight.

02-23-2013, 07:49 PM
I look at fighting as the goal, but you get a lot of useful byproducts on the way to the goal.

And the byproducts are put to use more often than the fighting goal.

02-23-2013, 07:58 PM
I look at fighting as the goal, but you get a lot of useful byproducts on the way to the goal.

And the byproducts are put to use more often than the fighting goal.

The same lessons are mirrored in life.

Kellen Bassette
02-23-2013, 08:00 PM
It's only people who have never fought that feel like they can learn to fight without fighting.

02-23-2013, 08:04 PM
If you have used your "single leg" to take down people when you were young, you want to make sure that you can still use your "single leg" to take down a 20 years old when you are 80. There is a good reason for any old man to train through his old age. That old man wants to maintain his skill and doesn't want to lose to any 20 years old. "Maintain your skill" and "don't want to lose" are good motivation for MA training.

Kellen Bassette
02-23-2013, 08:09 PM
. "Don't want to lose" and "maintain your skill" are good motivation for MA training.

Not wanting to get knocked out is also an excellent motivation to perfect your technique.

02-23-2013, 08:17 PM
You learn to fight so you don't have to fight.

You have watched too many Bruce Lee's movies. You should not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all of the heavenly glory!

02-23-2013, 08:34 PM
You learn to fight so you don't have to fight.

You have watched too many Bruce Lee's movies. Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all of the heavenly glory!

When you make the goal to learn to fight, you train to an extreme level.

That intensity of training carries over to everything else you do.

When you face other challenges, you bring that intensity with you so you can endure and overcome instead of laying down and giving up.

02-23-2013, 08:37 PM
as i get older ,to me it seems there is nothing more foolish or childish or selfish then making your goal of training to be the badest guy on earth.
Oneday you may be too old to fight yourself. You will still enjoy to train your students, send them to MMA gyms, and ask them to fight for you.

If they

- win, you know that you are still a good teacher.
- lose, you'd better change your teaching method, otherwise you won't have any more students.

02-23-2013, 08:43 PM
Oneday you may be too old to fight yourself. You will still enjoy to train your students, send them to MMA gyms, and ask them to fight for you.

If they

- win, you know that you are still a good teacher.
- lose, you had better to modify your teaching method, otherwise you won't have any more students.

You can use your kungfu endurance to spend 13 hours a day rehabilitating a stroke victim.

You can use your listening ability to detect force when the doctors say the patient is paralyzed.

Training the patient to talk and move again uses all your kungfu coaching and teaching abilities.

Yes, I have videos. No, I won't post them.

02-23-2013, 08:43 PM
When you make the goal to learn to fight, you train to an extreme level.

That intensity of training carries over to everything else you do.

When you face other challenges, you bring that intensity with you so you can endure and overcome instead of laying down and giving up.

After you have killed 10,000 guys, you are finally tired of killing. You don't want to kill any more for the rest of your life. You then have found your "inner peace".

02-23-2013, 08:45 PM
After you have killed 10,000 guys, you are finally tired of killing. You don't want to kill any more for the rest of your life. You then have found your "inner peace".

I guess I better get started then :)

02-23-2013, 08:55 PM
You have watched too many Bruce Lee's movies. You should not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all of the heavenly glory!

Lol....I don't think you know which is which.

Every thought about seeing a shrink ?

02-23-2013, 10:00 PM
Some people don't live in Mayberry. Self defence and douchebags are not mutually exclusive. And if your goal was ever to be bad ass, you have a complex that most likely has simply been focused elsewhere once you realized you don't have what it takes to be a killer.:p

Kellen Bassette
02-23-2013, 10:05 PM
After you have killed 10,000 guys, you are finally tired of killing. You don't want to kill any more for the rest of your life. You then have found your "inner peace".

Lol..that's epic!

02-23-2013, 11:26 PM
as i get older ,to me it seems there is nothing more foolish or childish or selfish then making your goal of training to be the badest guy on earth. What really is the point? if you are a competitive athlete,or law enforcement,make sense. If you are neither,then make having a strong and healthy body your goal.

I am Spartacus!

02-23-2013, 11:29 PM
If you have used your "single leg" to take down people when you were young, you want to make sure that you can still use your "single leg" to take down a 20 years old when you are 80. There is a good reason for any old man to train through his old age. That old man wants to maintain his skill and doesn't want to lose to any 20 years old. "Maintain your skill" and "don't want to lose" are good motivation for MA training.

nah. It's easier just to switch to Hane Goshi. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTLgAT_uEis&feature=player_embedded)

Yum Cha
02-24-2013, 01:00 AM
Good fighting is a byproduct of good training. As this video demonstrates, perfection of technique is what its all about.

"You hit like a girl!"


02-24-2013, 01:56 AM
as i get older ,to me it seems there is nothing more foolish or childish or selfish then making your goal of training to be the badest guy on earth. What really is the point? if you are a competitive athlete,or law enforcement,make sense. If you are neither,then make having a strong and healthy body your goal.

This doesn't mean don't spar and don't do partner training and application. All of those are part of the martial arts. And without them you aren't doing martial arts. so any good system will have the byproduct of teaching one to defend oneself. but to walk around all day constantly thinking i can kick this guys ass. this guys style sucks i could whip him is infantile. Beside the fact that there are many ways to kill someone. gun, knife hit them with a car. really if you are over 20 you should try to have a positive goal. everyone has a body and it is pretty dam important to have good health. so train realistically, with this goal in mind. just my though anyway.

I think good kung fu training makes you smarter. Take this technique shown in this vid @ 1:05 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhCEIPaI5KY

He uses it several times throughout the vid with different follow-ups. In the style I learned, we practiced a similar technique against a 2 handed shove to the chest. I tried to teach it to a friend who does muay thai. I sometimes forget that these techniques that I find easy to do, can be tricky for your average guy to pick up because you need to learn to open up the attacker's arms in two different directions. If you ever been on the receiving end, it makes you feel "empty" for a moment.

wiz cool c
02-24-2013, 02:26 AM
Some people don't live in Mayberry. Self defence and douchebags are not mutually exclusive. And if your goal was ever to be bad ass, you have a complex that most likely has simply been focused elsewhere once you realized you don't have what it takes to be a killer.:p

i know a few boxers ,judo guys and wrestlers. they train hard. and don't talk about beating people in the street all day. they simply play their sport. i guess they could fight pretty well if it should ever happen

02-24-2013, 04:28 AM
I have taught for years and I tell all new students, in my classes you will learn self confidence, discipline, anatomy, Buddhism, medicine, qigong, taji, and praying mantis. You can excel in any one of these teachings but you will learn all of them regardless.

It is up to the student to which their goal is or the "byproduct" as you say.

02-24-2013, 06:29 AM
My goal is to be the toughest guy in the nursing home.

02-24-2013, 06:36 AM

If they attack me, I will take an eye, break a finger, rip an ear, break a kneecap, whatever I can do to make them pay rent for my space." I would warn them that should they choose to attack me, win, lose, or draw, they will 'wear' me the rest of their life.

Absolutely love this statement!

Before I fought someone even when I was working running security and bouncing at Night clubs, I would always warn them in some verbal way, felt it was only fair to give warning.....
sometimes it was as simple as you should think this out.

02-24-2013, 08:29 AM
My goal is to be the toughest guy in the nursing home.

Mine too :eek:

Let's hope we don't end up in the same facility.

Nurses would always be screaming "d@mnit, the old guys are fighting again!"

02-24-2013, 08:36 AM
Look at how old these guys are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmNYeQAmDqM

They were champions and fighters in their youth. They're still having fun. They're still formidable. This is my goal. I want to be rolling and fighting until the day they put me in the ground. Then I'll wrestle in heaven. Angels fight dirty. They're know to break hips to gain the advantage.

http://api.ning.com/files/WPrr2feiaOlOJDZosESKAQ01GEV6NInQkrbmJKTwBavWDNjjru aHHI4VSPhNrBGj7jU7k8y7Gm648vTLBghoH8kJ5VUOMbwc/JacobWrestleswiththeAngelbyDelacroix.jpg?width=737&height=552

02-24-2013, 09:01 AM
If you live somewhere where you get into a kung fu theater brawl every time you leave your home, then you should think about moving.

Sooner or later, you get shot.

I don't fight these days. I end the threat and move on.

02-24-2013, 02:15 PM
If you can still have this kind of flexibility through your old age, you should be proud of yourself. This is the Baji master 馬英圖 Ma Yin-To, the teaher who taught Baji in Nanking Central MA Institute. Even my teacher had learned Baji from him in .


http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%AD%E5%A4%AE%E5%9C%8B%E8%A1%93%E9%A4%A8#.E4. BA.BA.E6.89.8D.E5.BB.B6.E6.94.AC

02-24-2013, 02:16 PM
One teacher I had kept alluding that the higher purpose of training is most important. I found that to be disingenuous. The higher cannot exist truley without the "lower" . Its like learning how to write only to exercise your hand. It becomes devoid of purpose and empty. Whatever lessons gained by the struggle in the lower aspect would be lost.

02-25-2013, 04:53 AM

Before I fought someone even when I was working running security and bouncing at Night clubs, I would always warn them in some verbal way, felt it was only fair to give warning.....
sometimes it was as simple as you should think this out.

A doorman friend of mine says one of his colleagues just pulls his gumshield out of his pocket and sticks it in his mouth if a patron is getting a bit verbal. Never fails to calm the situation down apparently! :D

02-25-2013, 08:26 AM
Look at how old these guys are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmNYeQAmDqM

They were champions and fighters in their youth. They're still having fun. They're still formidable. This is my goal. I want to be rolling and fighting until the day they put me in the ground. Then I'll wrestle in heaven. Angels fight dirty. They're know to break hips to gain the advantage.

http://api.ning.com/files/WPrr2feiaOlOJDZosESKAQ01GEV6NInQkrbmJKTwBavWDNjjru aHHI4VSPhNrBGj7jU7k8y7Gm648vTLBghoH8kJ5VUOMbwc/JacobWrestleswiththeAngelbyDelacroix.jpg?width=737&height=552

I can teach you a few tricks, Angelic beings have a glaring weakness in their defense AND they have a few vial points that take them down, hard !

David Jamieson
02-25-2013, 09:22 AM
I can teach you a few tricks, Angelic beings have a glaring weakness in their defense AND they have a few vial points that take them down, hard !

Indeed, the fact they don't actually exist outside of moral allegory is their primary weakness and logic and simple rationale will take down angels very hard. :p

02-25-2013, 09:23 AM
Indeed, the fact they don't actually exist outside of moral allegory is their primary weakness and logic and simple rationale will take down angels very hard. :p

Stop giving away the good stuff for free or I am telling the union !!