View Full Version : It was nice while it lasted....

02-25-2013, 10:01 AM
I'm out folks. I returned for a bit to see if this place was a bit more palatable. Its not. It was nice making comments and not having a horde of trolls following my every word. It was nice being civil without the need to flame a troll. But I've reached my end with the tedium around here.

So as my final act I will commit cyber sepuku and get myself banned again.

Spell my name backwards. ;):D:rolleyes::eek:

02-25-2013, 10:35 AM
I certainly hope this isn't about our discussion on that other thread because, truly, if it is I don't get you...
You feel that slighted that if another person disagrees with your view on TCMA that you don't wanna "play anymore" and take your toys and leave the sandbox?

02-25-2013, 10:37 AM
Who monkeyed with the monkey?!!

02-25-2013, 10:39 AM
I'm out folks. I returned for a bit to see if this place was a bit more palatable. Its not. It was nice making comments and not having a horde of trolls following my every word. It was nice being civil without the need to flame a troll. But I've reached my end with the tedium around here.

So as my final act I will commit cyber sepuku and get myself banned again.

Spell my name backwards. ;):D:rolleyes::eek:

Well thanks for stopping by, I don't know why your getting your underwear in such a bunch, 12 years experience is still only a beginner, come back when you have more.:)

02-25-2013, 10:41 AM
Well thanks for stopping by, I don't know why your getting your underwear in such a bunch, 12 years experience is still only a beginner, come back when you have more.:)

LOL. Abel has like 30 years.

02-25-2013, 10:46 AM
LOL. Abel has like 30 years.

I will have to read some of his past posts , I don't recall his points.

OK, I get it, all that time, still stuck at body level .

02-25-2013, 10:58 AM
I certainly hope this isn't about our discussion on that other thread because, truly, if it is I don't get you...
You feel that slighted that if another person disagrees with your view on TCMA that you don't wanna "play anymore" and take your toys and leave the sandbox?
No, Paul, not you. Its just a general malaise about talking about the same thing over and over again with the MMA fan boyz. Dave returning to doesn't help either. I can foresee a million pages of troll crap from him. I'm just tired. I could just be grouchy. I'm surprised I've not been banned yet.

02-25-2013, 11:00 AM
We let all the MMA trollz be. We even let lkfmdc be. Why would we ban you?

02-25-2013, 11:00 AM
I will have to read some of his past posts , I don't recall his points.

OK, I get it, all that time, still stuck at body level .Every knew know it all...

and its 32 years by now.

02-25-2013, 11:01 AM
We let all the MMA trollz be. We even let lkfmdc be. Why would we ban you?Can I be sifuabel again?

Scott R. Brown
02-25-2013, 11:01 AM
<Sniff Sniff>:(:(

At 463 posts, we hardly knew you!!!

It took me 10 years to get fed up and my panties in a bunch, but I won my point in the end.......

........and it wasn't MY END that got the POINT! Bada BOOM!!! CLANG!!!!

Thank you.....thank you!!!

I'll be here all week, year, decade, century!!!

Try the Veal......and the Mangria!!!

02-25-2013, 11:02 AM
No, Paul, not you. Its just a general malaise about talking about the same thing over and over again with the MMA fan boyz. Dave returning to doesn't help either. I can foresee a million pages of troll crap from him. I'm just tired. I could just be grouchy. I'm surprised I've not been banned yet.

Glad to hear that because, as you know, discussion forums are for discussing and debating opposing opinions.
If we are all in agreement, what a boring world it would be for us.
MA like to fight, one way or another.
I don't like to see ANYONE go, especially people with experience.
No one is hear to convert anyone else, we express our views and the "audience" decide.
That's all we can do Bro.

02-25-2013, 11:02 AM
<Sniff Sniff>:(:(

At 463 posts, we hardly knew you!!!

It took me 10 years to get fed up and my panties in a bunch, but I won my point in the end.......

........and it wasn't MY END that got the POINT! Bada BOOM!!! CLANG!!!!

Thank you.....thank you!!!

I'll be here all week, year, decade, century!!!

Try the Veal......and the Mangria!!!

still not too bright are you.....LOL Lebaufist=tsifuabeL

02-25-2013, 11:04 AM
Can I be sifuabel again?

Well, at least you haven't lost your sense of humor. Take a break. Come back later perhaps. It'll probably still be the same, as MMA trollz et.al. are like roaches. :p At least y'all have the luxury to take a break. It's just a forum, after all.

David Jamieson
02-25-2013, 11:07 AM
Wait, If I take a break I don't get those sweet pieces of merch you send us mods!

Scott R. Brown
02-25-2013, 11:09 AM
No, Paul, not you. Its just a general malaise about talking about the same thing over and over again with the MMA fan boyz. Dave returning to doesn't help either. I can foresee a million pages of troll crap from him. I'm just tired. I could just be grouchy. I'm surprised I've not been banned yet.

When I got tired of it, some 7 or 8 years ago, I quit trying to have meaningful conversations. The thing is, everyone has their own opinion, and that opinion is based upon what they consider to be true facts (foundational principles) about fighting, the martial arts, life, etc.

Since everyone accepts different foundational principles they will come to different conclusions based upon those principles. In the end, it isn't worth taking it all too seriously. The fate of the universe is not held in the balance.

Have fun and don't take it all too seriously, it isn't worth it, or significant in the big picture of your life.

P.S. I like it that Dave is back! Don't take him too seriously either!

02-25-2013, 11:11 AM
Every knew know it all...

and its 32 years by now.

Well then, time to move on buddy, the body is getting old , father time favors no-one.

Scott R. Brown
02-25-2013, 11:12 AM
still not too bright are you.....LOL Lebaufist=tsifuabeL

Didn't know, didn't care!!!:eek:

Still don't care now that I do know! You did give something away when you mentioned Dave being back and not just anyone knows Dave!

But still don't care, so that makes you not too bright for thinking that anyone SHOULD or WOULD care!!!!:p:p:p



Did I say....


02-25-2013, 11:13 AM
When I got tired of it, some 7 or 8 years ago, I quit trying to have meaningful conversations. The thing is, everyone has their own opinion, and that opinion is based upon what they consider to be true facts (foundational principles) about fighting, the martial arts, life, etc.

Since everyone accepts different foundational principles they will come to different conclusions based upon those principles. In the end, it isn't worth taking it all too seriously. The fate of the universe is not held in the balance.

Have fun and don't take it all too seriously, it isn't worth it, or significant in the big picture of your life.

P.S. I like it that Dave is back! Don't take him too seriously either!

It's like I say:
Express your views, justify them the best you can and let the chips all where they may.
Sometimes the person gets it, sometimes we get it, sometimes the reader gets it, sometimes no one gets it, LOL !
Either way, when this stops being fun, what are we doing then?

02-25-2013, 11:13 AM
Its just a general malaise about talking about the same thing over and over again with the MMA fan boyz. Dave returning to doesn't help either. I can foresee a million pages of troll crap from him. I'm just tired. I could just be grouchy. I'm surprised I've not been banned yet.
There are people here who believes:

- Modern method is better than ancient method.
- MMA is better than TCMA.
- Internal is better than external.
- TCMA is for health, self-cultivation, performance, and inner peace.

No matter what you may say, they will never agree with you. Just express your opinion and try not to argue with those guys. This way, you won't raise up your blood pressure and lose sleeping.

David Jamieson
02-25-2013, 11:14 AM
Like anything in life, you will get out of it what you put into it and it's important that you come to be able to discern what is worthwhile engaging and what is not.

As most of us are grown men, I would say to any of you that revert to feces throwing because you haven't figured out how to communicate effectively or who communicates effectively and is therefore worthwhile conversing with, then..grow up, get a pair and join us in our manliness! :p

Or by all means, continue in the death spiral of monotony.

Scott R. Brown
02-25-2013, 11:15 AM
Glad to hear that because, as you know, discussion forums are for discussing and debating opposing opinions.

No they are not!:mad:

Scott R. Brown
02-25-2013, 11:16 AM
It's like I say:
Express your views, justify them the best you can and let the chips all where they may.
Sometimes the person gets it, sometimes we get it, sometimes the reader gets it, sometimes no one gets it, LOL !
Either way, when this stops being fun, what are we doing then?

<Sniff Sniff>

That's beautiful, Man!!!!

02-25-2013, 11:16 AM
OOps thought lebau was banned. I guess I tried my old handle and it it stuck there. had to change browsers.

02-25-2013, 11:19 AM
Sometimes the person gets it, ... sometimes no one gets it,

If you can just help one single person, your keyboard typing time will be worthwhile.

02-25-2013, 11:23 AM
This way, you won't raise up your blood pressure and lose sleeping.Never do , really. You John are one of the few that makes this page worth anything at all. The rest of it just makes me dizzy.

Scott you're a grade A idiot and I don't care if you choke on your Geritol. You are definitely NOT a reason for me to care.

02-25-2013, 11:26 AM
discussion forums are for discussing and debating opposing opinions.

I don't think the forum is for "debating". You express your opinion and I express mine. If you don't agree with me, That's fine. If I don't agree with you that's fine too. What is there for "debating"?

If you say that you can kick my ass and I say that you can't. How are we going to prove it unless oneday that you and I meet face to face?

Scott R. Brown
02-25-2013, 11:32 AM
Never do , really. You John are one of the few that makes this page worth anything at all. The rest of it just makes me dizzy.

I agree with you there, he has the most class here!

Scott you're a grade A idiot and I don't care if you choke on your Geritol. You are definitely NOT a reason for me to care.

Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today!!!:eek:

Does Abel need a hug???;)

02-25-2013, 11:36 AM
There are people here who believes:

- Modern method is better than ancient method.
- MMA is better than TCMA.
- Internal is better than external.
- TCMA is for health, self-cultivation, performance, and inner peace.

When you really boil it down, it's really all about "my way is better than your way" which is absurd from the get go because we are all so different (especially Syn7 :eek: ;)). My way might be best for me, but who knows if it will work for you?

Lebaufist=tsifuabeL way to give it away...:rolleyes:

Scott R. Brown
02-25-2013, 11:44 AM
When you really boil it down, it's really all about "my way is better than your way" which is absurd from the get go because we are all so different (especially Syn7 :eek: ;)). My way might be best for me, but who knows if it will work for you?

Every time I try to go YOUR way, it becomes MY way!

Then I try to go YOUR way again, and once again, IT BECOMES MY WAY!!!

I couldn't win, until I realized that I can only go MY way, and I can never go your WAY!!

Then I fell asleep and forgot what I was trying to do in the first place!

Who said they were leaving again?

Was it YOU or ME??:confused:

02-25-2013, 01:21 PM
I don't think the forum is for "debating". You express your opinion and I express mine. If you don't agree with me, That's fine. If I don't agree with you that's fine too. What is there for "debating"?

If you say that you can kick my ass and I say that you can't. How are we going to prove it unless oneday that you and I meet face to face?

**** your logic !!
Lets fight !!
*throws slipper at John*

02-25-2013, 01:44 PM
**** your logic !!
Lets fight !!
*throws slipper at John*

Wait...you're wearing slippers?

02-25-2013, 01:46 PM
Wait...you're wearing slippers?

Nope, I just always carry some for emergencies such as these.

Yum Cha
02-25-2013, 02:09 PM
Consistency Principle. Once we make a choice, we will distort logic to reinforce our choice, which drives us deeper into the belief that our choice is right.

Its how Brands work, convincing you that this is your Brand, and you identify with it.

And Politics...

Nobody knows it all, slake your desire to be the definitive one, and you can learn, otherwise you're just reinforcing your limited knowledge in a circular manner. Now, this can make you a good fighter, or a good martial artist, or a good customer, but not a student.
I've trained 40 years (yea, I'll kick your a$$ Robinhood, fly me to Hawaii and we can duke it out on the beach), and I learned stuff I never expected here, talked a lot of shyt, and have heard the most inane discussions on the absolute worst dross imaginable. Talk about cheap entertainment! Thanks Gene!

So, whether your a Cro-Magnon who was too thick or too impatient to understand TCMA, or if you're a dancing temple fairy who spends all his spare time practicing his Chi Bomb while reciting Bruce Lee movie lines, just remember, you're all worthless and weak.

MAYBE Sanjuro and YKW will save you...

I am disappointed Monkey Boy is just re-posting his same old rants from before. Must be the gym for glorified kickboxers is doing poorly and he has to up his SEO. :D:D:D

02-25-2013, 02:14 PM
Wait...you're wearing slippers?

this is how Sanjuru really looks.

David Jamieson
02-25-2013, 02:16 PM
That's a pretty sweet battle station if you ask me! :p

02-25-2013, 02:45 PM
I am disappointed Monkey Boy is just re-posting his same old rants from before. Must be the gym for glorified kickboxers is doing poorly and he has to up his SEO. :D:D:D
I think you're confusing me with two other people. The glorified kickboxer line belonged to that douche Downey and all his ghost names.

But anyhow, now that I've let the cat out of the bag. Stop acting you always knew. :rolleyes: I was banned on the spot a few times before if I tried to join with another name on the same IP. I was unjustly banned the first time after being trolled endlessly for year by people you ended up banning anyways for being the same disruptive idiots they always were. Thanks a lot for that.

I was here off and on for the last, what, two + years with a simple backwards spelling. Most of you didn't bat an eye. Why come out now? It should say something about this place when EVEN I get tired of the same merry go round.

I'll return as sifuabel or not all. laterz.

02-25-2013, 03:12 PM
Consistency Principle. Once we make a choice, we will distort logic to reinforce our choice, which drives us deeper into the belief that our choice is right.

Its how Brands work, convincing you that this is your Brand, and you identify with it.

And Politics...

Nobody knows it all, slake your desire to be the definitive one, and you can learn, otherwise you're just reinforcing your limited knowledge in a circular manner. Now, this can make you a good fighter, or a good martial artist, or a good customer, but not a student.
I've trained 40 years (yea, I'll kick your a$$ Robinhood, fly me to Hawaii and we can duke it out on the beach), and I learned stuff I never expected here, talked a lot of shyt, and have heard the most inane discussions on the absolute worst dross imaginable. Talk about cheap entertainment! Thanks Gene!

So, whether your a Cro-Magnon who was too thick or too impatient to understand TCMA, or if you're a dancing temple fairy who spends all his spare time practicing his Chi Bomb while reciting Bruce Lee movie lines, just remember, you're all worthless and weak.

MAYBE Sanjuro and YKW will save you...

I am disappointed Monkey Boy is just re-posting his same old rants from before. Must be the gym for glorified kickboxers is doing poorly and he has to up his SEO. :D:D:D

Lol.....single me out.....why you martial art want a bee......put your boots on, and go out back and get some sheep , mate .

If you want to come play, make a raft.

I'll match your 40 years with my 39 years, I am spotting you a year as handicap.

Happy paddling.

Yum Cha
02-25-2013, 03:20 PM
I was talking about Ross, with his "Monkey Boy" Avatar..
Sorry, I remember you had one now too...

I think you're confusing me with two other people. The glorified kickboxer line belonged to that douche Downey and all his ghost names.

But anyhow, now that I've let the cat out of the bag. Stop acting you always knew. :rolleyes: I was banned on the spot a few times before if I tried to join with another name on the same IP. I was unjustly banned the first time after being trolled endlessly for year by people you ended up banning anyways for being the same disruptive idiots they always were. Thanks a lot for that.

I was here off and on for the last, what, two + years with a simple backwards spelling. Most of you didn't bat an eye. Why come out now? It should say something about this place when EVEN I get tired of the same merry go round.

I'll return as sifuabel or not all. laterz.

Yum Cha
02-25-2013, 03:25 PM
Lol.....single me out.....why you martial art want a bee......put your boots on, and go out back and get some sheep , mate .

If you want to come play, make a raft.

I'll match your 40 years with my 39 years, I am spotting you a year as handicap.

Happy paddling.

Ok, I'm comming! you better get your training started, all that paddling is gonna give me arms like Arnold! 10,000 miles of agony!! Then, guessing you don't live on the coast, I'll take off running!
All the children will come out and cheer me as I close in!
Oh, you will Roo this day!

02-25-2013, 03:44 PM
Ok, I'm comming! you better get your training started, all that paddling is gonna give me arms like Arnold! 10,000 miles of agony!! Then, guessing you don't live on the coast, I'll take off running!
All the children will come out and cheer me as I close in!
Oh, you will Roo this day!

Might your name be Forest Gump ?, don't forget the chocolates.

02-25-2013, 03:49 PM
All the children will come out and cheer me as I close in!



02-25-2013, 04:26 PM
Wait, If I take a break I don't get those sweet pieces of merch you send us mods!

yeah, I miss those

02-25-2013, 04:35 PM
Talk about cheap entertainment! Thanks Gene! Glad to be of service!

I'll return as sifuabel or not all. laterz. Well, alright then.

yeah, I miss those
You missed a good one (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=65162) this year.

02-25-2013, 04:40 PM
Awwww man, don't just rub it in. put me back on payroll and send me one of those. you gotta make gear for muscle heads tho - I think the last two shirts you sent me were your size

02-25-2013, 04:56 PM
on a side note, looking at mk's man with the iron fist ninja mask, I actually met rza about a month ago.

02-25-2013, 09:37 PM
sifu abels glory was finished way back in 03. now he is produce no more luls, like an old cows teet has dried up and gone wrinkly.

when his southern mantis lion roar badass buddy john springer called some MMA kid half his age a n-gger, got his ass beat and caught on tape, his internet kung fu badass career was over.

after that, some fat hawaiian submitted sifu abel under 1 minute, on tape, and he retired from the mountains and rivers, living as a hermit.

omar has thick face like tree bark though. scared to fight a muay thai tranny and still shows up here some times acting like he is saviour of baji.

02-26-2013, 06:54 AM
sifu abels glory was finished way back in 03. now he is produce no more luls, like an old cows teet has dried up and gone wrinkly.

when his southern mantis lion roar badass buddy john springer called some MMA kid half his age a n-gger, got his ass beat and caught on tape, his internet kung fu badass career was over.

after that, some fat hawaiian submitted sifu abel under 1 minute, on tape, and he retired from the mountains and rivers, living as a hermit.

omar has thick face like tree bark though. scared to fight a muay thai tranny and still shows up here some times acting like he is saviour of baji.

This is the way to enjoy a free morning coffee, while reading this :D good start to the day.

02-26-2013, 06:59 AM
This is the way to enjoy a free morning coffee, while reading this :D good start to the day.

Yep in this world you reap what you sow and Abel got reaped bad and bawang does have a way with words lol

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 07:14 AM
People all see things differently even when they are looking at the same thing.

1. Abel was beating the crap out of Anthony until they changed up the rules and made Abel start from knees. Anthony couldn't handle the standup period. Watch it for yourself and pay attention if you can find it. Abel was there on his own. Which is a lot more than most of you guys do, so I wouldn't be such loudmouths until you step up and are something more than contrite comments about others on an anonymous board.

2. Omar was willing to fight Anna, but the people in Anna's court turned it into a circus and frankly they behaved like a pack of meth addicts. Omar stood passively waiting for his opportunity to show and all the while Jeff and Osiris had their piece of side love going on which was ridiculous, other people shooting their mouth off and the bottom line is that in the end, it was Omar who was the least juvenile about the entire thing. And yeah, his Baji is better than yours. lol

Seriously, did you guys even watch those vids of those events? Or are you going from second hand info? Because what you are saying Bawang and what you are supporting Frost is incorrect and is not what happened in actuality.

02-26-2013, 07:19 AM
People all see things differently even when they are looking at the same thing.

1. Abel was beating the crap out of Anthony until they changed up the rules and made Abel start from knees. Anthony couldn't handle the standup period. Watch it for yourself and pay attention if you can find it. Abel was there on his own. Which is a lot more than most of you guys do, so I wouldn't be such loudmouths until you step up and are something more than contrite comments about others on an anonymous board.

2. Omar was willing to fight Anna, but the people in Anna's court turned it into a circus and frankly they behaved like a pack of meth addicts. Omar stood passively waiting for his opportunity to show and all the while Jeff and Osiris had their piece of side love going on which was ridiculous, other people shooting their mouth off and the bottom line is that in the end, it was Omar who was the least juvenile about the entire thing. And yeah, his Baji is better than yours. lol

Seriously, did you guys even watch those vids of those events? Or are you going from second hand info? Because what you are saying Bawang and what you are supporting Frost is incorrect and is not what happened in actuality.

Abel had been calling people out for years on here, and he lost the fight, thats the bottom line and thats karma

And whos anonymous? unlike some ive never posted under anything other than my name and im open in where and what i have trained even to the point of posting clips.....unlike some :)

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 08:18 AM
Abel had been calling people out for years on here, and he lost the fight, thats the bottom line and thats karma

And whos anonymous? unlike some ive never posted under anything other than my name and im open in where and what i have trained even to the point of posting clips.....unlike some :)

Abel is brash. gee, a brash martial artist.

I suggest you watch it again and watch the whole thing. You know exactly what I am talking about the start on the knees crap which was to benefit anthony who had a weight advantage but in reality, couldn't fight without it (the weight advantage) It was a desperate attempt to give Abel what for and it only at best half succeeded.

People like you who don't like Abel or his ilk for whatever reason will never see it for what it was and will grant "victory" to Anthony out of whatever it is you hang onto in yoru own mind. lol

Videos of you? I've not seen one. Is that supposed to impress me that you've gotten in some matches and scuffles? Gee wow. :rolleyes: Colour me unimpressed. Would you like to look at old videos of me? I'm not interested in sharing. Is that bad?

02-26-2013, 08:28 AM
Abel is brash. gee, a brash martial artist.

I suggest you watch it again and watch the whole thing. You know exactly what I am talking about the start on the knees crap which was to benefit anthony who had a weight advantage but in reality, couldn't fight without it (the weight advantage) It was a desperate attempt to give Abel what for and it only at best half succeeded.

People like you who don't like Abel or his ilk for whatever reason will never see it for what it was and will grant "victory" to Anthony out of whatever it is you hang onto in yoru own mind. lol

Videos of you? I've not seen one. Is that supposed to impress me that you've gotten in some matches and scuffles? Gee wow. :rolleyes: Colour me unimpressed. Would you like to look at old videos of me? I'm not interested in sharing. Is that bad?

He wasn’t brash he a loud mouth bully and got called on it
His ilk, you mean like springer? Nice ilk to be in and he lost the fight that’s the bottom line, doesn’t matter the rules he agreed to them and lost
Translation I train alone in my basement so have no one to work my camera and film me :)

Yes videos in plural as in more than one and it wasn’t meant to impress you I mentioned it to prove im not anonymous unlike some I have always been open about who I am

(Oh and actually you did see one clip because you comentated on it if i remember rightly )

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 08:37 AM
He wasn’t brash he a loud mouth bully and got called on it
His ilk, you mean like springer? Nice ilk to be in and he lost the fight that’s the bottom line, doesn’t matter the rules he agreed to them and lost
Translation I train alone in my basement so have no one to work my camera and film me :)

Yes videos in plural as in more than one and it wasn’t meant to impress you I mentioned it to prove im not anonymous unlike some I have always been open about who I am

(Oh and actually you did see one clip because you comentated on it if i remember rightly )

You see, that is your point of view because your experience an leanings demand it.
The fact you throw in with one side over the other speaks volumes about the validity of your viewpoint. For me, they were all involved in what happened and what it is is what it is. If you think any point was proven at all, you are sadly mistaken.

Anthony and his ilk from trollshido are not beyond reproach when it comes to being underhanded, bullies and general miscrients. So, let's not get too praisey praisey about those guys either.

Springer is what he is. What am I gonna do about that? the rest are what they are. In the end, nothing came of that and here we are later... :rolleyes:

I may very well have seen a clip. they are all so forgettable though. What do you get out of posting videos of yourself? I use video to analyze myself for the most part these days. Sharing with strangers for no reason other than to do so is just odd to me. So I don't really do it like a broadcast.

02-26-2013, 08:45 AM
You see, that is your point of view because your experience an leanings demand it.
The fact you throw in with one side over the other speaks volumes about the validity of your viewpoint. For me, they were all involved in what happened and what it is is what it is. If you think any point was proven at all, you are sadly mistaken.

Anthony and his ilk from trollshido are not beyond reproach when it comes to being underhanded, bullies and general miscrients. So, let's not get too praisey praisey about those guys either.

Springer is what he is. What am I gonna do about that? the rest are what they are. In the end, nothing came of that and here we are later... :rolleyes:

I may very well have seen a clip. they are all so forgettable though. What do you get out of posting videos of yourself? I use video to analyze myself for the most part these days. Sharing with strangers for no reason other than to do so is just odd to me. So I don't really do it like a broadcast.

I get nothing out of posting them, but The videos were put up because someone questioned my experience in grappling when I pointed out there were talking out of their backside, I posted it to back my position up and to show I had grappled (funny I know but I like to provide proofI know about things if I talk about them), another video was posted to prove I train at a well-known MMA gym in Europe when I was questioned about my MMA experience .

I don’t post so people can go wow or say you are rubbish, I post to prove im not a no name anonymous troll and that I am speaking from experience

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 08:57 AM
I get nothing out of posting them, but The videos were put up because someone questioned my experience in grappling when I pointed out there were talking out of their backside, I posted it to back my position up and to show I had grappled (funny I know but I like to provide proofI know about things if I talk about them), another video was posted to prove I train at a well-known MMA gym in Europe when I was questioned about my MMA experience .

I don’t post so people can go wow or say you are rubbish, I post to prove im not a no name anonymous troll and that I am speaking from experience

So you get trolled and you feel a need to post videos?

You can see yourself as whatever you like I guess.

02-26-2013, 08:59 AM
So you get trolled and you feel a need to post videos?

You can see yourself as whatever you like I guess.

nope i simply like to back my position up rather than get defensive and call people names,.,.......:)

02-26-2013, 09:11 AM
Whenver David Jamieson acts like he knows what he is talking about, everyone should remember that he has a long history of making claims only to have them proven 100% wrong

He then tries to twist what he said and back tracks

When confronted again with his double talk, he usually tries to threaten you with his moderator status...

A classic Jamieson failure was when he claimed that you could be put in jail in the US for being poor or in debt


A short summary of the above;
1. Jamieson's "evidence" that poor people go to jail for debt was a tax evader who was hiding 1.9 million dollars

2. Jamieson's "evidence" that you can go to jail for "looking too arabic" was a bunch of illegals, half of which weren't even ARAB! who didn't go to jail, they got deported for being here illegally and committing crimes while here

02-26-2013, 09:11 AM
Seriously, did you guys even watch those vids of those events? Or are you going from second hand info? Because what you are saying Bawang and what you are supporting Frost is incorrect and is not what happened in actuality.

bro, i was in my teens and naive and looked up to those three as defenders of kung fu against bad mma bullies. i followed thru the whole thing.

02-26-2013, 09:15 AM
Whenver David Jamieson acts like he knows what he is talking about, everyone should remember that he has a long history of making claims only to have them proven 100% wrong

He then tries to twist what he said and back tracks

When confronted again with his double talk, he usually tries to threaten you with his moderator status...

A classic Jamieson failure was when he claimed that you could be put in jail in the US for being poor or in debt


A short summary of the above;
1. Jamieson's "evidence" that poor people go to jail for debt was a tax evader who was hiding 1.9 million dollars

2. Jamieson's "evidence" that you can go to jail for "looking too arabic" was a bunch of illegals, half of which weren't even ARAB! who didn't go to jail, they got deported for being here illegally and committing crimes while here

Jamiesons modus operandi is really simple
step 1 sound knowledgeable
step 2 be condescending towards everyone who questions him
step 3 attack those people whilst still trying to take the high ground
step 4 threaten to ban them

02-26-2013, 09:17 AM
Some other "gems" from Jamieson....


Higlights include

Jamieson claiming poor people get put in jail for not being able to pay "high taxes" only to have it pointed out if you are poor and not making any money you don't have taxes due

Using Wesley Snipes as an example of a poor person going to jail for not paying his taxes, then quickly ignoring that (1) he was a Hollywood star who made millins and (2) he was so "poor" he offered the judge 5 million dollars in certified bank check to help pay some of his taxes!!

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 09:18 AM
Whenver David Jamieson acts like he knows what he is talking about, everyone should remember that he has a long history of making claims only to have them proven 100% wrong

He then tries to twist what he said and back tracks

When confronted again with his double talk, he usually tries to threaten you with his moderator status...

A classic Jamieson failure was when he claimed that you could be put in jail in the US for being poor or in debt


A short summary of the above;
1. Jamieson's "evidence" that poor people go to jail for debt was a tax evader who was hiding 1.9 million dollars

2. Jamieson's "evidence" that you can go to jail for "looking too arabic" was a bunch of illegals, half of which weren't even ARAB! who didn't go to jail, they got deported for being here illegally and committing crimes while here

Hey everybody, I just want you to know that Ross has never 100% refuted anything, ever.

Nor do I deny any of what he indicates as me being a failure because I drew it directly from the media and it continues and there are more examples of what I spoke.

Hey everybody, Dave Ross has a huge chip on his shoulder an he needs to be coddled and told that he's right or he spends his days concerned about what David Jamieson will say or do next.

See Dave? NOBODY CARES if you have a beef with me. Furthermore, I have no beef with you and find you to be not much more than a ridiculous pedant and a belligerent fool.

see? NOBODY CARES what I think about you Dave.

Just play nice, that's all. If you like, I think you may even be able to ignore me. I, as a moderator by default will not ignore you. That's just how things work. Like facts. You know.

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 09:19 AM
bro, i was in my teens and naive and looked up to those three as defenders of kung fu against bad mma bullies. i followed thru the whole thing.

So, did you learn to not put the keys to your happiness in someone else's pocket?
That's the only real take away from all that.

02-26-2013, 09:21 AM
Read the thread, I refuted everything...

Here's a nice summary

Once you read that you have to come to the conclusion that Jamieson i=either thinks that if he keeps babbling no one will notice the facts OR that he is so mentally challenged that even when confronted with both facts and logic he can't admit he is wrong

02-26-2013, 09:23 AM
Please feel free to follow how this thread progressed and how David Jamieson completely FAILED

Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
Prisons in many cases are merely an extension of the welfare system.

Conservative thinkers should be on board with this idea because then they don't have to worry about some welfare bum spending their .037 cent contribution on a colt45.

yes, america will jail you for pretty much anything

He starts with his standard "throw away" anti-American liberal trash, but WAIT, it gets better!

Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
you also put them in jail for being in debt, being homeless and angry, for not supervising their teenagers, for looking too arabic etc etc.

They put you in JAIL for being in debut, being homeless and being hungry! Yup, that is what he claimed. Now watch how it evolves

Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post

Going to jail for debt - Try to get away with being poor as an excuse for not paying your taxes. IN the US, you WILL be imprisoned. Other countries will do it as well. This is jailing people for debt even if you just want to call it taxes.

Going to jail for being homeless and angry - In the land of fairness, the rich as well as the poor may not by law sleep under bridges r steal bread.

Most poor people don't have to pay taxes. Even people who owe taxes and haven't paid them don't go to jail 99% of the time

Going to jail for being homeless? Well, he gave that one up really quickly, but the fun is still ahead!

Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
for dave-

"Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tax Evader Sentenced to 63 Months in Prison

Earlier today a federal judge sentenced convicted tax evader Elaine Brown to 63 months in prison. She and her husband Ed Brown were both convicted of tax evasion. "

lets call it evasion and then it's not jailing someone for debt!

That was his evidence, but WATCH.... watch how Jamieson thinks no one will notice

Originally Posted by lkfmdc View Post
Just when you think things couldn't go any worse for old David Jamieson

This is a case of a person in debt? A poor person maybe?


The poor, helpless, desolate woman, put in jail for hiding $1.9 million dollars

Yup, his evidence that "poor people are put in jail for debt" was a person who avoided paying taxes on their $1.9 MILLION dollar profits

Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post

W.Snipes case is an interesting twist on it as well.

Self destructing, Jamieson brings up Snipes as an example of a "poor person"

02-26-2013, 09:26 AM
So, did you learn to not put the keys to your happiness in someone else's pocket?
That's the only real take away from all that.

yes sir, i have learned my lesson

pls spare david ross, he is like a father to me, i will pay you 10 taels of silver and you can borrow my gf

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 09:38 AM
yes sir, i have learned my lesson

pls spare david ross, he is like a father to me, i will pay you 10 taels of silver and you can borrow my gf

Dave's stay here is dependent entirely on Dave.

So far he's not doing so good, but I attribute that to the fresh and new and exciting factor.

Maybe he got laid or something and that has reinvigorated his lust for life and his chosen fantasy camp of arch nemisises who apparently I am chief of in his concerns.

Otherwise, I encourage anyone (who actually cares) to go an read Dave's posts and proofs and facts. Go do it! lol


02-26-2013, 09:40 AM
Poor Jamieson, he desperately wants to delete my posts showhing him wrong and wants to ban me

But he thinks he can keep the cover of "impartial moderator" (already a huge joke here) and thinks if he acts he will be revealed...

Jamieson isn't even an intellectual light weight, he is completely incapable when confronted with facts to digest them and admit he is wrong.

It's also extemely funny to see him dive head first into my threads with his frothing mouth then claim he doesn't care.... followed by subtle threats he will delete my threads and ban me :rolleyes:

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 09:45 AM
Poor Jamieson, he desperately wants to delete my posts showhing him wrong and wants to ban me

But he thinks he can keep the cover of "impartial moderator" (already a huge joke here) and thinks if he acts he will be revealed...

Jamieson isn't even an intellectual light weight, he is completely incapable when confronted with facts to digest them and admit he is wrong.

It's also extemely funny to see him dive head first into my threads with his frothing mouth then claim he doesn't care.... followed by subtle threats he will delete my threads and ban me :rolleyes:

I desperately want to delete your posts?

Yeah that's why they are still there 5 years later dave.

Who said I was impartial? Who?

I'm not. I've been here forever. I think most people know me etc.

But, you are creating a self fulfilling prophecy if you must know. I mean, how far do you think this tack will take you here?

I have an idea, why don't you write a really rude note to Gene and tell him that you want all my moderator powers taken away and to install you as a moderator.

because you know, you have such an even keel and all that. lol

02-26-2013, 09:46 AM
It's kind of sad

David Jamieson must have severe mental and emotional problems if he can't accept that he says things that not only does he never back up, but when proven wrong, denies them and continues to rattle on...

Here we have in black and white (well, black and yellow?) countless examples of him making claims, even claiming he has evidence, then completely failing to produce such evidence

He also fails to understand the concept of "discrediting the witness"...

What a sad pathetic excuse for a human being you are.....

02-26-2013, 09:48 AM
Dave's stay here is dependent entirely on Dave.

So far he's not doing so good, but I attribute that to the fresh and new and exciting factor.

Maybe he got laid or something and that has reinvigorated his lust for life and his chosen fantasy camp of arch nemisises who apparently I am chief of in his concerns.

Otherwise, I encourage anyone (who actually cares) to go an read Dave's posts and proofs and facts. Go do it! lol


if you are to ban david ross, i volunteer to sacrifice myself and take his place.

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 09:49 AM
It's kind of sad

David Jamieson must have severe mental and emotional problems if he can't accept that he says things that not only does he never back up, but when proven wrong, denies them and continues to rattle on...

Here we have in black and white (well, black and yellow?) countless examples of him making claims, even claiming he has evidence, then completely failing to produce such evidence

He also fails to understand the concept of "discrediting the witness"...

What a sad pathetic excuse for a human being you are.....

If anyone is rattling on, it's you. Do you expect me to not speak to your drivel??
Dude, keep it up.

then you can tell all your friends that you have proof I am mean because i respond to your ridiculous... hate rants about me.

seriously, you are a weirdo dave.

02-26-2013, 09:51 AM
There are only two outcomes here

Jamieson runs to Gene and asks to ban me, demonstrating his true nature and for many demonstrating once and for all that he should never have been made a moderator


He tries to keep his charade going and just keeps ratting on like the mental patient he is....

I don't have an interest vested in either outcome, I am just having fun watching him move so predictably

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 09:52 AM
if you are to ban david ross, i volunteer to sacrifice myself and take his place.

I don't and haven't banned anyone here ever.

I make a request, it gets reviewed, the decision isn't mine.
In that sense, if someone sees anything overtly inappropriate they have as much say as me about requesting to ban someone.

What I can do is step in. What I can do is delete or quarantine posts and threads.

Dave is a simple minded individual who has a purpose that is all too transparent.

So, I'll just let him keep dancing and by all means, if he targets me with his retarded rants, I will respond to them in kind.

If he loses it, I make a request to have him tossed. If Gene disagrees, I abide.

i don't abide with what Ross has to say. pretty much ever. I regard him rather dimly at this point, but hey even steven right?

02-26-2013, 09:53 AM
For the record, I closed this thread.

David Jamieson
02-26-2013, 09:55 AM
There are only two outcomes here

Jamieson runs to Gene and asks to ban me, demonstrating his true nature and for many demonstrating once and for all that he should never have been made a moderator


He tries to keep his charade going and just keeps ratting on like the mental patient he is....

I don't have an interest vested in either outcome, I am just having fun watching him move so predictably

I am suggesting you are trying to set up the first and hope that the outcome will be that. That is your transparency. You think you're playing with Lego, but really, you aren't.

We are people here Dave. And so are you. You are being rude, waving hate flags and then when you get your sorry as kicked, you'll be "see I was RIGHT!!! I WAS RIGHT!!!"

You are the very definition of playing chess with a pigeon. Even when you lose, you tip the board, scatter the pieces and march around declaring you've won.

You are a fools fool playing a fools game of thinking that you have some sort of control over my life.

you don't. :)