View Full Version : The trick is...

03-11-2013, 02:01 PM
Do San Shou, Shuai Jiao, or MMA when you're young. Then do all the flowery forms, so if someone calls you a LARPer, you can kick them in the face.

See the beauty behind my "teach them san shou first" mentality?


As I progress, I will only get the most flamboyant silkies to wear in forms competition.

Golden Arms
03-11-2013, 02:03 PM
The funny thing is that there is some truth to that. Learn the realities of fighting and what a trained vs. untrained opponent is capable of (potentially) and you can spend the rest of your life making your art integrate better with what you learned.

03-11-2013, 02:23 PM
Do San Shou, Shuai Jiao, or MMA when you're young. Then do all the flowery forms, so if someone calls you a LARPer, you can kick them in the face.

See the beauty behind my "teach them san shou first" mentality?


As I progress, I will only get the most flamboyant silkies to wear in forms competition.

I wouldn't put SS or SJ in the same category as MMA. You can use then in MMA, of course. But MMA today is more than that. It is no longer "whatever you train make it work". There are some fundamentals you HAVE to learn in order to succeed. That's not to say you can't do well with SS or SJ. But it's just not in the same class as far as rule sets go. Just like how MMA isn't in the same class as a street fight as far as application is concerned.

Scott R. Brown
03-11-2013, 04:49 PM
My teaching is, learn ma for fun and exercise and shoot the bad guys with a gun.

03-11-2013, 05:12 PM
who cares blahblahblahblah

03-11-2013, 06:21 PM
who cares blahblahblahblah

people with revenge fantasies against "jocks"

03-11-2013, 07:02 PM
who cares blahblahblahblah

now you have become enlightened. Your words speak of the dao.

03-11-2013, 07:15 PM
I wouldn't put SS or SJ in the same category as MMA. You can use then in MMA, of course. But MMA today is more than that. It is no longer "whatever you train make it work". There are some fundamentals you HAVE to learn in order to succeed. That's not to say you can't do well with SS or SJ. But it's just not in the same class as far as rule sets go. Just like how MMA isn't in the same class as a street fight as far as application is concerned.

you guys put too much faith into MMA. If you're referring to it's awesome ground and pound or whatever, I got news for you. There really is a limited number of high percentage moves. It doesn't take long to learn them and their counters. Other than that it's just conditioning and sparring. It's not rocket science. Throwing games like SJ and Judo are more difficult to learn and master, and are more fun IMO.

03-11-2013, 07:58 PM
I think you completely missed my point. But ok, if you wanna project "mma = better" onto what I said, do what you gotta do. But note that was not what I said. Refer to the sig, playbwoy. ;)