View Full Version : Wu Xia Comic Book

03-13-2013, 05:59 AM
If you had to make a Gung Fu cartoon who would be the main characters if you only based it on Shaolin vs Wutang?.
You have to make million dollar Bart Simpson, Mickey Mouse, Hello Kitty icons but from like a G.I. Joe perspective for instance Wing Chun is the snake-crane gang they wear those types of tattoos and the genetics of the tribe is short skinny dudes they use cunning and the shortest line to get to the point etc. lol Lama is tall crane guys with Bhudda tattoos they like to smash and swing...Mantis short stocky soldiers who like to hook and trip.

I'm trying to figure out how smart Shaolin's Engineers were like our sports scientists can teach you to throw a baseball faster than a car, what is the most powerful Gung Fu form? you can only circle the straight line called the bones in your arm ever style has a different acceleration/relaxation ratio which makes a tiger claw back fist different than a Tai Chi backhand ward off strike or whatever.
They say Gung Fu doesn't work in the ring and the ring doesn't work in the street blah blah it was all marketing to sell American Ninja part 7;) no one can catch a bullet closed lip. I'm trying to figure out what the sifu engineers were thinking when they chose to mimic certain animals...for instance the guy figures out a way to relax his shoulder enough to cut through the bottle with his cleaver then applies that shoulder motion to his empty hand and calls it a leopard tail whip cuz it slides like the leopard did the moonwalk...We'll never know what the best styles are cuz we cant have death tournaments with weapons like barbarians did back in the day, lol but at least we have enough styles and legends to know these Gung Fu schools survived history so at least we can have my school is better than your debates even though we'll never prove it:(:D It is cool chinese martial arts only has like 8-13 stances but 400-2000 families and 4000 years of playing those postures. how many ways can you go cat to horse to bow stance. 900 years worth of many apparently.

How many guys are in the Shaolin & Wu Tang myths?. I'm trying to make some villains for a novel I'm doing I think a WuXia gang would add to its scenery nicely.

03-13-2013, 06:08 AM
this thread inspired this post: http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58797&page=17

Dave Ross has a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5Z8Gpq-RUY with the question is there any CLF in the Lama, now I compare it to this Mantis video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34GWmXY5ro0

you can really see the difference of intent but it's still horse, cat, bow stance. the shapes are almost Cartoonish. The main idea for this thread came from trying to find some cartoon icons to get rich off of like take an everyday thing and draw it cute get those Mickey Mouse dollars, while studying how popular artists got rich i realized a couple weeks ago watching Chinese new years parade the Lion Dance is China's old school mickey mouse everyone loves it, even when you seen it all year its still nice on new years you can't hate, it's a million dollar icon, just pull it out and watch the royalties.

03-13-2013, 06:24 AM
Disney has been following a very specific formula for character creation for at least 40 years; imitation and exaggeration of a baby's defining characteristics for cuteness being the one that sticks out in my memory.

For a successful Wu Xia comic, something that would be marketable, you'd need to first settle on the most 'iconic' concepts of CMA known in the media. For instance, Pai Mei in Kill Bill. A nearly identical design was used earlier in the Street Fighter video game series. For Shaolin, the gold and red robes, plus a long weapon and bald head would be a no-brainer.

Add in a slight exaggeration of proportions, select archetypal personalities, and a Generic Plot with a bit of eye-winking and self reference (in the 21st century this is a necessity). BOOM, you've got a hit.

To go to the Disney money though, you're going to have to push crazy hard in merchandise and customer involvement (from Official Forums for discussion to Official Stores to Official Playgrounds).

03-13-2013, 07:11 AM
dont ever compare mantis to lama............... LOl JK

03-13-2013, 10:52 AM
dont ever compare mantis to lama............... LOl JK


spent a few hours on wiki reading about wuxia/chinese mythology...this is a crazy tale here:



03-13-2013, 11:02 AM
Disney has been following a very specific formula for character creation for at least 40 years; imitation and exaggeration of a baby's defining characteristics for cuteness being the one that sticks out in my memory.

For a successful Wu Xia comic, something that would be marketable, you'd need to first settle on the most 'iconic' concepts of CMA known in the media. For instance, Pai Mei in Kill Bill. A nearly identical design was used earlier in the Street Fighter video game series. For Shaolin, the gold and red robes, plus a long weapon and bald head would be a no-brainer.

Add in a slight exaggeration of proportions, select archetypal personalities, and a Generic Plot with a bit of eye-winking and self reference (in the 21st century this is a necessity). BOOM, you've got a hit.

To go to the Disney money though, you're going to have to push crazy hard in merchandise and customer involvement (from Official Forums for discussion to Official Stores to Official Playgrounds).
I finally grabbed a copy of Water Margin looking at the 108 Outlaws I already have ideas how to "borrow";) some individual character ideas like the bald guy who pulls out a tree from the ground could be a modern hillbilly who picks up punch buggy automobiles or the guy who killed a tiger with his bare hands could be a crazy Whino who stops a pack of rabid Pit bulls..I would like to try to do it good though like actually know Pak Mei while writing a Pak Mei legend African Americans always used to get mad when they'd have a token black character who spoke in stereotypes...then when you actually get something written by black people Eskimos don't want to buy it because they are only used to the stereotypes like they cant relate to greasy soul food they only eat slimy ice food:confused: It would be nice to put some actual martial science behind the Gung Fu fantasy.

its like Bruce Lee editing a fight scene vs someone like Weird Al Yankovich editing the same scene one looks like Enter The Dragon the other is Charlie Chaplin meets family guy. its cool but we want to watch war.

03-15-2013, 07:42 PM
Avatar: The Last Airbender is a pretty good example of what you're asking for. They picked out the most iconic looks of Chinese martial cinema and ran with it.

03-16-2013, 04:53 AM
There is a comic abouth story of 'fukian white crane' or 'Yim wing chun' (same thing anyway )

04-02-2013, 01:42 AM
Thanks for the links you guys, I'll check them out..almost forgot about this thread working on something else :).