View Full Version : Question about Yip Man's Daughters

03-14-2013, 12:13 PM
Hi, I have read that Yip Man had two daughters in addition to his two sons. I have a book about the Wooden Man, written by Yip Chun, which has a photo with a caption which displays Yip Man as an older man sitting at a table in a Hong Kong restaurant with his DAUGHTER, along with his second son, Yip Ching. However, I was told by a friend who speaks Cantonese that he heard an interview of one of Yip Man's sons which has the son stating that both daughters had died of starvation during the Japanese occupation.

I have done an Internet search and have turned up little mention thus far of Yip's daughters other than their names: Yip Ar Sum and Yip Ar Woon. One article mentioned that Yip took one of his daughters with him to Macau upon escaping China. Other than that I am hitting a brick wall with research. Does anybody know which account is accurate? Thanks in advance!

03-14-2013, 02:18 PM
I hadn't heard there were daughters, but I heard there were actually three sons (one of them illegitimate).

But I heard this a long time ago - and actually have no recollection of where I heard it. Just some random piece of info floating around in my head. :)

03-14-2013, 06:24 PM
From memory, the third son stayed in China after Yip Man, Yip Chun and Yip Ching had moved to Hong Kong.
That's what I'd heard anyway.