View Full Version : Shum Leung's Eagle Claw

03-18-2013, 11:16 AM
Here is Ranking Requirements for an individual to be recognized as a instructor/Sifu in the Shum Leung Eagle Claw Organization. To be a Master/Dai Si requires learning some 30+/- additional sets, etc.

03-18-2013, 11:19 AM
We have a unique belt color system,

Why? have no idea, probably just to be different but I think its because Black Sashes were cheaper then Colored Ones back in the 80's.

After doing a short trip into the world of Buddhism, Taoism & Confucianism I applied a base symbolism:

Black = Darkness/Ignorance
Yellow = Spark of Light in the Darkness that starts the path to discovery.
Green = Growth and Rebirth in understanding many things.
White = Purity/cleanliness, Enlightenment as well as Virtue.

This is actually the 3rd version of the requirments since the school started a ranking requirements. The 1st one included the entire system and well as you can imagine nobody actually completed it.

The 2nd version is the one I moved up in and its pretty much the same but the major change was the inclusion of the Lin Kuen Set as well as requiring the Kahmna 41-70. To add these they removed some handsets (Tan Tui, Yee Long Kuen, Tai Jo Kuen, Ng Fa Pow and Bat Bo Choy) plus the weapons (double saber and whip chain).

Some individuals have tried to overly Mcdojo/Mckwoon the style by only requiring perhaps a 6th of the material for a Black Belt. Can you believe a black belt in Eagle Claw not knowing one of its main pillar sets : Hun Kuen/Walking Fist. go figure.

03-18-2013, 11:30 AM
Thirty forms? Wow...

03-18-2013, 11:42 AM
well if you spread it out over 10-15 years then not a problem for the dedicated student.

I had asked my teacher the question of how was it in the old days when there was no belts or ranking, when did a student think they were good enough or qualified to be a teacher. He quickly said, "you talk to much go BS go and train". :D But then he said after a moment of thought, "should be 15 years, then okay"

03-18-2013, 03:06 PM
Master Hargrove,

2 questions if I may:

Are you of the GM Leung Shum lineage?

If not, are you saying that you hold this level of standard to be something you admire? Or the opposite?


03-18-2013, 03:19 PM
Can you believe a black belt in Eagle Claw not knowing one of its main pillar sets : Hun Kuen/Walking Fist. go figure.

I think tournament record should be part of the black belt testing requirement too.

Not too long ago, someone passed his black belt test during a tournament event. In that same day, a white belt defeated him in tournament. Not only it made him look bad. It also made his teacher (who just passed his test) looked bad too.

03-18-2013, 05:17 PM

1st of all I'm NO MASTER - I'm me - so just call me Eric.

I trained from 1984-2001 (with some gaps in there)

Out of the Hand Forms I've only not learned one and that is the Drunken Set. A bit to hard on the body etc. As for the 108 locks I learned 86 and some of the death locks which aren't really locks as per say.

YKW - each school is different and its up to that teacher/leader to decide if the student has learned the material to a level of proficiency. Now its up to the student to train and better themselves by whatever they desire.

Tournaments require rules and Martial/Combat arts are about survival so its like giving someone a hammer to drive in nails but then wrap it in foam 1st.

If I was ever to teach again I prefer to teach boxing 1st so atleast some form of self defense can be achieved in the shortest time possible, then strategically build upon that experience.

Paul T England
03-19-2013, 04:52 AM
Many Chinese systems did not fllow the Whitew to Black model.

Does anyone have a youtube link to the Yat Ling Baat partner form? I would be interested to see if its the same as the 2 person eagle claw for I learnt in fatsan jing mo many years ago.
