View Full Version : Wah Lum History from Chinese News Paper

05-06-2013, 04:37 PM

  在新橋曾氏大宗祠正堂的大廳裏,靠右邊的墻下有一張簡單的供桌,上面擺的木牌寫着“少林武術尚武精神” 的字樣,前面尚有裝滿香灰的香爐,幾根燃盡冷郤的香頭仍歪歪斜斜插在香灰裏。少林寺在中原嵩山,而沙井在幾 千里之外的南海之濱,少林的精神能傳到這裏來,並被人們祭祀如神,是因爲螳螂拳南傳宗師李崑山 師傅的緣故。

  據説李崑山原叫李玉堂,是山東嶗山華林寺的僧人,從小習武健身,年青時血氣方剛,因與人糾紛打人致死, 逃到安南(今越南)。當時安南有一個綽號黑老虎的武師大擺擂臺,挑戰中華功夫。李玉堂前去迎戰,不料打死了 黑老虎,遭到對方的追殺,被當地華人偷運到香港。爲了掩人耳目,改名李崑山。據説爲了在香港開館授徒,他到 廣州申請參加廣東省武術學會,學會開始時以他是北派爲由拒絶了他,在他再三央求下,才答應看看他的表演。他 打了一套螳螂拳,許多招式與南拳極其相似,他的功力讓大家十分佩服,學會希望他能留在學會服務。爲了香港徒 弟,他婉言謝絶,回到香港,沙井二村在香港的陳賀球、陳志廣等人,拜他爲師習武。

  香港淪陷後,李崑山避難來到沙井,本以爲能授徒爲生,然而過了半年,没人肯喫苦跟他學功夫,他只有靠制 售跌打損傷的藥品爲生。辛養村的冼應登見他孤單,就多次請他到家裏喫飯。得知李師傅要去廣州,冼應登還四處 籌集經費送他去,因而贏得了李師傅的信任。李崑山在廣州北郊的龍歸市落脚。

  大約在1947年,沙井地方上出現許多的青年社團,興起舞龍、舞麒麟的熱潮。沙井一村陳駱培是沙井三青 團的負責人,他組織的英樂社,在沙井一帶很有勢力,隊員經常四處爲非作歹,十分囂張。英樂社從外地請來一個 名叫招賢的武功師傅,訓練舞龍、舞麒麟的隊伍。也許招賢在武術方面確實有幾招,英樂社的舞龍的技藝在當時的 沙井確實是最高的。

  冼穩重和陳照榜、陳穩志等人在石角頭(今蚝二)組織餘慶社,對外稱寶安縣沙井業餘健身社,主要研習莫家 拳。爲了舞龍、舞麒麟的水平超過英樂社,餘慶社同仁協商請一個有名的拳師回來主持武館。冼穩重提議還是請李 崑山回來,得到大家的贊同。大家都知道冼應登和李崑山熟悉,就委托他去廣州請師傅。

  李崑山來到沙井後,被安排住在武館附近靠沙井街邊的一間老屋裏,每天都到餘慶社的武館去授徒習武。他在 沙井收的徒弟除了冼應登而外,還有曾樂通、冼應添、陳雲青、陳培等人。李崑山所傳的拳術爲螳螂拳,該拳始祖 是少林弟子王朗。相傳王朗自幼嗜武,曾入嵩山少林寺學藝,後遊曆數省,尋求名師。有一次,王朗比武失敗後, 偶然看到螳螂捕蟬靈巧而又激烈的情形,有所啓發,然後經常觀察研究螳螂戲鬥的每一細小神態動作創造出螳螂拳 。經過數百年的演變,逐步形成了梅花螳螂拳(或太極梅花螳螂拳)、七星螳螂(又名羅漢螳螂拳)、六合螳螂拳 三大流派。

  據説李崑山對徒弟要求很嚴,在習課時,舉手投足,稍有差誤立即糾正,絶不苟且。他喜歡吃旱菸,長長的旱 菸杆從不離手,授徒時煙杆是教鞭,與人交手時就成了得心應手的防身武器。他孤身一人,喜歡小孩,對小孩十分 慈祥。由於他的武功較高,武德也較好,深受門徒愛戴和群衆崇敬。他平時還用祖傳藥方,製作治療跌打損傷的藥 丸出售。

  他臨近解放時去世,徒弟們捐錢爲他辦身後事,墓葬在雲林附近,已無從辨認和尋找,每年清明在香港的弟子 門徒都回來在原葬墓地附近拜祭。

  他的徒弟大多在香港,由於經商,無人願意授徒。1970年,他的弟子陳雲山爲流浮山友好的邀請,在龍珠 堂正式設館授徒,發揚李師的拳藝。學者甚衆,後多移居海外。由於該派發源於山東華林寺,被香港武術界列爲山 東華林派探腿門,以李崑山爲南傳宗師,拳法大約有大番車、螳螂拳、崩步、六角勢、九點馬、十字拳。兵器有燕 青刀、旋風雙刀、單刀、劍、七節鞭、大扒、關刀、黄金鑣、纓槍等。

  陳培,寶安縣沙井二村(今沙井蚝二村)人,是冼應登的表弟,是第一位將少林功夫傳到美國的人。陳培8歲 時跟着族叔學習莫家拳,打下了深厚的根基,11歲跟隨李崑山學螳螂探腿拳藝,成爲華林派第六代傳人。師傅死 後,跟大師兄陳雲青習武,並於1953年到香港,得到同門師叔伯陳廣、曾納通、陳應法等人的指教,拳藝更上 一層樓。後移居美國發展,1970年在美國波士頓開設了首家華林武館,打破種族偏見,把國術介紹給了西方社 會,當時恰逢李小龍在美國掀起了功夫熱潮,學習武術的西方人士日增,華林也不斷增加武館。1980年他移居 佛羅里達,在奥蘭多買地建造了華林總館,取名爲華林寺,除了教授徒弟外,也邀請中國武術名家到當地進行武術 文化的交流。陳培善於發掘中國名拳,將各種名拳、劍術的精髓引進到美國拳壇,其武藝超絶,聞名遐爾。199 9年,在他和美國虎爪拳派掌門人伍衛康等武林大師的努力下,美加地區最有代表性的中華武術團體“北美洲中國 國術聯合會”和“北美洲國術總會”在紐約宣佈合併,成立北美洲國術聯合會。其女兒陳美美師從父親,在美國武 術界也很有知名度。美國迪士尼動畫片《花木蘭》的原形,就是動畫設計師根據陳美美的動作和形象而設計的。她 曾拍過多部功夫片,目前是美國華林派總教練。

  天下功夫出少林。少林功夫的流派主要有十八支,號稱“少林十八門”,王郎的螳螂總攻是其中的一家,以王 郎爲祖師的山東華林派探腿門自然也屬少林功夫。爲了追根溯源,1984年3月,陳培率領美國華林寺訪問團拜 訪少林寺。1985年7月,第二次拜訪少林寺,在碑林裏立了一塊“歸宗朝聖碑”,並拜少林寺釋行正爲師,正 式成爲少林寺第三十二代弟子。

  陳培多次率團回國,與中國的武術界交流切磋。1992年9月率團參加在鄭州舉辦的第三届中國國際少林武 術節;1996年夏,他率領美國弟子四十多人回故鄉沙井祭祖,並在義德堂陳氏宗祠爲鄉親表演;2001年9 月他率領美國華林寺武術代表團一行三十多人,到武術之鄉廣東佛山市訪問,同月11日再度還鄉祭 祖。

  “華胄揚威傳國粹,林儕武技震異邦。”這是美國華林寺國術總會的對聯。少林功夫傳到沙井,又從沙井傳到 香港和美國,少林的精神尚存,李岜山師傅的遺像仍然端莊地掛在義德堂陳氏大宗祠的前廳裏,仿佛還在察看徒子 徒孫練功習武的一招一式……(程建)

05-06-2013, 06:39 PM
Historical article on the temple itself.

當時,吳越國國王錢鏐割據閩浙等地,福州郡守鮑修讓為祈求佛祖保佑郡境的安寧,拆除閩王宮殿,利用拆下來的 材料在屏山南麓修建越山吉祥寺院,內有文昌祠、普陀岩和正殿等。正殿之後有法堂,法堂之西有祖師殿,都以屏 山(越山)為靠背。此後,後人又在附近建造數座禪院,規模宏大。宋高宗曾賜該寺禦書越山、環峰。明正統九年 (1444年),御賜匾額華林寺,一直沿用至今。
明正德年間(1506-1521年),附近的羅漢院、越山庵等併入,華林寺規模更大了,後又增建了禦書閣、環峰亭、絕學樓、勝會亭 等建築物。清嘉慶至道光年間(1796-1850年),重建大殿、天王殿、山門、廊廡、客堂、僧舍等。
但時至今日,均已無處可尋,僅存大殿。現有殿外的石板甬道、山門、走廊及東西配殿,還有綠化植樹,都是在大 殿1988年8月修復後完成的。

華林寺的建造手法在我國唐宋木構建築中獨具一格,經中、日專家學者考證,華林寺大殿對日本鐮倉時期(12世 紀末)的建築風格有著巨大的影響。可見,華林寺又是中日文化交流的重要歷史見證。
它的大殿尤其有特色,高15.5米,面積574平方米,內有18根木柱,柱子以上全由斗拱支撐,全殿未用一 根鐵釘。大殿四簷及內柱頭上均施斗拱,而柱頭上更用特別粗大的斗拱承托,梁架斗拱為七鋪作、雙抄、三下昂、 偷心造,具有唐宋風格。
這種框架結構的合理性和穩定性,使大殿經受了千年風雨的考驗,至今保存完好。雖然明清兩代對其大殿進行過幾 次修繕,但其主要構件仍為千年原物。

若按建築年代排列,它列在山西省五台縣的南禪寺大殿、佛肖寺大殿、芮城縣的廣仁王廟、平順縣的天臺庵和大雲 院、平遙縣的鎮國寺大殿之後,居全國第七位。前六座建築均保存在氣候乾燥的高原地區,華林寺大殿則是長江以 南最為古老的木構建築了。


看點: 長江以南最古老的木構建築物

被譽為國寶的華林寺是全國重點文物保護單位,位於鼓樓區北隅、屏山南麓,始建於北宋乾德二年(964年), 至今已有1000多年的歷史了。它是我國長江以南最古老的木構建築物。

Tainan Mantis
05-06-2013, 07:02 PM

05-06-2013, 07:54 PM
ngokfei, could you translate the article for those who can´t read Chinese?
Thank you very much!

05-08-2013, 05:41 PM
thanks for that it validates some of my past research.

05-08-2013, 10:37 PM
okay since I'm being nice today. Here is a loose translation from Google.

Shaolin Kung Fu Chuan manhole

Newbridge of Tsang large ancestral hall hall rely on the right wall with a simple altar, placed above the wooden sign that says the word "Shaolin martial arts martial spirit" in front there censer filled with incense ash, a few burning make Hong cooling head still crooked inserted in the ash. Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Central Plains, and manholes in the South China Sea coast, thousands of miles, the spirit of the Shaolin spread here by the people to worship as a god, because Praying Mantis Theravada master Li Kunshan master's sake.

Lee said Kunshan original called plaster, is the Shandong Laoshan Hualinsi, monks, martial arts since childhood fitness, young, hot-blooded, disputes with people beating to death, fled to Annan (now Vietnam). Annan was a nickname black tiger martial put on a large ring to challenge Chinese Kung Fu. Li Yutang go against unexpectedly killed a black tiger, was the other side of the kill, the local Chinese smuggled into Hong Kong. In order to deceive the public, renamed Li Kunshan. It is said that in Hong Kong opened apprentices apply to Guangzhou to participate in the Guangdong Province Institute of Martial Arts, Society of the Northern School refused him, he repeatedly begged, before agreeing to take a look at his performances. He played a mantis boxing, is very similar to many moves and Nan Quan, his strength so that we really admire, learn to hope that he can stay in the Society of service. To Hong Kong apprentice, he politely refused, returned to Hong Kong, manholes two villages CHEN He-ball in Hong Kong, Chan Chi Kwong, who worship him as a teacher of martial arts.

After the fall of Hong Kong, Li Kunshan refuge to manhole, the thought that apprentices living over half a year, however, no one willing to endure hardship with his kung fu school, he can only rely on drugs for a living making and selling bruises. Xin Yang Village Xian login to see him alone, on several occasions to invite him to dinner. Learned that Master Li to go to Guangzhou, Xian Ying Teng four to raise funds to send him to, which has won the trust of Master Li. The Lee Kunshan in the northern suburb of Guangzhou City Longgui settled.

Around 1947, the manhole local Youth Associations of many, the rise of the dragon and unicorn dance craze. Manhole Village Chen Luo Pei is manhole Sanqingtuan's responsible for, he organized the British Music Society, the very forces of the manhole area, the team toured all sorts of very arrogant. British Music Society brought in from outside the martial arts master, a man named Jobs the training dragon and unicorn dance teams. John Hui does have a few tricks the dragon skill of British Music Society at the time of manhole is indeed the highest in the martial arts.

Xian steady and Chan Chiu-list, Chen Wen Chi Shek Kok Tau (now Ho) organization Yuqing community, said outside the the Baoan County manhole Amateur Fitness Club, the study Mojia boxing. Dragon and unicorn dance levels in excess of the British music society, the Yuqing community colleagues consultation please a famous boxer back presided over the martial arts. Xian sedate proposal or Li Kunshan back the get endorsed. We all know that The Sin Ying Deng and Li Kunshan familiar commissioned him to go to Guangzhou to please the master.

Li Kunshan to manhole We stayed in the vicinity of the martial arts by an old house in the street manhole, Yuqing club martial arts every day to go to the apprentices martial arts. He received in manhole apprentice in addition to Xian Teng-out, there had Letong, Xian Tim Chen Yunqing, Chen Pei et al. Kunshan Lee of boxing mantis boxing, the boxing ancestor of Shaolin disciples wanglang. According to legend wanglang for his childhood addicted to Wu, who had Songshan Shaolin Temple Arts, after traveling several provinces, for teacher. On one occasion, failure of wanglang contest chance to see mantis stalks the cicada smart and intense, inspire, and then frequently observed in the study mantis play fighting each small air action to create a Praying Mantis. After hundreds of years of evolution, and gradually formed a plum blossom mantis boxing (or Tai Chi Plum Blossom Praying Mantis), Seven Star Praying Mantis (aka Rohan Praying Mantis), Liuhe Praying Mantis three schools.

Said Li Kunshan apprentice is very strict in learning class, gestures, slightly worse mistake be corrected immediately, never struggling. He likes to eat the pipe down long pipe down rod from their hands, apprentices tobacco stems pointer, self-defense weapons became handy in dealing with people. He was alone, like a child, the child is very kind. Because of his martial arts, military ethics is also good, by the disciples loved and revered by the masses. He usually also with the ancestral prescription pills for sale make the treatment of bruises.

He died near the liberation apprentice donate money behind him to do things, the tombs near Yunlin, has been unable to identify and find, the annual Qingming disciples they were all back in Hong Kong in the original mass graves near the graves.

Most of his disciples in Hong Kong, due to business, no one is willing to apprentices. In 1970, his disciples Chen Yun Shan Lau Fau Shan friendly invitation was formally established as apprentices in the Pearl Hall, Li Shih-carry forward the Fighting Arts. The scholars very public, after many emigrated overseas. The sect originated in Shandong Hualin Temple, Hong Kong martial arts as a doors of the Shandong Hualin sent Exploration leg, Theravada master Li Kunshan, about boxing fan car, mantis boxing, collapse step, hexagonal potential, nine horses , cross punches. Yanqing knife, Tornado double-pole, single-pole, sword, seven whip weapons, big steak, the cutters, gold horse bit, Ying gun.

Chen Pei, Shajing, Baoan County Village (now manhole Ho village) people, Xian Gordon's cousin, is the first Shaolin martial arts spread to the United States. Chen Pei was 8 years old her Zushu learning Mojia boxing, and lay a solid foundation, the 11-year-old to follow Li Kunshan learn mantis probe leg Fighting Arts to become the sixth-generation descendant of the Waring sent. Master's death, martial arts, and to Hong Kong in 1953, with the door Shishu Bo Chen Guangyuan, Nathon, Chen Ying-law of exhibitions, boxing arts to the next level with Big Brother Chen Yunqing. After emigrated to the United States, opened in 1970 in Boston, USA first the Hualin Wu Pavilion, to break the racial prejudice, Martial Arts was introduced to Western society, coincides with Bruce Lee in the United States set off the martial arts boom, learning martial arts Westerners increasing, Waring also increasing the martial arts. In 1980 he moved to Florida, bought in Orlando built Hualin Main Library, named Hualinsi, in addition to Professor apprentice, but also invited the Chinese martial arts masters to the local martial arts and cultural exchanges. - Moderate to explore the Chinese name of boxing, the essence of a variety of boxing, fencing was introduced to the United States boxing, martial arts transcendent, famous for. 1999, in the martial arts master and tigers boxing camp head Wuwei Kang efforts, the United States and Canada the most representative of Chinese martial arts groups of the North American Chinese Martial Arts Federation "and" North America States Martial Arts Association " New York announced the merger, the establishment of the North American Federation of Martial Arts. His daughter, Chen Mei Mei under the tutelage of his father, also very well-known martial arts in the United States. Walt Disney animated film "Mulan" prototype, animation designer Chen Mei action and image. She was making too many kung-fu, is currently the head coach of the United States Hualin camp.

The world is a Shaolin Kung Fu. Shaolin kung fu genre eighteen, known as "Shaolin eighteen, the Wang Lang mantis offensive is one of them, Shandong Hualin founder Wang Lang sent Exploration legs natural door is also a Shaolin kung fu. To discern, in March 1984, led by Chen Pei U.S. mission to Hualinsi visit the Shaolin Temple. In July 1985, the second visit the Shaolin Temple, established a "were owned by Pilgrim monument in the Forest of Stone Tablets, and thanks to the Shaolin Temple, Buddhism line as a teacher, officially became the thirty-second generation disciple of the Shaolin Temple.

Chen Pei repeatedly led a delegation to return, exchange ideas with Chinese martial arts. September 1992 led a delegation to attend the Third China International Shaolin Wushu Festival held in Zhengzhou; summer of 1996, he led more than forty of the United States disciples returned to his hometown manhole ancestors, and performing for folks in Ede Church Chen Ancestral Hall; In September 2001, he led the United States Hualin Temple Wushu delegation of 30 people, access to the martial arts village Foshan City, Guangdong, on the 11th of the same month and return home again ancestors.

"Huazhou Wellname the pass quintessence, Lin peer martial earthquake foreign land." This is the United States the Hualin Temple Martial Arts Association of the couplet. Shaolin kung fu reached manhole and from manhole spread to Hong Kong and the United States, the the Shaolin spirit of surviving, the Lee BIA Mountain master portrait hanging in the lobby of Ede Tong Chen Ancestral Halls remain dignified, as if still look at the disciples practicing martial arts the one by one ...... (Cheng Jian)

05-08-2013, 10:38 PM
also for the actual temple itself.

At that time, the King of the Wu and Yue Qian Liu separatist Fujian and Zhejiang, Fuzhou Magistrate Bao repair let to pray for the peace of the county territory of the Buddha bless demolition Minwang Palace, using the removed material auspicious temple built in the south of the Ping Shan Mountains the mountains, there are Wenchang Temple, Putuo rocks and the main hall. The main hall after Hodo Hodo west of the founder of the house, and backrest are Ping Shan (yueshan). Since then, later in the nearby building blocks of a Buddhist Temple, a grand scale. Song Gao Zeng thanks to the monastery Yu Shu Yue Shan, Central peak. Ming Zhengtong 2009 (1444), presented the plaque plaque Hualin Temple, still in use.
Ching Ming (1506-1521), near Lohan School of the mountains since Um into Hualin Temple larger, then a new Yu Shu Court ring Feng Ting, his secrets buildings, will win kiosks buildings . Jiaqing reign (1796-1850), the reconstruction of the main hall, King Hall, gate, Gallery veranda, living room, shag.
But now, are nowhere to be found, the only remaining Basilica. Slate corridor of existing Dianwai the gate, corridors and what side hall, as well as greening and tree planting are done in the main hall restored in August 1988.

The Hualin Temple construction practices in a unique style of wooden architecture in the Tang and Song by Japanese experts and scholars to research, Hualin Temple hall has a huge impact on the architectural style of the Japanese Kamakura period (late 12th century). Visible, Hualin Temple is an important historical testimony of the Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges.
In particular, its main hall features, 15.5 meters high, covering an area of ​​574 square meters, with 18 wooden pillars, pillars above all supported by brackets, the whole house is not a nail. Are applied brackets the four eaves of the main hall and inner stigma, stigma thick brackets supporting beams brackets Seven Shop for dual copy, three under Aung Closer made with the style of the Tang and Song.
Such a framework structure and stability, so the hall stood the test of thousands of years of wind and rain, has been well preserved. Although the Ming and Qing dynasties for its main hall had several repairs, but its main component is still Millennium original.

Arranged according to the age of the building, it is listed in the the Nanzenji Basilica in Wutai County, Shanxi Province, Xiao Buddha Temple Basilica, Ruicheng County Guangren King Temple, of Pingshun the rooftop Um and Cloud Hospital, Pingyao County of the town of Temple Basilica after, ranking seventh in the country. The first six buildings are preserved in the dry climate of the plateau region, the the Hualin Temple main hall is the oldest timber-framed building in the south of the Yangtze River.
Temple memory Song Dynasty Emperor Zhao Gou the seal script Canbei party, the Qing Emperor Kangxi Hualin Temple incense lamp monument, "Republic of China" Lin Sen Memorial monument ".

Hualin Temple tour

Aspect: south of the Yangtze River is one of the oldest timber-framed buildings

The Hualin Temple known as the national treasure is a national key cultural relics protection units, located in Gulou District, Bei Yu, Ping Shan south, was built in the Northern Song Dynasty Conduit two years (964 years), has been 1000 years of history. It is China's oldest timber-framed buildings in the south of the Yangtze River.

Tainan Mantis
05-09-2013, 08:28 AM

All kungfu under heaven comes from Shaolin. Shaolin kungfu is based on 18
styles named "Shaolin's Eighten Styles" and Wang Lang's Praying Mantis is
one of those. Wang Lang is the founder of Shandong's Hua Lin Style of Seeking
Leg Style, this is a catagory of Shaolin kungfu.

Do you think that this paragraph affects the credibility of the entire article?
One by one they may be taken as cliches, but all together?

1 All kung fu is from Shaolin
2 Shaolin is based on 18 styles
3 Wang Lang style is a part of Shaolin (at the temple now or when?)
4 Wang Lang is the founder of Wahlum
5 Wah lum is a category of Shaolin

05-09-2013, 10:30 AM
who wrote the article for the chinese newspaper?

05-13-2013, 06:54 AM
Thanks, ngokfei. But I already had the text translated by Google, but much of the information gets lost on these automatic translations. That´s why I asked if someone who can read Chinese could translate the article. But thanks anyway.

If someone could translate it, I´d be thankfull! :)


05-13-2013, 08:23 AM
well then thats pretty much the jist of it, only thing obscured is names which tend to be translated literally.

How long have you been doing TCMA. I think its about time you know the basics at least to recognize the styles ancestors and forms names in chinese.

here's another article Alex Tse shared in the past, I've got a folder with about 5 additional articles. I'm sure Chan Pui has copies of these and more.

05-13-2013, 09:00 AM
IMHO, I don´t think it´s a matter of "how long have you been training CMA", it´s about having or not the skills to read and understand a full text in another language totally different than yours. I´m sure if I post here some text about kung fu written in Portuguese or Italian, some of you guys would not be able to understand, despite the 30 or more years of CMA practise.

But I understand what you say and, FYK, yes, I do know the Chinese characters for the ancestor´s names, forms and techniques, at least the most important ones.

Thanks again for posting the article, I´ll try to translate it directly from Chinese, it´s going to be a good study (I really have to get back to my Chinese studies!). By the way, English is not my native language, so sorry If couldn´t express myself correctly.


05-14-2013, 07:15 AM
your english sounds fine to me except for the Chinglish phrase "So Sorry". :)

Yes its time to return to your studies, especially if your serious about research in a foreign language.

So did you ever translate the article on Wah Lum that Alex posted?

05-14-2013, 11:56 AM
No, I have been very busy lately (work, family, you know...), so I still haven´t managed the time to translate that article, even though it´s a small one. :(

05-17-2013, 06:51 AM
Well, I started to try to translate the article posted by mr. Tse, but I couldn´t identify a lot of characters, they seem a little bit blurred to me (as I´m not proficient in Chinese reading). I´ll try again later, or get it translated by a friend.

By the way, ngokfei, you´ve said you have 5 more articles about Hualinpai. Would you mind sharing them with us?

Thanks again!

05-17-2013, 01:50 PM
finish translating what you got then we'll talk. :D

05-28-2013, 11:54 AM
I would think LKS had martial arts training, maybe his family style and trained with a guy who did "praying mantis boxing". He kept what he liked and probably came up with a loose curriculum of his stuff.

Some of his students (who possibly came from other systems) liked the "praying mantis" connection and developed a curriculum to match (as far as naming and structure) main stream mantis styles so it would be accepted as "mantis". They just filled in the blanks with forms.

Seems to me that is what many Chinese styles have been reduced to.......forms...for all I know they could have been that way from the start. Others over complicate the "fighting" so much it is difficult to follow. Sometimes "2x4 to the head" is enough.

Trying to read the google translation of the article is probably similar to trying to pull fighting techniques out of forms without a foundation in the basic fighting principles of a system.....you can get a little of what it is supposed to be but a lot of it is way out there!

We can only live in the shadow of our fathers reputation (good and bad) for so long. Sooner or later as instructors we have to mature and have our own methods. I would like to think that a potential student will look at who I am, what I know, what I teach, how I teach and what type of student I produce......not what some dude from 300 or even 60 years ago did when they make the decision to join my school.

05-29-2013, 05:11 PM
yeah basically.

I only provided the goolge translation as a filler for those who don't know chinese. I tend to keep my translations to myself and those who are in the research field.

In the end its basically to give credit where credit is due.

US Wah Lum is the the child of Chan PUi. Much kudos to him. He should get credit for expanding the style to include the various facets of modern Kung Fu/Wushu.

Still there are those who'd like to know the origins and the core of the style. If an individual learns a style in lets say 10 years why should their disciples be made to learn the same material in 15-20 years. Sounds like a $$ game to me.

05-29-2013, 07:37 PM
If an individual learns a style in lets say 10 years why should their disciples be made to learn the same material in 15-20 years. Sounds like a $$ game to me.


Some of the earliest mantis instructors trained less than ten years before starting to teach tanglangquan. We tend to over-complicate things as time goes on.

05-29-2013, 08:53 PM
I appreciate the google translation wasn't trying to be negative.....just a comparison.:)

Well, I think one reason students may take 15 - 20 years to learn material may be that the students are not as good as the instructor:) I know, there are people who hold students back for money. I don't see the need for that.

Personally, I think if a student takes classes three times a week, trains on his/her own and actually participates in the fighting classes.....that student should be able to pick up the essence of the system in one year. that doesn't mean all the material just the what the system is founded on and fighting technique and theories. What more do you need?

If as instructors we do not have a curriculum laid out that way we should step back and re evaluate.