View Full Version : The Million Moron March

05-08-2013, 04:37 PM

Yup, this is going to end really well.

I believe in natural selection. I hope they do this. Please... go die. Do us all a favour.

05-08-2013, 04:48 PM
those people are retarded. and they need to get out in the world and actual experience true oppression...live on our knees? i don't if they do, then they should stop giving so much head to random diseased bums.

05-09-2013, 05:52 AM
They need to televise this :p

What a bunch of idiots man. Carrying loaded weapons to DC to protest? If there every was a formula for disaster, it's this one.

David Jamieson
05-09-2013, 06:54 AM
I'd bet a dollar that there is no way a million people are going to show up. I can see a lot of up close small crowd shots on Fox to show the huge crowds that were there and to contrast that, individual smartphone films that show the only 1 or 2 thousand people who did show up.

05-09-2013, 07:39 AM
As a test of democracy, I would really like to see 1 million of those people march for solidarity.:confused:

05-09-2013, 09:07 AM
I'm all for the 2nd amendment, but this is a terrible idea lol

David Jamieson
05-09-2013, 11:25 AM
Right up there with running into a school teachers meeting and firing off blanks everywhere to test their preparedness.

Unbelievably stupid stuff coming from these gun advocates. I really think they would be better off without showing their crazy.

Teachers are teachers, not soldiers waiting for fire fights.
Marching into the state capital fully armed? yeah...that's just dumb.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world watches in horror at this stuff.
It's supposed to be America, not looney tunes.

05-09-2013, 12:03 PM
haha. It's not a real million man march. I just saw that title somewhere else and jacked it. There will NOT be one million well armed knuckledraggers walking on the capitol.

Kinda makes you happy to be north of the 49th huh. I really hope we don't get dragged down to this level. We already see some of it seeping into our politics, but it's nowhere near the same level.

David Jamieson
05-09-2013, 12:16 PM
haha. It's not a real million man march. I just saw that title somewhere else and jacked it. There will NOT be one million well armed knuckledraggers walking on the capitol.

Kinda makes you happy to be north of the 49th huh. I really hope we don't get dragged down to this level. We already see some of it seeping into our politics, but it's nowhere near the same level.

Dude..our PM is a narcissistic tool who is devious, deceptive and in general a liar and low minded person. He was elected to power because of our collective political apathy alone. I don't think he'll be prepared for the ousting he is about to get and will likely be in shock from it he is so out of touch and I'm going to say, stupid about what Canada wants.

Greedy, small minded men are running our country right now, it's our fault and it's up to us to make it right as the citizens of this nation.

The unfortunate part is we have only borderline communists and popularity contest winners to choose from. It would seem, the system, it be broken bad eh?

I'd just as soon have my land, have my guns as I want and the "government" can have a little money to pick up my garbage, keep the street lights on, the potholes filled, police, fire stations opened and hospitals running.

Besides essential services, I really have no use for them and they have shown themselves to be thoroughly incompetent at every single term. I am amazed we tolerate it and haven't run these fools out on a rail yet.

05-09-2013, 12:32 PM
Dude..our PM is a narcissistic tool who is devious, deceptive and in general a liar and low minded person. He was elected to power because of our collective political apathy alone. I don't think he'll be prepared for the ousting he is about to get and will likely be in shock from it he is so out of touch and I'm going to say, stupid about what Canada wants.

Greedy, small minded men are running our country right now, it's our fault and it's up to us to make it right as the citizens of this nation.

The unfortunate part is we have only borderline communists and popularity contest winners to choose from. It would seem, the system, it be broken bad eh?

I'd just as soon have my land, have my guns as I want and the "government" can have a little money to pick up my garbage, keep the street lights on, the potholes filled, police, fire stations opened and hospitals running.

Besides essential services, I really have no use for them and they have shown themselves to be thoroughly incompetent at every single term. I am amazed we tolerate it and haven't run these fools out on a rail yet.

Now, now, with the full tilt corruption left over from the McGinty government taking on full steam and us taxpayers footing the bills, as usual, how can you be so negative?

05-09-2013, 12:34 PM
And Harper may be out of touch with the Canadian people but do you think he is as out of touch as the liberal government was when they called for an election when the Conservatives had a minority and handed a majority over to them?

SoCo KungFu
05-09-2013, 01:50 PM

Yup, this is going to end really well.

I believe in natural selection. I hope they do this. Please... go die. Do us all a favour.

Kokesh is kind of an idiot. Some stuff he used to spout on his internet show was agreeable, his vets against the Iraq war stuff. But the rest he shows himself to the a silver spoon fed retard.

05-09-2013, 06:02 PM
Dude..our PM is a narcissistic tool who is devious, deceptive and in general a liar and low minded person. He was elected to power because of our collective political apathy alone. I don't think he'll be prepared for the ousting he is about to get and will likely be in shock from it he is so out of touch and I'm going to say, stupid about what Canada wants.

Greedy, small minded men are running our country right now, it's our fault and it's up to us to make it right as the citizens of this nation.

The unfortunate part is we have only borderline communists and popularity contest winners to choose from. It would seem, the system, it be broken bad eh?

I'd just as soon have my land, have my guns as I want and the "government" can have a little money to pick up my garbage, keep the street lights on, the potholes filled, police, fire stations opened and hospitals running.

Besides essential services, I really have no use for them and they have shown themselves to be thoroughly incompetent at every single term. I am amazed we tolerate it and haven't run these fools out on a rail yet.

haha. I meant that we don't have the same vitriol in that same scale. We mos def have our issues. And I hate to break it to you, our government has ALWAYS been corrupt and self serving. Every once in a while we get a decent human being that moves us a lil forward... then a couple dozen years of crap, then a new messiah.... and on it goes. I'm no neo-con, liberal or new democrat. I am an independent. And I mean a real independent. Not "I'm independent even tho I always vote for the same party" type independent. Sometimes I don't even vote unless it's specifically to vote for whoever has the best chance of beating the neo cons. I don't like very many of these people.

I agree about essential services. But we may have different ideas about what is essential and what isn't. What I do NOT like is how we are privatizing essential services, selling crown corps. Not cool. I don't mind paying taxes when it's used for those kinds of things. I would pay more... gladly. I'm not an isolationist though. I have a bit of a libertarian streak, but not the kind you see on TV. And Ayn Rand is a selfish nutbag. I am split on this. While I want to just do what I do and have everyone else who would interfere to just **** off, I do understand why we cater to the weakest links(more of a theory than a practice these days, lol). It's unfortunate that people don't do enough to raise others higher and increase the general quality of life for everyone. So I have no problem throwing in for that.

05-09-2013, 06:03 PM
Kokesh is kind of an idiot. Some stuff he used to spout on his internet show was agreeable, his vets against the Iraq war stuff. But the rest he shows himself to the a silver spoon fed retard.

Never heard of him till now. He must be one of those guys who misses the old united states of america that never existed. :p

SoCo KungFu
05-31-2013, 04:19 PM


So he's now become a self fulfilling prophecy. Gets arrested for assaulting a police officer (which may be a BS charge, I can't see what happened before crowd cleared around them) which is a felony. Felons can't own guns.

Logical response? Send a call to your followers to attempt an armed (but peaceful :rolleyes: ) revolt.

So lets see what we have. A country with severe socioeconomic inequality. A lunatic drums up a bunch of animosity among the knuckle draggers in the population, complete with a few minorities to hate on. Gets arrested, and begins plotting a new regime from behind bars. Where have I heard this story before?

05-31-2013, 05:56 PM
So glad I live in a place where you can just walk down the street smoking a blunt and not have to worry about police. Worst case scenario they take it from you. More often than not they pretend they didn't notice because it is still technically illegal in most cases. Sometimes they just ask you to put it out and move along, no search or anything. And I don't blame them, the paperwork must be a *****... everyone smokes weed up in here.

That being said... if I knew they would arrest me and I lit one up in their face, would I really have a legit argument? You can get arrested on purpose then ***** that you got arrested. You can only argue that you disagree with that particular law.

I knew we would change fast about ten years ago when I went up on a possession charge. Possession of roach! I'm not kidding. Not even enough for more than one good pull. The Crown spent like 20 minutes going into all the minutiae and finally the judge stopped him mid sentence and said "I don't want to see another case like this from you again." and then looked at me and said I was free to go. After that I knew it was just a matter of time. Short time. I give it a few more years. The problem is a federal one. If the province had their say we would already have legalized it. I buy mine from a legit company that collects and pays taxes, I get a receipt, can use a CC or bank card. It's all quite legit.... accept for the fact that it's technically illegal. It's just that nobody, and I mean NOBODY, cares. Our biggest problem is dealing with US law enforcement who want to come up in here and impose their war. DEA needs to stick to cross border traffic and leave our local dealers the **** alone. Going after gangs that traffic to the US with a joint task force is one thing, but going after locals that have no ties to the US is ridiculous. I can't believe anyone finds that acceptable. Again, it's a federal thing. Whatcha gonna do. They're always late to the party.

SoCo KungFu
06-02-2013, 02:53 PM
Yeah, the weed thing is ridiculous. Really, I don't think it will be long here either. Its inevitable. We just need a few more of these ultra conservative, bible thumping geriatrics to kick the bucket.

The funny thing here though, is that as a libertarian in the US, Kokesh has aligned himself with the republican party. He even calls himself rep on his old website from what I can tell. Seems to me he's allied up with the wrong people if he wants to light up a few, and hates war. But his daddy is a businessman so, you see the result.

But trying to call out people to march on DC armed. Stupid. Now telling people instead to march on their state capitals armed and demand dissolution of the federal gov't? More stupid. And at the very least could be a crime. At the worst it could get someone killed when one of the mouth breathers gets riled up and pops a shot off.

Oh and lets not forget, 10,000 followers is his goal. Across 50 states. Yeah, 200 people per capital. Yeah that will make a big statement... But what can ya say? Republicans never were known for their math skills.

06-02-2013, 03:18 PM
**** aint gonna happen. Maybe a small group here and there. Nothing more. It was a sad joke from the get go.

06-02-2013, 03:27 PM
Y We just need a few more of these ultra conservative, bible thumping geriatrics to kick the bucket.

somehow I cant see Jesus of the Bible carrying an assault weapon protesting for gun rights.

SoCo KungFu
06-02-2013, 04:48 PM
**** aint gonna happen. Maybe a small group here and there. Nothing more. It was a sad joke from the get go.

Of course it won't. I'd like to think he was at least half way intelligent enough to realize the first rally was idiotic and he decided this would be an easy out to save face, knowing people aren't going to walk on their own state capitals in any meaningful sense. He can say, well our numbers were too few to make change. I'd like to think that, but the idiot has fallen in with Alex Jones and co. He's gone over the cliff.

That's the way it is with Libertarians. We saw this when Paul was running for pres. He had some of the lowest voter turnout. But people were talking all about him on the internet. If you went by that, you'd think he was a sure win. These people constantly overestimate their popularity in the general public.