View Full Version : Sucker punches,mass attack,jump kicks...What really happens in a streetfight..........

11-12-2001, 04:57 PM
web page ( http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=7688073 )


BJJ is Superior to Mullets!

Chang Style Novice
11-12-2001, 05:02 PM
Could you give the gist of the article, for those one or two of us on the board who don't speak norweigan?

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-12-2001, 05:16 PM
just click on the video :)


BJJ is Superior to Mullets!G

Chang Style Novice
11-12-2001, 05:21 PM
D'oh! Didn't see the video link before, just the pictures - I was like 'where's the jump kick?'

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

Rolling Elbow
11-12-2001, 05:33 PM
Stuff like that makes me sick.

Never let a bunch of punks like that surround you..plow through em first.

However, that guy telegraphed his punch soo much it wasn't funny....he did smash right through his point of contact though jesus..his fist looked like it came out the other end. The rest was unimpressive...the guy was shaky and he got ragged on. The jump kick was well placed as it occured right as he was dazed and getting up..all it seemed to do is knock him down though..the wild kicks to the head did the rest. I find that behaviour offensive though..those punks all deserve to have their limbs smashed and broken. Hit a guy once..its enough in those situations. Why the idiot in the white shirt was arguing that way in the first place is another question.

Oh well...chalk that one up to poor street smarts.

Michael Panzerotti
Taijutsu Nobody from the Great White North..

Chang Style Novice
11-12-2001, 05:37 PM
Seriously - as soon as the black guy turned around to signal his buddies to come over, that's your signal to leave!

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-12-2001, 05:44 PM
All the white guy has to do is get a bunch of other white guys to act all crazy,riot,burn buildings,endanger other people & he will be an instant millionaire.


3 :rolleyes:

BJJ is Superior to Mullets!G

11-12-2001, 05:51 PM
the article says mostly about the movie, detailed. Like, the victim and the somali dude had an argument over something like, white dude suposedly had hit some guy with a shovel. uhmmm, yeah and the author of the article called that jump kick a "karate kick". I dont think that they had much or any skills in martial art.
then it says what happens to the victim, how much money he gets and so on..

nothing interesting, good movie thought. I think he looks at the other dude when he gets hit.

"maybe not in combat.. but think of the chicks man, the chicks!" -- someone on the subject of back-flips in combat --

Crimson Phoenix
11-12-2001, 06:24 PM
Does the article say if the guy manages to get pampered by the nice azz blond girl at the end of the vid'?
there's a good side to everything hehehehehehe

11-12-2001, 06:47 PM
Good multi-man op by the black dudes, 12 seconds from the first hit to the last. Got him surrounded, distracted and let him have it. With WB1 down WB2 was easy pickins. Black Dude 1's second attack was pretty good.

Things white boy 1 did wrong, hands in pockets, letting himself be distracted and not staying in motion are just a few. WB2 as backup was totally useless. He should have been close and to the blind side of one of the BDs ready to take him down hard.

Even with our superior techniques most here would have ended up in the same place as the White Boy did after the first hit.

Also who was that one guy hitting that just kind of shows up, hits someone and walks away?

Rogue, Soke and Senior Grandmaster of Southeast American Brazillian Bagua Combat Chi jitsu Kempo Karate Do and Choral Society.

The only tactical principle which is not subject to change; it is, “To use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wounds, death, and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time."

Now I want you to remember that no ******* ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb ******* die for his country.

[This message was edited by rogue on 11-13-01 at 09:09 AM.]

11-12-2001, 07:47 PM
the video was cool, what was on it was like , okay. a group of inexperienced yobs and a guy who didnt have a clue , what does this teach us again.

Streetfights are a lot easier than sparring with someone who could kill an elephant with a kick.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

Rolling Elbow
11-12-2001, 08:40 PM
actually there is a WB3 that gets overwhelmed when helping his pal..he does a decent job and looks sturdy. WB2 is a complete failure and should get his head checked. From teh looks of it there are 3 WBs and 5 BBs. There are also a whole bunch of bystanders..... the looking syndrome. Man, that guy must have hurt when he got tagged in thehead...i always train to cover when i am down. Even when i don't see what is coming, i use a Russian technique where i do a sweep of my face and back of head as i regain balance and get to my feet. I'm always moving and stay close to the target so i can take the legs or knees and force the guy to hit close range.

But that means little...it already happened and i think its cool that we find stuff like this to write about. You really do see where standing grappling plays a role here though eh?(please excuse grammar and spelling..i'm on a conference call :-))

Michael Panzerotti
Taijutsu Nobody from the Great White North..

11-12-2001, 08:43 PM
actually the video teaches a lot.
Even though it angers me.

It is a great example of the mistakes someone can make right before an assault.
First, I never stand that close to someone unless I'm going to hit them first and hard. You never want to let a person come into your personal space.
second, NEVER let other people approach you like that! The guy stood and let two other assaulters come right into his space, and stay there. He never moved himself from harm.
Third he was not aware of his attackers. His attention was constantly diverted as he "talked" with them one at a time. The assaulter's very telegraphic punch could not be stopped because of the attention diversion.

It is obvious that the victim was not a fighter at all, and to be honest, one of the things that made me cringe was the fact that the black assaulter's tactics look like some of the stuff I train (i.e. throw to the ground, kick to the head, etc) makes me feel like a thug :(

But this is a great example of how street awareness is the thing that helps and seperates you from the victims. It is NOT about technique and martial arts. It's how your awareness can serve to help you use them.



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-12-2001, 10:27 PM
How, when he calls his mates down, do you leave, without either insulting him (i don't mean that the way it sounds, without accusing him of foul play and looking like a paranoid freak), or having a chase on in the first place? He shouldn't have been that close to him in the first place.

But anyway please someone answer the question.

How would you have handled it, when the 3 geezers come over? You can't just back off, they did a good job of makin it look casual. But running away straight away would be a difficult thing to do - harder than you all make out.

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-12-2001, 10:38 PM
The hard thing here is that in the video there was no sound...so I couldn't hear what was being said, etc.

You are absolutely right in saying he shouldn't have been that close in the first place.

Keeping your distance from people is not necessarily seen as a "weakness" from criminals.
If the man saw the two guys coming to him, he could have backed up (the black guy was not looking at him at that time), and done so with a firm, but none threatening command that he didn't want them that close. If they persisted in coming to him (most people don't want to "fight" someone who's going to fight back, they want him to lay on the floor and cowar like he did), the man could attack the lead black guy FIRST and with surprise to buy him some time to immediately leave the area, get to the bystandards, etc.

The whole fight might have been avoided if the man did indeed back up, firmly let them know that if they do attack he'll be ready, and get to a place where there is more people all around him. (think of how a cat backs up when it's threatened...it's ready to claw your **** eyes out if need be) Backing up scared and shivering is one thing...but backing up with firmness and a confident presence is another.

If the black guy gets right in my face like that, he's getting a surprise headbutt, and I'll do exactly to him what he did to that guy. Don't let people get close to you like that, unless you are 100% sure you're going to drop them.
Notice how the victim even looks at his watch while talking... :( His awareness is not there.



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-12-2001, 10:38 PM
I'd rather be a paranoid freak to someone I'll never see again, then be gang beaten by 5 guys.



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-12-2001, 10:44 PM
"If they persisted in coming to him (most people don't want to "fight" someone who's going to fight back, they want him to lay on the floor and cowar like he did), the man could attack the lead black guy FIRST and with surprise to buy him some time to immediately leave the area, get to the bystandards, etc."

But they "tricked" him, by pretending to come over in a non threatening manner. You would look like you're over reacting, although without sound you can't tell this.

Backing off "with confidence" is not an easy thing to do. In situations like this where i've been out numbered, i've struck first, and it would always be like i've over reacted. You can't just start smashin up the first guy, you don't want to start **** with someone who has friends over there.

Backing up confidently is easier said than done - how do you do that?

(and yes, why didnt' he just headbutt or knee him in the balls in the first place? he mighta regretted it if the white guy had done it to him first. but if you look, you can see the white guy is TRYING to act hard, but is outta his element, he's ****ting his pants. from being around a lot of crime, you can tell who is hard, and who is just fronting hard. the black dudes have done this before)

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-12-2001, 10:50 PM
i can't believe there hasn't been more comments on this thread for heavens sake. it's certainly made me want to train, and that's what i'm going to do right now.

maybe everyone who's never been in a fight has **** their pants? :confused: :confused:

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-12-2001, 10:54 PM
I agree with you completely.
But if the guy does not know these guys at all, then I don't care if I look like I'm over reacting. :) Backing up "confidently" is a matter of how much confidence you have I suppose
:( and I'm not talking about running away, I'm talking about making sure YOU have your personal space that no one is allowed to come into. I don't care if I don't seem "polite" or "over reacintg" if I don't know these guys.

Now if he DID know them, you have to look at other warning signs in the group. First, no one has to be that close to talk to you. He can say what he has to say five feet away from you. Second, the black guy is figity, always looking around, seeing where his boys are, etc. Warnign sign number two.
Calling his friends over there is another sign.
Why does he need his friends to be that close to you as well?? Not necessary. Even if you know them.

That's my experience. I want to guess that the guy does NOT know these people..or just met them.
And in that case, the warning signs are twice as potent.

It's okay to be "scared" in a confrontation, but your body language has to show that really do NOT want any trouble, and if there is some, you will put up the biggest fight possible to stop it.
Criminals generally don't want to work that hard...



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-12-2001, 10:56 PM
LOL! Well I hope they haven't! :D

I've seen this stuff all before. It's nothing new to me. I know how fights start, and end.
I've been in a few. To me, this just re enforces what I already know.

Training technique won't necessarily help you here.
You've got to study criminal psychology, body language, fight statistics, and police training, etc.

Good luck, and take care,


"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-12-2001, 10:57 PM
same thoughts here. but i get the feeling he knows him, it's some kinda dispute? i think this maybe why he does not pay too much attention when the back dudes bretherins come to play. i'll leave the forum on while i work out ;)

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-12-2001, 11:09 PM
In case some of you guys didn't know I'm from Colombia.We see terrorists,gang fights,killings,stabbings,bombings everyday and it's not fun growing up in that atmosphere.

One thing I can tell you however that from what I've seen 75% of the people out there can't fight for squat when the pressure is on.

"Always be ready"

"right, that's it!you've insulted me, and you've insulted the shaolin temple!"-Fish of Furry

11-12-2001, 11:09 PM
Good training to you, Sharky. :)

Myself, I've done a little karenza work earlier this morning, and now I'm gonna take a shower and hang out with a Japanese girl. ;)



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-12-2001, 11:14 PM
Whats bad is how that it was done in public with other people around.Also if that guy could be sucker punched he could have been knifed in the same way.In these situations you should treat them all as if they have weapons.Don't let ego & overconfidence get you killed. Neither BJJ or Kungfu could have helped this guy only common sense.



BJJ is Superior to Mullets!G

11-12-2001, 11:17 PM
Is that take a shower & hangout Or hangout & take a shower : :o

Sorry man,couldn't resist.


BJJ is Superior to Mullets!

11-12-2001, 11:20 PM
No comment.

Now if you'll excuse me, the shower awaits...


"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-12-2001, 11:27 PM
Just saw the video.I've seen worse

"Always be ready"

"right, that's it!you've insulted me, and you've insulted the shaolin temple!"-Fish of Furry

11-12-2001, 11:28 PM
those guys who attacked were smart, as roue said, a good operation. And as someelse said, most trained fighters would have got whooped too, after the first strike the guy was essentially helpless. THere is a great lesson to learn here.

"You guys have obviously never done any real fighting if you are mocking spitting"
Spinning Backfist

11-12-2001, 11:30 PM
oh, I would also make the point that this is one of those "dont want to go the ground but end up there anyway situation", one thing you learn in groundwork is how to minimize damge when in a bad spot. Although in all fairness to the victim, once youre stunned there isnt anything that will help you.

"You guys have obviously never done any real fighting if you are mocking spitting"
Spinning Backfist

11-13-2001, 12:35 AM
The only people I let that close in my personal space are my friends and family. Everyone else is kept at a good distance.

It does look like the white boy was trying to act tough. Silly. I hope he is OK.

You're fu(king up my chi

11-13-2001, 12:54 AM
you know what ryu said about he's rather be a paranoid freak to someone he will never see again rather than ...

This is what i am like to most people when i get stopped in the street and people ask me for change i always step back, ill never forget one guy he's like dont be scared im like im not im just cautious. So he styeps up and i step back again, in the end he was soo appreciative that i gave him a couple of pounds. But you know i always do it sometimes i tihnk im stupid but hey , its just me.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

11-13-2001, 01:11 AM
Those black guys don't seem to have much training
in martial arts, but they are street smarts. The
black dude sucker punch the guy and use a couple
of basic kicks to KO the guy.

The fight is fast, brutal, and to the point. Martial artists should trained and be prepared
for a situation like this. Don't just
train against a "trained fighter" but also train
for a street fighter and his friends.

11-13-2001, 01:16 AM
Ok i tried translating the article over at ITG this propably comes from there, i'll just copy paste it:

"btw i tried translating that, i only know danish which is similar to norweigan so dont shoot me if i got some of this wrong!
From what i've gathered this happened some night in Oslo, and a group of Somalien guys were argueing with this girl (I was told Krangel was argueing) propably the 3 guys in the video. These 3 guys passed and asked the girl if she needed any help, she said she didnt and they started walking away, at this point one of them hit the guy that got crushed in the back of his head with "En spade" ok i got stumped here, "Spade" directly translated means a shovel, i doubt the guy had a shovel around so maybe it means slapping someone or hitting with the palm. Anywho he got hit to the back of his head, it wasnt a hard hit but the guy wanted an apology for this unprovoked attack. And well you saw how it ended."

That shovel thing still bugs me, doesnt look like anyone there had a shovel so i'm guessing it's a word for open hand strike as well.

Free thinkers are dangerous!

11-13-2001, 01:16 AM
Sorry about the first title, this is the correct one.

11-13-2001, 01:20 AM
Thanks for trying Qeysus. Kind of makes sense now.

You're fu(king up my chi

11-13-2001, 01:40 AM
btw i realize that my translation was a bit confusing, so there were 3 somalien guys argueuing with the girl, and then 3 OTHER guys (the white guy argueing and 2 of his friends) and asked if the girl needed help, they started walking away when she said no, and the black dude hit him to the back of his head.

Free thinkers are dangerous!

11-13-2001, 02:24 AM
so what the hell was the black guy explaining to him for so long?

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 02:37 AM
they were argueing as well i guess.

Free thinkers are dangerous!

11-13-2001, 02:49 AM
yes but in an argument, you have to have some kind of point? it just seemed od. you would not go up to someone with 4 mates, who clearly WANT a fight, and expect an apology, and a pat on the back, AND be as unsuspecting. Then his friends come over, what are they gonna do, clear up teh situation for him?

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 03:59 AM
with this evidence its beginning to appear that the white guy was rather naive about the situation

"You guys have obviously never done any real fighting if you are mocking spitting"
Spinning Backfist

11-13-2001, 04:08 AM
it appears so. maybe he was trying to impress the blonde chick :confused: :confused:

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 04:09 AM
well sharky it's obvious that this guy had no problem getting into a fight, he approached 3 guys that he thinks are causing trouble to a young lady and asks if she needs help, willingly getting himself into trouble and knowing that if she said yes he would propably have to fight the guys, so being slapped in the head he hardly seems like a guy that says "oh fu*k it i'll let it go". He may have been a cocky guy but he still got sucker punched bad and soccer punched to the head, that's bad.

Free thinkers are dangerous!

11-13-2001, 04:12 AM
a) blonde chick thing was a joke
b) i never said anything like that Qeysus, so don't bite my head off!

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 04:12 AM
and then attacked

shark you serious about beats i could prolly hook you up just hit me e

if i throw sand in ya face;WILL YOU Blink".

11-13-2001, 04:17 AM
I once met a Genie with a 10 foot weenie, he showed it to the neighbor next door. She thought it was a snake, so she hit it with a rake, and now its only 5 foot 4.

11-13-2001, 04:19 AM
what the fu.ck was that supposed to be?

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 04:32 AM
whoopsie daisy i read the wrong name, Jimmy said that the white guy was being naive and you had the response after that, sorry 'bout that. Me talking about him not being the kind of guy that just leaves after being hit was then meant for Jimmy.

Free thinkers are dangerous!

11-13-2001, 04:33 AM

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 04:52 AM
see, to my way of thinking, ( and remeber I was a boincer for a long time), once you get smacked, you either open up full speed at the attacker, or you leave. Once your hit, theres nothing to discuss, you either fight or decide not to. You certainly dont put your hands in your pockets and talk about why the guy hit you .

"You guys have obviously never done any real fighting if you are mocking spitting"
Spinning Backfist

11-13-2001, 04:59 AM
precisely, that was what i was saying, how the feck can they be arguing about that isht? whats to discuss?

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 05:58 AM


you want beats

if i throw sand in ya face;WILL YOU Blink".

11-13-2001, 06:02 AM
man, i had that years ago ;)

yeah, are these YOUR beats, or just some beats of the net?

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 06:13 AM
Great training video, and trained or not the main guy got in three beautiful hits. Watch and learn guys.

Rogue, Soke and Senior Grandmaster of Southeast American Brazillian Bagua Combat Chi jitsu Kempo Karate Do and Choral Society.

The only tactical principle which is not subject to change; it is, “To use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wounds, death, and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time."

Now I want you to remember that no ******* ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb ******* die for his country.

11-13-2001, 06:33 AM
You think the black dude that did the most damage was untrained? After all, the sucker punch was telegraphed, but look how he manoeuvreed himself into position before it flew. He had his mates there to distract things. Looking at it from our point of view, it's dead easy to see that coming, but form white boy's viewpoint, he suddenly had three people to watch.

Then there's the jump kick thing. What streetfighter would come up with something like that? Just a lucky wild shot? He did fall over after delivering it after all.

Then the KO kick. He took his time, he manoeuvered into position again and timed it perfectly. Looked like pure Muay Thai to me.

So, I guess my question is - Is he trained, at least a little bit, or is that pure street fight experience? What do you think?

You cannot defeat the Bronze Girls of Shaolin!

11-13-2001, 06:34 AM
i think he's had a lot of fights, irl.

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 06:34 AM
you can just tell

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 06:50 AM
For sure, that much is certain. He's too comfortable in the situation to assume any different. But do you think his "training" is just a lot of real life fights, or do you think there's more than that?

You cannot defeat the Bronze Girls of Shaolin!

11-13-2001, 06:52 AM
i think he's just been in a lot of fights.

but what do i know :confused: :confused: :confused:

I'm going to bed, it's nearly 5am, i gotta be up in 2.

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-13-2001, 07:57 AM
Come on guys, this is footage of an actual fight that we can dissect and discuss. Don't let it drift to the second page. This is real life martial arts. This is what your training is supposed to be preparing you for!

Or is it not of any interest any more?

Tell you what, let's liven it up a bit:

I thought all fights were supposed to go to the ground? What good would pansyass bjj be in that situation? Actually, that's probably why he got his a$$ kicked - he only knew bjj!

Well? Come on!

You cannot defeat the Bronze Girls of Shaolin!

11-13-2001, 08:06 AM
go to swat music.net they got some sample shiz
hes always saying get your ish together my boys got a production camp and you can do hook up online
they got royce 5'9 thirstin howl cant remember the more known names nothing to big like jayz
but that dopeness uno

he said his one boy kirk something?? has grammy hits with mariah type cats cant remember but peep the site i havent even checked the sample beats -but theres like 40 producers affiliated so type the url
interested hit my e i'l hit my boy we can cut bread

you got another wing chun school now?? fudem gypsums dumdums out like a car driving uno

if i throw sand in ya face;WILL YOU Blink".

11-13-2001, 09:41 AM
If he knew BJJ and was street aware, he could have intercepted that telegraphed punch with a clinch, picked him up for a strong slam onto his head, kicked HIM in the head, and gotten the hell out of dodge, or dealt with the oncoming thugs.

Oh wait that sounds too much like my style...




"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-13-2001, 02:20 PM
Acutally, the victim WAS a martial artist, had trained in a (unknown) martial art for several years.
And it was a shovel.

11-13-2001, 02:49 PM
yo, nordic boy..
where did you read that he was trained in ma? could not find that.. :confused:

where in Uppsala do u live?

"maybe not in combat.. but think of the chicks man, the chicks!" -- someone on the subject of back-flips in combat --

11-13-2001, 03:17 PM
Appearantly it was in the paper edition of the net magazine. It's what a norwegian guy said on bladeforums.com.
I live in Flogsta! And you?

11-13-2001, 04:25 PM
Ok here's a tidbit that might be interesting: It seems the shovel is the preferred weapon for self-defense among somalians. Mainly because in most places it is legal to carry a shovel, and it can effectively be used for both defense and offense.
Note that we're not talking about big-ass shovels here (like the one "The Shoveler" used in the movie "Mystery Men" as his primary weapon), but the smaller variety (like the one he used to parry a blow when he was disarmed). It is small enough to hide in the sleeve, yet packs a punch.

11-13-2001, 06:39 PM
He was trained in the art of "video BJJ" and "tekken style" ........this loss is a shock for the master video gamers of the world :(



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-13-2001, 06:49 PM
"I thought all fights were supposed to go to the ground? What good would pansyass bjj be in that situation?"

if he had known bjj he would have taken a lot less damage on the ground, and might have even been able to take a guys knee out . Bjj , and most MMA oriented grappling styles , have a lot of technicsues for this type of situation.

He also wouldnt have tried to get to his feet in such a sloppy manner, he would have based up ,a bjj move for getting up quickly while also covering oneself from standing attacks.

"You guys have obviously never done any real fighting if you are mocking spitting"
Spinning Backfist

11-13-2001, 06:52 PM
He's just lucky they didn't resort to spitting!



BJJ is Superior to Mullets!G

Rolling Elbow
11-13-2001, 07:03 PM
I wondered about whether or not the guy was trained because of the kick but then i got to thinking..how many times have we seen Bruce Lee movies and jumped out in front of our friends with a foot near their face while yelling WAAAAAAAA!?

He had speed, he saw the guy risingto his feet dazed, he put up his foot and plowed through him. I can't kick..i can however, jump kick into an object like a punching bag or body. while the guy was on the ground..he did not use well placed kicks. He should have used stomping kicks to the guys back or heels to the ribs..the "Muai thai " to the head is called slamming your foot into a guys face and is very much instinctive when people wildly throw their kicks around.

I agree with the street smarts fighting technique statement. "trained" in a sense, but not "trained" in the sense of learning to position such and such a way to deliver such and such power...

The black guy has definitely hit other people before, but I doubt he was training for the Oslo national TKD championships! ;)

As for the victim's actions once he was laid out..we can all say we would have done this and that..i would have rolled, bjj would have taken down etc..but the fact remains that the guy received a solid shot to the face and it dazes you..he was just coming to when he got to his feet and the guy levelled him. He should have not been there in the first place when the other guys came over or he should have gone around the back side of the guy who hit him and given himself some distance from the opponent.

My soultion ... would have from teh inception, ***** slap all three guys russian systema style and watch them pick their ripped ear lobes off the street. :)

Michael Panzerotti
Taijutsu Nobody from the Great White North..

11-13-2001, 08:49 PM
Gigante, that blade forums is a GREAT site, thx for posting it!

Also, I didnt mean to imply that bjj would have saved the guy, he was probably so stunned that nothing would have helped him. But my point was directed at serpent, who seemed to indicate that bjj wouldnt have had any use in that situation, which simply isnt true.

There was a situation that occured in Austrailia, maybe a year ago, and was captured on street cameras. A journalist was jumped by a couple of guys who took his camera, then tried to knife him. He was a bjj stylist, and fell into a butt scoot position and kicked at their legs and knees. He fended them off long enough for them to get frustrated and leave (with his camera). Not a pretty fight, but the guy didnt get gigged, so Id say his training definately saved him.

"You guys have obviously never done any real fighting if you are mocking spitting"
Spinning Backfist

11-13-2001, 11:26 PM

"maybe not in combat.. but think of the chicks man, the chicks!" -- someone on the subject of back-flips in combat --

11-14-2001, 12:23 AM
Never heard about that one. Got any more details?

You're fu(king up my chi

11-14-2001, 12:26 AM
Here's the link to the topic about this incident on bladeforums, it has some extra info etc :

link (http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=1446256#post1446256)

Here's a quote from norwegian fellow NILS :
"The information about the victim having trained some martial art, is from the paper edition of the newspaper VG. I no longer have that issue, I`m afraid. However, the victim also claimed that he usually tried to "mediate", whenver he saw trouble on the street. This was because he was confident in his own abilities."

11-14-2001, 12:45 AM
good link.

after seeing it for the 4000th time i've become slightly desensitised by it, but i must say a) respect to the white dude with the black n white shirt, who took on 2 guys, and held his own, without a moments thought, he is obviously a good friend of the dude. b) the blonde chick would get it. hard. in the ear. c) the guy was PUNCH DRUNK :rolleyes:

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-14-2001, 12:52 AM
I never got a good look at the blonde chick - the picture quality was pathetic for me. Was she any good?

You're fu(king up my chi

11-14-2001, 02:14 AM
I just emailed it to a norwegian friend, hopefully he'll come through :D he's a pretty intelligent guy and should be able to clear up any details like the shovel etc.

11-14-2001, 02:49 AM
nice ass, nice hair, nice dress sense (if you like that sh.it), didn't see her face but YOU JUST KNOW.

You get me?

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.