View Full Version : Correct Basic Stances

05-21-2013, 04:41 AM
Reading Rovers thread "Finding the correct horse stance" got me thinking about the correctness of other stances.

Since the horse stance has already been addressed I'm curious to other stances not covered.

I would like to get everyones thoughts on the following stances.

Forward and reverse bo:

lead leg bent at 90 degree with knee not quite over the big toe, with the back leg straight and the back foot flat on the ground.
reverse bo is done... in reverse back leg is at 90 ect.

twisted stance:

front leg at 90, back leg 90 with the knee touching the calve of the front leg

monkey stance:

front leg 90 back leg 90 with knee 6 inched from ground


don't really know how to explain with out pictures, but back leg slightly bent (35 degrees? (sp?)) with weight on back leg front leg is also bent with the heal riased and toe barley touching ground in a ready posture for a front snap kick.


05-21-2013, 05:15 AM
Hi A bionic leg,

The precise form of stances in Chinese wushu actually varies depending on the style and school. While I think it is possible to say what is definitely wrong - what looks like "dizable" as my coach used to say - it is much harder to say what is correct for a specific school or style without specialist knowledge.

In performance wushu, it is also very common to change the structure of stances somewhat to add more "flavour" - for example, horse stance with side straight punch looks much nicer with a visible lean in the direction of the punch.

The best way is probably to look at really good examples of a style, and try to follow that. Contrary to popular belief, there is a great deal one can learn from photos and videos.

05-21-2013, 06:47 AM
So is it safe to say that my discriptions are more Wushu influenced?

05-21-2013, 06:51 AM
In performance wushu, it is also very common to change the structure of stances somewhat to add more "flavour" - for example, horse stance with side straight punch looks much nicer with a visible lean in the direction of the punch.

In TCMA, it is also very common to change the structure of stances somewhat to add more power - for example, horse stance with side straight punch is more effective with a visible lean in the direction of the punch.

05-21-2013, 08:50 AM
Reading Rovers thread "Finding the correct horse stance" got me thinking about the correctness of other stances.

Since the horse stance has already been addressed I'm curious to other stances not covered.

I would like to get everyones thoughts on the following stances.

Forward and reverse bo:

lead leg bent at 90 degree with knee not quite over the big toe, with the back leg straight and the back foot flat on the ground.
reverse bo is done... in reverse back leg is at 90 ect.

twisted stance:

front leg at 90, back leg 90 with the knee touching the calve of the front leg

monkey stance:

front leg 90 back leg 90 with knee 6 inched from ground


don't really know how to explain with out pictures, but back leg slightly bent (35 degrees? (sp?)) with weight on back leg front leg is also bent with the heal riased and toe barley touching ground in a ready posture for a front snap kick.


Fighting stance has to be light or fast and flexible or with ease to change.

Horse stance is your basic or transition stance to other stances.


05-21-2013, 08:59 AM
what the fuk is a cat stance? monkey stance? LOL

05-21-2013, 09:29 AM
Well, I had a picture for cat and monkey but when it comes to posting pictures I'm enept lol.

05-21-2013, 09:41 AM
what the fuk is a cat stance?


05-21-2013, 09:42 AM

David Jamieson
05-21-2013, 09:46 AM
what the fuk is a cat stance? monkey stance? LOL

For some reason, cat gets used. I think it came from shotokan karate actually.

Anyway, "cat stance" is empty leg stance.

I don't know what "monkey stance" is. Is there a monkey stance? Is this a misnomer for something else?

05-21-2013, 09:50 AM
For some reason, cat gets used. I think it came from shotokan karate actually.

Anyway, "cat stance" is empty leg stance.

I don't know what "monkey stance" is. Is there a monkey stance? Is this a misnomer for something else?

its a rhetorical question.

every month some excited guy after his first kung fu lesson wants to go on this forum and educate everyone. LOL

next thread: how do i defend rassling?

05-21-2013, 10:22 AM
In TCMA, it is also very common to change the structure of stances somewhat to add more power - for example, horse stance with side straight punch is more effective with a visible lean in the direction of the punch.

Yes, that has occured to me. Some wushu nan quan guys look super powerful - much more so than some traditional players - but for some, it really is just an aesthetic thing.

05-21-2013, 10:26 AM
So is it safe to say that my discriptions are more Wushu influenced?

Properly speaking, the stances for nan quan and chang quan are a little bit different - or so I learned from a very traditional Chinese master who also coached contemporary wushu. (Well that's a lie - my friend learned this from this master and told me while we were both training with this master.) Souther style bow stance should be a bit longer, with the foot forward of the knee slightly, and in chang quan, the foot should be right under the knee.

To be honest, my primary wushu coach never made any such suggestion - and it is a bit "fussing over arcane theory". I guess the question is what do you want the stance for. Things like the lean of the body, straightness of the shoulders and so on can all be altered to give different effects, physical and aesthetic.

And people forget, for the aesthetics, lots of little things matter, such as head posture, sharpness, where you look and so on. But that is all aesthetic.

05-21-2013, 11:33 AM
Forward and reverse bo:

lead leg bent at 90 degree with knee not quite over the big toe, with the back leg straight and the back foot flat on the ground.

One guy did his form infront of his friend. After his performance, his friend said, you have 6 bow-arrow stances in your form. You did all 6 stances exactly the same.

If you were that guy, what will you consider such comment?

Depending on the application, your bow-arrow stance will be different. Have you seen any actor who only has poker face?

This bow-arrow stance used for throwing,


is different from this bow-arrow stance for punching.


05-21-2013, 11:53 AM
I don't know what "monkey stance" is.
玉环步(Yu Huan Bu)



05-21-2013, 11:59 AM
its a rhetorical question.

every month some excited guy after his first kung fu lesson wants to go on this forum and educate everyone. LOL

next thread: how do i defend rassling?

Move your qi and cause your opponent's internal organs to explode.

I think David Carradine made a vid on YouTube.

05-21-2013, 12:02 PM

don't really know how to explain with out pictures, but back leg slightly bent (35 degrees? (sp?)) with weight on back leg front leg is also bent with the heal riased and toe barley touching ground in a ready posture for a front snap kick.

The side cat, 丁字步(Ding Zi Bu) is also quite useful if you train for fast footwork.


David Jamieson
05-21-2013, 12:23 PM
I wanna know...Is Bill Gates personally paying you to use Bing?

lol :p

05-21-2013, 01:24 PM
I wanna know...Is Bill Gates personally paying you to use Bing?

lol :p

Bing's alright. They give you free xBox points just for using it.

05-21-2013, 01:26 PM
Bing's alright. They give you free xBox points just for using it.

repeatedly? do i have to use it through the xbox internet explorereerererere?

David Jamieson
05-21-2013, 01:40 PM
Bing's alright. They give you free xBox points just for using it.

a. Bing is crap. Period. http://www.mindofthegeek.com/2013/04/12/goolge-bing-scroogled-malware-2/

b. x box points? I'd rather have blow job points from my wife.

c. what the hell?

05-21-2013, 01:50 PM
do you get blowjob points for using google?

xbox points are cool you can rent movies with them, or serbian prostitutes.

05-21-2013, 07:10 PM
every month some excited guy after his first kung fu lesson wants to go on this forum and educate everyone. LOL

Fair enough, I actually joined the forum to GET educated, and I've learned quite a bit. As for the monkey stance, it sounds like its a stance my instructor came up with, which I'm perfectly fine with.

05-21-2013, 07:15 PM
I absolutely despise Bing...

05-21-2013, 08:08 PM
As for the monkey stance, it sounds like its a stance my instructor came up with, which I'm perfectly fine with.

The monkey stance is an important stance used in the praying mantis sytem. It's a forward hopping. You move forward into monkey stance, you move back into cat stance.


05-22-2013, 12:54 AM
Thanks man, I just learned something new.

05-22-2013, 05:47 AM
I absolutely despise Bing...

We talking about that Friends character? Cause he annoyed the hell outta me too.

05-22-2013, 05:50 AM
repeatedly? do i have to use it through the xbox internet explorereerererere?
