View Full Version : Really...? No, REALLY..???

05-22-2013, 08:40 AM
Question: After all this time, are serious TCMAists really still saying that their technique/system is too deadly to use in fight sports?
I said, "serious." Not goofy ch'i-ballers, and that guy with the double hammers, or the step guy...
It's just that I keep hearing this argument from MMAists about TCMAists, and I really don't think there are guys still using that tired argument, or they're just talking ONLY to the wrong people??dafuq?

05-22-2013, 09:02 AM
It's like when you go to a gathering of people and single out the biggest idiot of them all and then assume the entire group of people are that person.

05-22-2013, 09:07 AM
It's like when you go to a gathering of people and single out the biggest idiot of them all and then assume the entire group of people are that person.

That's a sore point with you, isn't it:p

05-22-2013, 09:09 AM
Question: After all this time, are serious TCMAists really still saying that their technique/system is too deadly to use in fight sports?
I said, "serious." Not goofy ch'i-ballers, and that guy with the double hammers, or the step guy...
It's just that I keep hearing this argument from MMAists about TCMAists, and I really don't think there are guys still using that tired argument, or they're just talking ONLY to the wrong people??dafuq?

I'm sure there are still people somewhere who still say this. But I doubt as many as some would like to think.

I wonder if the MMAists or other MAists who say that are mostly rehashing what they've heard or been told about, as opposed to meeting an actual 'TCMA' guy who really said it.

05-22-2013, 09:13 AM
That's a sore point with you, isn't it:p

Yes, I'm tired of bringing everyone else down with me!

05-22-2013, 09:15 AM
My TCMA is too deadly for the ring MOFOS!


05-22-2013, 09:23 AM
which looks more like boobies?

this (. Y .)

or this (@)(@)

05-22-2013, 09:37 AM
the top one

05-22-2013, 09:38 AM
Question: After all this time, are serious TCMAists really still saying that their technique/system is too deadly to use in fight sports?
I said, "serious." Not goofy ch'i-ballers, and that guy with the double hammers, or the step guy...
It's just that I keep hearing this argument from MMAists about TCMAists, and I really don't think there are guys still using that tired argument, or they're just talking ONLY to the wrong people??dafuq?

Allow me to introduce to you the WC forum....

05-22-2013, 09:40 AM
the top one

about your sig


05-22-2013, 10:03 AM
i have no sound at work i'll have to watch that when i get home!

it better be funny!!!!

05-22-2013, 10:09 AM
i have no sound at work i'll have to watch that when i get home!

You mean they expect you to work where you work?!?!?! Oh the humanity!

05-22-2013, 10:11 AM
I know, right?!?

David Jamieson
05-22-2013, 10:36 AM
Meh, what can you do?

Martial artists are supposed to talk trash to each other.

I mean, that's what I gather after all these years of gabbing with martial artists. lol

05-22-2013, 11:31 AM
My kung fu is too deadly for my shirt.

05-22-2013, 11:34 AM
Have you ever seen a "canker" on a tree? An insect burrows into it, and it grows a canker over it. An insect burrows into that and it grows another canker on top.

An old friend explained to me that this is how one silly thing grows into one massive fraud - like bizarre religious cult. One lie or stupid thing is pointed out. Youd think people would go oh, well, I'll grow up and accept the reality. But no - they grow a "canker" over it - some ideological mechanism that covers the lie. Now the lie is that bit bigger.

Canker has the same root as "cancer".

I dunno - there's a massive list of cankers - have I spelled that correctly, ha ha - in martial arts.

The bestest are those which make a concept unfalsifiable - i.e. no matter what happens, it seems to prove the lie. So, if my qi power knocks you out without touching you, that proves my qi power. If it doesn't, then you're not sensitive to qi - which also proves the "reality" of qi power.

Most of these logical fallacies and lies are so old the Ancient Greeks knew about them - like Aesop's fable of the marvellous athlete.

Actually, it's no big deal to be afraid of sparring - and a simple training plan would get most competent people past that barrier. It's when hoaxers make it seem like there's a lazy option - then cankers are needed. And yes, it is ****ney rhyming slang.

David Jamieson
05-22-2013, 11:43 AM
Question: After all this time, are serious TCMAists really still saying that their technique/system is too deadly to use in fight sports?
I said, "serious." Not goofy ch'i-ballers, and that guy with the double hammers, or the step guy...
It's just that I keep hearing this argument from MMAists about TCMAists, and I really don't think there are guys still using that tired argument, or they're just talking ONLY to the wrong people??dafuq?

The west has finally caught up in the wussification and watering down of martial arts, except this time the westerners aren't butchering up some pseudo-asian art with glee and a mixture of words from languages not understood.

We here in the west have decided to get only the exercise part of our otherwise devoid of anything but martial art. Boxing. Boxing is now a no contact sport.

Yes, it has happened and the world is turning into a giant whimpering effeminate wanker...crikey... I mean, I'm not down with foolish amounts of collecting shots to the head, but non contact boxing makes me wanna throw up.


05-22-2013, 12:34 PM
The streets are dangerous. Sport fighters beware. (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=65942)


05-22-2013, 01:21 PM
Allow me to introduce to you the WC forum....

Not fair...........................I would challenge you for daring to deride the WC System..............but my system is too deadly and I don't want to hurt you ;)

SoCo KungFu
05-22-2013, 01:57 PM
Question: After all this time, are serious TCMAists really still saying that their technique/system is too deadly to use in fight sports?
I said, "serious." Not goofy ch'i-ballers, and that guy with the double hammers, or the step guy...
It's just that I keep hearing this argument from MMAists about TCMAists, and I really don't think there are guys still using that tired argument, or they're just talking ONLY to the wrong people??dafuq?

Define what you mean by serious. How are the goofy chi blasters and the hammer guy, not what you consider "serious" TCMAists? Not trying to be difficult, but excluding a couple examples still leaves the distinction pretty vague. Are we talking someone that competes? Law enforcement? What?

But anyways, short answer. Yes. TCMAists are still parroting that nonsense. The people that I would consider "serious" TCMAists (judging by a range of things such as the time they invest into their art, their goals, etc.) there are still a large number that make this claim. Its not always the "too deadly" line. But it often comes up in more rational minded people as, "well I can't compete because x y and z techniques are prohibited but my style focuses on such techniques." Its not that they're saying they're too deadly, but they think that rule sets give them some unfair disadvantage that doesn't impact other "modern" martial arts. Its the same game, just reworded. And they use this to rationalize to themselves their lack of comp experience. Its self delusion. But these aren't the crazy death touch nutters, they are normally pretty even headed people.

And they still reject addressing the fact that an art like BJJ has just as many "illegal" techniques. I can't go calf cutting or heel hooking everyone in amateur comp. In fact, in SC I can't attack anywhere below the knee and knee locks can only be done directly against the hinge (hyperextention), no torsional force. But that hasn't stopped BJJers from adapting other methods of attack.

David Jamieson
05-22-2013, 03:32 PM


05-22-2013, 04:13 PM

What people remember is the dumb chi blasting idiots. I'm sure if I dug hard enough into another system I could find some but you truly don't see as many in them. It's a sore spot with me as well, I have seen some TCMA's that are very good at what they do, but in the end most people in the general populace will think of the dim mak Jackie chan hit you with a to deadly for the street/ring idiots. (nothing wrong with Jackie chan I like his movies) and honestly a lot of the other mythos from other systems has leaked in from ignorance from the general populace as well. Ask some random guy that really has no background in MA's what he thinks of kung fu and you'll get anything from bruce lee to ninja vanish.

05-22-2013, 08:14 PM

05-23-2013, 06:56 AM
I fail to understand how anyone believes they can imrpove their fighting ability without sparring. Training a "deadly" technique slowly each and every time isn't going to make it any deadlier.

David Jamieson
05-23-2013, 07:46 AM
I fail to understand how anyone believes they can imrpove their fighting ability without sparring. Training a "deadly" technique slowly each and every time isn't going to make it any deadlier.

I believe to improve requisite skills, on can take any number of paths.
Otherwise, you're correct in stating that what we are taught, we actually learn by doing.

But be specific. Who believes what you are asserting is believed? There are any deadly techniques that must be practiced carefully and in fact, you can't spar with. Rule sets even have openly barred "techniques" in bouts that are legit to be used in a fight outside the controlled environment. Fish Hooking, environmental fighting (smashing someones head through a glass window etc), weapons, etc etc.

Accuracy is obtained through understanding the entirety of the motion. That understanding isn't had with out the slow training. it is a part of it an there are many other parts.

05-23-2013, 03:53 PM
Question: After all this time, are serious TCMAists really still saying that their technique/system is too deadly to use in fight sports?
I said, "serious." Not goofy ch'i-ballers, and that guy with the double hammers, or the step guy...
It's just that I keep hearing this argument from MMAists about TCMAists, and I really don't think there are guys still using that tired argument, or they're just talking ONLY to the wrong people??dafuq?


05-23-2013, 04:15 PM

i know, right? i still cant decide if responding further in that thread is a waste of my time or not.

Kellen Bassette
05-23-2013, 05:11 PM

I peak at the Wing Chun forum once a month, just to see if these conversations are actually happening....I leave depressed and dumbfounded every time...

05-23-2013, 05:23 PM
I peak at the Wing Chun forum once a month, just to see if these conversations are actually happening....I leave depressed and dumbfounded every time...

they are not real people. they are like beasts, donkeys and cows.

05-23-2013, 05:23 PM
too deadly to use in fight sports?

I won't say it's deadly but some technique such as to "crash your opponent's knee joint side way" is not proper to be used in the sport environment.

David Jamieson
05-24-2013, 05:53 AM
I won't say it's deadly but some technique such as to "crash your opponent's knee joint side way" is not proper to be used in the sport environment.

Too illegal for sport.

This will be the new catch phrase soon.

Boxing? WTF? I thought I came here to stab you in the face with this dagger!
Too illegal for sport.™

05-24-2013, 06:23 AM
I've decided I'm too deadly for the ring, or too much of a sissy - I sometimes get confused.

David Jamieson
05-24-2013, 06:58 AM
I've decided I'm too deadly for the ring, or too much of a sissy - I sometimes get confused.

Start wearing a tutu whilst sparring. You'll get past that.

05-24-2013, 08:56 AM
Start wearing a tutu whilst sparring. You'll get past that.

But that only invites people to attack with the Russian Monkey Grip.

SoCo KungFu
05-24-2013, 10:34 AM
I won't say it's deadly but some technique such as to "crash your opponent's knee joint side way" is not proper to be used in the sport environment.

This isn't the issue he's bringing up though. Yes, some techniques are not proper, when viewed in accordance with a set of safety prerequisites, for sport. This is true for heel hooks, this is true for calf slicers, etc. But, just because 1 of many techniques is not suitable, doesn't mean the art is unsuitable. You are not saying the art is unsuitable. There's plenty of other stuff that would be perfectly acceptable, you've even posted clips here many times illustrating techs from SC you think would be good for MMA.