View Full Version : Solo Demo

05-23-2013, 01:27 PM
If you are asked to give a demo in some MA event, but you don't want to demo forms. What will you demo? Do you think to demo "combo drills" may be one option?


Any suggestion?

David Jamieson
05-23-2013, 01:47 PM
Chin Na always makes a good demo piece.

Weird classical weapons that people are not familiar with are big deal for viewers (Kwan Do, hook swords, triple section staff, whip chain etc.)

Lion Dance open and close with a tricky Choi Chang, maybe a really up high one.

Attack/Defend drills.

Light spar, full flavour demo.

And of course, you can't go wrong with a few parlour tricks and feats of strength!

05-23-2013, 01:56 PM
Chin Na always makes a good demo piece...Attack/Defend drills...Light spar,

If you don't have demo partner and you are alone by yourself, these kind of demo won't be possible.

What can you do if you are "solo"?

05-23-2013, 02:04 PM
if you are solo, i think people like to see either forms, or breaking things with loud yelling. if you are solo and dont want to do forms, it becomes less options.

I think a good demo solo would also be weapons feats. such as cutting, or spearing/bowshooting accuracy, etc.

in your case if you have partner throwing i think is a great demo.

05-23-2013, 02:47 PM
Always have a team, because it is better to play with a team than with yourself

05-23-2013, 02:55 PM
Always have a team, because it is better to play with a team than with yourself


05-23-2013, 03:17 PM
If you don't have demo partner and you are alone by yourself, these kind of demo won't be possible.

What can you do if you are "solo"?

Ask for a volunteer to help you demo applications.

David Jamieson
05-23-2013, 04:38 PM
If you don't have demo partner and you are alone by yourself, these kind of demo won't be possible.

What can you do if you are "solo"?

That's what you need to ask yourself.
What can you do that 99.999% of the people in the room can't?

Inviting audience members into demonstrations can be fun so long as you aren't using them as dummies to toss about. :p

I have noticed that when you ask people to follow along with you, they compete amongst themselves and have fun that way, so leading a drill or series of drills that gets the audience interested in doing it can be fun.

Also, feats of strength, feats of physics and maybe some breaking. These are interesting to see.
Acrobatics are always a draw. Tumbling. That sort of thing.

What ever you do, don't start gyrating and thrusting your hips at people. That never works out well.:)

Kellen Bassette
05-23-2013, 05:09 PM
If you don't have demo partner and you are alone by yourself, these kind of demo won't be possible.

What can you do if you are "solo"?

Stand on a Lei Tai and challenge all comers.

05-23-2013, 05:16 PM
What can you do if you are "solo"?

Ask for a volunteer from the audience and teach them something.

05-23-2013, 05:23 PM
lift something with your scrotum

Kellen Bassette
05-23-2013, 05:37 PM
lift something with your scrotum

That will certainly keep their attention...might not get many people to sign up for class though....

05-23-2013, 05:43 PM
sing them this song


05-23-2013, 06:09 PM
Zhanzhuang until you are booed from the stage.

I have personal experience in this.

05-24-2013, 06:23 AM
If you are asked to give a demo in some MA event, but you don't want to demo forms. What will you demo? Do you think to demo "combo drills" may be one option?


Any suggestion?

1. show or talk about one or two techniques

2. yes, ask for a volunteer or two

3. bring up theory and practice of those exemplary techniques

Forms are boring. well at least for me.


05-24-2013, 06:52 AM
*Wushu-ized spear routine.

*take a traditional form and make it bigger and more expressive, pausing for the "oooh aaahh" moments.

05-24-2013, 08:37 AM
*take a traditional form and make it bigger and more expressive, pausing for the "oooh aaahh" moments.

like how banana asians pinch their eyebrows and widen their eyes trying to be more "expressive", an "expressive form" looks just as pathetic.

srs man, u ever seen those kind of asian people? they face twitch and contort so much it looks like they getting paralyzed lol.

David Jamieson
05-24-2013, 08:41 AM
like how banana asians pinch their eyebrows and widen their eyes trying to be more "expressive", an "expressive form" looks just as pathetic.

srs man, u ever seen those kind of asian people? they face twitch and contort so much it looks like they getting paralyzed lol.

You ever seen a WWE wrestling match? Now that is some trumped up crap acting. lol

Also, each and every B rated action movie is over the top with the bad acting and so on. :p

05-24-2013, 02:18 PM
*take a traditional form and make it bigger and more expressive, pausing for the "oooh aaahh" moments.
If you train style X and there is a style X event that every style X guys will be asked to give a style X performance. If you are the only person that no longer believe in solo form training, what can you contribute to that event?

Without demo partner, timing, opportunity, angle will have no meaning. Whether striking into the thin air or throwing an invisible opponent will have any meaning or not that is still debatable. The only thing left is balance and flexibiltty. May be balance and flexibility can be the main demo item here.

No matter what demo you may give "solo", people will always say

- "It won't work agaisnt a full resistent opponent".
- "It looks good but can you fight?"
- ...

05-24-2013, 02:34 PM
If you train style X and there is a style X event that every style X guys will be asked to give a style X performance. If you are the only person that no longer believe in solo form training, what can you contribute to that event?

Without demo partner, timing, opportunity, angle will have no meaning. Whether striking into the thin air or throwing an invisible opponent will have any meaning that is still debatable. The only thing left is balance and flexibiltty. May be balance and flexibility can be the main demo item here.

No matter what demo you may give "solo", people will always say

- "It won't work agaisnt a full resistent opponent".
- "It looks good but can you fight?"
- ...

Get a volunteer and demo the difference between classical form and application, and explain how to make the translation between the two.

That way you can do something interesting while making your point.

05-24-2013, 02:51 PM
Get a volunteer and demo the difference between classical form and application, and explain how to make the translation between the two.

That way you can do something interesting while making your point.

That will be a good suggestion. I don't remember I have seen any demo like this as you have suggested? Most demo are just form after form.

Golden Arms
05-24-2013, 03:22 PM
If you can use equipment, demo something impressive on the equipment. I remember seeing a WC demo where at the end the Sifu (forgive me for lapsing on his name at the moment) broke the arms off the dummy and broke the dummy off of the frame.

Maybe you could bring a throwing dummy on stage and then do a couple very violent and powerful throws?

05-24-2013, 03:41 PM
thats a good idea. throw the dummy onto its head so people cringe thinking about their necks.

05-24-2013, 04:18 PM
Get a volunteer and demo the difference between classical form and application, and explain how to make the translation between the two.

That way you can do something interesting while making your point.

I like N's idea a lot, but if that doesn't work out then I suggest you get a few of your worst enemies together and beat the sh!t out of them in front of the crowd. Of course that last part is sarcasm.

I do have an idea to contribute... Maybe a cutting/chopping demo with your favorite sword. I love to take mine out back and thin out the bamboo so maybe you could get a few of those mats that you roll up on stands and hack away.

Good luck with the demo!

05-24-2013, 04:33 PM
beat the sh!t out of ...

I used the word "sh!t" in another forum and I was banned for almost a week. :o

05-24-2013, 05:57 PM
That will be a good suggestion. I don't remember I have seen any demo like this as you have suggested? Most demo are just form after form.

We explain application like this in class to give students additional insight.

My sihing and I have demo'd like that while our teacher explained to the audience. But the explanation didn't go into a lot of detail. People mostly just enjoyed seeing the action.

05-24-2013, 06:02 PM
If you can use equipment, demo something impressive on the equipment. I remember seeing a WC demo where at the end the Sifu (forgive me for lapsing on his name at the moment) broke the arms off the dummy and broke the dummy off of the frame.

Maybe you could bring a throwing dummy on stage and then do a couple very violent and powerful throws?

Good idea.

Demo some equipment training.

Throwing dummy, pole with weight at one end, the weighted cloth thing you guys use for snapping, belt cracking... bring a post and demo tree hanging.

Invite some from audience to try.

05-25-2013, 06:54 AM
I used the word "sh!t" in another forum and I was banned for almost a week. :o


you can always say sheiss or sheisse. (german)

nobody would know.

or merde (french)


wiz cool c
05-25-2013, 09:18 PM
does the form of shuai jiao have solo throw drills? i do beijing style and most of the throws have solo drill. and a cool set of rolls. what about the rolls ,then solo drills ,do them in line drills then go into partner throws and so on.

05-25-2013, 11:34 PM
does the form of shuai jiao have solo throw drills? i do beijing style and most of the throws have solo drill. and a cool set of rolls. what about the rolls ,then solo drills ,do them in line drills then go into partner throws and so on.

Different from Judo, SC has solo drills.


I had created the following SC form about 30 years ago.


Sima Rong
05-26-2013, 01:37 AM
Different from Judo, SC has solo drills.


I had created the following SC form about 30 years ago.


I have seen an old book, by an ex-head of the British Judo Federation (I think), lots of black and white pictures, and there were some kind of solo drills or kata in it, though these were mainly related to hip, hand and leg position when on the ground. I'm not sure if these were originally part of judo, but looked useful training anyway for grappling on the ground.

05-26-2013, 07:28 AM
depending on the crowd or audience.

give a talk

show a hand or two.


05-26-2013, 01:43 PM
There are solo drills in Judo, which are different from gym to gym. There is also the Judo Taiso, developed by Kenji Tomiki, which is practiced in some dojos, but also widely adopted in Shodokan Aikido as as Unsoku and Tagatana Dosa. They also make horrible demonstrations. Good exercise, but boring to watch.

05-26-2013, 03:36 PM
Since you can't punch or throw an audience, to use audience to demo some "enter strategies" may be proper.

- angle,
- footwork,
- set up,
- ...

05-26-2013, 06:01 PM
Since you can't punch or throw an audience, to use audience to demo some "enter strategies" may be proper.

- angle,
- footwork,
- set up,
- ...

If you can get about six volunteers, you can pair them up and do like a mini seminar on a few techniques.

Let them walk through the basic movements and apply carefully on each other.

Then get one of the better volunteers and you can demo a little more realistically.

Then teach them some counters to the original techniques. Have them demo.

Then you demo again.

05-26-2013, 06:48 PM

I agree with Golden Arms with the use of equipment.

Why not demo the training kungs associated with Shuai Chiao?

You can start with the stationary: The Tai Po

And finish with the dynamic: Belt cracking, sand bag grabbing/tossing, long sack with ball bearings, etc. :you choose.

You can always tie it in with an upcoming dvd that will go into those areas in greater detail.


wiz cool c
05-28-2013, 09:40 PM
[QUOTE=YouKnowWho;1230986]Different from Judo, SC has solo drills.

beijing style has lots of them


05-28-2013, 10:11 PM
[QUOTE=YouKnowWho;1230986]Different from Judo, SC has solo drills.

beijing style has lots of them


Do your teacher teach the old 24 Si? Starting from

1. 单钩挂(Dan Gou Gua) - single hook, single comb hair.
2. 双钩挂(Shuang Gou Gua) - double hooks, double comb hair.
3. 花钩挂(Hua Gou Gua) - hook and comb hair, comb hair and hook.
4. ...

wiz cool c
05-29-2013, 12:35 AM
i have no idea, my chinese is not that good i would have to ask him, i just know what the moves look like and some really simple chinese name for them like bao tui. i know the moves but not all the chinese names for them.