View Full Version : Single Leg

05-28-2013, 06:52 PM
Someone said, "If a guy gets hold of my striking foot then his hands get busy holding it which gives me the opening I need to deliver an elbow jab + a shower of fist punches".

Aparently this guy had never experienced this.


What's your opinion?

05-28-2013, 07:15 PM
Dude seriously? I know it's just a training example...but the switch grip was not done smoothly.

The defender didn't even try to throw any punches and he could have...considering how slow the other guy was changing his grip. He even had time to bounce on his standing leg 3 times before the lift.

I'd just like to point out that this is probably not a good example. I know where you were going with it but it's just not the right example on film.

Most grapplers would have:

1. sucked their Right leg in, to get closer ( the leg hamstring is very strong)
2. and used both hands to reach out and grab the leg catcher even closer
3. finally stick to that dude like and octopus all the way to the ground.

If were trying to do the same move I'd try to arrange it so my left arm was already under the lifting leg and NOT over it, so I wouldn't have to switch.

When i have the over grip...I would prefer to use my right arm and POST out to Occupy the defenders high gate and then step in and REAP his planted leg. Of course lifting his leg at the same time.

BTW, I am NOT saying that even if the guy did manage to punch....that he could stop the lift.

I'm just pointing out that he didn't even try.

wiz cool c
05-28-2013, 09:36 PM
my first coach showing several variations of the shuai jiao single leg


05-28-2013, 09:42 PM
BTW, I am NOT saying that even if the guy did manage to punch....that he could stop the lift.

I'm just pointing out that he didn't even try.
Many things can happen in combat. IME, speed is no longer importat after you have obtained your opponent's leg.

my first coach showing several variations of the shuai jiao single leg


Did your teacher ever mentioned a book about "single leg" published by the ShanXi SC system? I have tried to find that book but without luck. It was something like "81 (or 64) different ways to apply single leg".

I love "single leg" My senior SC brother David C. K. Lin always laught at me and called it "beginner level skill". His "擓抱别(Kuai Bo Bie)" - use knee to lift your opponent up, swing him behind you, and then use leg block to throw him forward" is awesome. He still can use his knee to lift up a 300 lb guy to be off the ground. He has excellent body structure.

wiz cool c
05-29-2013, 12:38 AM
i can try to ask my teachers or have a friend help me search ,if you like

05-29-2013, 02:23 AM

What's your opinion?

It's fine. It does look like time is wasted with the hand transfer. I think there are faster finishes.


05-29-2013, 05:48 AM
I've experienced this while sparring once and then I experienced something similar (leg catch) while in an actual fight (and I used a different application)

The first time, I was just d!cking around (i was in, what, the 8th grade or something?). There was this popular rumour of sorts of jumping and kicking the guy (basically) when this happens, so I tried that and right when I tried, my friend threw my leg up in the air and I didn't have a pleasant fall :mad:

The second time I experienced this was in an actual fight. I threw a side kick, the dude caught it, I closed the gap enough to deliver a strong right cross, he fell down while holding my leg and he was overtop of me (but not mounted, exactly). My leg was in a great position to kick him in the face from there :D

Having experienced instance #1, I will never try a jump kick or any other areal maneuver in an instance like that (maybe a flying knee if I can get my hands around the back of their head... I'd have to think about that).

Having a background in Muay Thai, and thus having lots of practice with throwing elbows, I'd never try to elbow someone from that position. I just don't feel like that's sensical or can generate enough power.

05-29-2013, 06:15 AM
People who live in only theory are "certain" of how things work

People who practice things alive know that tings are constantly changing and there are many variations

05-29-2013, 01:17 PM
i can try to ask my teachers or have a friend help me search ,if you like

Thanks in advance.

Among all those single leg counters that we can see on youtube, my SC brother invented one which is quite unique. He would cross his legs to lock his opponent's leg between his legs (so his opponent can't pull his leg out). He then drop his body weight on top of his opponent's upper leg to drive his opponent to the ground.

One of my favor single leg method is to use my knee to strike the upper inside of my opponent's leading leg (there is a pressure point there) and bounce his leg into my hand.

05-29-2013, 01:22 PM
tings are constantly changing and there are many variations
Old Chinese saying said, "If you still can't take your opponent down after you have obtained his leading leg, it's time for you to get a rope, find a quite place, and hang yourself."

It does look like time is wasted with the hand transfer. I think there are faster finishes.

IME. when you obtained your opponent's leading leg, the time just stop. You should not try to rush into your take down until you have detected your opponent's intention first (whether he wants to move in, move back, move to the right, move to the left, ...). You then borrow his force, spin your body with him. and take him down in the most effortless way.

05-29-2013, 01:26 PM
Old Chinese saying said, "If you still can't take your opponent down after you have obtained his leading leg, it's time for you to get a rope, find a quite place, and hang yourself."

American saying "never assume the other guy is an idiot"


05-29-2013, 05:08 PM
a master at the takedown...

momentum in use. when teaching defense for takedown never forget the key...momentum.

05-31-2013, 01:21 PM
a master at the takedown...

momentum in use. when teaching defense for takedown never forget the key...momentum.

I like the throw at 1.20. He used his arms to control his opponent's upper body, use one leg to fake attack (test the water and also advance), and use his other leg to take his opponent down. This guy has good throwing skill and he knows how to use his leg.